Sliders "worst" Survivor, Final Round
Date: 03/18/2003
From: DieselJeffProbst
At last, the final round of Sliders *least-favorite* episode survivor.
S1 Survivor - The Prince of Wails
S2 Survivor - El Sid
S3 Survivor - This Slide of Paradise
S4 Survivor - The Chasm
S5 Survivor - Easy Slider
Round XV results:
The Chasm - 5
This Slide of Paradise - 4
Easy Slider - 7
Easy Slider is eliminated.
For the Final Round, choose one episode for elimination. You may choose from the following:
This Slide of Paradise
The Chasm
Which of these pieces of crap is the most reviled episode in all of Sliders? Voting closes Friday p.m., EST. Tune in then to find out.

I have no qualms...
Date: 03/18/2003
President Qualm called for cayle after...what are you laughing at, BT? D'oh! Spasted bloonerism!
...about saving "The Chasm".
As for saving "TSoP" because Wade was in it, ask yourself: was she really? Isn't it possible that Sabrina Lloyd was simply playing an extra? Did she do anything particularly Wade-like in that episode? Think about it.

I have been chosen!
Date: 03/18/2003
From: Recall317
[Nestea plunges into poll]
For me, "This Slide of Paradise" is unequivically the worst episode Sliders ever did. There are a lot of offenses--listed quite enthusiastically by ThomasMalthus in the last poll--and they are all valid. It is the king of the rip-offs. Its lack of production values are rivaled only by "Paradise Lost" and "Time Again and World". The acting is terrible, the plot is more contrived than "Slither," and so on and so on and so on. And the end result? A painfully dull story.
"The Chasm" is absurd, but it's still my vote.

I can't believe it!!
Date: 03/18/2003
BT let Easy Slider go??? Noooooooooo. I counld not STAND that episode! Plus you already voted off my least favourite ever a while back now!
The Chasm. For sheer... inconsistency.

TM is right-o!
Date: 03/18/2003
From: Slider_Quinn21
Listen to TM. He knows what he's talking about.
TSOP is CRAP. Its on CRACK. And lots of other CRA- words.
So, "The Chasm" it is...

"The Chasm"
Date: 03/18/2003
From: The_Seer
BT votes the same way as I do.
"TSOP" was just plain horrible in all aspects (acting, plot, plausibility, etc.). "The Chasm" may have been bad but next to "TSOP" (and a few other 3rd season episodes that couldn't make it this far because of "TSOP") it's a masterpiece.

pieces of crap! haha DMD
Date: 03/18/2003
From: Grizzlor
Let me try to analyze this logically.....
This Slide of Paradise is a watchable episode of television.
The Chasm is not.
TSOP has practically no script, The Chasm does.
Both are disgraces to Sliders, science fiction and television in general.
TSOP had Wade, but she didn't say anything. The Chasm had Colin, who didn't say anything.
TSOP was probably the worst example of how much Fox ruined the series in Season 3. The Chasm was just badly written.
Honestly, I have to say The Chasm is better than Easy Slider and other episodes. Including Requiem, my most hated episode ever. Exodus II and unstuck Man close second and third.
Therefore, after all this, my vote is The Chasm.
This Slide of Paradise is the Worst Survivor.

So it comes down to this?
Date: 03/19/2003
From: sliderules
And there's still BT? Bleh.
I'm tired. It's late. And yet, considering I haven't missed a vote yet, I am going to decide between two crappy episodes right now. Okay, you ready? Are you? Come on, it's late!!
Okay, great. Well, I chose to eliminate "This Slide of Paradise." Now, while both episodes do involve a pit, and death, and bad acting, the acting was still somewhat good in TSOP. Plus, it's Wade's last real episode, and it got rid of Rickman for good. So, TSOP is ten times better than an episode about a happy hole in my book.
"It's a freaking hole!"

A few comments
Date: 03/19/2003
From: TemporalFlux
And then my wretched vote...
First of all, it can't be said enough...this has been great fun even in the smelly final rounds. A round of applause to DMD for the execution and SliderQuinn21 for the idea! Maybe we can find some way to revive the same or a similar theme in the future.
Secondly...I would have preferred "Easy Slider" for absolute worst out of the 3 remaining choices, but alas...
And finally to the business at hand. I *might* have voted for "This Slide of Paradise"...but that episode wasn't filmed truly. If you have not "seen" the unfilmed "This Slide of Paradise", it can be read in the Lost and Found section of my site. Instead...what we received was a mangled mess courtesy of Fox and David Peckinpah. In fact, if you were ever curious why Nan never wrote another episode of Sliders...this was it. It was a bad enough assignment to begin with being forced to so blatantly "borrow" from another work...but the subsequent hatchet job to her timing, continuity and attempts to add a small bit of entertainment was the final straw. The originator of the "Post Traumatic Slide Syndrome" story finally just walked away.
That said, I'm left with a surprisingly clear choice. I vote for "The Chasm". By no scale could it ever truly be considered a good episode...but at least it managed to retain a few intriguing bits (special focus to one of the only real manifestations of Remmy's guarded inner feelings aside from "Requiem").

TTThe chasm is NOT the worst...
Date: 03/19/2003
From: sliderseth
So my vote is Chasm!

my vote
Date: 03/19/2003
From: svetlanamonsoon
I vote for The Chasm. I actually think "Revelations" was the worst of season 4, so it would have been a harder choice for me if it were between the two season finales. But I don't think I was around for that particular round of voting. I really hate TSOP. I like Wade, but I think she was treated better in "The Chasm", when she wasn't there...

I'm with you too!
Date: 03/19/2003
From: HandmaidenAnde
BT and I vote The Chasm.
Sure, I've never seen the episode. I did read a bit about it last night. Any episode where Maggie feels unwanted and unloved is okay in my book. "I'm not Wade." No, you are not! :)
TSOP is the episode I detest for most of the same reasons stated by others. Although I gave a few fourth season episodes a shot, this finale completely turned my off from the series. I can find many reasons to hate it based on the last few minutes alone.
The Kiss: Yes, we've had Quinn and Maggie shoved down our throats(sorry), but those two had zero chemistry.
The Shove: While he thinks he's sending them home, I didn't like how Quinn shoved his friends in without a word. They've always stuck together, and he should have continued that tradition. And look what happend to those two.
The Future: Three years of continuity out the window.
So, as much as I love my favorite character Wade, this episode is the worst.

Date: 03/19/2003
From: arturoisgod
This Slide of Paradise

Why am I even bothering?
Date: 03/19/2003
"This Slide of Paradise" still has my vote.
They may have ripped off "The Island of Dr. Moreau," but at least it *HAD* a plot. Which is more than I can say for "The Chasm."
I can't believe so many people chose to save "Easy Slider" (which, when I originally heard the title back when it first aired, I thought it was an episode about Maggie...)

DJP, this... is Blink.
Date: 03/20/2003
No time for BT. Oh, wait.
...frey Jones, here at the TV show "Sliders"' rock bottom.
My vote: "The Chasm"...
- Blinker 7:-/

Date: 03/21/2003
From: Yeontoo
This Slide of Paradise (nt)

Voting closes at 2:00 p.m., EST
Date: 03/21/2003
From: DieselMickeyDolenz

Voting is now closed.
Date: 03/21/2003
From: DieselJeffProbst
Well it is.

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Nominated by Blinker
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