Sliders "worst" Survivor, round XIV
Date: 03/10/2003
From: DieselJeffProbst
Round XIV of Sliders *least-favorite* episode survivor. In this round, select one episode for elimination.
S1 Survivor - The Prince of Wails
S2 Survivor - El Sid
S3 Survivor - This Slide of Paradise
S4 Survivor - The Chasm
S5 Survivor - Easy Slider
Round XIII results:
Prince of Wails - 14
El Sid - 2
The Chasm - 1
This Slide of Paradise - 1
Prince of Wails is eliminated.
For Round XIV, choose one episode for elimination. You may choose from the following:
El Sid
This Slide of Paradise
The Chasm
Easy Slider
Because there was no clear preference for changing the voting window, we'll keep it at two days. Voting closes Wednesday p.m., EST.

Date: 03/10/2003
From: Slider_Quinn21
I didn't really vote for Chasm...
El Sid
It probably shouldnt've made it this far. I think "Time Again and World" was worse.
So, let's ditch "El Sid" and start the REAL competition...

S'ok, Quinn
Date: 03/10/2003
From: DieselMickeyDolenz
That wasn't your vote. It was seth's. And as far as "El Sid" being worse that Time Again and World, I think El Sid was the worst episode of the first two seasons by a loooong shot.
My vote: El Sid. Bad S2 is better than bad S3, 4 or 5. (Yeah, even *that* bad)

Saw that afterwards...
Date: 03/10/2003
From: Slider_Quinn21
As for TAAW vs. El Sid...
Something about TAAW bothers me. Not sure why, but it just does. It feels like a S2 episode, but there's something wrong there, IMO...
Plus, Torme said it was a mess. And I say you can print and publish anything he said... ;-)

Fight to the death!!
Date: 03/10/2003
Can't we make them fight it out properyl? With pot lids and binoculars?
Sorry, just finished watching Battle Royale.
I think I shall have to vote for El Sid, much as it pains me to do so.

Sifting through this rubble ...
Date: 03/10/2003
From: The_Seer
... I came upon BT.
Well I've easily decided not to vote for either "TSOP" or "Chasm" but I'm having a tough time deciding between "El Sid" and "Easy Slider". Clearly both episodes were not that great but neither was as bad as the other two. However, I don't think either one really stands out over the other. I guess what it comes down to is that, by "natural law", a mediocre 2nd season episode that has Quinn, Wade, Arturo, Rembrant, and Torme in control just HAS to be better than a mediocre 5th season episode with Rembrant, Maggie, Mallory, Diana, and Peck's puppet ... I mean, Bill Dial ... in control. So my vote in this round goes to "El Sid".

Well, well
Date: 03/10/2003
From: Recall317
[takes drag off of cigarette. Lights next cigarette.]
I have to go with "El Sid", an episode that amuses me more and more with each viewing. It's not really THAT bad, it's just got one really, really stupid antagonist. Still, Sid has found a place in my heart...and soon he will have a place in my fiction. :0

Another easy one
Date: 03/10/2003
From: Grizzlor
El Sid
El Sid was not very good, but not close to the Chasm, or This slide of paradise. Easy slider is probably not far behind Sid though.

El Sid
Date: 03/10/2003
From: TemporalFlux
Escape from Kurt Russell

Now pitching, for the New York Mets...
Date: 03/10/2003
From: sliderules
El Sid Fernandez!!!
I think that's the nickname he had when he played baseball too. It figures, an awful pitcher shares a nickname with the worst episode of Season 2. Coincidence, or more? You decide.
My Vote: El Sid
"I am so de El Sid! I am so de sexy!"

This Vote of Paradise
Date: 03/10/2003
From: arturoisgod
This Slide of Paradise

Admittedly, I'm no Mets fan, but...
Date: 03/11/2003
...BT is a Mookie for sure.
...I was under the impression that Sid Fernandez was considered one of the better pitchers in Mets history. Not up with Tom Seaver or Nolan Ryan, mind you, but still pretty good. Maybe he was just overshadowed by Dwight Gooden, but here are some of the stats from the Mets' best seasons.
1986 16-6 W-L, 204.3 IP, 200 K, 3.52 ERA
1988 12-10 W-L, 187.0 IP, 189 K, 3.03 ERA
1989 14-5 W-L, 219.3 IP, 198 K, 2.83 ERA
Of course, 1986 was THE year for the Mets, so one could argue anybody could win sixteen games with that team behind you. Records aside, though, his numbers are pretty solid. His career win-loss is less than stellar but his career ERA, 3.36, is rather impressive. He didn't make much of himself past thirty...but then again, who on that 80s Mets team really did? Except maybe David Cone, but he'll probably go down in history as a Yankee just by virtue of being on the '98 club.
Wait...what was I here for again? Oh yeah. Voting. I vote El Sid. Just because.
Personally, I think the late 1980s Mets had one of the best starting pitching staff never to see the World Series (I'm talking after they added Frank Viola, so that doesn't count the '86 crew). Too bad their offense was so anemic. I would have really liked to see them take on the, Bash Brothers in the Fall Classic.
But I digress.

This Slide of Paradise...
Date: 03/11/2003
Well, it looks like "El Sid" will be eliminated this my vote has to go to the huminals again. I just couldn't bear sitting through "The Chasm" or "Easy Slider" least Wade is still in TSOP.
My vote is for "This Slide of Paradise."

El Slid (3rd season title)
Date: 03/12/2003
From: svetlanamonsoon
I vote for El Sid, because it is just boring, rather than godawful.

Date: 03/12/2003
From: MissingSliderRyan
Scifi knows that we're trying to Cap this marathon and hates us so we get the Black Screen of Death.
El Sid. Just to piss off SL4 for despising JDM. >:-D Hey, he rocked in The Burning Zone though my Ratty died in one eppy.

Date: 03/12/2003
Bring me the BT of Colonel Montoya!
BURNS: Look at them, Smithers... finally voting for "El Sid" like a pack of little Rory Calhouns. Ah, now this is what the first round should have looked like.
SMITHERS: Um... sir, that isn't the Survivor voting, it's Rory Calhoun in "Won Ton Ton, the Dog Who Saved Hollywood." *
BURNS: Yesss. Now log my vote for that second season episode... the one with that thug who always stood on his hind legs.
SMITHERS: Certainly, sir. And what of the posters voting for "This Slide of Paradise"?
BURNS: Oh... have the Rolling Stones killed.
- Blinker 7:-\
* He also appeared in "Hell Comes to Frogtown," "Roller Blade Warriors: Taken By Force," and "Flatbed Annie & Sweetiepie: Lady Truckers."

Voting is now closed.
Date: 03/12/2003
From: DieselJeffProbst

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Nominated by Blinker
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