Sliders episode Survivor (final round)
Date: 10/03/2002
From: DieselJeffProbst
Welcome to the final round of the Sliders episode Survivor.
Survivors from each season were as follows:
Season One: The Pilot, part I
Season Two: Post-Traumatic Slide Syndrome
Season Three: Double Cross
Season Four: World Killer
Season Five: Applied Physics
Applied Physics was then eliminated, followed by World Killer.
Results of Round 15:
Double Cross - 9
The Pilot, part I - 8
Post-Traumatic Slide Syndrome - 2
Double Cross is eliminated.
For the final round, choos from the following:
The Pilot, part I
Post-Traumatic Slide Syndrome
Choose the episode you'd like to see *eliminated*. A tie will be settled by votes from rounds 13, 14 and 15. Voting will remain open until at least the afternoon of Monday, October 7, 2002 A.D., Eastern Daylight Time.
Thanks for participating!
P.S. For those that were wondering about the handle change, Jeff Probst is the smarmy host of the Survivor television series. The change is not permanent, I assure you.

Good job, DMD! :-D As for the vote...
Date: 10/03/2002
From: TemporalFlux
"The Pilot - Part 1"

Final vote and suggestion
Date: 10/03/2002
From: Slider_Quinn21
I suggest BT gets voted off NOW!!!!!!
Like I said in a previous post, PTSS is one of the reasons I love sliders so much. Such a brilliant, subtly great episode. Who would've thunk it?
Plus, my whole fanfiction career stems from it, and its the episode that could unlock the original cast in the current continuity.
So, although the Pilot is great, it is better as a whole. And PTSS defeats half of it...
So, I vote to eliminate the Pilot!!!
We all knew coming into this that PTSS and the Pilot were going to be #'s 1 and 2. It was all a matter of 3rd place and beyond.
But what is the WORST episode? This Slide of Paradise? The Breeder? The Chasm? Easy Slider? Time Again and Slide?
Find out next time on Sliders Survivor with your host DieselJeffProbst...?

Must end those acursed Arturo debates...
Date: 10/03/2002
...and eliminated PTSS. Forever!

Pilot Part 1 Must Rock On!!!!
Date: 10/03/2002
Eliminate PTSS!!!!

My Vote:
Date: 10/03/2002
From: QuantumFluxLSV2
Post-Traumatic Slide Syndrome

I vote against The Pilot, Part 1
Date: 10/03/2002
I vote against The Pilot, Part 1
So which ep should I vote off? Let's consider this logically.
*The Pilot, Part 1. A solid episode, no doubt. As many have said, it's the ep that started it all, and that's got to be taken in consideration. It's got some good humor, some of the best guest star acting of the series and introduces us to the characters we all know and love. This is what hooked me on this series
*Post Traumatic Slide Syndrome. A solid character-driven plot with great acting by all involved, particularly John Rhys-Davies. The dilemmas of "PTSS" are well explored and the scene between Jerry and Sabrina that culminates in "Do you want to stay, too?" is a notable high point. But of course, what makes the story is the final conflict between the two Arturos.
Perhaps if the events of "The Exodus" had never happened, "PTSS" would be considered inferior to "The Pilot" (or even to "Invasion" or "Double Cross"). But because it gives us fanfic writers a chance to resurrect our beloved Professor, I must defer to its superiority.
So, in short, I vote against The Pilot, Part 1.

Damnation Island
Date: 10/03/2002
"Now BT's in hell..."
Well, there's only one choice here: "The Pilot, Part I" must be destroyed.
DMD: Um, while you're right that there's only one choice left to be made, there's actually *two* different op--
BLINKER: *Shhhhhh.*
Anyway, thanks for a great autumntime diversion! I'm looking forward to seeing it go right down to the wire!
- Blinker 7:-I <----- nail-biting tension

"Hope for everything, expect nothing"
Date: 10/03/2002
From: The_Seer
BT hopes "PTSS" is the Survivor.
Even if "PTSS" were going up against the entire 2 hour Pilot there would be no doubt in my mind as to which one I would vote off. IMO, "PTSS" was the peak of "Sliders" and is the best Sliders episode period. Therefore, I vote to eliminate "The Pilot, Part I".

A Pilot divided against itself...
Date: 10/03/2002
From: Recall317
...cannot stand.
The Pilot may well be the best episode ever of Sliders, but half of it can't stand against "PTSS." So I eliminate Part 1.
"PTSS" is not my favorite ep of all-time, but it is a worthy champion.

Can't vote against Season 1
Date: 10/03/2002
From: Grizzlor
Obviously, the pilot should have been considered as one entity rather than split. I cannot vote against season 1 at all, regardless. Still, I feel that the Pilot holds up even in half over PTSS in some ways. Namely, that the concept was born. PTSS obviously was a better "episode," but the Pilot was just too special.
PTSS off

I vote for World Killer again!
Date: 10/03/2002
From: SL4ever
That hair was OUTF-ING-RAGEOUS!! >:-#
But since that ep has been eliminated I vote for The Pilot, part I

It all comes down to this...
Date: 10/03/2002
From: sliderules
BT on a stick with mushrooms and garlic!
Wow. You know, when this game started I kinda saw this coming. I had a feeling it would come down to Season 1 and 2, but I wasn't sure if the 2 Champ would be PTSS, Invader, or LOTD. I also wasn't too sure if Pilot Part 1 would beat out Eggheads, or Part 2. But, both stood on, and defeated the other.
Now however, a decision must be made.
I want to vote off PTSS, I really do. It's just me this was the pilot. I've never mentioned this before, but PTSS was my first episode of Sliders. I mean, I ahd heard of it ebfore, and wanted to catch an episode, but I neevr did. Then, I heard a radio commercial for it.
"And, this week on Sliders, after a year of travels, the group finally makes it home."
I couldn't pass this up, so I sat down and watched it, and immediately i was hooked. Sure, I saw The Pilot during re-runs that season, but PTSS still stuck with me the most after that. If not for that promo, that episode, I may evry well have decided not to catch Sliders after all.
For these reasons, I'm forced to vote off "The Pilot Part 1" Pilot, have a happy landing. You started it all, but I still love PTSS.
"Looking for this?"

The last one
Date: 10/04/2002

Y's vote
Date: 10/04/2002
From: Yeontoo
The Pilot, part I
That's it, the second best episode.

This computer is so slow!!!!!!
Date: 10/04/2002
Damn university virus ridden puters!!
Well, I'm gonna have to vote for Pilot part 1. PTSS is my fave of all time and I refuse to get rid of it.

Oh, gosh. This is so hard.
Date: 10/04/2002
From: SouthernSlider
But easy to vote off BT.
I guess I have to vote on the Pilot, I. There was so much potential for PTSS. And what a war of thought on Arturo.
DMD: Thanks for the explanation. I guess the DAWG is out of the bag. I have never watched Survivor.

time for the final council ruling......
Date: 10/04/2002
it is a hard choice,so i must take..........PTSS
just sliding by,
Marvello :-#

This is such a difficult choice
Date: 10/04/2002
BT gets thrown off the Azure Gate Bridge!
Also, I must vote for PTSS to be thrown off the Azure Gate Bridge along with the alternate Arturo!
Yeaaaaaaaaah Red is Go, Green is Stop Must Stay Babies!
and it's the only time we get to see our Quinn with eye-glasses.

Pilot Pt. 1
Date: 10/04/2002
I'd rather vote off BT, but if I have to choose between the two, the Pilot is the one to go.

You're screwing up the Final Vote
Date: 10/05/2002
From: QandD

You're screwing up the FV (Try #2)
Date: 10/05/2002
From: QandD

@#$@... Pilot Part I should go away
Date: 10/05/2002
From: QandD

And then the morning comes...
Date: 10/06/2002
From: KllyWlls

Buh Bye Pilot Part 1
Date: 10/06/2002
From: MissingSliderLogan

KllyWlls, please repost your vote
Date: 10/07/2002
From: DieseIMickeyDoIenz
BT ate it.
My vote goes to the Pilot.

Sorry PTSS...
Date: 10/07/2002
But at least "The Pilot - Part 1" had some interesting parallel Earths.
I don't DISLIKE "Post Traumatic Slide Syndrome"...but I just find it highly overrated. Not that "The Pilot" is a favorite of mine either, but it's still the lesser of two evils.
I vote to evict PTSS.

Okay let's try this again...
Date: 10/07/2002
From: KllyWlls
BT gets no second chances...
Thanks DMD for all this! It's been fun!
My vote
-Pilot Part 1
Peace and Waffles,
P.S. That girl... she wants to show you something.

Date: 10/07/2002

Later - Pilot 1
Date: 10/07/2002
From: GhostWriter
Just incase it decide to railroad me again and not post. I put my vote in the header.

Voting is now closed
Date: 10/08/2002
From: DMD

Original URL
Nominated by Blinker
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