Sliders episode Survivor (round 4)
Date: 09/04/2002
From: DieselMickeyDolenz
Previously voted off (in order):
Season 1: "Prince of Wails", "The King is Back"
Season 2: "El Sid", "The Good, the Bad, and the Wealthy"
Season 3: "The Breeder", "Slither", "The Exodus, Part II", "The Dream Masters", "This Slide of Paradise", "Paradise Lost"
Season 4: "The Chasm", "Data World", "Genesis", "Roads Taken", "Revelations", "California Reich"
Season 5: "Easy Slider", "The Great Work", "Requiem", "Heavy Metal"
The results from Round II:
Season 1
The Weaker Sex - 7
Fever - 6
Summer of Love - 2
Luck of the Draw - 2
Eggheads - 1
"The Weaker Sex" is eliminated.
Season 2
Time Again and World - 8
Love Gods - 4
The Young and the Relentless - 2
In Dino Veritas - 2
As Time Goes By - 1
Into the Mystic - 1
"Time Again and World" is eliminated.
Season 3
Electric Twister Acid Test - 9
Stoker - 9
The Last of Eden - 6
The Other Slide of Darkness - 6
Sole Survivors - 6
State of the A.R.T. - 5
The Guardian - 3
Desert Storm - 2
The Fire Within - 2
Dead Man Sliding - 2
The Exodus, Part I - 2
DragonSlide - 1
Rules of the Game - 1
Slide Like an Egyptian - 1
The Prince of Slides - 1
Dinoslide - 1
"Electric Twister Acid Test" and "Stoker" are eliminated. A three-way tie exists between "The Last of Eden", "The Other Slide of Darkness" and "Sole Survivors". Using the same tie-breaker as for round I, "The Other Slide of Darkness" scored a 2.5, "Last of Eden" scored 2.17, and "Sole Survivors" scored 1.33. "Sole Survivors" is the third episode voted out from Season 3 this round.
Season 4
The Dying Fields - 9
Mother and Child - 9
Prophets and Loss - 8
Way Out West - 5
Net Worth - 4
Virtual Slide - 4
Just Say Yes - 2
Lipschitz Live - 2
My Brother's Keeper - 2
Slide By Wire - 2
The Alternateville Horror - 1
Oh, Brother Where Art Thou? - 1
Common Ground - 1
Asylum - 1
"The Dying Fields", "Mother and Child" and "Prophets and Loss" are eliminated.
Season 5
The Java Jive - 7
Map of the Mind - 7
Please Press One - 6
The Seer - 5
New Gods for Old - 5
A Thousand Deaths - 2
The Unstuck Man - 1
Dust - 1
Heavy Metal - 1
Strangers and Comrades - 1
"The Java Jive" and "Map of the Mind" are eliminated.
"Data World" and "Heavy Metal" each recieved one vote, despite already having been voted off.
For Round IV, choose from the following:
Season 1 (choose one)
The Pilot, part I
The Pilot, part II
Summer of Love
Last Days
Luck of the Draw
Season 2 (choose one)
Into the Mystic
Love Gods
Gillian of the Spirits
In Dino Veritas
Post-Traumatic Slide Syndrome
The Young and the Relentless
As Time Goes By
Season 3 (choose 3)
Rules of the Game
Double Cross
The Guardian
Desert Storm
Dragon Slide
The Fire Within
The Prince of Slides
Dead Man Sliding
State of the A.R.T.
Season's Greedings
Murder Most Foul
Slide Like An Egyptian
The Exodus - Part I
The Last of Eden
The Other Slide of Darkness
Season 4 (choose *2*)
Common Ground
Virtual Slide
World Killer
Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?
Just Say Yes
The Alternateville Horror
Lipschitz Live!
Net Worth
Slide by Wire
Way Out West
My Brother's Keeper
Season 5 (choose 2)
The Unstuck Man
Applied Physics
Strangers and Comrades
New Gods for Old
Please Press One
A Current Affair
The Return of Maggie Beckett
A Thousand Deaths
To Catch a Slider
Eye of the Storm
The Seer
Note that the number of episodes to be vote out from S4 has been dropped from 3 to 2. Again, you're voting for the episode (or episodes) you'd like to see *eliminated*. The manner in which ties are broken will be changed in this round, but voting order still may come into play. Voting will remain open until at least the afternoon of Friday, September 6.
Thanks for participating!

My Vote !!!
Date: 09/04/2002
is made possible by BT.
S1: Fever
S2: Love Gods
S3: Stoker, Desert Storm, Other Slide of Darkness
S4: Virtual Slide, Net Worth
S5: To Catch A Slider, The Seer

Its getting hard.
Date: 09/04/2002
From: Slider_Paul
Im talking about the votes. Its geting harder and harder.
S1: Eggheads
S2: Time and again
S3: Desert Storm, Other Slide of Darkness, Sole Survivors
S4: Way Out West, Net Worth
S5: Please Press One, The Seer
Thats me done.

Finally, TAAW is GONE
Date: 09/04/2002
'Bout time, too! Yeesh.
My picks:
Season 1: Fever
Season 2: Post Traumatic Slide Syndrome
Season 3: Desert Storm, Fire Within, Other Slide of Darkness
Season 4: Common Ground, Virtual Slide
Season 5: Please Press One, New Gods for Old

TSoP-killer: this time, The Seer gets it
Date: 09/04/2002
BT, don't tempt the TSoP-killer!
Season 1: Eggheads.
Season 2: The Young and the Relentless.
Season 3: Slide Like an Egyptian, Dragon Slide and Desert Storm.
Season 4: Way Out West and My Brother's Keeper.
Season 5: The Seer and Please Press One.

The tribe has spoken...
Date: 09/04/2002
Beginning Text has left the island!
Season One: "Fever"
Season Two: "Love Gods"
Season Three: "DragonSlide," "The Guardian," "Desert Storm"
Season Four: "The Alternateville Horror," "World Killer" (For some reason, I feel like giving Lipschitz a fighting chance of winning its season. Don't worry, it'll pass.)
Season Five: "The Unstuck Man," "The Seer"
- Blinker 7:-µ

Ahem ...
Date: 09/04/2002
BT has nothing to say.
Season One: Summer of Love
Season Two: The Young and the Relentless
Season Three: Dead Man Sliding, Slide Like an Egyptian, Exodus (I warned ya'll. Stoker got eliminated, and I will find you. I will.)
Season Four: Lipschitz Live!, Way Out West
Season Five: To Catch a Slider, The Seer
How the H*** can you guys vote off Stoker and keep EXODUS?! I mean, seriously! I won't even go into how wrong it is that I'm still voting for Lipschitz Live and Way Out West. And you got rid of Java Jive. I mean, it's Java Jive!! (Don't kill Please Press One ... )
:D Sorry. I had to get that out of my system. (By the way, the H*** DOES actually spell heck. I know it doesn't look like it, but it does.)
I apologize again. I'm tired. I work nights. I haven't had my nap yet, and I'm gonna watch Sliders for the first time in FOREVER in 40 minutes. I'm hyper. :D

o/ They got the mustard ooooooout! o/
Date: 09/04/2002
From: SL4ever
BT has never been in a musical!!
I'm sad to see Stoker and Java Jive go because, while they sucked tons of ASS, they at least had good music in them where other just as crappy eps did not. >:-#
My votes:
Season 1 (choose one)
Summer of Love
Season 2 (choose one)
Love Gods
Season 3 (choose 3)
The Exodus - Part I
The Last of Eden
The Other Slide of Darkness
Season 4 (choose *2*)
Common Ground
Season 5 (choose 2)
New Gods for Old
The Seer

"I" survived!
Date: 09/04/2002
From: The_Seer
BT was also not voted off.
And I really thought "The Seer" was a goner. Hey, it make stick around long enough for me to start trying to vote it off ... but not this time.
Season 1 - "Eggheads" (Finally getting support on this one.)
Season 2 - "Greatfellas" (Hate to vote against an episode with Torme's dad in it but this one was mediocre at best.)
Season 3 - "The Other Slide of Darkness", "The Last of Eden", "Dinoslide" (Slowly but surely knocking off all Maggie episodes.)
Season 4 - "Net Worth", "My Brother's Keeper"
Season 5 - "Please Press One", "New Gods for Old"

Date: 09/04/2002
From: Slider_Quinn21
Can we get rid of BT already?!?!?!
S2-Love Gods
S3-The Other Slide of Darkness
Desert Storm
Dragon Slide
S4-Way Out West
Just Say Yes
The Seer

Holds down the delete key
Date: 09/04/2002
From: TemporalFlux
Reads the names as they scroll to oblivion...
Season one - "Fever"
Season two - "Love Gods"
Season three - "The Last of Eden", "The Other Slide of Darkness", "Desert Storm"
Season four - "Common Ground", "Asylum"
Season five - "A Thousand Deaths", "Strangers and Comrades"

Ugh, my picks.......
Date: 09/04/2002
From: Grizzlor
Might I add that Slide by Wire and Please Press One were REALLY BAD!!!!
Season 1 (choose one)
Summer of Love
Season 2 (choose one)
In Dino Veritas
Season 3 (choose 3)
State of the A.R.T.
Rules of the Game
The Fire Within
Season 4 (choose *2*)
Slide By Wire
Virtual Slide
Season 5 (choose 2)
Please Press One
Strangers and Comrades

my votes
Date: 09/04/2002
Season 1
Season 2
"The Young and the Relentless"
Season 3
"State of the A.R.T."
"The Last of Eden"
"The Other Slide of Darkness"
Season 4
"Way Out West"
"My Brother's Keeper"
Season 5
"Please Press One"
"A Thousand Deaths"

Y votes
Date: 09/05/2002
From: Yeontoo
Season 1 (choose one)
Luck of the Draw
Season 2 (choose one)
Into the Mystic
Love Gods
Gillian of the Spirits
As Time Goes By
Season 3 (choose 3)
The Fire Within
Dead Man Sliding
The Other Slide of Darkness
Season 4 (choose *2*)
Virtual Slide
My Brother's Keeper
Season 5 (choose 2)
The Unstuck Man
New Gods for Old

My turn!
Date: 09/05/2002
Season 1: Luck of the Draw
Season 2: In Dino Veritas
Season 3: The Guardian, Dragon Slide, Desert Storm
Season 4: Slide by Wire, Net Worth
Season 5: Please Press One, New Gods for Old
It's my personal mission to see The Guardian go! I really did not like this "time travel" ep eventhough many people did. Little Quinn, you must go!!

Date: 09/05/2002
From: Yeontoo
Season 2
ps. SE is mistaken! Guardian must stay! It's not time travel, its ...whatever they called it... and I liked it! Don't worry, I'll make it my personal mission to help SE see the light.

Oh, the agony!
Date: 09/05/2002
From: SouthernSlider
I fear two of my favorites will get it this time. They came so close in round 3. There is no logic, just a matter of taste.
Summer of Love
In Dino Veritas
The Fire Within
State of the A.R.T.
The Last of Eden
Common Ground
Just Say Yes
New Gods For Old
Please Press One

oooh, getting hard now...
Date: 09/05/2002
Well I still think it's unfair BT is still here.
Season 1: Fever
Season 2: Greatfellas
Season 3: Last of Eden, Dragonslide, Fire Within
Season 4: My Bro's Keeper, Common Ground
Seaosn 5: A Thousand Deaths, The Unstuck Man

I'm late, I'm apologetic
Date: 09/05/2002
From: Stax_
Season 1. Summer of Love
Season 2. Obsession
Season 3. Dragon Slide, The Last of Eden, Desert Storm
Season 4. Slidecage, Net Worth
Season 5. The Seer, The Unstuck Man

Round 4 votes:
Date: 09/05/2002
From: QuantumFluxLSV2
Season 1:
Season 2:
Season 3:
The Other Slide of Darkness
The Prince of Slides
Season 4:
Virtual Slide
Lipschitz Live!
Season 5:
The Seer
Please Press One

Darkness Falls...
Date: 09/05/2002
From: MissingSliderRyan
BT loves the dark, mostly.
I think a little poetry is in order. Name that scene. >:-P
Season 1
Darkness Falls
As I watch silently, my heart breaks
Only watching, nothing I can do
A mute observer
In the whole scheme of things
It means nothing
But the whole world to me
Too many unspoken words
Too many buried feelings
Too many wasted moments
Too many secrets
Not enough support
Not enough action
Not enough soul searching
Not enough time
Now it is ending
Not quickly
Not silently
Not peacefully
Not in the future
Not later
Nothing will fill the space
That was once yours
A piece of me, you will take
A piece of you, I will take
Together forever and more
If I could turn the clock back
Would I? No. Why?
Then I lose the lesson
Then nothing will change
I will learn nothing
What a waste
Darkness falls
Nothing I can do
Just a silent observer
In the grand scheme
Of the uncaring universe
~~~ The Pilot Part II
Season 2
Into The Mystic
The Exodus Part 1
The Last of Eden
The Other Slide Of Darkness
Shattering The Dream
Saccharine-laced happiness
Unearned bliss
Time to shatter the dream
Wide-eyed childish innocence
Easy to take advantage
Learning the ropes will take time
Time we don't have
Reminds me of another place and time
A murder
A watch
Now a lost friend
Too many memories
But now is not the time
~~~ Just Say Yes
Virtual Slide
New Gods for Old
Please Press One
Hey, can't we just get rid of Maggie? Voting would be much easier. O:-D
He'll find you no matter where you are or how far. He'll find you.
I see a coincidental thread amongst the ones voted off. <cough> Mulder <cough> ;-)
Funny how almost all the eppys voted off or in danger of being voted off inspired many of the NTSS poems.

And she eeks in...hopefully...
Date: 09/05/2002
From: KllyWlls
BT likes beef tongue... eeewwww...
S1- Summer of Love
S2- Invasion
S3- State of the A.R.T., The Last of Eden, The Other Slide of Darkness
S4- Virtual Slide, Common Ground
S5- New Gods for Old, A Thousand Deaths
Okayyyyy... there you goooooo....
Peace and Dry Erase Markers,

You ARE the weakest eps. goodbye.
Date: 09/06/2002
From: DieselMickeyDolenz
Voting is still open.
Season 1
Season 2
Season 3
The Other Slide of Darkness
State of the A.R.T.
Desert Storm
Season 4
Net Worth
Slide by Wire
Season 5
A Thousand Deaths
Strangers and Comrades
I'll be back this afternoon to tally the votes.

Voting is now closed
Date: 09/06/2002
From: DieselMickeyDolenz

Date: 09/09/2002

Original URL
Nominated by Blinker
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