WWYC • My Brother's Keeper
Date: 04/09/2004
From: Techn_calDiffi_ult__
• DieselMickeyDolenz wins a coconut-shaped football! Or possibly vice versa. Well, bite in and find out!
• Recall317 wins a subscription to VARMINT HUNTER Magazine®!
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• PhantomDennis wins the heartwarming holiday classic "Force 10 From Nazareth!"
EMERGENCY MEDICAL HOLOGRAM: Please state the nature of the--
BLINKER: Hi there, and welcome to "What Would You Change!" [clears throat] This episode is about clones. Writer Doug Molitor likes clones. I know this because he co-selected my tangentially-clone-related SIY pitch as a finalist, only to start suggesting all sorts of neat clone-related ideas about infinitely prolonged celebrities that he didn't get to squeeze into "My Brother's Keeper." However, my change does not involve clones. It's to move the story to San Francisco, because wherever this concept of Quinn's doubles all living in LA came from, it has to be stopped. And now, uh, over to whoever.
SYNTHIA II: Well, we've got this episode about clones, and--
BLINKER: Also, did I miss a line, or did the episode miss the obligatory Kromagg reference what with all the eye-maiming going on? "The Journey" had it, why can't this?
SYNTHIA: ...we're looking for your input from a medica--
BLINKER: One more thing. What's with that room full of mannequins? Did it serve some half-baked symbolic function, or was it just an attempt to sneak nudity and dismemberment past the censors?
EMERGENCY MEDICAL HOLOGRAM: Should I come back tomorrow?
Please stand by.

Evil villain should have been...
Date: 04/09/2004
From: Grizzlor
Bill Cosby!

Quinn as babbling idiot? Go with it!
Date: 04/10/2004
From: Recall317
My change would be to make the episode remotely interesting. Maybe then I'd actually finish it. I don't know, add a boxing match or something.

We Are Family
Date: 04/10/2004
I've got all my BT with me!
If we're bringing in cheap guest stars from yesteryear, why not the famed "We Are Family" Pittsburgh Pirates. One of them could even be named Krah'aea, possibly Dave Parker.

Will the real Mallory parents stand up?
Date: 04/10/2004
From: The_Seer
BT and ET are parents of everything in between.
I would have had both of Quinn's parents in this episode. I could be wrong but has there even been an episode since "The Pilot" where we saw both parents alive and together in an episode? And when I say "Quinn's parents" here I mean his "real" parents (as far as I'm concerned) Michael and Amanda Mallory, not Michael and Elizabeth Mallory.

State the nature of ...
Date: 04/11/2004
From: MissingSliderRyan
... of the medical emergency.
EMH: Well, stop gawking and tell me I don't have all day. (adjusts mobile emitter)
Colin: How did you appear from the air?
EMH: (looks annoyed) Either tell me now or I'm leaving.
Colin: My brother... well he looks like my brother...
EMH: Stop right there. Is he your brother or not? Are you sure you didn't hit your head?
Colin: I'm fine. My brother hurt his eyes in a science experiment.
EMH: Was he wearing approved eye protection?
Colin: No he wasn't.
EMH: (shakes head) Serves him right. It would have saved him the trouble.
Colin: You have a horrible bedside manner.
EMH: I'm busy and this is the most efficient way of doing things.
Colin: So can you help him?
EMH: I'll take a look, but I can't promise anything.
Colin: Any um... can you erase that look Quinn has when he sees a woman walk by too?
EMH: (smiles wickedly) Yes I can.
Colin: What's your name?
EMH: Doctor is fine.
Colin: (smiles) Thank you Doctor.
My journey has been difficult
The others can only watch
My agony, my pain, my nightmares
Waiting for the time
When I can be healed
In mind, heart and spirit
~~~ My Journey
P.S. My entire post got erased from existence so you're getting this one. :-# Scifi

Change of Father
Date: 04/11/2004
John Walcutt, the season 4 Michael Mallory while OK as a Jor-El wannabe, didn't particuarly ring true as Quinn's Father in this one. So they should have brought one of the earlier actors preferably the one from the Pilot and Gillian.
How could they explain different Michael Mallorys? Simple. The fact is that when you are conceived, there are literally Millions of possibilities of what you're DNA will have you like. (Contray to what some SLIDERS fans think, it's not an either/or Quinn/Logan switch.)
On the other hand, baby names actually has a more finite pool of possibilities.
As to how two different Michaels could have look-alike sons? Recessive Genes?

Original URL http://bboard.scifi.com/bboard/browse.cgi/1/5/545/4067848
Nominated by Blinker
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