Sliders episode Survivor (round 13)
Date: 09/25/2002
From: DieselJeffProbst
Previously voted off (in order):
Season 1: Prince of Wails, The King is Back, The Weaker Sex, Fever, Summer of Love, Eggheads, Luck of the Draw
Season 2: El Sid, The Good, the Bad, and the Wealthy, Time Again and World, Love Gods, Greatfellas, In Dino Veritas, The Young and the Relentless, As Time Goes By, Season's Greedings, Obsession, Gillian of the Spirits, Invasion
Season 3: The Breeder, Slither, The Exodus, Part II, The Dream Masters, This Slide of Paradise, Paradise Lost, Electric Twister Acid Test, Stoker, Sole Survivors, The Other Slide of Darkness, Desert Storm, The Last of Eden, State of the A.R.T., Dinoslide, The Fire Within, DragonSlide, The Exodus, Part I, Slide Like an Egyptian, The Prince of Slides, Rules of the Game, Murder Most Foul, Dead Man Sliding
Season 4: The Chasm, Data World, Genesis, Roads Taken, Revelations, California Reich, The Dying Fields, Mother and Child, Prophets and Loss, Virtual Slide, Net Worth, Common Ground, My Brother's Keeper, Way Out West, Just Say Yes, Slide by Wire, Asylum, The Alternateville Horror, Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?, Slidecage
Season 5: Easy Slider, The Great Work, Requiem, Heavy Metal, The Java Jive, Map of the Mind, Please Press One, The Seer, New Gods for Old, A Thousand Deaths, Strangers and Comrades, The Unstuck Man, Dust, A Current Affair, To Catch a Slider, Eye of the Storm
The results from Round XII:
Season 1:
The Pilot, part II - 19
The Pilot, part I - 4
Sliders, part II is eliminated. Sliders, part I is the Season One Survivor.
Season 2
Into the Mystic - 19
Post-Traumatic Slide Syndrome - 4
Into the Mystic is eliminated. Post-Traumatic Slide Syndrome is the Season Two Survivor.
Season 3
The Guardian - 12
Double Cross - 11
In a close vote, The Guardian is eliminated. Double Cross is the Season Three Survivor.
Season 4
Lipschitz Live! - 14
World Killer - 9
Lipschitz is no longer Live! World Killer is the Season Four Survivor.
Season 5
The Return of Maggie Beckett - 13
Applied Physics - 10
The Rerturn of HoMaggs is eliminated. Applied Physics is the Season Five cannon fodder.
For Round XIII, choose one of the following:
The Pilot, part I
Post-Traumatic Slide Syndrome
Double Cross
World Killer
Applied Physics
Choose the episode you'd like to see *eliminated*. Ties will be settled through a runoff, as this is the first vote since the merge. Votes in this round may be used as a tiebreaker in future rounds. Voting will remain open until at least the afternoon of Friday, September 27, 2002 A.D., Eastern Daylight Time.
Thanks for participating!

It's a no-brainer.
Date: 09/25/2002
Appropriate, since BT has no brains.
Applied Physics, you're outta here!

Applied Physics
Date: 09/25/2002
From: Recall317
Sorry S5, but you just can't compete.

Call me crazy...
Date: 09/25/2002
From: Slider_Quinn21
You can definitely call BT crazy!
I'm going to vote for "Double Cross". World Killer and Applied Physics just did more for me.
Don't get me wrong. I liked "Double Cross" but, to me, its too "season 3". Plus, I have to avenge the Guardian.
Yeah, I know I tried to kill it, but I had my reasons...
"Double Cross"

No-brainer, indeed.
Date: 09/25/2002
World Killer must die.

Merge this one away
Date: 09/25/2002
From: TemporalFlux
"Applied Physics"

Sliders episode Survivor(Round 13)
Date: 09/25/2002
Wasn't Season's Greedings in season 3?

here is my selection....
Date: 09/25/2002
applied physics without any doubt!!!!!!
sliding thru,
Marvello :-)

Episode Killer
Date: 09/25/2002
From: The_Seer
BT didn't do it.
I choose "World Killer" to vote off over "Applied Physics" in kind of a squeaker for several reasons:
1) "World Killer" does take place in San Francisco but it just isn't the same without doubles of Quinn's mom or dad, Bennish, Pavel, or even Ross J. Kelley.
2) Since when is Quinn's house located on a large hill?
3) The whole "Boss" subplot was really lame.
4) Mallory still being connected strongly to Quinn and his mention of how much "he" misses the Professor in "Applied Physics" was great.
5) Diana's struggle to adjust to sliding and seeing her double was handled pretty well.
6) Got a kick out of the non-response Mallory gets when he asks which Quinn did the group want. Hell, after putting up with your jokes for a while they'd probably pick Logan St. Claire or Rickman over you.
And finally...
7) Just on the principle that my least favorite season is Season 4.

Right who voted off The Guardian?
Date: 09/25/2002
Grrrrr... why isn't anyone home? They should have all got back by now and Claire already went to bed! Bloody men!
I'm going to go for World Killer. I know it's probably going to be Applied Physics that goes, but I really like that episode.
Simple enough!
P.S. This American keyboard is really annoying me! some of the buttons are in the wrong place and there's no pound sign!!

Date: 09/25/2002
From: QuantumFluxLSV2
Applied Physics

It's down to Musical Chairs now...
Date: 09/25/2002
Beginning Text should be charred!!
Well, I'm going to help out Quinn again and vote down "Double Cross." You never know, it just might make that crucial difference...
- Blinker 7:-/

jeff probst was a Monkee I guess
Date: 09/25/2002
From: Grizzlor
What, no Davy Jones!
I cannot begin to understand why some people are voting for Double Cross. They need to quit griping.
I have to vote for APPLIED PHYSICS. I hate the episode, because as I recall, when it first aired, I was kicking the beans out of all my furniture, because of the DAMN HIDEOUS way they wrote the O'Connells/Mallorys off the show. I don't care if this episode had won an EMMY, I think it stinks. The only thing that keeps this one alive is spite!

In a stunning comeback the Guardian is
Date: 09/25/2002
DEFEATED!! :-D Go female Quinn doubles!!
Vote this round: "Applied Physics"
And Grizzlor, it's in The Unstuck Man that they wrote out the O'Cs.

my vote is for "World Killer"
Date: 09/26/2002
Just so we eventually rid the voting pool of all that was S4!
It looks like my "Applied Physics" is going to be burned to a crisp, so I will vote for "World Killer" as counting toward future rounds of voting.
At least that it a testament to the implication that, out of all the S5 episodes at least, "Applied Physics" is one of the most popular.

I know that Sabre...
Date: 09/26/2002
From: Grizzlor
I was still en fuego at that point. In the first 3 episodes of Season 5, the dummies used them to basically UNWRITE the unfinished arc from Season 4. I was unhappy with all of them. the whole Geiger, Quinn Merge was so badly done I cringe at it. However, with the following 13 episodes, only 1 (Requiem) involved past Sliders history. And of course I thought that one was aweful, too. Then there was Eye of the Storm, more PAIN! And finally The Seer, which I enjoyed somewhat, because they Finally stopped trying to play off the past HORRORS that they had written, at least somewhat.

Down to the wire...
Date: 09/26/2002
From: KllyWlls
.... BT's pants are on fire....
Applied Physics
That's my vote!
"You can check out any time you want.. but you can never leave."

"World Killer"
Date: 09/26/2002

I think I'll go with...
Date: 09/26/2002
From: sliderules
Hey BT, get out of here, you're ruining my post!
"World Killer"
It was good folks, but it simply wasn't as good as "Applied Physics." Like mentioned by a few earlier, since when IS Quinn's house on a hill?
"Next on Scif-Fi: "Electric Twister Acid Test: The Animates Series."

This is crazy..
Date: 09/26/2002
From: SouthernSlider
just like BT has been all this time.
World Killer can't possibly be the best ep in S4, but I'll get to it later.
Right now, the ep that has to go is APPLIED PHYSICS!

add a negative exponent to theta...
Date: 09/26/2002
Minus the root of BT.
The correct answer is Aplied Physics.

o/ Be my, be my, be my-
Date: 09/26/2002
From: SL4ever
BT can be my Yoko Ono!! o/ >:-#
And the loser is: World Killer
How this horrid ep survived I'll never know but here's the door, chump!

My vote
Date: 09/26/2002
From: GhostWriter
Applied Physics

Date: 09/27/2002
From: MissingSliderLogan
BT loves to make fun of us.
Let's see here. Interesting choices that are left. I can't vote for PTSS because it's double the hunka hunka burning love though not extra crispy. I can't vote for me because that's not ethical. LOL. <smiles impishly> Ethical? Though I didn't like Grunge Quinn, there are two Quinns in that one. Oooo, Quintessential Diana vs. Smarter Quinn. Ooooo... he's so hot. There's two Quinns in that one too. Diana makes people wonder if scientists are a bunch of wacky people living in their own world. <rolls eyes> ATM machine, yeah right.
Well, I'll have to vote for Pilot, Part I because an idiot like Quinn never should have gone sliding without knowing the formula.
Where's the mayo?

'World Killer'
Date: 09/27/2002
From: DMD
The Whigs must die! (Torries rule!)

Voting is now closed
Date: 09/27/2002
From: DMD

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Nominated by Blinker
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