reasons for the poll's edge
Date: 7/26/99
From: Executive
If it isn't because some people may be voting more than once,
the only other possibility is that it may due to the fact that more people
post on this board than any other (MST3K not included).
Either way don't flame me when I tell you that after voting only once,
I was one of those 21% (currently) to choose "Absolutely" on
the Sci-Fi Channel's decision to cancel the series. If a similar poll
had been conducted last year to influence the channel's decision to renew
after the 4th season ended, I would have voted in favor of renewal. But
with the exception of "Please Press One" (which I liked even
though it was conceptually nothing new for SLIDERS) the first one-third
of this season has been disappointing overall, in my opinion. That's why
I voted the way I did.
But in spite of the poll's favoring the new SLIDERS by more than 61%,
who here believes that the Sci-Fi Channel execs will acutally reconsider
their decision to not renew production of the show?

a third reason:
Date: 7/26/99
From: Executive
Some people have posted to save SLIDERS on some of the other
Dominion bulletin boards, and mentioned the current Scifiwire poll as

is nothing new...
Date: 7/26/99
From: TemporalFlux
Executive was heavily in favor of the cancellation of Sliders
after season three on Fox. But you know what? He was the first to run
cheering when news of Sliders being saved came up. In fact, he made a
special post on the MCA board boasting about how glad he was that he had
Sci-Fi Channel...this at a time when most members who fought to get Sliders
saved *didn't* have Sci-Fi. I'm sure the same would happen here if word
of a renewal came up.
I do find humorous Exec's reasoning though. The biggest laugh comes from
reading how he blames the high traffic of this board for "the edge".
Funny...I thought Exec was unfortunately a member of this high traffic
board...yet he didn't vote in favor. I guess he even he doesn't count
himself as part of the legitimate votes. The point...quantity does not
denote viewpoint. Just because people know about the poll, does not mean
they will vote affirmative. If anything, a higher number of people voting
insures a more accurate result. And as for the message being spread to
other boards...reinforces my point. The message is going out to varied
people in both thought and background...thus a more true reading will
be reached. Sorry they couldn't center the poll on a small outcropping
of negative people, Exec...that seems to be what you are suggesting would
be "fair".
I would also like to point out (as I have personally to *you* several
times before) that you can't vote more than once on the poll at Sci-Fi
Wire. A "mark" is placed on the browser that prohibits voting
more than once (that's why you see the bar graphs after you vote - and
are no longer offered the choices).
As for this poll affecting the Exec's decision...who knows? The only sure
way *not* to affect the Exec's decision is to do nothing (which is what
you have suggested time and again over the years). There have been several
examples over the years of Execs reversing their of those
is even in Sliders history (Fox after season two - a fan writing campaign
recinded a cancellation to give us season three).
So, Exec...let me personally thank you for your vote (not to mention your
misinformation). I'm glad to see that you had not care one for the people
who still enjoy the show...after all, you could just walk away and not
watch the show anymore if you didn't enjoy it. But you don't. You see,
those of us fighting for the show still enjoy it...we have no reason to
move on (or do you leave things you enjoy?). But if *you* don't like it...then
*why* are you still here? Why haven't you "moved on"? Do you
have no where else to go? Nothing else in life you find enjoyable than
what you have deemed "crap"? You and your ilk are truly the
sad ones...for you hover over something you admittedly hate...all the
time screaming to the people who enjoy it - "Move on!"
You see, your true enjoyment comes in destroying things for others...if
that wasn't the case, then you wouldn't be here. You have no reason left
to be here...other than that.

gleam of hope, and he spits on it.
Date: 7/26/99
From: Blinker
Do tell... if you think there's no chance this poll will influence
anything, *why did you bother to reply at all??*
In any case, thank you for taking the trouble to drive your own personal
nail into Sliders' coffin. I'm sure the (cough, cough) ACTUAL FAN whose
efforts you've just undone is proud of you.
Yeah, that *was* a flame. You richly deserved one.
Blinker 7>:-#

I'm flamed anyway and Flux lies again
Date: 7/26/99
From: Executive
First of all, I * never * wanted to see SLIDERS cancelled before
now. That is TF's own twisted intrepretation. What really happened is
that based on the increasingly poor ratings on FOX's 3rd season (which
I kept track of throughout 1996-97) I was predicting a cancellation as
early as the fall. Anyone else who followed the ratings each week (and
some did such as The Expert) could have seen it coming, and it did in
May 1997. Temporal Flux was the one who actually was so insecure on renewal
that in order to end our feud he put up a bet: If FOX cancelled the show
he would leave the MCA NetForum forever so the rest of us could post in
peace. If they didn't, then I would have to change my name! (I was more
sympathetic to his crap back then, which is why I chose not to take the
bet). But after Flux was proven wrong when FOX did cancel SLIDERS he called
me a coward for not taking that bet, claiming that it was a 50/50 chance
of me being right. I was disappointed in the FOX cancellation, but it's
just a TV show and life goes on!
Second, since I have never been one to write letters to save a TV series
-- ANY series, is no reason to condemn me. If initiating a letter-writing
campaign is what you want to do, fine. I wish you the best of luck in
that endeavor. At that time I said writing to FOX (and only to FOX) would
never work and I was right.
And so the Sci-Fi Channel picked up the show... Now you know I enjoyed
the 4th season to a great extent, but this year paled in comparison. Nothing
anyone can say or do will change my opinion of what SLIDERS has since
become -- and I am entitled to disagree with you on that!
So why do I continue to post? Because like any other series that I watch
regularly, I stick with it to the end. I may not post about it as much
but when I do I still like to talk about the show. I have no doubt that
some of the remaining 12 episodes will be entertaining. I'm looking forward
to this Friday's episode as well as "Requiem".
Poor Temporal Flux. He was wrong about so many things in the past (most
recently with the ratings again -- see topic #6069). So why did he attack
me in that post and this one? Because SLIDERS has been cancelled and his
life is ruined, so he is taking his frustration out on me!

example of what NOT to be ...
Date: 7/26/99
Not to flame you, executive, but I don't see what point there was to choose
Absolutely, other than to make a point. I mean, if you don't like the
show this season, shows can always get better. Compare the low quality
of season 3 to season 4 ... You may not like season 5 (although many of
us do!), except for Please Press One, but you might like a sixth season.
Besides that, I've read that the later s5 episodes are much better than
the earlier ones. There's the 20's episode, the pirate episode, the civil
war episode, the upcoming episode that seems good, and many more.
You know, I don't know WHY I'm writing this post ... your negative vote
was only a tiny fraction of a percentage point, it doesn't really matter.
Still, don't try to be the negative BBoard poster.

Date: 7/26/99
From: HunterD_Raven
I always thought TF & Blinker where exageratting how bad
you where, but voting absolutely, you just proved just about everything
they say is absol 'friggin' utly right & true.
I would flame you, but why bother, if you didn't like NGFO odds are you
wouldn't understand half of what i say.

up, Exec, and listen good:
Date: 7/26/99
From: Blinker
YES, you are entitled to your opinion of the fifth season.
NO, you are not entitled to block our efforts to obtain a sixth. Encouraging
the Sci-Fi Channel in their cancellation decision is doing precisely that.
"FURTHURMORE", coming back here to rub our noses in your action
was particularly crass.
Your disdain for our favourite television program's continued survival
has been noted. Now go away.
Blinker 7>:-#

memory is correct.
Date: 7/26/99
From: Kromagg1
I was also among those at the MCA board and yes, exec, you
did voice how you thought Sliders would be best cancelled after season
3. You didn't go around telling everyone that it sucks or that you *wanted*
it cancelled but you did think that it was in the best interest of the
show to just end it before it gets worse. Then season 4 comes along which
you say you like. I'll bet you're glad they didn't listen to you. Now
you don't like season 5 and you're taking it to the extreme. If the pattern
continues you'll like season 6 and forget that you campaigned for cancellation
after season 5. Things *CAN* change between seasons. You hated 3 and was
against a fourth but once it came, you liked it. Don't campaign against
TV shows because there is always someone who likes it more than you hate
it. *You* can always turn the TV off. *We* cannot watch new Sliders if
it's not on anymore. Just walk away if you don't like it but don't campaign
against it. That's like the question "What do you achieve or gain
when you put down somebody?" Well, Exec... What do you achieve or
gain when you put down Sliders? Does it give you a high? Make you feel
cool? Make you feel more secure about yourself? In the words of Cosmo
Kramer "If you think you can get to the top by knocking other people
down, *Gooood Luck!"

Date: 7/26/99
From: s_the_great
Exec, in the past, I've seen you get flamed to bits of bone
and ash, and I never really knew or cared why. Now, I find out that you
actually vote against renewing Sliders. Unlike most of the others here,
I don't think you're an idiot. I just think it went against your better
judgment. But it was really really stupid of you to come back here, to
a PRO-SLIDERS BOARD, and tell all these fans that you had an indirect
effect against their efforts to renew the show. I'm not going to flame
you, but next time someone has an idea to save Sliders, don't tell people
you're undermining their efforts. It's just a piece of advice, and I don't
mean that in a sarcastic way.
Personally, I want Sliders to be saved, and you should too, if only because
as of now, it ends in a cliffhanger. That in itself is an insult to all
the five-year Sliders fans who've waited to see how this show would end.

Date: 7/26/99
From: TemporalFlux
Why did Exec bring this up:
How was it related to any comments made by me or this topic? And if I
may did it back up the fact that he knows what he is talking
about and that I'm a "liar" or "wrong"?
Exec's reason for coming here is to initiate and keep fights going. How
else can anyone explain this behaviour?

Exec's behavior...
Date: 7/26/99
From: slidefan
Looking at the situation, and at Executive, I see a person
who is:
1) Strong-minded and individual
2) Unaware of his motives
3) Pessimist and serious
4) Seemingly doesn't care about other people's feelings or motives
5) Actually do care about being accepted by people, and about Sliders
6) Unattached and alienated from other people by his own doing
7) Wants to be unique
Putting together all of these things, you get exactly his behavior. It's
rather simple: Exec is NOT an idiot. He know EXACTLY what he's doing...
He knows he's gonna get flamed. He did think about it before. In his mind,
looking "at the big picture" objectively is mature, while caring
about something as simple as a TV show too much is childish, and he is
not childish... So, he's coming here and is posting about the show, because
he does care about it, but he doesn't want to care too much about it,
to get attached to it, to act like the rest of us are acting- after all,
it's just a show, and building your life around a show is childish...
So he's convincing us and himself that he doesn't really care, that this
is just a hobby, for fun, and that he is the mature one...
Objectively speaking- the show doesn't matter, he's right about that.
It does not influence the "big picture", or our lives. It's
just a show... So obsessing about it would be childish... Or would it????
There are people who "obsess" about their pets. There are people
who "obsess" about art. There are people who "obsses"
about their work. The human mind is not always logic...None of these things
REALLY matter, objectively, but for that person- these things do matter,
somehow, with no logical reason, they are just important to him.
"Obsessing" about Sliders is not childish, it is HUMAN. It is
just the same as the above things, and to pretend it is childish is just
arrogant and unenlightened.
But Mr. Exec, simply, wants to talk about the show without "obsessing"
about it, so he deliberately goes the other way, to stop himself from
"obsessing" about it: he's telling us how much the 5th season
is bad, he's voting "Absolutely" in the poll, he's telling us
to get a life...yet he continues watching Sliders and coming to this BBoard.
He cares about the show in some level, he just doesn't care about us.
And why should he care about us, or our feelings? Simply because we are
human? Simply because we are in a hard position right now? No... Not in
his mind. In his mind he wants to be accepted, to live up to his standards,
to talk about the show and to be mature and objective...
BUT, Executive, you forgot one important thing- what about US? What about
OUR feelings? What about what WE want?
Encouraging the cancellation of Sliders, putting down Sliders here and
being arrogant towards us, HURTS us and UPSETS us. Think not only of YOU,
but of US, before you make your next post...

can't tell you how happy I am...
Date: 7/26/99
From: SlidingThrough know you'll be sticking with the show til the end, that
you still think some of the upcoming eps actually have the potential to
be entertaining and that you *won't* be giving up on this season. Whew,
what a relief! <wipes tears of joy from her eyes>
Thank you so much, Exec, for opening my eyes to the truth. That it's really
in our best interests to participate in the destruction of something we
care about very much because...well, *you* don't care about it, so how
could it be important? And to think, without your wisdom and divine guidance
I may actually have said <gasp!> that SciFi was wrong to cancel
the show and possibly helped bring about yet *another* unspeakable season.
A season you would, of course, be forced to watch as the true fan you
are, determined to stick with the show to the bitter end. Unlike all those
*untrue* fans (fools!) who think <oh, the horror!> that the show
could actually be worth continuing.
I owe you a debt of gratitude, Exec, for bringing me to my senses before
I plunged straight into the abyss of ignorance I was heading for. What
would we at this BBoard do without you??!!
P.S. Yes, Exec, that *was* case you were having trouble deciding.

Date: 7/26/99
From: emzee
Frankly, I am shocked by your bold statements, Exec.
I can understand nitpicking the series (even if we are kicking Sliders
when it's down) because we all have to vent. I have enjoyed discussing
the show with you in the past. It is fun to cleverly find the flaws and
discuss them.
I can understand not wanting to go out of your way to write letters or
send e-mails or participate in a boycott or whatever. Perhaps you are
very busy with other things.
However, I can't understand going out of your way to cast a negative vote,
with intent to ruin it for others. If you don't agree, you don't like
something, why go out of your way to be negative toward it? Why not just
walk on? As they say "it's no skin off your nose," why do you
have to stick in your two negative cents worth only to ruin it for everyone
else??????????????????????????????????? Why?
I am further disheartened by your callous remarks afterward. I thought
you were a Sliders fan.
Now I see why people have been hard on you. You have asked for it, especially
here and now.

exactly, guys...
Date: 7/27/99
From: Executive
I wasn't stepping on anybody's feet or stopping your efforts
for renewal! All I did was state my reasons as to why I decided to vote
against it. In the past several weeks I've explained why I believe SLIDERS
has gone the tubes this year (so far) and it has nothing to do with the
O' Connells leaving. One person can't make a difference, so don't expect
that anything negative I've said about SLIDERS will in any way affect
the Sci-Fi Channel's decision to reconsider. It's just my belief that
they will not, in spite of the poll.
If I didn't care about you (that is, the majority of the board -- not
including those people who have attacked me in the past for no reason)
I would have gone the I_AM_SCI route and trashed the show and the board
altogether. But I haven't done that, and I will not!
And if anyone doesn't like that, than it's your problem - not mine.

explained this already...
Date: 7/27/99
From: Blinker
Sure, you can't *stop* us from mailing SFC in support of the
series, but you can - and did - cheer them on in their decision to cancel.
Guess what? That doesn't help. The odds are bad enough *without* you pitching
in against us. As SpaceTime once tried to tell you, there are times when
you should just keep your opinions to yourself.
"One person can't make a difference," huh? I would think if
there was one lesson we could pick up from Sliders' explorations of alternate
history, it would be that one person can make the largest of differences.
For better... or for worse.
Anyway, it looks like you've made yourself another half dozen enemies.
Maybe you could try another "Daniel_2" campaign and try to discredit
us all at once... by spamming the board again, exactly as I_AM_SCIFI did.
At least with him it wasn't a personal vendetta.
(BTW, you never did explain how Danbagel, who hardly knew you, managed
to spell both "furthur" and "publically" in true Executive
style. Your 'incredible coincidence' plea is looking increasingly feeble.)
Or perhaps you could pull another week-early "April Fool's"
joke in which *you* lie to prove that someone *else* can be "argumentative"...
gee, every trick you think of seems to backfire.
Have a nice day.
Blinker 7:-)

job Ex!
Date: 7/29/99
From: The_Cynic
Yet again you've proven how capable you are of inciting a flame
war through your desire to see fights and/or your gross stupidity.
You're the Jerry Springer of the Sliders board.
" I was disappointed in the FOX cancellation, but it's just a TV
show and life goes on! "
If that is the case, then why vote against it? If it is just a tv show,
then why is it so important to you that it be cancelled? This is where
you are shown to be a troublemaker. Why step on the toes of those who
want the show to be renewed? If YOU don't like the new show, don't watch
it and leave the fans alone.
"Second, since I have never been one to write letters to save a TV
series -- ANY series, is no reason to condemn me."
Nobody is mad about that, they're mad that YOU won't write to save a show,
but you'll gladly vote on the internet to have the show
cancelled, thus hindering the efforts of those who want it. Again,
if it is just a TV show, as you state, you'd leave it alone and just stop
watching. Come to that, it is baffling as to the reason why you'd feel
some need to declare what you did on this board, a board comprising mostly
of people who are fans and are trying to save the show. If you sabotage
you're team's chances for victory, you sure as hell don't brag about it
to them, regardless of the reason. Not unless you want to start a fight.
Hmm, maybe there's something to that...
"If initiating a letter-writing campaign is what you want to do,
fine. I wish you the best of luck in that endeavor. At that time I said
writing to FOX (and only to FOX) would never work and I was right."
Even a moron like you can be right once in a while just by chance. Granted,
letter campaigns helped saved it before (as with Season 1's
end). Your actions here are tantamount to sending mail telling the execs
(the real ones, not the pathetic losers like yourself who only dream of
having someone put them in a position of power because they can't get
there on their own) to axe the show.
"And so the Sci-Fi Channel picked up the show... Now you know I enjoyed
the 4th season to a great extent, "
And by your reasoning here, the show should have been cancelled after
S3, in which case you never would have seen your precious S4.
On top of that, you didn't even contribute to the effort to get that
Season you liked so much, made. You just reaped the rewards of the true
fans when all you did was sit on your fat ass telling people that the
show would be cancelled and gloating when it happened. Now you've gone
from doing nothing to actually opposing the fans, then wondering why people
got mad. Wow, you are such a genius.
"but this year paled in comparison. Nothing anyone can say or do
will change my opinion of what SLIDERS has since become -- and I am entitled
to disagree with you on that!"
And S3 paled compared to S1 and S2, but as you yourself said, S4 was
enjoyable. This is the same thing, except now you are trying to have the
show cancelled, even though you said "It is just a tv show."
"So why do I continue to post?"
I attribute it to some congenital mental deficiency, but it may just be
that your parents dropped you on your head a lot when you were young.
"Because like any other series that I watch regularly, I stick with
it to the end."
Even though you dislike it so much to vote for it to be cancelled?
Wow, that makes a lot of sense. *Non*sense, that is.
"I may not post about it as much but when I do I still like to talk
about the show. I have no doubt that some of the remaining 12 episodes
will be entertaining."
Even though you've declared that you hate what the show has become and
should be cancelled? You can't even lie consistently, twit.
"I'm looking forward to this Friday's episode as well as
"Requiem". "
Which you are seeing due to the efforts of those who you are now helping
thwart, and then declaring your stupidity on a public board
with a lot of devoted fans.
"Poor Temporal Flux. He was wrong about so many things in the past
(most recently with the ratings again -- see topic #6069)."
While we're on the topic of being wrong, did you ever figure out where
Tunguska was located? How about why Logan IS Quinn's double and that Quinn
and Maggie were never boyfriend and girlfriend? TF contributes A LOT more
positive material to this board than you and unlike you, can admit when
he makes a mistake (and he makes mistakes far less often than with you
"So why did he attack me in that post and this one? "
Because you actively opposed the fans of this board over "just a
tv show" (which you shouldn't even care about), then flaunted your
stupidity to everyone trying to save it. If someone told your future employer
not to hire you because they didn't like you, would
you let that go? Doubtful, especially after seeing your behavior on this
board (and every other one).
"Because SLIDERS has been cancelled and his life is ruined, so he
is taking his frustration out on me!"
His life is ruined? Please. You really are stupid. The reason is obvious.
You're hardly one to be declaring anyone's life hinges around tv. You
are worse than THE CABLE GUY. Everything "reminds"
you of an episode of GUNSMOKE, WILD WILD WEST or some other such schlock
from decades past. It's just like the time Leo McKern had a lobotomy...
You are pathetic.
BTW, check out:
ADDENDUM (I should probably add "Assistant to Dr Kevorkian"
to the
list of Exec's Entrepreneurial ventures after this act)
more links of Ex Off Topic

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