Sliders episode Survivor (round 5)
Date: 09/06/2002
From: DieselMickeyDolenz
Previously voted off (in order):
Season 1: "Prince of Wails", "The King is Back", "The Weaker Sex"
Season 2: "El Sid", "The Good, the Bad, and the Wealthy", "Time Again and World"
Season 3: "The Breeder", "Slither", "The Exodus, Part II", "The Dream Masters", "This Slide of Paradise", "Paradise Lost", "Electric Twister Acid Test", "Stoker", "Sole Survivors"
Season 4: "The Chasm", "Data World", "Genesis", "Roads Taken", "Revelations", "California Reich", "The Dying Fields", "Mother and Child", "Prophets and Loss"
Season 5: "Easy Slider", "The Great Work", "Requiem", "Heavy Metal", "The Java Jive", "Map of the Mind"
The results from Round IV:
Season 1
Fever - 8
Summer of Love - 6
Eggheads - 4
Luck of the Draw - 2
Sliders, Part II - 1
"Fever" is eliminatd.
Season 2
Love Gods - 5
Greatfellas - 4
In Dino Veritas - 3
The Young and the Relentless - 3
Obsession - 2
Into the Mystic - 1
Invasion - 1
Post-Traumatic Slide Syndrome - 1
Time and Again - 1
"Love Gods" is eliminated.
Season 3
The Other Slide of Darkness - 13
Desert Storm - 10
The Last of Eden - 9
DragonSlide - 6
State of the ART - 5
The Fire Within - 5
The Exodus, Part I - 3
Dead Man Sliding - 2
Dinoslide - 2
Slide Like an Egyptian - 2
The Guardian - 2
Rules of the Game - 1
The Prince of Slides - 1
Stoker - 1
Sole Survivors - 1
"The Other Slide of Darkness", "Desert Storm" and "The Last of Eden" are eliminated.
Season 4
Virtual Slide - 7
Common Ground - 6
Net Worth - 6
My Brother's Keeper - 5
Way Out West - 5
Just Say Yes - 3
Slide By Wire - 3
Asylum - 2
Lipschitz Live! - 2
Slidecage - 1
The Alternateville Horror - 1
World Killer - 1
"Virtual Slide" is eliminated. There was a tie between "Common Ground" and "Net Worth" for the second elimination. I mentioned that a new tie-breaker would be used for this round, the tie-breaker will be previous votes. "Net Worth" had 11 votes from previous rounds, "Common Ground" had 1. "Net Worth" is eliminated.
Season 5
Please Press One - 10
The Seer - 9
New Gods for Old - 8
A Thousand Deaths - 5
The Unstuck Man - 4
Strangers and Comrades - 3
To Catch a Slider - 2
Dust - 1
"Please Press One" and "The Seer" are eliminated.
"Stoker" and "Sole Survivors" each received one vote, despite already having been voted off.
"Time and Again" received one vote, despite being an episode of Star Trek: Voyager.
For Round V, choose from the following:
Season 1 (choose one)
The Pilot, part I
The Pilot, part II
Summer of Love
Last Days
Luck of the Draw
Season 2 (choose one)
Into the Mystic
Gillian of the Spirits
In Dino Veritas
Post-Traumatic Slide Syndrome
The Young and the Relentless
As Time Goes By
Season 3 (choose 3)
Rules of the Game
Double Cross
The Guardian
Dragon Slide
The Fire Within
The Prince of Slides
Dead Man Sliding
State of the A.R.T.
Season's Greedings
Murder Most Foul
Slide Like An Egyptian
The Exodus - Part I
Season 4 (choose 2)
Common Ground
World Killer
Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?
Just Say Yes
The Alternateville Horror
Lipschitz Live!
Slide by Wire
Way Out West
My Brother's Keeper
Season 5 (choose 2)
The Unstuck Man
Applied Physics
Strangers and Comrades
New Gods for Old
A Current Affair
The Return of Maggie Beckett
A Thousand Deaths
To Catch a Slider
Eye of the Storm
No change this time in the number of episodes to be voted out from each season. Again, you're voting for the episode (or episodes) you'd like to see *eliminated*. Tie will be settled by counting votes from previous rounds, but voting order will still come into play if the first tie-breaker does not produce a loser. Voting will remain open until at least the afternoon of Monday, September 9.
Thanks for participating!

Ooh, I'm first!
Date: 09/06/2002
BT is never first in my mind!
Getting really difficult now!
Season 1: I suppose it'll have to be Summer of Love :(
Season 2: Greatfellas
Season 3: Dragonslide, Fire Within, State of the ART
Season 4: Common Ground, My Brother's Keeper
Season 5: A Thousand Deaths, The Unstuck Man

Round 5 Votes:
Date: 09/06/2002
From: QuantumFluxLSV2
Season 1:
Luck of the Draw
Season 2:
Season 3:
The Fire Within
The Prince of Slides
State of the A.R.T.
Season 4:
Common Ground
Lipschitz Live!
Season 5:
The Unstuck Man
New Gods for Old

Decisions, decisions...
Date: 09/06/2002
From: SouthernSlider
But not about BT. It's automatically out.
Summer of Love
In Dino Veritas
The Fire Within
State of the A.R.T.
Common Ground
Just Say Yes
New Gods For Old
Strangers and Comrades

"Time and Again?" HHH!
Date: 09/06/2002
All right. Round 5, here we go:
Season 1: Summer of Love
Season 2: Post Traumatic Slide Syndrome
Season 3: Dragonslide, Fire Within, Exodus part I
Season 4: My Brother's Keeper, Common Ground
Season 5: New Gods for Old, A Thousand Deaths
Kudos to you sir. And kudos again!

dark horse
Date: 09/06/2002
From: darkslider
Voting eh...? The last time I was involved in such things...a lunatic with five thousand voices in his head ordered me off this little playland.
However, there is a certain delight in killing things on my end, so...
Here are my choices...
Season 1: Eggheads
Season 2: Post Traumatic Slide Syndrome
Season 3: Dead Man Sliding, DinoSlide, Slide Like An Egyptian
Season 4: Lipschitz Live!, Way Out West
Season 5: New Gods for Old, A Current Affair
As for plans to vote off "The Gaurdian"?! ARE YOU PEOPLE MAD?!
Applause are in order for you creativity not only here, but in all other avenues as well. Keep up the good work.

My torch has finally been extinguished
Date: 09/06/2002
From: The_Seer
Yet BT has not been voted off yet.
Oh well, at least some people seem to realize that, while it certainly wasn't a great episode, "The Seer" wasn't quite as bad when compared to certain other season 5 episodes.
Let's see ... darkslider thinks the person who wants to vote off "The Guardian" is nuts, then he wants to vote off "PTSS"???
Enough of my comments, let's get to my votes:
Season 1 - "Eggheads"
Season 2 - "Greatfellas"
Season 3 - "Dinoslide", "Slide Like An Egyptian", "The Fire Within"
Season 4 - "My Brother's Keeper", "Way Out West"
Season 5 - "New Gods for Old", "Dust"

my votes
Date: 09/06/2002
Season 1
Season 2
"The Young and the Relentless"
Season 3
"State of the A.R.T."
"Season's Greedings"
"Rules of the Game"
Season 4
"Way Out West"
"My Brother's Keeper"
Season 5
"A Thousand Deaths"

TSoP-killer: *eliminate* deluxe
Date: 09/06/2002
BT, like bad TV, must be eliminated!
BT, like bad TV, must be eliminated!
Season 1: Eggheads.
Season 2: The Young and the Relentless.
Season 3: Dragon Slide, Slide Like an Egyptian, The Exodus, Part I.
Season 4: Way Out West and My Brother's Keeper.
Season 5: A Thousand Deaths and The Unstuck Man. (Since I'm a fish out of water now that most of the episodes I've seen from this season that I wanted voted off are already gone, SliderSarah gets two votes!)

"Did you really believe 'Virtual Slide'
Date: 09/06/2002
could become the Episode Survivor? Well then, you're on CRACK."
Season One: "Last Days"
Season Two: "Invasion"
Season Three: "Double Cross," "Season's Greedings," "Murder Most Foul"
Season Four: "Just Say Yes," "The Alternateville Horror" (Horror does not *begin* to cover that 7>:-# episode.)
Season Five: "The Unstuck Man," "A Thousand Deaths"
At this point, my choices have lost all relevance to which episodes I consider worst. It's strategic voting all the way, baby.
- Blinker 7:-)

Voties, voties, voties
Date: 09/06/2002
One in here especially for Dark!
S1: Luck of the Draw
S2: In Dino Veritas
S3: THE GUARDIAN, State of the A.R.T., Dinoslide
S4: Slide by Wire, Asylum
S5: New Gods for Old, To Catch a Slider
I can't believe these stupid dino ones are still in here!

Arm the Death Ray
Date: 09/06/2002
From: Slider_Quinn21
Rock the Sliders vote!!!!!!!!!!!
S1-Luck of the Draw
State of the ART
The Fire Within
S4-Way Out West
Just Say Yes
A Current Affair

Y's voting again, ;-)
Date: 09/06/2002
From: Yeontoo
Season 1 (choose one)
Luck of the Draw
Season 2 (choose one)
As Time Goes By
Season 3 (choose 3)
The Fire Within
The Prince of Slides
Season 4 (choose 2)
Common Ground
Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?
Season 5 (choose 2)
The Unstuck Man
New Gods for Old

Hot voting goodness.
Date: 09/06/2002
From: SL4ever
BT is hot from flaming!! :-P
Season 1 (choose one)
Summer of Love
Season 2 (choose one)
In Dino Veritas
Season 3 (choose 3)
State of the A.R.T.
The Exodus - Part I
Season 4 (choose 2)
Common Ground
World Killer
Season 5 (choose 2)
Strangers and Comrades
New Gods for Old

I will not eliminate BT
Date: 09/06/2002
From: SIider_PauI
Because BT is the best.
Actually, I won't eliminate any episode in which there are multiple undelating wormholes. I really love multiple undelating wormholes.

Round 5 Here I Come!!!
Date: 09/06/2002
From: sliderules
BT go home
Well, as things get more thought provoking here, i would like to take the time to say that I, sldierules, will not be voting off "Guardian" or "PTSS" until at least the much later rounds. I thank you for your time. And now, my votes:
Season 1:
Summer of Love
Season 2:
The Young and The Relentless
Season 3:
Dragon Slide, State of the ART, Exodus Part 1
Season 4:
Lipschitz Live!, Way Out West
Season 5:
New Gods For Old, A Thousand Deaths
There you have it folks, enjoy your day!
"Do you like...pie?"

rownd five
Date: 09/06/2002
From: Grizzlor
Season 1 (choose one)
Summer of Love
Season 2 (choose one)
In Dino Veritas
Season 3 (choose 3)
The Fire Within
State of the A.R.T.
Season 4 (choose 2)
Slide by Wire
Common Ground
Season 5 (choose 2)
Strangers and Comrades
Spacetime, we are not voting off PTSS for Season 2 this early. even with darkslider's help.

Opens the white out
Date: 09/06/2002
From: TemporalFlux
Reads the names as the liquid erases them from the page...
Season one - "Eggheads"
Season two - "Greatfellas"
Season three - "Dinoslide", "The Exodus Part 1", "DragonSlide"
Season four - "Common Ground", "Asylum"
Season five - "A Thousand Deaths", "Strangers and Comrades"

"To know us is to love us."
Date: 09/06/2002
From: MissingSliderRyan
BT's the next in line for the ditch.
Season 1
The Pilot Part II
Season 2
Into The Mystic
The Exodus Part 1
Slide Like An Egyptian
The Fire Within
Just Say Yes
Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?
Since I can't remember whether or not JRD's DaVinci stint on Voyager was prior to Oh Brother or not, I'll say this... stop ripping off MacGyver. ;-)
New Gods for Old
Eye of the Storm

Keep ya hands off ma episodes, honey
Date: 09/07/2002
From: Stax_
Season 1 (choose one)
Summer of Love
Season 2 (choose one)
Season 3 (choose 3)
Dinoslide, Dragon Slide, State of the A.R.T.
Season 4 (choose 2)
Common Ground, My Brother's Keeper
Season 5 (choose 2)
The Unstuck Man, Dust
Eusti, any chance of some kind of Immunity Challenge for the episodes. Of course I have no idea how one would go, who would get to vote or any of that practical stuff... this idea is being thrown out after having seen Eggheads, EGGGHEADS voted off.

My votes
Date: 09/09/2002
From: DieselMickeyDolenz
Season 1
Summer of Love
Season 2
Season 3
State of the A.R.T.
The Exodus - Part I
Season 4
Slide by Wire
Lipschitz Live!
Season 5
A Thousand Deaths
Strangers and Comrades

Voting is now closed
Date: 09/09/2002
From: DieselMickeyDolenz

Original URL
Nominated by Blinker
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