Sliders episode Survivor (round 2)
Date: 08/30/2002
From: DieselMickeyDolenz
Yes, the Round I post is still on the main page, but just barely, and I'm tired of waiting.
Season 1
Prince of Wails 8
The Weaker Sex 3
Fever 3
The King is Back 2
Eggheads 1
"Prince of Wails" is eliminated.
Season 2
El Sid 10
Love Gods 4
The Good, the Bad and the Wealthy 2
Obsession 1
Time Again and World 1
"El Sid" is eliminated
Season 3
The Breeder 11
Slither 10
The Exodus, II 5
This Slide of Paradise 5
The Dream Masters 4
Paradis Lost 4
Electric Twister Acid Test 3
Stoker 3
The Last of Eden 2
Sole Survivors 2
The Other Slide of Darkness 1
Desert Storm 1
State of the ART 1
"The Breeder" and "Slither" are eliminated. There was a tie for thrid place from Season 3 between "The Exodus, Part II" and "This Slide of Paradise". To avoid a runoff, I used the order in which the episodes were listed in votes to determine a loser. Of the three episodes people listed from S3, "The Exodus, Part II" was listed first once, second once, and third three times, for an average of 2.4. "This Slide of Paradise" was listed second once and third four times, for an average of 2.8. "The Exodus, Part II" is the third S3 episode to be eliminated.
Season 4
The Chasm 10
Data World 8
Genesis 5
Just Say Yes 4
Revelations 4
Mother and Child 4
Lipschitz Live 3
Net Worth 3
The Dying Fields 3
Roads Taken 3
California Reich 2
Prophets and Loss 2
Virtual Slide 1
"The Chasm", "Data World", and "Genesis" are eliminated.
Season 5
Easy Slider 10
The Great Work 7
Requiem 5
Heavy Metal 3
The Seer 2
Please Press One 2
The Java Jive 2
New Gods for Old 2
A Current Affair 1
A Thousand Deaths 1
"Easy Slider" and "The Great Work" are eliminated.
Round II
Rules remain the same. Vote for your *least* favorite episode (or episodes) from each season. Once we have a survivor from each season, we'll pit those episodes against each other. In order to have most of the seasons finish around the same time, you'll be voting for multiple episodes for S3, S4, & S5.
You may choose from the following:
Season 1 (choose one)
The Pilot, part I
The Pilot, part II
Summer of Love
Last Days
The Weaker Sex
The King is Back
Luck of the Draw
Season 2 (choose one)
Into the Mystic
Love Gods
Gillian of the Spirits
The Good, the Bad, and the Wealthy
Time Again and World
In Dino Veritas
Post-Traumatic Slide Syndrome
The Young and the Relentless
As Time Goes By
Season 3 (choose 3)
Rules of the Game
Double Cross
Electric Twister Acid Test
The Guardian
The Dream Masters
Desert Storm
Dragon Slide
The Fire Within
The Prince of Slides
Dead Man Sliding
State of the A.R.T.
Season's Greedings
Murder Most Foul
Slide Like An Egyptian
Paradise Lost
The Exodus - Part I
Sole Survivors
The Last of Eden
The Other Slide of Darkness
This Slide of Paradise
Season 4 (choose 3)
Prophets and Loss
Common Ground
Virtual Slide
World Killer
Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?
Just Say Yes
The Alternateville Horror
California Reich
The Dying Fields
Lipschitz Live!
Mother and Child
Net Worth
Slide by Wire
Way Out West
My Brother's Keeper
Roads Taken
Season 5 (choose 2)
The Unstuck Man
Applied Physics
Strangers and Comrades
New Gods for Old
Please Press One
A Current Affair
The Java Jive
The Return of Maggie Beckett
Map of the Mind
A Thousand Deaths
Heavy Metal
To Catch a Slider
Eye of the Storm
The Seer
Remember, you're voting for the episode (or episodes) you'd like to see *eliminated*, and voting order does count in the event of a tie. Voting will remain open until at least Monday, September 2.

Yes! El Sid is outta here!
Date: 08/30/2002
From: SouthernSlider
Just wish BT was outta here too.
I'll try to follow the rules this time. Sometimes I get my 2's and 3's mixed up. I tried to vote off 3 from S5 - which it not really a bad thing.
S1 - The King is Back
S2 - Time Again and World - just for the title alone.
S3 - The Dream Masters
Electric Twister Acid Test
S4 - Roads Taken
Prophets and Loss
S5 - Are you sure I can't just go ahead and put all of them down?-------All riiiiiiight, only 2.
New Gods for Old
Heavy Metal

Right, here goes!!!
Date: 08/30/2002
It's getting harder now!!
Season 1: The King is Back
Season 2: Time Again and World
Season 3: Paradise Lost, Sole Survivors, The Dream Masters
Season 4: California Reich, Revelations, Roads Taken
Seaosn 5: A Thousand Deaths, Requiem
There we go! Not so hard after all!!

Round 2 picks
Date: 08/30/2002
Here goes:
Season 1: Fever
Season 2: Time Again and World
Season 3: Desert Storm, Dream Masters, Paradise Lost
Season 4: The Dying Fields, Mother and Child, Roads Taken
Season 5: Java Jive, Requiem, Heavy Metal

TSoP-Killer 2: the Revenge!
Date: 08/30/2002
BT should never have a sequel.
I'll never understand how the *worst* episode ever survived round one, but I'm back to make sure it's not happening again!
Season 1: The Weaker Sex
Season 2: Love Gods
Season 3: This Slide of Paradise, Paradise Lost, Stoker
Season 4: Revelations, Roads Taken, My Brother's Keeper
Season 5: The Seer and Please Press One
ThomasMalthus <puts bullet in TSoP's brain just to make sure>

Yer Outta There!
Date: 08/30/2002
From: Slider_Quinn21
BT is already out, right?
S2-Love Gods
S3-This Slide of Paradise
Sole Survivors
Just Say Yes
Way Out West
S5-Heavy Metal
The Seer

Date: 08/30/2002
From: QuantumFluxLSV2
Season 1:
The King is Back
Season 2:
Season 3:
The Dream Masters
Paradise Lost
This Slide of Paradise
Season 4:
Lipschitz Live!
Way Out West
Virtual Slide
Season 5:
The Seer

Hope this isn't a butterfly ballot
Date: 08/30/2002
From: The_Seer
Otherwise BT may vote incorrectly.
Season 1 - "Eggheads" (Can't believe so many people want to vote off "The King Is Back" and "Fever". "King" especially is baffling because it is easily one of my all time favorites.)
Season 2 - "The Good, the Bad, and the Wealthy"
Season 3 - "Sole Survivors", "This Slide of Paradise", "The Other Slide of Darkness"
Season 4 - "Revelations", "California Reich", "The Dying Fields" (And why do so many people want to get rid of "Roads Taken" and "Lipschitz Live!"?)
Season 5 - "Requiem", "Heavy Metal"

Flips on the shredder switch
Date: 08/30/2002
From: TemporalFlux
Reads the names as they turn to confetti...
Season one - "The King is Back"
Season two - "The Good, The Bad and The Wealthy"
Season three - "This Slide of Paradise", "The Exodus Part 2", "The Last of Eden"
Season four - "Mother and Child", "The Dying Fields", "California Reich"
Season five - "Heavy Metal", "Requiem"

my votes
Date: 08/31/2002
Season 1
Season 2
"The Good, the Bad, and the Wealthy"
Season 3
"The Dream Masters"
"Electric Twister Acid Test"
"Paradise Lost"
Season 4
"Prophets and Loss"
"California Reich"
"My Brother's Keeper"
Season 5
"Please Press One"
"A Thousand Deaths"

Here are my choices
Date: 08/31/2002
From: Shopman
Season 1: "Summer of Love"
Season 2: "Love Gods"
Season 3: "The Dream Masters", "The Fire Within", "Stoker"
Season 4: "Just Say Yes", "Lipschitz Live", and "Way out West"
Seasib 5: "The Java Jive" and "The Return of Maggie Beckett"

Stoker is cool
Date: 08/31/2002
From: Slider_Paul
BT sucks
I dident vote in round one. But please include my votes this time.
Season 1: The King is Back
Season 2: Love Gods
Season 3: Sole Survivors, Paradise Lost, Desert Storm
Season 4: Prophets and Loss, California Reich, Roads Taken
Season 5: The Seer, A Thousand Deaths
Question: Why do so many people hate Stoker? Its not my favorite but I quite enjoyed it, it had some nice bits to it. Perhaps its cause im a HUGE buffy fan.
That was hard, I dont know what im going to do in round 3. Am I aloud to close my eyes and touch the screen, and pick what ever my finger lands on??-thought not-
I will have to get out some of my slider tapes and see what ones I get bored of most quickly.

here is the next round.....
Date: 08/31/2002
season 1-Fever
season 2-The Good,The Bad,and The Wealthy
season 3-The Dream Masters,Desert Storm,Stoker
season 4-Just Say Yes,Net Worth,Slide By Wire
season 5-THe Java Jive,Heavy Metal
just sliding thru,
Marvello :-)

Jiggle Me, Baby Dolls....
Date: 08/31/2002
From: MissingSliderRyan
BT's always with the zombies.
... are on the rampage! AAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!
Abstain since I haven't seen TGTBTW or Y&R in a very long time.
Electric Twister Acid Test
Sole Survivors
This Slide of Paradise
Mother and Child
Roads Taken
New Gods for Old

<mashes Eliminator remote>
Date: 08/31/2002
BT brought to you by FOX Network.
Season One: "Fever"
Season Two: "Love Gods"
Season Three: "DragonSlide," "Stoker," "This Slide of Paradise"
Season Four: "Prophets and Loss," "Net Worth," "Roads Taken"
Season Five: "The Java Jive," "The Seer"
Is strategic voting encouraged or allowed? You know, like all the PTSS fans ganging up on "The Guardian" a dozen rounds in advance?
- Blinker 7:-/

"Sabre, you're up"
Date: 08/31/2002
*Walks up to the writing table*
Season 1: The King is Back
Season 2: Time Again and World
Season 3: The Last of Eden, Paradise Lost, Desert Storm
Season 4: Net Worth, Slide By Wire, Roads Taken
Season 5: To Catch A Slider, The Java Jive, Please Press One

I'm ready for Round 2
Date: 09/01/2002
From: sliderules
But I can't sat that BT is.
Season 1:
The Weaker Sex
Season 2:
The Good, The Bad, and The Wealthy
Season 3:
Electric Twister Acid Test, Murder Most Foul, Desert Storm
Season 4:
Revelations, Lipschitz Live!, California Reich
Season 5:
Requiem, New Gods For All
Here's hoping i'm not voted off the island as well!
"On an island in the sun, we'll be there to have some fun, and it makes me feel so fine I can't control my brain..."

Date: 09/01/2002
From: Grizzlor
Season 1 (choose one)
Season 2 (choose one)
The Good, the Bad, and the Wealthy
Season 3 (choose 3)
State of the A.R.T., Rules of the Game, The Fire Within
Season 4 (choose 3)
Virtual Slide, Slide by Wire, The Dying Fields
Season 5 (choose 2)
Please Press One, The Unstuck Man

Voting is now closed
Date: 09/03/2002
From: DieselMickeyDolenz

Ugh, my votes.
Date: 09/03/2002
From: DieselMickeyDolenz
The advantage to running the game is that I can accept my own votes late :p BTW, I'm making these *without* yet knowing the vote totals.
Season 1
The King is Back
Season 2
Time Again and World
Season 3
The Dream Masters
This Slide of Paradise
Electric Twister Acid Test
Season 4
California Reich
Mother and Child
Net Worth
Season 5
Map of the Mind
Heavy Metal
I'll be tallying and posting the results soon.

Phooey!! Foiled again!!<end>
Date: 09/03/2002
END Goddamnit!!!!

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Nominated by Blinker
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