What Wouldn't You Change? • Revelations
Date: 05/29/2004
From: SynthIA
• ThomasMalthus wins an angry letter from the Dyslexia/SPeLD (Specific Learning Disabilities) Foundation for his perceived attack on dyslexic SPeLD sufferers! [http://www.dyslexia-speld.com/]
• DieselMickeyDolenz wins Professor Arturo's bungee cord!
• PhantomDennis wins four tickets to Cirque du Soleil Moon-Frye!
• Callie21V wins something blew--I mean, blue!
• Recall317 wins fifteen minutes' work on his hard drive by a data recovery firm - a $300,000 value!
• Joey_Starr [RG: The Chasm] wins a Babe Ruth autographed baseball!
• ForgottenSlider [RG: The Chasm] wins news of Colin's whereabouts!
[Synthia II is filing her nails. Fourth Season Executive Producer David Peckinpah is nailing her files.]
SYNTHIA II: I thought I told you to keep out of my files. And to change the cursor back to an arrow! UGH!
[Just then, a vortex disgorges Blinker and Synthia I.]
SYNTHIA II: Oh, there you are. [tries to feel some kind of emotion about this] Huh.
SYNTHIA: Yeah, it turns out I was getting my hair restyled. You can see the spiral from emoticon distance now! @:-P
SYNTHIA II: So... why were you screaming for help?
SYNTHIA: Oh, that wasn't me, it was David Hedison from "The Fly." We saved him too.
FLY: Thaaaank yoooooou!
BLINKER: And now onto a season ending that makes the one we just saw seem satisfying and reasonable, which is not a coincidence. "Revelations!"
SYNTHIA: Few episodes have prompted as many calls for change. The acting, the logic, the music, the characterization... and, oh! Lest I forget, the very premise. So once again, we're reversing direction and asking what you *wouldn't* change about this monument to Peckheadedness.
BLINKER: Wow... uh, well, it *was* nice to see some location shooting. Quinn's stupefied expression at the faux-KP landing site probably had more to do with landing somewhere other than the New York Street backlot with that freakin' arch for the jillionth time.
SYNTHIA: I just chalked it up to Novocaine withdrawal. Oh, and I thought it was sweet how the Bates Motel did a cameo to repay the Chandler for appearing in the new "Psycho."
BLINKER: Take it home, gang!
Synthetic Intelligence Avatar #385D

Time will change me...
Date: 05/29/2004
From: Recall317
...but I can't change Revelations.
The one thing I wouldn't change is the stirring incomprehensible finale where they slide off a moving train. It is a testament of monumental stupidity and neatly sums up just how much no one cares.
And isn't that what Sliders is all about?

You have to keep the bald guy
Date: 06/04/2004
From: Callie21V
You know, the gas station customer. No question, he was the linchpin of the plot.
And Catherine Clarke still HAS to drive a Kromagg Humvee. Nothing else would make sense!
>>> C/21

It's Better than the alternative
Date: 06/06/2004
Except for the two stupid sliding sequences that bookend this episode, it's pretty good for Season 4.
It's also nice to see the Sliders staying at a different hotel for once.
A few tweaks here and there could have improved this episode, but on the whole it's better than the whole alternitive: the dread Colin is the Mole storyline.
I think if that it had actually been filmed. You'd have all picked it apart for the lame storyline that it is.
Here are just a few plot problems:
1) If Colin was cloned during "Invasion", he'd have only existed for 2 years. Everyone on Amish world seemed to know Colin like he was there a lot longer than that. Of course Amish World, could be a cleverly disguised Kromagg Outpost with Brainwashed humans but that present its own probles. a) The Kromaggs have no control over how long the Sliders stay on an Earth, and the longer they stayed the more difficult it would to maintain the pretense b) it would make running into doubles of the Morehouse on the next world and extreme coincidence.
2) Why the mom Change-up? If the messages are totally fraudulent why give us ELIZABETH Mallory. It's not as if they didn't have access to an AMANDA Mallory. Why give Quinn a totally different mother, when they didn't need to. Given that we've seen that other Quinns have Amanda for a mother, might it be logical to assume that this is really Colin's mother, and that if anyone Quinn is the (unintentional) plant. (Interestingly enough, in Season 5 we learn there's another Quinn Mallory who DID NOT have Amanda for mother, and has yet to meet a double of his.)
3) The episode that put the nail in the coffin for the Colin Clone storyline wasn't "Lipschitz Live". It was "The Dying Fields" (Blame Bigelow!) You see if Kromaggs have access to advanced Cloning technology, they would hardly need to depend on human hybrids to maintain the species. Ironically, TF says that Zicree is one who pushed for the Humaggs.
Also consider, if the original ending would have put Jerry O'Connell in a much better bargaining position. Since it would be difficult to resolve the cliffhanger without him. No doubt, JO'C would probably get to be Exec Prod. He'd find away to redeem Colin, and we'd have an 18 episode arc of Quinn battling the Kromaggs.

Original URL http://bboard.scifi.com/bboard/browse.cgi/1/5/545/4068007
Nominated by Blinker
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