Thing, Bad Thing ------> Love Gods!
Date: 09/14/2000
From: Blinker
Evening, all. First off let's have a round of applause, for everyone
who gave the ol' 'Show & Tell' treatment to 'Into the Mystic':
JorgeCis wins a WAV of Arturo insisting, "The first casualty
of Sliding... is Henry!"
EustiSlider wins some <cringe> bodily fluids!
dellyone wins Ryan! Don't forget to share him with the writers,
ThomasMalthus wins VHS copies of all 138 film versions of "The
Invisible Man"!
Silly_Sillerson wins Dolly Parton's boobies!
DoctorQuinn wins a magical ink blotter!
Stoker_chick wins the Empire State Building. For the person who
has it all... you can't beat the Empire State Building! Give it to someone
YOU know and see for yourself!
DoctorWhy wins one year's subscription to the New York Times!
Slider_Quinn21 wins a DVD of Oliver Stone's "JFK"!
sliderules wins a pack of Laramie cigarettes!
Tonight, we revisit that perennial favourite: 'Good Thing, Bad Thing.'
To take part, just name a good thing and a bad thing about 'Love Gods.'
Lather, rinse, repeat... and you're done!
BLINKER: Good thing -- the VAN. I'm a real fan of the van, cuz the
van is the MAN. Bad thing -- David and Diana. Could two less memorable
sliders EXIST?
SYNTHIA: Well, there was... um, Diana... Davis.
BLINKER: Odd name, isn't that? Hmmmm....
SYNTHIA: NO. You are NOT going to suggest that a trip through the Combine
can turn two blond people into a black woman!
BLINKER: I never said the Combine was involved.
SYNTHIA: Oh. Well -- good thing, I thought the --
BLINKER: I figure it was something to do with a PHONE BOOTH.
- Blinker 7:-P
"Worst... episode... EVER!"

in the same
Date: 09/14/2000
From: FogBoy
Good thing: Men have mandatory sex
Bad thing: Men have mandatory sex
Hey, even THAT could get old.

good to be bad.
Date: 09/14/2000
From: EustiSlider
GT: The Sliders land on an Earth where even Arturo can get laid. Repeately.
Without having to pay $$$!
BT: Wade:"Hey, David, thanks for helping Quinn, Remmy, and Arturo
escape. Sorry I led the authorities right to Diana. Are you sure you
won't abandon her and slide out with us, leaving her to rot in jail
because of our mistakes? It did wonders for Ryan!"
David: "No thanks."
Wade: "OK, bye! Live in squalor!"

I'll share...
Date: 09/15/2000
From: dellyone
him with the writers. :-)
Good Thing: Berets. <cheers from the BFA> Wait that's bad. <cheers
from the ABL-DRC> I prefer... hmmm... hey why do I have to tell you?
You should already know that. ;-)
Bad Thing: What happened to Quinn's kid? Please don't say what no way?
They did the horizontal mambo. She had that picture of Quinn in the

thing? Hmm...
Date: 09/15/2000
From: SingularVisions
Good thing: A world where men get mandatory sex (as FogBoy pointed out).
Bad Thing: Leaving the toilet seat up can get you arrested and jailed.
- SV

Date: 09/15/2000
From: sliderules
Good Thing: Men are forced to have mandatory sex. Ge, where have I heard
this one before? :P
Bad Thing: Again, people slide with the sliders for only world. What's
the deal with that??
Quinn: "Whoah baby! You taste as good as your coffee cake!"

Bad? I'm...
Date: 09/15/2000
From: ThomasMalthus
...the guy with the timer.
Oh, right, Good Thing, Bad Thing for Love Gods, not "Army of Darkness"
quotes readjusted for 'Sliders'. Gotcha.
Good thing: Remmy in drag. Hilarious! (Note to everyone else who has
said that mandatory sex would be a good thing: What's wrong with you
people? You want to get, essentially, raped?)
Bad thing: Australia! First we get "Summer of Love" where
there's a big, nasty Australian War goin' on, then we have this episode,
with the Aussies as our main opponent in a cold war of repopulation.
I don't about you, but I think our Olympic athletes are in biiiiiig

Date: 09/15/2000
From: Vigeant
I can't believe I missed one.. I feel so stupid..
Aw well, life goes on Dr. Blinkster.
GT: Rabbits, and lots of em! Oh wait.. At least with alot more females
my dating chances would improve!
BT: Rabbits, and lots of em! Eeer.. I don't like feet and this episode
really focuses on feet.
If you see a rabbit with a green face and orange antennea with pink
fuzzy things on the end come to the door tell them I am in the bathroom.

thing .Premise
Date: 09/15/2000
From: Stax_
Bad thing .The Australian accents.
This is brought to you by Stax_ Incorporated . Making Life Easier For
The Riffer .

Date: 09/15/2000
From: Slider_Quinn21
Good thing(excited voice)
So many WOMEN!!!!!!
Bad thing(annoyed voice) many women...

Points and Bad
Date: 09/15/2000
From: DoctorWhy
Humor of Quinn and friends "getting" a lot more than they
can handle: mildly amusing. Humor of police bust being made on the basis
of a toilet seat left up: eye-rolling time. Humor of Rembrant walking
the streets in drag: you can stop now, guys.
Almost makes one long for Prince of Wails...

Hope it's OK that I'm responding!
Date: 09/15/2000
From: MTwain
I really missed you guys!
OK ...
Good Thing - HA! I suppose that it would be that I didn't see this
episode or maybe I did ... and it was soooo bad that I have blocked
it from my mind ... :-(
Bad Thing - My memory obviously.
When's the next one Blinker? I'll be back next Friday when I have a
computer class again. Did I say I missed you guys?

you can't think of a reply title...
Date: 09/15/2000
From: DoctorQuinn
That's what ya do. ~:OP
Good thing- The toy store, with all the dolls and pretty things displayed.
Girls rule! Guys drool! Seriously, men do. I've never seen a woman drool.
My cat, yes, but no woman.
Bad thing- Wade's ladybug shirt. <shudders>
The good doctor

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