Date: 9/7/99
From: HunterD_Raven
When in the chat we just formed a new group on the BBoard, a small
kliq if you will.
We are called the AEL, our members are TemporalFlux,Blinker,Chaser9,Me
and just signed up S_the_Great.
AEL stands for the Anti-Exec league. A man who voted Absolutly in the
poll on if Sci-Fi did the right thing in canning TF, and then came here
and bragged about it. A Man who in the least influinced SonGokou200
to come here and bug us for a few days. A man who just about every other
post mentions First Wave. A man who has started more arguments than
religion,sex and politics COMBINED!(lol)
To the AEL
"In Brightest Day,in Blackest night, no lieing shall escape our
sight. Let those who worship Execs might BEWARE our power AELs LIGHT!!!"
(ok so i took that from Green of DC i think)
please check out this url,for more of the truth on Exec,
HunterD (Proud member of the AEL, who is just waiting for EXEC to go
postal when he replies to this)

Date: 9/7/99
From: HunterD_Raven
ment in canning sliders, not TF( oops)

forgot about me!...
Date: 9/7/99
From: KllyWlls
..I'm the cheerleader remember? Count me in too! -KW

this is too much...
Date: 9/7/99
From: darkslider
Yeah, it's too much and Exec doesn't have sex with the dead and squirrels!!
Count me in!! Let me say that I want you GONE Exec. You're time with
this board is OVER. It's as done as done as your libido, junior!!
AEL Plegdge

I join AEL? (END)
Date: 9/7/99
From: Maximilli0n

lexicographer here!
Date: 9/7/99
From: Blinker
Watch for the English/Executive dictionary to pop up on Gate Haven
PUBLICALLY (adv.) Performed publicly by someone named Cally. "J.R.
was horrified when his first wife *publically* announced the details
of his takeover plan for the Venezuelan refineries."
- Blinker 7:-D

thing Max! Also, to all members...
Date: 9/7/99
From: Blinker
Chaser9 was quite the prophet. Check out the first four replies in
this thread:
- Blinker 7:-/

TF thinks I'm obsessing over ST?
Date: 9/7/99
From: buffyboy

Dorothy, we'll help you get home.
Date: 9/8/99
From: Yeontoo
There is nothing like a common enemy, or a common goal, to bring a
group of people together.
Wow, that sounds like the original sliders.........

Do You Join? [end]
Date: 9/8/99
From: loki12

Date: 9/8/99
From: Blinker
Anyone can join, simply by asking. Shall we consider you a member?
- Blinker 7:-)
AEL lexicographer

worships Exec?
Date: 9/8/99
From: Parajo
I have never had any direct conflict with him, but I have never had
any reason to like him. Pathological lying, stupid comments, unsupported
conclusions, and a general lack of self confidence leading to the need
to lash out at others and start fights for attention are pretty good
reasons not to like someone, right? I also hate First Wave with a passion.
Parajo- the proud supporter of the AEL

I join???
Date: 9/8/99
From: _Arturo_
Can I join your group? All the people in it, i believe are my friends,
and I would like to stick with them. So...can I join? And can I make
a suggestion? You could make a banner, and we could all put it on our
sites, showing support for your efforts.
Arturo (Garrett Weaver)

doin' the banner!
Date: 9/8/99
From: Blinker
Just wait for it. It's killer.
- Blinker 7:-D

Sux, Go to your First Wave BBoard
Date: 9/8/99
From: mars2003

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