Sliders episode Survivor (round Eleven)
Date: 09/20/2002
From: DieselMickeyDolenz
Previously voted off (in order):
Season 1: "Prince of Wails", "The King is Back", "The Weaker Sex", "Fever", "Summer of Love", “Eggheads”, “Luck of the Draw”
Season 2: "El Sid", "The Good, the Bad, and the Wealthy", "Time Again and World", "Love Gods", "Greatfellas", “In Dino Veritas”, “The Young and the Relentless”, "As Time Goes By", "Season's Greedings", "Obsession"
Season 3: "The Breeder", "Slither", "The Exodus, Part II", "The Dream Masters", "This Slide of Paradise", "Paradise Lost", "Electric Twister Acid Test", "Stoker", "Sole Survivors", "The Other Slide of Darkness", "Desert Storm", "The Last of Eden", "State of the A.R.T.", "Dinoslide", "The Fire Within", "DragonSlide", "The Exodus, Part I", "Slide Like an Egyptian", “The Prince of Slides”, "Rules of the Game"
Season 4: "The Chasm", "Data World", "Genesis", "Roads Taken", "Revelations", "California Reich", "The Dying Fields", "Mother and Child", "Prophets and Loss", "Virtual Slide", "Net Worth", "Common Ground", "My Brother's Keeper", "Way Out West", "Just Say Yes", “Slide by Wire”, "Asylum", "The Alternateville Horror"
Season 5: "Easy Slider", "The Great Work", "Requiem", "Heavy Metal", "The Java Jive", "Map of the Mind", "Please Press One", "The Seer", "New Gods for Old", "A Thousand Deaths", "Strangers and Comrades", “The Unstuck Man”, “Dust”, "A Current Affair"
The results from Round X:
Season 1: On hold. The Pilot, parts I & II, remain.
Season 2
Gillian of the Spirits - 9
Invasion - 5
Into the Mystic - 2
Post-Traumatic Slide Syndrome - 2
"Gillian of the Spirits" is eliminated.
Season 3
Murder Most Foul - 9
The Guardian - 8
Dead Man Sliding - 1
"Murder Most Foul" is eliminated. (Sorry, Quinn)
Season 4
Oh Brother, Where Art Thou? - 10
Lipschitz Live! - 4
Slidecage - 3
World Killer - 1
"Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?" is eliminated.
Season 5
To Catch a Slider - 8
Eye of the Storm - 5
The Return of Maggie Beckett - 3
Applied Physics - 2
"To Catch a Slider" is eliminated.
For Round XI, choose from the following:
Season 2
Into the Mystic
Post-Traumatic Slide Syndrome
Season 3
Double Cross
The Guardian
Dead Man Sliding
Season 4
World Killer
Lipschitz Live!
Season 5
Applied Physics
The Return of Maggie Beckett
Eye of the Storm
The rules remain the same: Choose one episode from each season that you'd like to see *eliminated*. Ties will be settled by counting votes from previous rounds, if this does not produce a loser a runoff will be held. Voting will remain open until at least the afternoon of Monday, September 23.
Thanks for participating!
P.S. SouthernSlider, you're welcome. Even if you are a dawg :-P

I've had a Change of Heart...
Date: 09/20/2002
But not about BT's worthlessness!!
...and so, for this round only, strategic voting takes a holiday and Blinker chooses the episodes he genuinely thinks the least of...
Season Two: "Into the Mystic" (That's easy!)
Season Three: "Dead Man Sliding"
Season Four: "Slidecage"
Season Five: "Applied Physics"
...okay, with one exception. Hey, TROMB is gonna need all the help it can get!
- Blinker 7:-/

Date: 09/20/2002
From: Slider_Quinn21
A plague on all your houses!!!!!!!!!
Wait, why am I mad? ;-)
I apologize to "The Guardian" Long live GUARDIAN! :-)
To the voting...
S2-Into the Mystic
S3-Double Cross
S5-Eye of the Storm
Long live Dallas! (even though the Cowboys and Rangers suck)

Date: 09/20/2002
From: KllyWlls
BT loves Pete.
S2- Invasion....INVASION!!!!
S3- Dead Man Sliding
S4- Slidecage
S5- Eye of the Storm
Please can you use your magic powers to ensure Invasion is bumped off this time????
Well... I tried.

This is getting exciting.
Date: 09/20/2002
From: The_Seer
Even BT is on the edge of its seat.
Out of all the episodes that are left, 6 of them are on my personal Top 10 list of all time favorite Sliders episodes (in this case, I'm counting the Pilot as one episode). Of course all of the episodes from my personal top 10 worst list have long been voted off. Anyhow, if the voting goes my way then I think we'll have some pretty exciting final showdowns for each season (yes, including Season 4 & 5 IMO). So here's my votes:
Season 2 - "Into the Mystic"
Season 3 - "Dead Man Sliding"
Season 4 - "Slidecage"
Season 5 - "Applied Physics"

Seven come eleven
Date: 09/20/2002
From: TemporalFlux
Gives list to Big Vinnie along with the title to his car...
Season two - "Invasion"
Season three - "The Guardian"
Season four - "Lipschitz Live!"
Season five - "Eye of the Storm"

This is the round...
Date: 09/20/2002
That The Guardian finally goes down!
Season 2: Into the Mystic
Season 3: The GUARDIAN (die!)
Season 4: Slidecage
Season 5: Eye of the Storm

Y's vote
Date: 09/20/2002
From: Yeontoo
Season 2
Post-Traumatic Slide Syndrome
Season 3
The Guardian
Season 4
Lipschitz Live!
Season 5
Applied Physics

Bean Dalah
Date: 09/20/2002
My votes are as follows:
Season 2: PTSS
Season 3: The Guardian
Season 4: LL!
Season 5: EotS

Can you say conspiracy?
Date: 09/20/2002
From: MissingSliderRyan
BT loves conspiracies.
Say bye bye to Sorcerer, Little Boy, Grunge and Scientist.
Season 2
Into the Mystic
Season 3
The Guardian
Season 4
World Killer
Season 5
Eye of the Storm
Season 8 and 9
Any episode with Doggett paired with Reyes
P.S. I still hate you. :-*

Date: 09/20/2002
From: sliderules
Oy, now it gets tough. I think Season 2 is now the hardest to make a decision on, as all the eps left are personal favorites of mine. However, I must pass judgement. Whose cuisine will reign supreme???
Season 2:
Season 3:
Dead Man Sliding (LONG LIVE GUARDIAN!!!)
Season 4:
Lipschitz Live! (DIE ALREADY!)
Season 5:
The Return of Maggie Beckett
I swear to God, Round 12 will be tough to do. Major thinking involved.

This one goes to eleven.
Date: 09/20/2002
How much more BT could it be? None more BT.
Season 2: Invasion
Season 3: The Guardian
Season 4: Slidecage
Season 5: The Return of Maggie Beckett

Destroy All Episodes
Date: 09/20/2002
S3 needed a Godzilla ripoff.
Season 2 - Into the Mystic. A THOUSAND TIMES Into the Mystic. You must destroy this horror. Destroy it UTTERLY.
Season 3 - Dead Man Sliding
Season 4 - Um, hello. World Killer, much?
Season 5 - Eye of the Storm! Dear god, man!

my votes...
Date: 09/20/2002
Season 2
"Post-Traumatic Slide Syndrome"
Season 3
"The Guardian"
Season 4
Season 5
"The Return of Maggie Beckett"

mine votes
Date: 09/21/2002
From: Grizzlor
uh, I hope the trolls voting don't count? If you know what I mean.
Season 2
Invasion (Hey, I thought Into the Mystic was good, very Season 1-like)
Season 3
Dead Man Sliding (Once again, wusses vote against the Guardian. Hey, I like Double Cross too, but lets see the best ones duel it out. Dead Man sliding should have been gone early.)
Season 4
SlideCage (Finally, it can be gone, since I've voted ag. it for about 2 weeks)
Season 5
Eye of the Storm (The Seer, To Catch a slider and Dust were 1000 times better than this crap, of the "Final 4" episodes back then) Gotta admit, I'm liking Return of Beckett's chances. Man this season stunk!

Date: 09/21/2002
From: QuantumFluxLSV2
Season 2
Season 3
Dead Man Sliding
Season 4
Lipschitz Live!
Season 5
The Return of Maggie Beckett

I'd like to know what you mean, Grizzlor
Date: 09/21/2002
From: FogBoy
Looking over the list of people voting in this thread, I'm rather curious who you consider a "troll" since I recognize pretty much all of them.

I missed two rounds!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOO
Date: 09/21/2002
Stupid computer not turning on damn evil thing meanie.
Grrrrr. Okay, here goes.
Season 2: Into The Mystic
Season 3: Dead Man Sliding
Season 4: Slidecage
Season 5: Eye of the Storm

This is weird
Date: 09/21/2002
From: SouthernSlider
Of course, we know BT is weird.
Out of the remaining choices, one of those is going to be considered the best ep of that season? I don't think so.
The Guardian
World Killer
Applied Physics
PS to DMD: Looks like the football trio - me, you, and Brit - are happy campers this weekend. Major congrats on clobbering the putrid orange.

Just being cautious Fogboy
Date: 09/21/2002
From: Grizzlor
I'm just reminding to watch out for these handles you've never seen before making a vote. I applaud everyone here who have been honest and not done any of that. But I think it would be stupid to have people with multiple names (trolls) stuff the ballot.

My votes...
Date: 09/22/2002
From: GhostWriter
for this round are:
Season 2: Invasion
Season 3: Dead Man Sliding
Season 4: Lipschitz Live!
Season 5: The Return of Maggie Beckett

and mine....
Date: 09/23/2002
From: DieselMickeyDolenz
"Dead Man Sliding" better than "The Guardian"? Are you people INSANE?
Season Two: Invasion
Season Three: Dead Man Sliding
Season Four: Lipschitz Live!
Season Five: The Return of Maggie Beckett

Voting is now closed
Date: 09/23/2002
From: DieselMickeyDolenz
so there.

Date: 10/02/2002
jc <NIM>

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Nominated by Blinker
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