Ladies and gentlemen of the 'Time Again and World' crowd, step forward
if you please...
DoctorQuinn wins the Best of Ice-T!
EustiSlider and ThomasMalthus win models of Constitution-class
TemporalFlux wins a Jacob Epstein punching bag, and a competently
produced Sliders video cover!
Vigeant wins a government office!
Slider_Quinn21 wins a vacuum cleaner!
FogBoy wins a tape of a Sci-Fi Channel 'Earth 2' marathon!
JorgeCis wins a Wallace & Gromit DVD, featuring 'A Close
dellyone wins a free Quickening. Remember... there can be only
*one* per customer!
The GOLD STAR for Thursday is herewith awarded to Tf. Thanks for the
"In Dino Veritas." What was good in this ep, and what was
bad? Let's see what our panel of experts have to say.
BLINKER: The good -- those wacky truth collars. One of the best running
gags our favourite series has invented. The bad -- having to WEAR those
wacky truth collars for today's segment.
BLINKER: OWW!! Hey, it's TRUE!!!
SYNTHIA: Ennh... the collar disagrees with you. Now, my bad thing is
the utter lack of LIGHTING. This show felt like it was shot in someone's
basement, at midnight, with the lens cap on. My good thing? Uhhh...
hmm. Er... how about the dino F/X! Yeah, they were TOTALLY better than
the old stop-motion tricks... and... um... the allosaurus in motion
looked NOTHING like it was having an epileptic seizure!
BLINKER: Kinda like you're doing now.
SYNTHIA: Damn... these... truth collars!!!
What're YOUR good things and bad things?
- Blinker 7:-P
"The day you take complete responsibility for yourself, the day
you stop making excuses, that's the day you start to the top."
-- O.J. "I didn't do it" Simpson.