of the Story ---> Weekend Edition!
Date: 09/16/2000
From: Blinker
"Moral of the Story" is brought to you by rdwebster's Dictionary®.
'Consistency' ain't in it. []
Woo Hoo! Thanks to all who turned out for the Love Gods Variety Hour.
A little something for your trouble:
EustiSlider wins some $$$. Um... use it as you will!
dellyone wins the very first delicatessen ever constructed in
ThomasMalthus wins a gun. Trust me, it's a LOT more effective
in these cases!
Vigeant wins an enchanted rabbit's foot... er, paw!
Stax_ wins a crateful of Stax_ Inc. letterhead stationery!
Slider_Quinn21 wins an autographed "Who'd Like to Be a Millionaire"
companion book by Kathie Lee Gifford!
DoctorWhy "wins" a lot more tapes of "Prince of
Wails" than he can handle!
MTwain (Twaiiiinnyyyyy! Hugggggggg!!) wins 64 megabytes in RAM
DoctorQuinn wins a bib for her cat, and a couple of really cute
FogBoy, SingularVisions and sliderules win mandatory sex. From
now on, each of you is required to be female! 7:-P
GOLD STARS are also owed to Vigeant, dellyone and EustiSlider. Woo
Hoo! I remembered! 7:-D
BLINKER: Wheel of Morality, Slide Slide Slide!
SYNTHIA: Tell us the law by which we should abide!
[ The Wheel of Morality comes to rest on "Gillian of the Spirits."
BLINKER: Ahhhh, Gillian of the Spirits. What DIDN'T this episode teach
SYNTHIA: I learned that when you're existing on another plane of reality,
you don't ever, ever have to eat.
[ SL4ever gets up from his seat in the audience and runs from the building,
screaming. ]
BLINKER: *I* learned that when it comes to fixing really small electronics
components, the *pin* is mightier than the sword!
[ Everyone else gets up from their seats in the audience and stumbles
to the bathrooms, retching. ]
What did YOU learn?
- Blinker 7:-P
"P.S. If things around here aren't working, it's because I'm laughing
so hard."

today's moral is...
Date: 09/16/2000
From: FogBoy
Don't trust priests. Shady, collar-wearin' freaks.

just had something clarified for me. .
Date: 09/16/2000
From: Stoker_chick
. . . If you talk to your invisible friend, then that's cute. But if
he starts to talk back, then of course society says you're a schizo.
Why are we always judged so promptly? Not all of us are sociopathical
apocalyse lovers!
Later Days.
P.S. Thanks for the ES Building, man! I'm still waiting for that *special
someone* to pass it on to though, okay? In the meantime, it's been great
for a few dry runs of bungee-free bungee jumping :). I'm almost an expert

learned that ...
Date: 09/16/2000
From: Stax_
all sci-fi series MUST have an episode where a character has the ability
to walk through solid objects . And one of these days , on one of these
programs somebody will point out that they should be falling through
the ground .stax

Date: 09/16/2000
From: Slider_Quinn21
Don't slide in a thunderstorm....
And Blink, how'd you like E214? :-)

very special lesson...
Date: 09/16/2000
From: Brand_S
If you ever gain the ability to appear invisible to just about everyone,
you can still have fun without resorting to places like nude beaches
and locker rooms... not that that doesn't help or anything.

I learned...
Date: 09/16/2000
From: Vigeant
The Moral of the story is: That is you are in the other plane or whatever
you can accept money from 'psychics' and freak people out during seauanse
(so I can't spell) where you will USE the money is a whole different
Woohoo! A gold star! I feel all warm and fuzzy and stuff. Oh wait that's
cuz I poured my hot chocolate all over myself.
Sing your praises of Pants!

in ad form, beware...
Date: 09/16/2000
From: ThomasMalthus
Hey there all you galaxy-galavanting ghostly guests! Ever get stuck
on the astral plane on a parallel world, and not known where to put
your rain slickers and signature (for Season Two anyway) green coat?
We've all been there! But never fear, relief is here! Just drop unwanted
paranormal apparel at ThomasMalthus' Supernatural CoatCheck! Stash your
cowl, hang up your sheets and throw in your chains at our Casper-friendly
stores at thirteen easy to teleport-to locations! Drop on in and you'll
rate our service far better than "medium"! Come today, ask
for Gillian, and you'll get a half-off discount (with apologies to those
who already have half off)! That's ThomasMalthus' Supernatural CoatCheck!
You give us your threads and we won't tell people you're dead!

can *DOES* need that bid...
Date: 09/16/2000
From: DoctorQuinn
<looks at kit> 'Smokey', (called 'Beanie', 'Boom', or, on occasion,
'Shrode'.) <cat drools some more>.
Thanks Blinker, I'll put those dolls in the window and scare my neighbors
with their cuteness. <shudders>
Moral--Horses don't like Quinn!

enough. I bid $75 on the Doc's can!
Date: 09/16/2000
From: Blinker
Sorry!! Couldn't... resist!!!
Quinn, E214 had the LAMEST reality show I've yet to see. Sixteen contestants
meander around rural areas, taking ultra-precise measurements and assessing
property values. I think they called it "Surveyor"...
- Blinker 7:-D

Date: 09/16/2000
From: DoctorQuinn
MEAN!!!! My poor can---CAT! LOL!
You'd have spelling problems too if you were stuck in your brother's
birthday party! Or above it. They're screaming, and yelling, and holloring,
and...speaking loudly. I oughta go downstairs, but last time I approached,
I got trampled on by his friends. My parents don't mind I'm hiding behind
their computer screen.
Which reminds me: HAPPY BIRTHDAY, loved sibling. ~:O)

Date: 09/16/2000
From: Slider_Quinn21
Hey, Lewis and Clark were big time celebs on E214!!!! :-)
And on E214's television programming...
What would you like more...?
A world with Surveyor and Sliders S6....
A world where a fat naked man can earn a million dollars and a world
with Survivor...
For those who didn't get my joke...the fat, naked man...Peck!!!!!

of the story...
Date: 09/16/2000
From: SingularVisions
Getting stuck in the astral plane is a PITA.
- SV

another gold star!!!!
Date: 09/17/2000
From: dellyone
Mmmmm... a delicatessen. Coolness. Thanks Blinker. :-D
Never trust anyone who looks like the Gorten's fisherman. See what
happened to those poor kids who ran him over in 'I know what you did
last summer'.
Makes me want to yell "Gushie get me out of here" every time
I saw Quinn.

of the story ...
Date: 09/17/2000
From: MTwain
If you are gonna get stuck on the astral plane ... and you will be invisible
to everyone (but one person) ... bring a date. ;-)
I could use some more RAM. Thank you very much Blinker!

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