Sliders Valentine Survivor, round 3
Date: 02/04/2004
From: DieselJeffProbst
Welcome to round 3 of the Sliders Survivor: Valentine's Edition. Results from round 2 were as follows:
Group 1
DragonSlide - 5
Asylum - 1
DragonSlide is eliminated.
Group 2
Roads Taken - 3-1 => 2
Easy Slider - 2-1 => 1
Luck of the Draw - 1-2 => -1
Roads Taken is eliminated.
Group 3
The Prince of Slides - 4
Heavy Metal - 2
The Prince of Slides is eliminated.
Group 4
El Sid - 4-1 => 3
Net Worth - 2
El Sid is eliminated.
For round 3, choose one episode from each group for elimination. You may also optionally cast a single negating vote.
Group 1
Last Days
Group 2
Luck of the Draw
Easy Slider
Group 3
Heavy Metal
Group 4
As Time Goes By
Net Worth
Voting will remain open until Friday afternoon, EST.
Fire away!

Adios, Roads Taken
Date: 02/04/2004
From: Recall317
I guess they chose the lesser path.
Round 1:
Last Days. I don't particularly like Asylum, but I still look at Last Days as more of an Arturo-Bennish ep than a Quinn-Wade ep, and the romantic implications of that are too disturbing to dwell on.
Round 2:
Easy Slider.
Round 3:
Heavy Metal.
Round 4:
Net Worth
I waive my right to negate.

Date: 02/04/2004
From: Grizzlor
Group 1
This one is very close. Rembrandt's affair with the Magg doctor was very good. Cleavant's singing was stupendous. But it doesn't match up with Last Days. Wade/Quinn, the essence of the first season of the show. Keep Last Days.
Group 2
Luck of the Draw stays. Wade and Ryan and Quinn. Definitely. Easy Slider go away!
Group 3
Obsession vs. Heavy Metal, very difficult. Keep Heavy metal because Obsession was a bad episode. The actor going after Wade was terrible and the story was just as bad. Plus I loved Paxton. Too bad they couldn't have had him all season instead of Mallory.
Group 4
As Time Goes By stays of course. Duh! Net Worth is worthy but no.
My do no eliminate pick is Last Days.

The battle of Old vs. New...
Date: 02/05/2004
Beginning Text must be destroyed in the crossfire!
Each category now boasts one "Torme" ep and one "Peck" ep. That should prove interesting.
In other news, I'm surprised "Roads Taken" went down so quickly. I mean, not to defend its logic-defying premise, its lack of romantic chemistry (JOC, as usual, looks half-asleep throughout), its generic and cheaply presented alt-world, or its liberal borrowing from episodes of "Star Trek"... but it IS centred around the leads, and even has a lasting impact on both (as seen in "The Unstuck Man," "Applied Physics" and "The Seer" -- just not in "Revelations." *sigh*)
"Last Days" vs. "Asylum"
Tough choice: the ultimate Quinn/Wade ep against perhaps the ultimate Cleavant performance. Well, I'm going for the melodrama on the strength of CD and his songwriting. I may well regret this.
VOTE: Last Days
"Luck of the Draw" vs. "Easy Slider"
Oh, might as well make this one a *little* interesting... 7>:-P
VOTE: Luck of the Draw
"Obsession" vs. "Heavy Metal"
S2's contender blows its competition out of the... well, water.
VOTE: Heavy Metal
"As Time Goes By" vs. "Net Worth"
Daelin! Daelin! Daelin!
VOTE: Net Worthless
- Blinker 7:-/

I'd like you to meet Mr. Pointless...
Date: 02/05/2004
Beginning Text must be destroyed!
Sure, as stakes go, it's rather blunt. But it'll do.
"Asylum"- A couple of dates and one of Cleavant's best performances don't create the atmosphere of romance quite the same way that the Quinn-Wade smoochies in "Last Days" do. Besides, this episode dumped me right before the prom!
"Easy Slider"- Easy vote. Why isn't this gone already?
"Heavy Metal"- 'Obsession' may have involved the most of our sliders in a romance; I'm not aware that three sliders were involved in a romantic plotline in any other eppy. Remmy's nurse, Wade and Derek (before psychic boy got all possessive) and Quinn's obvious feelings for Wade make this one of the more romantic eps in the series' run.
"Net Worth"- You could catch a more worthwhile romantic story in a net. <plunges Mr. Pointless into Net Worth's heart>

Love is.....
Date: 02/05/2004
From: MissingSliderRyan
BT doesn't deserve any love.
... not THE MAYO ...
Easy Slider
Heavy Metal
Net Worth
Negating vote for Luck of the Draw
Don't make me hurt you Tufty...... :-P
The Young and Relentless + Luck of the Draw = Obsession

Obvious choices here
Date: 02/05/2004
From: The_Seer
BT made me miss round 2.
Here are my votes for elimination:
Group 1
Group 2
"Easy Slider"
Group 3
"Heavy Metal"
Group 4
"Net Worth"
Negation vote goes to "Last Days". C'mon, you can't vote against the one time that Quinn and Wade almost got jiggy with it.

I will Survive.
Date: 02/05/2004
Vote 1:
Last Days
It's always annoyed me that there's no dicussion of the ramifications of a prolonged war with Japan.
Vote 2:
Easy Slider
Let's see Krycheck vs. Polyandrous motorcycle chicks with male names.
Krycheck wins.
Vote 3:
Let's see Patrick Stuart of Obsession was Dr. Zee in "Galactica 1980"
Marshall Teague from "Heavy Metal" was Ta'lon in BABYLON 5
G80 needs all the support it can get. (It's still much more entertaining than Ron Moore's remake: GALACTICA: Above and Beyond.
Vote 4:
Let's see star-crossed Internet love vs. 4 wacky alt-worlds, time running back, and Daelin Richards. Plus the title is one of the greatest songs of all time.

Date: 02/06/2004
From: Weasel_Skippy_Ratboy

My turn
Date: 02/06/2004
From: DieselMickeyDolenz
G1: Asylum
G2: Easy Slider
G3: Heavy Metal
G4: Net Worth

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Nominated by Blinker
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