Good Thing, Bad Thing ------> Last Days!

Date: 09/06/2000
From: Blinker

Prizes! Getcher prizes here!

• Sliderman wins a book of Charles "Sparky" Schultz cartoons!
• Slider_Quinn21 wins some Eric Roberts in a doggy bag!
• Brand_S wins godlike powers!
• ThomasMalthus wins a can of spray paint, for all his vandalizing needs!
• sliderules wins an Apple iPhone! "Yum!"™
• dellyone wins a DeLorean... and a South Park soundtrack for some fic-writin' easy listening!
• DieselMickeyDolenz wins a canister of unleaded gasoline! You'll share it with Delly, won't you?
• Finally, KllyWlls wins an authentic "Long Haired Wade" wig from "The Young and the Relentless"! Hmmmm, how come we never SHORTER-haired doubles.... 7;-D

The Fever GOLD STAR goes to Sliderman for his action figures quip. ROTFL.


Today's mission, should you choose to accept it: name one good thing and one bad thing in "Last Days."

BLINKER: Man, where to begin??? It's the ULTIMATE Bennish ep. It's the ULTIMATE Quinn/Wade Shipper ep. It's the ULTIMATE Sliders ep with Jennifer Hetrick in it. It's the ULTIMATE...

SYNTHIA: Leave SOME for the posters!!! Sheesh!!

BLINKER: Oh yeah. Anyway... bad thing, bad thing... ah! When Bennish flips the tape to "something a little more mellow," it's the EXACT SAME SONG! Which only makes the gag twice as funny as it otherwise could have been, and was probably intentional to begin with! THAT is how far you have to stretch to find a nitpick in this episode!!

SYNTHIA: Good Thing: Once again, Sliding made a difference. Bad Thing: Sliding's made a huge freakin' difference in four of five aired eps so far. It kinda loses its power by... oh, "The Chasm" or so.

- Blinker 7:-P

Good Thing, Bad Thing is brought to you by the phrase, "Any news on the Sliders movie???" Have YOU encountered it today?

Applesauce chips!

Date: 09/07/2000
From: EustiSlider

Good thing: Where to even start? I'll go with Rembrandt's decision to help in the food line instead of spending his last moments in a drunken stupor. It's not the choice I'd make, but it's laudable anyway.

Bad thing: A single nuclear warhead isn't going to save the world from a killer asteroid. It just wouldn't work. Besides, having worked at a NASA space center, I can promise you that a rocket can't be readied and launced on a few hours notice, at least not on this Earth.



Date: 09/07/2000
From: Silly_Sillerson

Let's see here....

GOOD THING: A party like that celebrating the end of the world?? Count me in, I like having dozens of women throwing themselves at me in a raging passion knowing that their time is soon to come!!!

BAD THING: Bennish with nuclear power?? You just watch, the first thing to go will be all the easy listening music stations, and after that, who knows?? Drug enforcement agencies? Hygiene promoters? YUPPIES???

Bennish: Heh....dude, you just wait, I'll take out all those social conformist, suit-wearing, Range-Rover driving job-slavers!! Free cars and hashish for everyone! Heh.....




Date: 09/07/2000
From: Vigeant

GT: Bennish had glasses.

BT: I need to scratch my toe. Oh wait... ummhmmhmmm there isn't a bad thing so ummm I didn't like the seer which had Jennifer Hetrick. Does that count?


The Good, the Bad and the Unhealthy

Date: 09/07/2000
From: DoctorWhy

The Good: that slow dance.

The Bad: Arturo - "Ah! THERE you are!"

The Unhealthy: Profboy devouring the "FOOD" like Sally Struthers in a warehouse full of chocolate éclairs.

All the...

Date: 09/07/2000
From: ThomasMalthus

(Set to the tune of Blink182's "All the Small Things")

...Good Things!
Bennish: ...mood swings
Quinn Wade
Globe spin ...and fade

Always ...there is
Some cream ...soda fizz
Bubbling, ...waiting
Then urinating

This is "Last Days"
Hip hip hoorays!
Watch it now cause of Season Three flaws

Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na

All the Bad Things
Rem* bolts...then sings
And no...Pavel

Enjoyed...the kiss
But know...I'll miss
Wade and...Quinn when
Peckinpah's in pow'r again

So long "Last Days"
Remember this phase?
Sliders fans got screwed quite a lot
Seeing good eps rememb'ring the steps
Just makes it so sad when we see it turn bad
Never did see it end happily
Potential is gone, potential is gone, but fans will go on...

* Yeah, I hate calling him Rem too, but you try to make Rembrandt fit into one syllable!!


Insert Clever Title Here

Date: 09/07/2000
From: sliderules

Good Thing: Rembrandt returning to his spiritual, religous roots.

Bad Thing: Bennish with eveil intensions. Hipppies are not supposed ot have palns to take over the world with nuclear weapons!

"Peace, love, and skool sux."

Mine comes down to one quote....

Date: 09/07/2000
From: Slider_Quinn21

"And the world was saved..."-Arturo, after discovering that the Einstein lied to "save" the world...

Good thing-Great idea by the writers. The fact that this really could've happened was great.

Bad idea-Arturo DOES know that the world didn't die in nuclear holocaust....right?


Good and Bad --->Last Days

Date: 09/07/2000
From: BlinkChick

BlinkChick: Woman, where to end??? It's the ULTIMATE Shipper ep. It's the ULTIMATE Arturo/Bennish ep. It's the ULTIMATE Sliders ep with atomic weapons in it. It's the ULTIMATE...

BLINKER: Sheesh!! Leave the posters for SOME!!!

BlinkChick: Oh ok. Anyway... good thing, good thing... ah! When Wade and Quinn kissed. Bad thing that Arturo came in at that EXACT moment! Which only makes the faux pa twice as painful as it otherwise could have been, and was probably scripted to begin with! THAT is how far you have to stretch to find a nitpick in this episode!!

BLINKER: Good Thing: Sliding's made a huge freakin' difference in four of five aired eps so far. It kinda loses its power by... oh, "The Chasm" or so. Bad Thing: Once again, Sliding made a difference.

- BlinkChick 7:-*

Good Thing, Bad Thing is brought to you by the phrase, "IMPORTANT ALL READ!!!!!" Have YOU encountered it today?

Okay then .

Date: 09/08/2000
From: Stax_

Good thing : The entire episode really .

Bad thing : As Eusti pointed out an atom bomb simply wouldn't do it ( Check out Tim Lucas' site for the maths ). Not only that but the scientific community wouldn't do it . I can remember reading that it is preferable to have one large asteroid hit the earth as opposed to a million radioactive bits . That's right THAT IS my nit-pick . Finding a problem with Last Days is as harder thing to do than pronounce Ehcsztein .

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