Unknown Facts • Roads Taken
Date: 04/14/2004
From: Techn_calDiffi_ult__
• ThomasMalthus wins the extremely disturbing "Hoovertime!" video cut from "Time Again and World!"
• Marie_duPres and baysbabe win joint custody of a bottle of "Salad Go Down the Hole" salad dressing!
• PhantomDennis wins an authentic Sunnydale Canyon rock!
• MissingSliderRyan and Grizzlor win boxes of Toilet Duck™ active cleaning tablets!
• Celestial7 wins a colander, a hunk of swiss cheese, and a copy of the "DragonSlide" script autographed by the writers!
SYNTHIA II: Ahhhhhh... nice to have the place to myself for once.
FOURTH SEASON EXECUTIVE PRODUCER DAVID PECKINPAH: Hey, I live here too, you know! For reasons that, characteristically, have never been explained.
SYNTHIA II: Ahhhhhh... crap.
FOURTH SEASON EXECUTIVE PRODUCER DAVID PECKINPAH: So, we're looking for Unknown Facts, huh? Well, I bet you didn't know that the whole thing started when I saw one of the CGI guys messing with the vertexes on the vortex and ordered the script guys to "go with it." Oh, and I was pushing for a much better poem by one of Rossetti's contemporaries: Theophilus Marzials' "A Tragedy." Just the last dozen lines or so woulda done.
SYNTHIA II: A sixty-four year uptime lifespan... and I ran out of ways to display exasperation in two WEEKS...
Please stand by.

pomee for rodes taken
Date: 04/14/2004
begninny text must B poorly speld.
Did you know...? Quinn and Maggie's marriage was originally supposed to end in divorce? However, Peck's conceit that "Sliders" was a family show led him to nix the idea. He was then reminded that he had put Wade in a breeder camp for no reason whatsoever. "Ha! Yeah, I had forgotten about that. Good times."

At last, it can be told.
Date: 04/14/2004
From: DieselMickeyDolenz
The general concensus is that no one in production ever paid the least bit of attention to either the Universal NetForum or this bboard on the Dominion. This wasn't actually the case. While not comprehending fan's ire at the poor production values, lame storylines, and complaints about lost characters, production did visit from time to time and took any criticism very personally. In an effort to inflict at least some type of revenge for our assaults on thier competency, production decided to insert "the poem." They correctly deduced that using an uncredited poem would trigger a flood of bungee posters, whose only purpose in life was to ask about "the poem". It was one of the few calls they made that season that played out like they'd expected.

The Unknown Facts of Life
Date: 04/14/2004
You take the good, you take the bad. You take tham all and there you have the facts of slides. The facts of slides are all about you.
Going for an '80s sitcom feel for the older Quinn and Maggie, David Peckinpah's original choice for "Older Maggie" was Charlotte Rae.
But Kari Wurher objected vociferously. "Charlotte Rae? No way she's an older me. In her prime she was married to Grampa Munster. No get Julie Adams. She's made out with Elvis. Even in her '60s. She's still chasing guys on Murder She Wrote. That's more like it."
Jerry O'Connell, on the other had no objection to George Gaynes playing the older him. He was hoping Gaynes could give him Soleil Moon-Frye's telephone number.

Did you know?
Date: 04/15/2004
From: Callie21V
Beginning Text sucks like Hoovertime!
In the series' most glaring continuity error to date, Maggie's wedding dress is a dazzling white from head to toe. "Yeah, that was originally explained in the scene with her bachelor party, but it had to be cut for time," lamented Bill Dial.
In an unrelated Unknown Fact, the episode's working title was "There's Something About Maggie."
>>> C/21

I hate this episode
Date: 04/30/2004
From: Recall317
Yeah, that's right, you heard me.
Ok, so that's not exactly unknown.
ThomasMalthus: In truth, you make a point of bashing this episode every time it comes up.
DMD: Yeah, you attack it even when it doesn't come up.
Sen. Olympia Snowe: Is this why this crazy constituent of mine is so opposed to the highway bill?
R317: No, that's because it's a bloated pork package loaded up by your bastard colleagues.
Blinker: Can we stay on track here? What's your unknown fact?
R317: I don't know. Uh...this episode was filmed on Paul Leonard's birthday!
Blinker: No, it wasn't.
R317: It is now.

Original URL http://bboard.scifi.com/bboard/browse.cgi/1/5/545/4067868
Nominated by Blinker
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