of the Story --> Luck of the Draw!
Date: 09/12/2000
From: Blinker
But first, a well-deserved shout-out to everyone who took part in yesterday's
Stoker_chick wins an unfortunately brief rendition of Simon
& Garfunkel's "The Boxer"!
EustiSlider wins two Bill Clintons! Hey, they WERE on sale!
Silly_Sillerson wins some added neck fat! Wear it with pride,
my son!
Brand_S wins a King Brand ice cream concession!
TemporalFlux wins a pile of Desethel Studios memorabilia, and
a couple of fiddles!
Vigeant wins... a sound recording of John Rhys-Davies!
ThomasMalthus wins one year's renewal of his Poetic License!
sliderules wins a CD of two Remmys singing the anthem at a Yankees
SingularVisions wins his choice of autographed briefs from any
Sliders cast or crew member!
Slider_Quinn21 wins three talentless sisters swooning, two awesome
Remmys crooning, and a partridge in a pear tree!
DoctorQuinn wins VHS copies of "El Sid" and "The
Exodus," for all her psychopathic needs!
The GOLD STARS go to TM for his latest haiku anthology, and Tf for
illuminating the 'revenge of the second fiddles' motif. Despite the
fact that I'll be dreaming of Ethel holding a razor to Lucy's neck and
breakdancing to badly rendered Motown tonight. 7:-P
And now, on to Moral of the Story. For those of you who haven't played
before, here's the drift:
1) Watch the ep.
2) Name something it taught you.
BLINKER: Well, to quote Arturo -- "There's no such thing as something
for nothing, Mr. Brown."
MRBROWN1602: Quiet you inmature moron!!! or I'll get my men in black
overcoats to take you away! Ive already got them working on C|Net!!!!!
SYNTHIA: A prime argument in favour of 'Lotterization' if I ever saw
one. Anyhow, my lesson for today is to NEVER, and the Satellite's resident
hologram means EVER, be the last one into the vortex when you're under
siege by a bucketload of cheesed-off policemen. It can only end in tears.
Tears, and plenty of quavery screaming.
- Blinker 7:-P
"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! ...oh, wait a minute. Yes."

life long lesson. . .
Date: 09/12/2000
From: Stoker_chick
I learned something very deep while watching tonight's episode of sliders.
Aparently, my previous understanding of the inevitable was fallible.
Antithetical to my hopefulness that the bright light of eternity is
only seen during execution through an electric chair (which has been
my life long goal), it was made evident that this light is also seen
while receiving lethal injection. I guess I'll now have to rearrange
my life plan to expect a more original way of self-destruction.
Damn it!
Hmmm. . . I wonder what substances that world uses. . .

Date: 09/12/2000
From: Vance454
How's it goin'? Just wondering, how come I never win anything? Hehe.
:-) Later.
- MR V
vance454 on aol im

teacher, pick me!!!!!!
Date: 09/12/2000
From: Silly_Sillerson
I have learned lots of stuff from this episode.....Money rocks!!! Who
cares if a few people get toasted here and there?!? It's still money!
Sacrifices must be made, that's what I say!
The episode is so much more fun to watch that way....KLLY!!!
Now in an advanced state
of curiosity about the
end of the episode,

Date: 09/12/2000
From: EustiSlider
I learned that it doesn't pay to be the multiverse's first sliding dog.
At least Henry didn't get a rock thrown at him like the multiverse's
first sliding non-human/non-kromagg, the South American spider wasp.
"Quinn's Sliding Service - We'll take you anywhere in the multiverse.....
and leave you there!"
Oh, yeah. And people get so worked up over Quinn's lack of remorse
for losing Wade in S4. How broken up did Ms. Welles seem at the loss
of her furry little sliding companion, hmmm? As ye sew, so shall ye

I learned..and something for Silly>
Date: 09/13/2000
From: KllyWlls
I could go for the know.. something deep like:
overpopulation is a lot more harming than we think, causing crime,
stress and overall non-fun-ness in life...
no, i didn't learn that..
i learned this:
If you have a pet, don't let the professor know, 'cause he'll eat him.
And Silly,
Hon, I only recorded like the first 10-15 mins of it.. so in reality
i didn't miss only the end, i missed like the whole thing.. hahaha!
(ran outta tape) But somewhere in the mess I like to call my room, there
is another tape with this ep on it. I will find it, someday.....
"This is MY tagline, my mighty, mighty tagline"

moral I learned.
Date: 09/13/2000
From: JorgeCis
Why didn't someone shoot Quinn at the end of Season 3?

Date: 09/13/2000
From: JorgeCis
The moral I really learned:
When you have a chance to kill off Jerry O'Connell before he goes on
a power trip, for God's sake, take it!!

like a maniac after watching>
Date: 09/13/2000
From: MissingSliderRyan
"Krycek. Alex Krycek."... oops wrong show. ;-)
There is a difference between facing certain death and choosing it.
The lottery winners chose death knowing that their beneficiaries would
get a large inheritance. Ryan faced death when he told Wade that he
climbed Mount Everest, swam the English channel and paddled the Amazon
by the age of thirty and chose the lottery since it was the biggest
adrenaline rush left to experience. He changed his mind later, but I
think he just wanted to follow Wade since he had a chance to slide with
them and get away from this world.
Knowing that you are going to die makes a person more likely to do
things that s/he would not ordinarily do. Would you listen to a person
who told you that s/he was from a parallel world then follow s/he if
you weren't facing certain death. Probably not. Julianne and Remmy did
the horizontal mambo right behind the stage curtains with everyone around.

this takes so thought.
Date: 09/13/2000
From: JessieMallory
Maybe it is to make sure the person you fall for is not already emotionally
attached to someone else. In the case of a Slider it goes double, they
might have a fling with you and dump you on the next world.
Hmmmm kind of sounds familiar, I think Maggie, and Mallory must have
watched this episode and took, "Love and Leave 'em" to heart
as a Sliding rule.

of the Story
Date: 09/13/2000
From: Vigeant
"If you can't win don't play. If you are in a TV show and enter
the lottery there has to be some odd consequence to it so don't anyway."
"Don't play roulette, it's a fools game!"

the moral is...
Date: 09/13/2000
From: TemporalFlux
Moral of the Story: "Always read any information given to you."
"You are an important part of our population control!"
Wade - "What does that mean?"
Quinn - "Do you have any beer?"
Wade - "No...why?"
Quinn - "You don't exist to me unless you have beer."
Wade - "Sigh."

World can't spell!
Date: 09/13/2000
From: Callie21V
Just look at that brochure Tf provided:
"societies most important reward"
This happens to be *second* on the list of reasons I feel Executive
should be shipped there post-haste. :-D
>>> C/21

we go again.
Date: 09/13/2000
From: FogBoy
Rose petal-laden bed? Not sexy. Big fluffy dog? Very sexy.

eye learnt...
Date: 09/13/2000
From: ThomasMalthus
The cancellationishness of any given episode of "Sliders"
is directly proportionate to the presence of a cliffhanger therein...nah,
I'll save that moral for "This Slide of Paradise", as the
series is completely bankrupt of morals by that point and nobody is
capable of learning anything from the horrible excuse for a Dr. Moreau
ripoff that is TSoP. In fact, I think it has been proven that showing
this episode on national television lowers the collective I.Q. of our
nation by at least twelve points, which was clearly Fox's plan all along
(as their later programming authoritatively demonstrates). But I digress.
I learned that if you're going to run the tape back over and over and
over and over and over and over again just to hear Professor Arturo
say your handle two-hundred and fifty-three times, be sure to have a
back-up VCR handy in case yours suddenly looks like it's a Japanese
import...from Hiroshima.

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