Sliders episode Survivor (round 3)
Date: 09/03/2002
From: DieselMickeyDolenz
The results are in from Round II:
Season 1
The King is Back - 7
Fever - 5
The Weaker Sex - 2
Eggheads - 2
Summer of Love - 1
"The King is Back" is eliminated.
Season 2
The Good, the Bad, and the Wealthy - 6
Love Gods - 5
Time Again and World - 5
Obsession - 1
"The Good, the Bad, and the Wealthy" is eliminated.
Season 3
The Dream Masters - 8
This Slide of Paradise - 8
Paradise Lost - 7
Stoker - 6
Electric Twister Acid Test - 5
Desert Storm - 5
Sole Survivors - 5
The Last of Eden - 2
The Fire Within - 2
The Other Slide of Darkness - 1
State of the A.R.T. - 1
DragonSlide - 1
Murder Most Foul - 1
Rules of the Game - 1
"The Dream Masters", "This Slide of Paradise" and "Paradise Lost" are eliminated.
Season 4
Roads Taken - 8
Revelations - 7
California Reich - 7
The Dying Fields - 4
Prophets and Loss - 4
Just Say Yes - 3
Lipschitz Live - 3
Net Worth - 4
Mother and Child - 4
Way Out West - 3
Slide By Wire - 3
Virtual Slide - 2
My Brother's Keeper - 2
"Roads Taken", "Revelations" and "California Reich" are eliminated.
Season 5
Requiem - 7
Heavy Metal - 6
The Seer - 5
The Java Jive - 5
Please Press One - 3
New Gods for Old - 3
A Thousand Deaths - 3
The Return of Maggie Beckett - 1
To Catch a Slider - 1
The Unstuck Man - 1
Map of the Mind - 1
"Requiem" and "Heavy Metal" are eliminated.
"The Exodus, Part II" also recieved one vote, though it was probably intended for "Part I".
For Round III, choose from the following:
Season 1 (choose one)
The Pilot, part I
The Pilot, part II
Summer of Love
Last Days
The Weaker Sex
Luck of the Draw
Season 2 (choose one)
Into the Mystic
Love Gods
Gillian of the Spirits
Time Again and World
In Dino Veritas
Post-Traumatic Slide Syndrome
The Young and the Relentless
As Time Goes By
Season 3 (choose 3)
Rules of the Game
Double Cross
Electric Twister Acid Test
The Guardian
Desert Storm
Dragon Slide
The Fire Within
The Prince of Slides
Dead Man Sliding
State of the A.R.T.
Season's Greedings
Murder Most Foul
Slide Like An Egyptian
The Exodus - Part I
Sole Survivors
The Last of Eden
The Other Slide of Darkness
Season 4 (choose 3)
Prophets and Loss
Common Ground
Virtual Slide
World Killer
Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?
Just Say Yes
The Alternateville Horror
The Dying Fields
Lipschitz Live!
Mother and Child
Net Worth
Slide by Wire
Way Out West
My Brother's Keeper
Season 5 (choose 2)
The Unstuck Man
Applied Physics
Strangers and Comrades
New Gods for Old
Please Press One
A Current Affair
The Java Jive
The Return of Maggie Beckett
Map of the Mind
A Thousand Deaths
To Catch a Slider
Eye of the Storm
The Seer
The question of whether you may change your votes was raised. You may change votes between rounds, but once you've posted your vote for a particular round, it is final.
Remember, you're voting for the episode (or episodes) you'd like to see *eliminated*, and voting order does count in the event of a tie. Voting will remain open until at least the afternoon of Wednesday, September 4.
Thanks for participating!

TSoP-killer turns vampire slayer.
Date: 09/03/2002
Sorry Hunter, but BT insisted.
Season 1: "The Weaker Sex".
Season 2: "The Young and the Relentless".
Season 3: "The Guardian", "Stoker", and "Electric Twister Acid Test".
Season 4: "Prophets and Loss", "Way Out West" and "My Brother's Keeper".
Season 5: "The Seer" and "Please Press One".
:) Let's see how many others read Blinker's alliance suggestion from round 2.

Round 3 picks
Date: 09/03/2002
Here they are, peeps:
Season 1: Fever
Season 2: Time Again and World
Season 3: Desert Storm, ETAT, Other Slide of Darkness
Season 4: Dying Fields, Mother and Child, Net Worth
Season 5: Java Jive, Map of the Mind

Okay... I have to get in on this...
Date: 09/03/2002
From: KllyWlls
BT is a MONKEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey hey howdy!
This is cool DMD! I enjoy pitting episodes against one another until only one stands as the triumphant victor. All the fun of Survivor without the whiny contestants! Excellent idea. votes.....
S1- Summer of Love
S2- As Time Goes By
S3- Sole Survivors
Last of Eden
The Other Slide of Darkness
S4- Mother and Child
Data World
The Dying Fields
S5- New Gods For Old
The Java Jive
Okay... there you go.
May they rot in episode hell. Or at least get no jelly donuts back at the uber fancy lodge where the vote-offs go.

And again...
Date: 09/03/2002
I preferred Big Bro to Survivor... but that's because over here, Survivor was crap and big bro wasn't.
Season 1: Fever
Season 2: Time Again and World
Season 3: Sole Survivors, Last of Eden, State of the ART
Season 4: Prophets and Loss, Mother and Child, The Dying Fields
Season 5: A Thousand Deaths, Map of the Mind
I did read the idea, just couldn't bring myself to do it!!

By the way, DMD...
Date: 09/03/2002
Izzat you on the TrekBBS? Talking about the TMP DE DVD and such? :P

That would be me.
Date: 09/03/2002
From: DieselMickeyDolenz
Survivor votes included.
Yes, I've been hanging out there and at Section 31 (R.I.P.). The way some of those folks idolize TMP you'd think it was Citizen Kane. And despite Robert Wise's declaration that the DE *is* the movie he intended to make in 1979, they consider it a "hatchet job". They don't like me much over there.
It's all your fault, you know. You asked about why they hate Harve Bennett and that's how I ended up over there. :P
As for Survivor:
Season 1
The Weaker Sex
Season 2
Time Again and World
Season 3
Electric Twister Acid Test
The Other Slide of Darkness
Season 4
Mother and Child
The Dying Fields
Net Worth
Season 5
Map of the Mind
The Java Jive

Date: 09/03/2002
Now I *AM* blamed for all... :P
Dude, reading that board casually (I mostly read the ones that pop up on the highlights on the home page) I've come to the conclusion that Star Trek fans have never liked a single nanosecond of Trek produced since it went on the air. :P
TOS? Went wrong when they recast Jeffrey Hunter.
The Motion Picture has never been produced properly.
The Wrath of Khan is awful crap and a constant reminder that Roddenberry had lost his franchise to Harvey Bennett.
The Search for Spock? Atrocious.
The Voyage Home? Successful, but only because it wasn't Star Trek, just a homogenized pop-culture attempt to draw fans. Awful.
The Final Frontier? "Non-canon."
The Undiscovered Country? Nicholas Meyers is a whore who should be shot.
ST:TNG? Roddenberry's attempt to create the "anti-Trek" and neuter the franchise.
DS9? The greatest thing ever. Ron Moore is a *GOD* and can do no wrong (despite that nonsense called "Roswell").
VOY? The worst thing EVER.
ENT? No comment.
Bastards have like 700 hours of show to watch and all they do is bitch. At least on occasion people laud Sliders here. I have yet to find a truly well-reasoned laudatory post on the TrekBBS for Trek. It's insane.
The eBay things you got (notes, etc. from TOS) sounded very cool. I tried to post over there but my password is gone (I'm [name redacted by request]).

My votes are doing well
Date: 09/03/2002
From: SouthernSlider
Much better than that nasty BT.
The Weaker Sex
Time Again and World (trying 'Again' to vote it off)
Sole Survivors
Electric Twister Acid Test
Prophets and Loss
The Dying Fields
Mother and Child
New Gods for Old
Map of the Mind

Date: 09/03/2002
Season One: Summer of Love
Season Two: Into the Mystic
Season Three: Dead Man Sliding, Slide Like an Egyptian, Exodus (You guys keep voting for Stoker and I will FIND OUT where you live!!)
Season Four: Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?, Lipschitz Live!, Way Out West
Season Five: New Gods for Old, The Seer

You are the weakest links; goodbye.
Date: 09/03/2002
BT brought to you by Anne Robinson.
Season One: "Fever"
Season Two: "Love Gods"
Season Three: "DragonSlide," "Stoker," "The Guardian"
Season Four: "Prophets and Loss" (*gag*), "The Alternateville Horror," "Net Worth"
Season Five: "The Java Jive," "The Seer"
- Blinker 7:-/

The King is Dead
Date: 09/03/2002
From: The_Seer
BT can't believe "King" was eliminated. Oh well.
Season 1 - "Eggheads"
Season 2 - "Time Again and World"
Season 3 - "Sole Survivors", "The Other Slide of Darkness", "The Last of Eden"
Season 4 - "The Dying Fields", "Mother and Child", "Net Worth"
Season 5 - "The Java Jive", "Please Press One" (But I got a gut feeling my namesake is gone by the end of this round.)

Kromagg Open Sesame?
Date: 09/03/2002
From: MissingSliderRyan
BT loves that scene for it's "ingenuity"
S1 and S2, I still can't choose between the eppys.
Electric Twister Acid Test
Sole Survivors
The Last of Eden
Mother and Child
Prophets and Loss
New Gods for Old
Map of the Mind

Date: 09/03/2002
From: Slider_Quinn21
I'm voting for BT!!!!!!!!
S2-Love Gods
S3-Sole Survivors
S4-Just Say Yes
Way Out West
Oh, Brother Where Art Thou?
The Seer

Round 3 on Slisers Island here I come!
Date: 09/03/2002
From: sliderules
Too bad BT hasn't been eaten by a shark yet.
Here are my choices:
The Weaker Sex
Young and The Relentless
Electric Twister Acid Test
Desert Storm
Lipshitz Live!
Prophets and Loss
Way Out West
Heavy Metal
New Gods For Old
Well, there you have it, my picks for Round 3. I have only one question, directed towards ThomasMalthus. Why do you want Guardian voted off????
"Sheep go to heaven, goats go to hell."

Strikes the match
Date: 09/03/2002
From: TemporalFlux
Reads the names as the paper curls to the flame...
Season one - "Fever"
Season two - "Love Gods"
Season three - "The Last of Eden", "The Other Slide of Darkness", "Electric Twister Acid Test" ("Exodus Part 2" was so bad I tried to eliminate it twice! :-o
Season four - "Mother and Child", "The Dying Fields", "Common Ground"
Season five - "The Java Jive", "Map of the Mind"

Round 3 votes:
Date: 09/03/2002
From: QuantumFluxLSV2
Season 1:
The Weaker Sex
Season 2:
Time Again and World
Season 3:
The Prince of Slides
State of the A.R.T.
Season 4:
Virtual Slide
Lipschitz Live!
Way Out West
Season 5:
Please Press One
The Seer

it's getting cookey
Date: 09/03/2002
From: Grizzlor
Season 1 (choose one)
Season 2 (choose one)
In Dino Veritas
Season 3 (choose 3)
Rules of the Game
State of the A.R.T.
The Fire Within
Season 4 (choose 3)
Virtual Slide
Slide by Wire
The Dying Fields
Season 5 (choose 2)
Please Press One
Strangers and Comrades

where is the logic people???
Date: 09/03/2002
From: Grizzlor
season 1 & 2 have been voted rather logically. but season 3 is nuts. how can you vote off this slide of paradise or dream masters, which I admit stunk, but keep Rules of the Game and State of the ART, easily the worst episodes I have ever seen this side of the Breeder? and Season 4 everyone votes off Genesis, Revelations and Roads Taken, great episodes, yet keep Slide by Wire and Virtual Slide, which were garbage!!! It's getting personal, it's getting vindictive, it's getting nasty. I love it!!!

my votes
Date: 09/03/2002
Season 1
"The Weaker Sex"
Season 2
"Love Gods"
Season 3
"Electric Twister Acid Test"
"State of the A.R.T."
Season 4
"Prophets and Loss"
"Way Out West"
"My Brother's Keeper"
Season 5
"Please Press One"
"A Thousand Deaths"

<listens to the Dallas theme>
Date: 09/04/2002
From: MissingSliderRyan
BT doesn't know who shot JR.
This is in no way trying to influence the way the votes are going. O:-D
Abomination? Travesty? No way!
Is it getting hot in here?

Dude, where's my vote?
Date: 09/04/2002
From: SL4ever
BT should be smoted!! >:-#
I can't believe I missed a voting session! >:-#
I also can't believe The Seer has survived two round!! WTF????????????????
Season 1 (choose one)
The Weaker Sex
Season 2 (choose one)
In Dino Veritas
Season 3 (choose 3)
The Exodus - Part I
The Last of Eden
The Other Slide of Darkness
Season 4 (choose 3)
Prophets and Loss
The Dying Fields
Mother and Child
Season 5 (choose 2)
New Gods for Old
The Seer
The Seer
The Seer
The Seer
The Seer
The Seer
The Seer
The Seer
The Seer
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The Seer
The Seer

*assumes voting position*
Date: 09/04/2002
No peeking!
S1: Luck of the Draw
S2: Time Again and World
S3: State of the A.R.T., Dinoslide, The Guardian
S4: Net Worth, Slide by Wire, Virtual Slide
S5: The Java Jive, Please Press One

Y's vote
Date: 09/04/2002
From: Yeontoo
For Round III, choose from the following:
Season 1 (choose one)
Luck of the Draw
Season 2 (choose one)
Time Again and World
Season 3 (choose 3)
The Fire Within
Dead Man Sliding
Season 4 (choose 3)
Virtual Slide
Just Say Yes
Season 5 (choose 2)
The Unstuck Man
Map of the Mind
My votes.
I also love almost every NANOSECOND of Star Trek too - ST! Hun, I LOVE STAR TREK!!

I hate you. ;-)
Date: 09/04/2002
From: MissingSliderLogan
You know who you are. <turns up power on C20202>

Voting is now closed
Date: 09/04/2002
From: DieselMickeyDolenz
BT must be disenfranchised.
I'll have the results up soon. The next round will be open longer.

Damn it Beavis!!<nim>
Date: 09/04/2002
BT be <nim>ble.

Original URL
Nominated by Blinker
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