Sliders "worst" Survivor, round XV
Date: 03/12/2003
From: DieselJeffProbst
Round XV of Sliders *least-favorite* episode survivor. In this round, select one episode for elimination.
S1 Survivor - The Prince of Wails
S2 Survivor - El Sid
S3 Survivor - This Slide of Paradise
S4 Survivor - The Chasm
S5 Survivor - Easy Slider
Round XIV results:
El Sid - 11
The Chasm - 0
This Slide of Paradise - 2
Easy Slider - 0
El Sid is eliminated.
For Round XV, choose one episode for elimination. You may choose from the following:
This Slide of Paradise
The Chasm
Easy Slider
Voting closes Monday p.m., EST.

She's an Easy Slider.
Date: 03/12/2003
She'll take BT's heart, but it won't feel it.
This really should have been a Maggie episode.
Admittedly, I haven't seen it, but how could it possibly be worse than the other two? And those Consecutive jokes about how magic water healed Mallory's biker girlfriend? Classic.

To quote the Riddler
Date: 03/12/2003
From: Slider_Quinn21
And now, the real game begins...
I'm going to vote for Easy Slider for the sake of Season 5. TSOP is pure evil, and the Chasm couldn't grab my interest enough for me to pay real attention.
So, "Easy Slider" it is...

I haven't seen it either
Date: 03/12/2003
From: Recall317
and I'm voting for it!
I shut off "Easy Slider" after the first act the one opportunity I had to watch it. It was kinda dull. However, I have no conclusive proof that it is outright terrible, so that puts it one step ahead of the other two.
"Easy Slider"

Well now,
Date: 03/12/2003
Three very bad ep to choose from and I think I will pick...
The Chasm. Because at least it makes me laugh.

mine :)
Date: 03/12/2003
From: Yeontoo
For Round XV, choose one episode for elimination. You may choose from the following:
This Slide of Paradise

This BT of Paradise
Date: 03/12/2003
From: arturoisgod
This Slide of Paradise

"Easy Slider"
Date: 03/12/2003
From: The_Seer

This Slide of Paradise
Date: 03/12/2003
From: Grizzlor
I refuse to vote for Easy Slider, because it's origin was Peck thinking, hmm, I see Kari in leather and motorcycles, now go right a script. That is pathetic and aweful. No way. Plus he supposedly had his girlfriend as a stuntperson.

TSoP: the case against
Date: 03/12/2003
BT's case against is too long for me to list here.
1. It is the most blatant movie rip-off of the Third Season, and that's saying something. Worse than Paradise Lost stealing from Tremors, worse than The Breeder swapping Species' plotline, TSoP steals a very specific plot from the film (and book, not that Peck and crew read it) "The Island of Dr. Moreau". They even go so far as to cast Michael York, an actor who is probably the most prominent man to portray Moreau outside of Marlon Brando. This is sheer idiocy at its worst.
2. Rickman becomes so cartoonish, he makes his previous appearances look like Shakespearean tour-de-forces in comparison. Turning him into a half-beastman, stupidly having him leave both timers where the sliders can steal them, and then jumping to his death trying to (this has been said before by others but it bears repeating) slide to a world where he can't breathe and will die makes this character less than a caricature of evil. Even the fact that Maggie slides to that world and can breathe later doesn't diminish the stupidity of his final act. And speaking of the two of them...
3. Maggie's revelation that she slept with Rickman not only undermines her character's integrity, but her intelligence as well. The writers already made her not care about her husband, now they made her the former lover of the man she's sworn to kill for no apparent reason whatsoever. Which I guess leaves only her overwhelming compassion and expert marksmanship as her good qualities.
4. Apart from the Moreau rip-off and the Rickman farce, there is no discernable plot whatsoever. The characters all act like idiots, and decidedly not like themselves. There is even an insult made by Quinn at Arturo's expense that the characters were originally supposed to laugh at, but no laughter was ever shown. Guess the actors couldn't let themselves sink that low (but they didn't think of that before filming this episode, to our detriment).
5. Of all the moronic lines in this episode, and there are *many*, believe me, "We must have slid into the future" takes home the award of the stupidest line in series' history. Not "My buddy's out there". Not "We don't have time". This line has to be it, as Quinn verbally breaks the *one* fundamental rule of the show. Magic snakes and electroshock guitars weren't enough, they had to destroy this, too. Sliding is never time travel. Guess now it is. It's a time travel show after all, folks! Be sure to tune in next season when...
6. It's Quinn and Maggie, sliding around in a Kromagg manta ship, viewing the universe through the eyes of love and finding a way to forget all about Rembrandt and Wade. This was Fox's plan for Sliders Season Four. Thank God they cancelled it. Say what you will about Sci-Fi's least it had Rembrandt in it. Future seasons on Fox not only wouldn't have had Sabrina (for all you folks who prefer this episode because it had Wade in it), it wouldn't have had Cleavant either. What it would have had was all the NAN Jerry you can stand, plus Kari Wuhrer. This was the episode that set that situation up, and it may have helped Sabrina get fired. Peckinpah playing favorites or no, he was already anticipating a fourth season without her, on Fox's orders.
So here it is! The worst crap that S3 dished out, plus an ep that paved the way for the worst elements of future seasons. Save it at your conscience's peril.

Well hidely-ho, posterinos!
Date: 03/12/2003
Love the sinner... hate the BT.
Well son of a diddly, looks like it's votin' time at the ol' Blinkerosa. Time to break out the left-handed laptop and some plain white bread (with a glass of water on the side for dippin', of course!)
Now I hate to be a downbeat Dolores, but I've just gotta say: the plodding antics of "Easy Slider" just didn't *entertain* me the same way that the inept cacophony of plot holes, continuity lapses and all-around darn-diddly-arned lousy ideas that was "The Chasm" did. So colour me Chasmful, 'cause that's my vote for Round Fifteenaroonie!
- Blinker 7:-P
PS. TM, an extremely solid case. And amuse-ding-dong-doodily-oddily-usingly put to boot!

Easy Slider!!!
Date: 03/13/2003
From: sliderules

Easy Slider
Date: 03/13/2003
From: HandmaidenAnde
For one simple reason...
This Slide of Paradise is evil, evil, evil! So Easy Slider it is.

The Chasm (n/t)
Date: 03/13/2003
From: svetlanamonsoon

"This Slide of Paradise"
Date: 03/13/2003
It had Wade in it.
Plus the other two REALLY, REALLY sucked.

Harder than eating Shepherd's PIE
Date: 03/14/2003
From: SL4ever
BT used to be a Shepherd! >;-#
How to pick between THESE three eps?????
AHHHHHHH!!!! <frantically pulls remaining hair out>
Okay, okay, I can do this.
<holds nose> "The Chasm"
<runs for door>

The Chasm
Date: 03/14/2003
From: TemporalFlux
Provided some good ideas...the execution was just left wanting. That can't be said for either of the other two nominees in my opinion.

Picking the worse of the worse?
Date: 03/17/2003
From: MissingSliderLogan
BT's good a doing that.
The moral of the story....
This Slide of Paradise
~ Gravity works the same on this world as on ours
The Chasm
~ Gravity works the same on this world as on ours
Easy Slider
~ Gravity works the same on this world as on ours
<Mime showing placards> Good idea, bad idea
This Slide of Paradise
~ Good idea - Rickman finds his death
~ Bad idea - ripoff of a good Michael York movie
The Chasm
~ Good idea - Frozen Jiggle Me, Baby
~ Bad idea - The many faces of NAN appear
Easy Slider
~ Good idea - The joust on the motorcycles
~ Bad idea - What the hell was this episode about again? ManyhusbandsBikerChickWantingToAddAnother?

Voting closes at 2:00 p.m., EST
Date: 03/18/2003
From: DieselMickeyDolenz
My vote inside.
Easy Slider

Voting is now closed.
Date: 03/18/2003
From: DieselJeffProbst

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Nominated by Blinker
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