Yeontoo Moderator Posts: 527 (9/12/00 8:47:37 pm) ![]() |
ONLY Week 1.2 Thru the Vortex!
All 10 auditioners lined up to load on board a small waiting bus. Vig's Sliding Service was painted on the side, but it wasn't Vigeant driving, nor was he even a passenger on this little jaunt. Yeontoo checked their names off on her pad as she inspected their arrival, their clothing, and their one item: MissingSliderRyan         - AllRounder Swiss Army pocketknife WldKlly                - Toothbrush and Paste TimeFluxEMC2         - Laptop Computer Sabre-Edge                - Survival knife w/compass in hilt Vortex62                - Casio Watch BritSlider                - Survival knife (unseen hilt) DieselMickeyDolenz        - An air mattress VortexMaster                - All purpose Swiss knife with a built in (very mini) flashlight Slider8                        - A guitar Morpheus                - Toothbrush and Paste …Putting all extra items in the bin beside her. Extra toothbrushes, purses, wallets, keys, pictures, cameras, computers, computer disks… anything that is not their one luxury item. Finally, Yeontoo climbed aboard, speaking clearly to the driver. "Change of co-ordinates at the last minute Pavel." She handed him a slip of paper. Pavel changed the coordinates on his sliding device with less than a nod as Yeontoo sat down. He started moving the bus forward as a huge vortex formed and swirled in front of them. "I love Vortexes" Vortex62 could be heard from the back of the bus. "Me too man." VortexMaster echoed his sentiment. As the bus traveled thru a relatively smooth vortex (relative is a loose term), the passengers started talking amongst themselves. "I wonder how luxurious our suites will be" MissingSliderRyan asked, wondering if she'd have to share with the only other lady, or would she get one to herself. "I hope it has a full gym and sauna" DieselMickeyDolenz smiled, thinking of his relaxation. "I always thought there would be more blue inside a vortex" WldKlly observed. "Nice watch." She looked at Vortex62's one luxury item. "It's no normal watch…" Vortex62 started showing her his watch. Slider8 tapped the two guys that brought those big knives. "Guys? Those are awfully big knives… why did you bring that?" "Protection" Sabre-Edge and BritSlider spoke at the same time. "From what?! A Bear!" Morpheus exclaimed. "Nah, from those overly amorous maids" VortexMaster laughed as the rest of the crew cracked up. The bus exits the vortex, and comes to a full stop. The applicants stare at the beautiful tropical island that they have landed on. "This is it!" MsYeontoo exclaims She is the first off, waiting by the door as each passenger disembarked. She handed them each a 16oz bottle of water from the cooler by the bus door, taking one for herself. Pavel closes the door, and drives off into a waiting vortex. "Where is the chatteau?" "This is not high-tech world." "It's beautiful here!" "Where is that bus going?!" "What's going on?" "Man, it's hot!" "Where are we?" "How long are we here?" "Why are we here?" "Where is the hotel? "Catch that bus!" "What's going on?" Everyone was talking. After waiting a very short time, Yeontoo clears her throat and raises her hand. "There has been a slight change in plans. We are on Earth 9662 instead of 6296. This world supports human life, but it is devoid of it. You are being tested on your survival skills in the best way possible." "What?!" A chorus of voices rose. "Please! Since Sliding puts you in unforseeable circumstances that you will be expected to excel in, we chose to test you. You are, of course, welcomed to back out." Yeontoo waited. As the group quiets back down, Yeontoo continues. "The only life on this planet is a small outpost on that island there." Yeontoo points to a dot in the horizon. "It is a quite a luxurious and exclusive chateau that caters to the very rich. They have agreed, at quite a cost, to host our auditions. Every Wednesday morning, someone from yonder island will arrive by boat to pick up either the one of you that was voted off the night before or anyone who wishes to quit their audition. Once there, you will be treated as royalty for the remainder of our time here, and that is where you will await transportation home. Anytime you want to quit, you are considered the one voted off for that week. You can't swim out there and visit, shower, shave, eat a hot meal, then expect to come back. Once you leave the island, your name is crossed off my list." Yeontoo consulted her clipboard, and took a drink of her water. "The last one of you, the survivor, will be picked up from this spot by Pavel and taken on to Earth 6296 to start their new job." Yeontoo bites her lip, "Something I'm missing…. Oh! The new Slider salary is $200,000 a year, instead of $125,000 since you will have better proven your capabilities. If you don't leave until you're voted off, you will receive a compensation check for your time here of $2,000 per week. If you leave of your own free will before you are voted off, you will still enjoy the royalty treatment at the Chateau Outpost, but you'll receive no other compensation." "Questions?" "Where will you be?" Vortex62 asked. "I'll be here, observing. This is still an audition, tho, different from what you expected. I can interact with all of you, but I won't tell where the water is, or the food, or give advice, unless it's to everyone at one time." "Any gear or equipment?" "Yes. See those?" Y points to 2 large green containers. Each team takes one. In it, you'll find…" Yeontoo pulls out a list, then rattles it off. "One Flashlight 1 box of 12 fishhooks 2 wooden matches in a little waterproof container 5 spoons 1 -12 inch skillet 1 - 5 quart stew pot 1 metal spatula 10 silver foil blankets" Britslider groaned, looking very unconvinced. MissingSliderRyan nudged him, asking "What?" "They are suppose to keep you warm… but… " Sabre-Edge sighed, "it's better than nothing I suppose." Miz Yeontoo smirked, but tried to hide it, continuing… "1/2 ounce of salt ½ oz pepper and 5 green windbreakers, each with your name and team name on them." "Where do we start?" WldKlly asked. "Oh!" Yeontoo smiled, "Glad you asked. Alpha team will set up that way" Y points to the left. "Omega team will set up that way," Y points to the right. "You have about a day to settle in before we start." Yeontoo watched as the teams separated, introduced themselves to each other as they wrestled the green container off to camp. |
![]() Junior Slider Posts: 15 (9/13/00 1:37:11 am) |
goes to camp..
"Well, I guess we better set up, eh?" Klly said as the Alpha team reached their site. "Yes," said Sabre-Edge. He pointed to a clear area in the shade, "That looks good!" The team wandered (well ok.. Klly wandered.. the others walked) over and began to set up camp. |
Edge Administrator (9/13/00 2:16:17 am) ![]() |
Re: Klly goes to camp..
SE and DMD lift and carry the green container down the beach as Klly scampers off ahead with Slider8 and Morpheus bringing up the rear. Klly stops at a nice flat grassy spot just off of the sand. "This place looks pretty good to set up camp", Morpheus said as they arrived on the patch. The container settles with a thud on the ground. Klly quickly pulls out her metallic "blanket" and laid it out next to a shady palm tree, claiming the best spot quickly. She tossed her toothpaste and toothbrush on the "blanket" and laid out her windbreaker with her name prominetly displayed. "This spot is mine guys, I saw it first!" Klly declared as she laid back on the spread settling in. SE lowered to the ground to sit and popped the top off the container and started taking out the stuff inside, organizing it. Morpheus looked around and around for the best spot to set up his sleeping quarters. Slider8 rolled over a nearby log and sat down. He took his guitar in hand a started playing a folk tune. DMD sat across from SE and took out of his pocket a rolled up object of plastic. He unraveled the matress and started blowing the luxury item up. SE smiled as he sorted the equipment, happy his team was settling in. |
Slider8 Junior Slider Posts: 44 (9/13/00 5:21:40 pm) |
Setting up
Slider8 puts his guitar down and walks over to examine the green container. "OK, Sabre, you've got the knife right? I think we should go look for some food." Meanwhile, Klly was still catching rays on her sheet of tin foil. Morpheus and DMD stood up. "I guess we'll build a fire and try to set up a camp." SE and Slider8 began walking towards the jungle. "Alright then, we'll be back soon." Sabre-Edge and Slider8 quietly walked through the jungle. There was a bit of a path that they followed. Suddenly, SE stopped and put his hand up to his ear. "I hear water." Sabre began walking in the direction of the sound, followed by Slider8. They came out of the trees and found a small stream with tiny water falls. Slider8 was being cautious. "Do you think it's safe?" SE leaned down and cupped some of it in his hand. "Only one way to find out..." [:::]o]}= = = =(((o))) -Slider8 |
Edge Administrator Posts: 129 (9/13/00 5:40:17 pm) ![]() |
Food and shelter
SE held the water up to his face to inspect the small pool in his hands. "It looks safe but I'm not going to chance it, we should boil it to make sure. Come on, I have an idea." SE and S8 walk back to camp. "We can carry some water back to camp in the green container." SE picked up the empty container and held it on his shoulder. "Klly, you and DMD are also swimmers. See what you can do with the fish hooks to catch us some food. Morpheus, go into the light jungle and see what you can find in the way shelter material. And Morph, also be on the look out for any other food source, animals, berries, stuff like that. 8 and I will be back with some water." SE (with the container) and 8 walked back into the jungle to the previous watering hole. SE deeply scooped the Rubbermaid container into the water, filling it 3/4 of the way full. "Ugh, its heavy, its gotta weigh about 120 lbs! We need to dump some out." They tipped the bucket and poured it to about half full. "80 lbs is more manageable." S8 and SE slowly lug the container back to camp, stopping every once in a while to rest a few seconds. S8 echoed SE's thoughts, "its not really the weight that is the problem, it is the sloshing and moving of the weight inside the container." They get back to camp and set the container under a shade tree. They both stretch out and look around. Klly and DMD were out in the water, hopefully doing something with the hooks. Morpheus also had a small pile started near the edge of the camp that would be useful building material. SE looked at a tree a few yards away and saw coconuts growing high up. He connected his knife to his belt and turned to S8, "start a fire with a match and start boiling the water in the stewpot. Do NOT let the fire go out, we only have two matches. I'm going to go get some food up there." Edited by: Sabre Edge Edited by: 9/13/00 4:49:44 pm |
Edge Administrator Posts: 130 (9/13/00 5:47:17 pm) ![]() |
MSR, if you are reading
this thread.
<<< I swear I posted before I read yours! We both thought of using the containers for water ![]() ![]() |
Morpheus Junior Slider Posts: 36 (9/13/00 6:06:33 pm) |
Building and supplies.
Morpheus, after getting some material into the camp, headed out to hunt. For the rest of the day, Morpheus set up a trap system that he could easily run and (using some salt, water, and a local weed) was able to create a liquid for testing plants for their medicinal value. He hoped to have a hospital set up soon. |
Yeontoo Moderator Posts: 531 (9/13/00 7:46:48 pm) ![]() |
Alpha Team
((( Check your emails for the password to your Challenge Forum))) ~Y |
![]() Novice Slider Posts: 59 (9/13/00 11:37:28 pm) ![]() |
Re: Alpha Team
DMD came up from the water. He had torn off a small strip of his shirt to bandage his middle finger. Slider8: "What happened to your finger?" DMD: "Klly and I had a little disagreement about the most effective way to hook a fish. She demonstrated using my finger.... She won." Morpheus: "Hey, man. The med unit's almost ready. I've found some very useful herbs in the surrounding jungle. Need me to take a look at that finger?" DMD: "Thanks, but no. It'll be fine." Morpheus: "Suit yourself." DMD: "Looks like your well on your way to building the fire. Logs stacked properly. Kindling on the bottom. How are you going to light it?" SE: "We were going to use one of the matches." DMD: "Man, you and S8 both listed fire building as skills. Those two matches may be needed later. There's got to be another way." Slider8: "Well, the wood is rather dry. I suppose the old 'rubbing sticks together' method would do." Klly <running up from the water's edge> "Help!" SE: "What happened?" Klly: "I caught a fish!" <sticks tongue out at DMD> Morpheus: "So what do you need help with?" Klly: "You obviously haven't seen this world's idea of trout!" Diesel ![]() |
![]() Junior Slider Posts: 16 (9/14/00 1:43:08 am) |
Troubles with Trout
They all went running to the shore where they were met apon by Klly's new prize: A 10 foot fanged trout. "Oh My Gosh.." S8 whispered. "So um.. what are we going to do?" Klly asked as the fish roared. It was angry and it watched her carefully. Klly began to pace, as she did the fish followed her, swimming back and forth. "It doesn't want to lose you," SE said. "I know! And until we do something about it, we can't go in the water again! Well, at least I can't. You could try it but I would advise against it." Klly added. "All I can think of is to hurl rocks at it. I would say we could use one of your pocket knives, but they are too valuable. Anyone got any suggestions?" |
Edge Administrator Posts: 136 (9/14/00 3:06:16 am) ![]() |
A Fishy Solution
"Hey Klly, why don't you run along the beach till you get near the Omega camp, hopefully someone will be in the water when you get there!" ![]() ![]() "On second thought we could try and spear it to eat it... nah, the Omegas will love a new pet!" |
Yeontoo Moderator Posts: 536 (9/14/00 3:10:13 am) ![]() |
Dropping what their
Week 1.3 Yeontoo called all the teams together, to meet in a semi-sunken structure that was reminiscent of a Stone Age tribal council meeting place. It was three-forth sunken into the ground and made of stone to be comfortably cool, only three-fourths to let natural light and air in, with a firepit in the middle. As hot as it is outside, it is almost incomprehensible to need a fire… that is, until you're shivering in the cool chamber. "Come In," Yeontoo motioned the teams on in. "I'm pleased that each team seems to be working together so well. Rest assured, it has been noted." "Yeah, we saw you in our camp for awhile." BritSlider said as he took a seat near the middle front. "We saw you too. You know, you can sit in, eat and drink with us…" Sabre-Edge paused, then as Brit was nodding, " ..or the Omegas, anytime." SE chose a seat near the front left. "Thank you." Yeontoo smiled as she took a seat on a rock, holding her ever-present clipboard. She waited as the Alpha and Omega took their seats, somewhat close to each other. "This place can be breached by invitation only. If you are cold, even with the fire burning, please bring your windbreakers. If it gets dark, we have torches available that can be lit and stuck in the sconces on the stone pillars." Yeontoo waits a minute, letting everyone look around. "Those are cool drawings on the pillars" WldKlly pointed. DMD uncrossed his arms, "Fascinating! Are they real or drawn for our benefit?" Yeontoo smiled, otherwise not saying anything …in truth, she didn't know. "Wow, it's cool enough in here to need that fire." MSR hugged her windbreaker to her. "Sit closer to the fire MSR, if you're cold" Tex moved off the stone seat he had, since it was the closest to the fire. MSR took the seat gratefully. Yeontoo hopped up; "I'll answer any questions you have about the immunity challenges and the voting if you have them." "When do we have our first one again?" TimeFlux asked. "We'll meet here Friday morning for the challenge." Yeontoo nodded her head as she saw everyone understood. After no more questions, she continued. "Today, we meet for a luxury challenge. It is an 8 question True/ False Quiz. The person who answers them all first (email please!), or the one that gets the most right will chose from 3 separate luxuries. This is no way affects your teams immunity." *Thick-padded Quilt *Zippo (new flint, full) *Machete Slider 8 pondered, "When will we know who won?" "I'll come to your campsite to announce it" Yeontoo promised. VortexMaster stood up, stretching his lanky frame, "When do we get the prize?" "I'll have them with me when I announce it, or you'll follow me back here to collect it." Yeontoo pointed down the ground. "I'm READY!" Morpheus hopped off his stone seat. Everyone else echoed that sentiment. ==================================================== HIKING SURVIVAL QUIZ True/False 1. Food is the most important item to pack. 2. The first signs of heat stress are excessive sweating and burning skin. 3. You can't get hypothermia (low body temperature) in the summer. 4. If you'll be hiking in high altitudes, you should spend a night at the higher elevation before you start out. 5. If you get caught in a lightning storm, you should take shelter under trees. 6. If you'll be hiking in remote areas, the best preventive measure is to carry a cell phone. 7. It will take about 4 hours to hike a moderately hilly 8-mile route. 8. If you sprain an ankle, you should try walking down the mountain. ===================================================== After Y gave out the quiz, she moved to the farthest corner by the steps. As each team member gave their answers, they departed up the stone steps. |
Edge Administrator Posts: 137 (9/14/00 3:19:42 pm) ![]() |
Oh NO!!
SE handed in his quiz to Y and walked over near the entrance. He leaned his back against the wall and rested, arms folded, waiting for the others to finish. He nodded to each of his teammates has they walked past him on their way out. (He also stuck his tongue out at the Omega team one by one as they finished and walked out. ![]() SE ran out of the council structure toward his team as they walked back to camp. "Guys! Guys! GUYS!" looking at Klly "...and girl." He spoke rapidly to them, waving his hands around. "MSR is collecting small flat rocks!" DMD answered quickly, "So? Maybe she likes to collect them?" SE turned to DMD, "Nonono! Do you know what you use flat rocks for?" S8 spoke up, "Yeah... maybe she wanted to use them for cooking or something..." "COOKING?! NO man! She is going to come to our camp and sling us with them!" Morpheus cocks his head to SE, "Sling us? Man, only one day on the island and you are acting crazy." SE sprints off down the beach to camp, pulling out his knife. "I have to make spears! We need to defend ourselves! You can thank me later!" The other four just watch him and shake their heads. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
![]() Junior Slider Posts: 46 (9/14/00 5:24:00 pm) ![]() |
Re: Oh NO!!
Slider8 finished his quiz and handed it to Y. "I'll see you guys later, I'm gonna go catch up with Sabre!" Slider8 left and headed back towards the camp. As he arrived, he saw SE carving wood and building spears. SE looked up. "Hey 8!" Slider8 moved over to Sabre_Edge. "Good idea. We could also use these for hunting." Slider8 walked over to the woods and found some nice sticks that he and SE could make into spears. "Here ya go!" S8 dropped them at SE's feet. "After this, I suggest we try and go get some food." [:::]o]}= = = =(((o))) -Slider8 Edited by: Slider8![]() |
Morpheus Junior Slider Posts: 40 (9/14/00 6:45:52 pm) |
Re: Oh NO! Not another
attempt at war.
Morpheus immediately went back into the jungle and checked his traps. After two hours, he came back with enough food to last them for the rest of the time there. Everyone then went to work making sure that the food wouldn't spoil early. Do I look like a warlord to you? If not, look again. |
Yeontoo Moderator Posts: 541 (9/15/00 1:12:11 am) ![]() |
Team Alpha
Yeontoo walked quietly into the camp. She was holding the quilt over her left arm, and the machete was swinging from her right, pointed downward. Y stood in the center of the makeshift camp, taking in the lack of shelter, and the abundance of food. She waited until all of Team Alpha stood before her. They knew one of them won; Y was there, and she was smiling. Y laid the blanket at her feet, then set the machete on top. She reached in her pocket to retrieve the Zippo to lay down. "DieselMickeyDolenz, you've won your choice of these luxuries with your impressive score of 6" Y solemly said, the broke out in a nice smile as the impact hit DMD. DMD stood there a moment, then gave a hoop and a holler that would make a redneck rebel proud. His teammates congratulated him, slapping him on the back. "Great!" "Good Going" "Nice work man!" "Congrats!" "Your choice?" Y waited. |
Yeontoo Moderator Posts: 543 (9/15/00 4:29:06 am) ![]() |
Team Alpha Week 1.5
It was time. The fire in the pit of the council chamber was blazing brightly, warding off the slight chill the dampened earth exuded. Yeontoo looked over the solemn teams as they entered and took seats, this time, grouped together as teams should be. They whispered amongst themselves, shuffling around in their seats, wholy unsure of what this challenge was or what the results would bring. Tex and SE, being last in, and closest to the torches, took it upon themselves to lit a few. Yeontoo pulled out 2 16x20 thick posterboards and two pens. She handed one of each to DMD, the Alpha Team, and the other of each to MSR, the Omega Team; solely becuz they were the closest to her. DMD brought his poster around to view with a nod, and his team crowded around him. MSR whispered a 'thank you' as she brought hers around, then her team crowded her. As the teams poured over the challenge, Y started spelling out a few extra rules.. but most of the questions could be answered by another player. "This is a team effort. No one person may complete this challenge. At least 3 teammates must work on it." Yeontoo began. "I'll assume that more members working on it is desired." VortexMaster said, waiting and receiving Y's nod. Y continued, "The point total is 100. First team to reach 100, wins immunity." "And if neither reaches 100?" MSR questioned. "Then the one that is the closest.. the Omega team, wins" Brit smirked. "Cool" TF muttered as WldKlly violently shook her head. "Nope! Alpha!". "We'll see my dear", Brit grinned, as Vortexmaster smothered a laugh. "And the voting?" Slider8 looked up. "That's on Tuesday." DMD pointed at the name of the Challenge. "When's the deadline?" Morpheus asked. "2pm Monday... about 3 and a half days from now" SE squenched his eyes, thinking. "This kinda looks like a gradeschool activity."Wldklly observed where DMD was pointing. "Yeah, I remember my little brother doing that." MSR agreed. SE and Morph nodded. "Yes, upon advice, the first challenge was made quite easy." Yeontoo announced, breaking in. "Easy?" Ten voices echoed. |
![]() Novice Slider Posts: 65 (9/15/00 7:28:39 pm) ![]() |
Re: Team Alpha Week
DMD put down his pen after completing his portion of the immunity challenge and looked at the pile of prizes. A quilt, a Zippo lighter, and a machette. "Well, we do have blankets, even if they aren't as nice as that quilt. We could use the machette, since we're short on knives....." SE: "It's your choice, but you know what I'd choose." Klly: "Yeah. I know which one I'd grab." DMD: "Alright. I'll take the lighter. Two matches isn't very many. And if it rains, it could take a lot to get a new fire going." DMD scooped up the lighter and put it in his pocket. Y picked up the two unchosen items and placed them in her backpack. Klly sighed as Y put away that comfy quilt. |
Edge Administrator Posts: 142 (9/15/00 7:32:30 pm) ![]() |
The plan
SE put down his pen, confident they were done. "Nice work heading the challenge up DMD, and good job to you too Klly." He stretched out as he sat on the stone floor. He watched MSR skin the lizard Tex caught. SE turned to his team, "Hey guys, what do we have to eat for dinner after this?" S8 looked up, "welllll... we have coconuts..." Morpheus spoke up too, "we have some... stuff." "What do you mean stuff?" "Stuff I found." "Well do you know what it is?" "Um... no." SE sighed, looks like they were going hungry tonight. The team turned in their challenge and headed out for the night. =================================================== They slept restlessly on their tin foil blankets... except for DMD on his air matress (lucky guy!). SE was the first up in the morning. He sat up and rubbed his eyes looking out to the ocean. Klly's "friend" swam close to shore, its fin breaking the water. His stomach growled mercilessly. He reached over and shook Klly awake by the ankle. "Hey, whatta ya doing?! I finally fell asleep!" "Get up, you're going to be bait for our breakfast." "What?!" SE shook the others awake, "Grab some spears guys and girl, Ole' Trouty is going to be in our bellies by noon." |
Morpheus Junior Slider Posts: 45 (9/15/00 8:32:26 pm) |
Re: The plan
While SE, Klly, and another were trying to get the trout, Morpheus and the rest got around to building the shelter. When it was finished, which took several hours, it had a version of indoor plumbing, a version of heating and AC, bedrooms for all, kitchen, and a bathroom. Morpheus headed off into the jungle and found a clean water source that they could use. He managed to get a few people to help him create a irrigation system heading back to camp. When they were finished, Morpheus got several more animals (one of which resembled a cow, only was 200 pounds heavier [U.S. measurements]) and they cleaned a preserved the animals. Then Morpheus went about spying on the Omega Team. Do I look like a warlord to you? If not, look again. |
![]() Junior Slider Posts: 50 (9/15/00 11:12:34 pm) ![]() |
Re: The plan
Slider8, SE, and Klly had now successfully speared the trout enough that it gave up and fall dead, half way on the beach, half way in ther water. " do we move it?" Klly asked. Slider8 thought for a second. "I'll go get some help from Morpheus, he's good at inventing." Less than an hour later, Slider8 and Morpheus had designed a sort of pully system to drag the trout onto the beach. Once the Alpha team was done dragging this large fish onto land, they sat down and got ready to eat! [:::]o]}= = = =(((o))) -Slider8 Edited by: Slider8![]() |
Morpheus Novice Slider Posts: 52 (9/17/00 2:05:05 am) |
Re: The plan
Morpheus managed to find the traps, and did not spring them Since the jungle was out of for spying, he would have to work on a telescope. Nobody had seen him because he had allowed his eyes to adjust to the dark before moving around in the jungle. Then Morpheus saw Tex rush back to camp, having probably run across a snake or some rats. Do I look like a warlord to you? If not, look again. |
Yeontoo Moderator Posts: 582 (9/17/00 4:35:34 pm) ![]() |
Monkeys swarmed your camp silently last night, and stole all your food stores, and your shiney pots, pans, fishing hooks, and SE's survival knife (sheathed). They left you piles of monkey presents, and fouled your water in storage. WldKlly rose at dawn, following the monkeys to retrieve the supplies, and is now lost. Edited by: Yeontoo Edited by: 9/17/00 3:43:19 pm |
Yeontoo Moderator Posts: 586 (9/18/00 3:02:42 am) ![]() |
Challenge Completed
and Computed
Yeontoo tacked the following on the totem pole beside the entrance of the semi-underground chamber. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& & & Congratulations Alpha Team. & & Omega Team, prepare for voting. & &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Yeontoo used her cell phone to call the Chateau, and the prospective employers. "Sirs, we have a winner. The Alpha Team won the challenge, but the Omega Team came impressively close to winning. ….. Yes sur, ….yes sur. Tuesday. The boat .. yes sur, Wednesday. My pleasure, goodbye." Y pushed the off button as she jogged to see what the teams were up to this fine morning. Edited by: Yeontoo Edited by: 9/18/00 2:42:38 pm |
![]() Novice Slider Posts: 70 (9/18/00 9:45:48 am) ![]() |
DMD awoke to the sound of SE ranting, "monkeys! @#$% monkeys!" DMD: "Hey, man. What did I do to you to tick you off? Ewwww. What's all this? And where's our stuff?" SE: "Not Monkees, like you. Monkeys, the animals. They made off with our stuff, made this huge mess, and it looks like Kllys gone missing, too." Slider8: "Looks like they got all the cooking gear, all the food,... and SE's knife! Ugh, made a mess of the water suply, too." SE: "Like I said, ![]() DMD: "Where's Morpheus?" Slider8: "I think he's still under his shelter." SE: "I'll get him, then we have to find Klly and those monkeys." Diesel |
![]() Junior Slider Posts: 21 (9/18/00 2:49:31 pm) |
Klly's search for home...
Klly wandered around trying to re-trace her steps. She didn't remember much of the last night. What she did remember, she tried to piece together. "Hmm.." She said aloud to herself, "I was asleep and I heard the commotion outside and woke up. I looked over too see the monkeys messing with the stuff. I made a loud noise hoping to scare them away but as i saw one of them with SE's knife I chased it into the woods. That was dumb of me.. my bad. I got the knife back though!" She polished it with the corner of her shirt. Then she remembered something she saw on TV once. She found a clear spot in the woods. And began to gather sticks and logs. She made them into a big pile and put some straw and dry leaves in the pile as well. |
Edge Administrator Posts: 146 (9/18/00 9:21:36 pm) ![]() |
Re: Klly's search for
SE hopped from "safe" spot to "safe" spot, missing the monkey "presents". "Dang! What a way to celebrate our first victory! ICK" "Slider8, you know where the watering hole is, take Morpheus and get us some fresh water... remember to boil it when you bring it back." "Got it. What about the monkey piles?" "See if you can't use a wide stick and shovel them into piles, they should burn pretty good." "I'll have Morph do that, hehehe" SE turned to DMD, "We have to go find Klly." "Where should we start? We also need food too." "Well, we can always spear more carnivorous trout... we just need Klly for that." "So where do we start looking for her?" SE looked up over the green canopy of jungle trees. A small plume of smoke rose from inside the jungle. "Look! She made a signal fire! Lets go!" SE and DMD left quickly into the jungle. |
![]() Novice Slider Posts: 71 (9/19/00 9:21:26 am) ![]() |
Into the jungle
SE and DMD made their way through the thick foliage toward the signal fire that Klly made. SE: "You should have chosen the machette. We could really use it now." DMD: "Now you tell me." As they wound their way towards Klly, they found various pots and pans scattered about. DMD: "At least we're finding some of our stuff. OUCH!!!" SE: "What?" DMD: "Found the fish hooks." SE: "Heh heh." Eventually, SE and DMD made met up with Klly at the signal fire. Klly: "It took you guys long enough. Look, I found your knife." SE: "If you found the knife, why didn't you just use the compas in the handle to find your way back to camp?" Klly: "Oh, yeah. Well, I couldn't remember which direction camp was." DMD: "That reminds me, which direction do we go to get back?" SE: "I thought you knew." Klly: "Great. Let's find more firewood." |
Edge Administrator Posts: 147 (9/19/00 4:05:53 pm) ![]() |
Re: Into the jungle
"Okokokokok... we need to do something to get back." SE sat on the ground, next to a tree stump. He set the stew pot upside down as well as the other smaller pot. He picked up two heavy sticks. "We have to call upon the jungle spirits to direct us back to camp." He started banging on the wood and metal, creating what he thought was a rhythm. "OOOOOaaaahh OOOh OOOh AAAh oooooo AAAAAA YAH YAH YAH!.... join in you two!" The others looked at him with raised eyebrows. Klly leaned over to DMD, "Ya know... I do think he is going crazy." DMD just nodded, transfixed by the "rhythm" that was disturbing the jungle. A monkey came running through their group, heading off back the way they came! SE froze in mid "ooo". "SEE?! It worked! The monkey is a jungle spirit going to help us find the way back!" DMD helped SE quickly gather the equipment, "Dude, its not a helpful jungle spirit. It is just going back for more stuff! Let's go!" The three of them quickly chased after the monkey. ![]() |
Morpheus Novice Slider Posts: 53 (9/19/00 7:03:49 pm) |
Monkeys? Now what?
Morpheus was surprised when some monkeys arrived in his secret forest base. He took the time to test his newest creation, a version of the crossbow. Morpheus managed to kill all of the monkeys and was surprised to find stuff from his camp with them. He took the items back to camp, only to find his team mates fighting more monkeys. Morpheus pulled out his crossbow and shot the monkeys, kill most and fatally wounding the last. "This is too much of a coincidence. First, we get robbed by monkeys. Second, rats take over the Omega Team's camp. I saw Y near the Omega campsite when the rats attacked. I think that she may be testing our ability to adapt. I have made enough crossbows for all of you. The construction is entirely improvised, but they are more accurate and have a farther range than all other weapons available to us," Morpheus said as he passed out crossbows, suspicious about Y's motives. "How were you able to spy on the Omega Team? They have traps out," SE asked. "Their traps work on people on the ground. I mostly live in the trees," Morpheus said. "Do what?" SE asked, suddenly regretting the question. "I am building a survival complex in the trees above the ground. The reason is that my own traps forced me to. People cannot cross from one side of the island to the other without using my pathway. Only Y, myself, and now all of you knoq about it," Morpheus said. "How? We would have heard you if you were," SE said. "You know that loud buzzing sound every morning?" Morpheus asked. "Yes," SE said. "That is the sound of insects leaving a giant insect colony near the center of the island. They do all of their work in the morning and hibernate during the rest of the day," Morpheus said. "Umm, we have our counsels there. You mean that that mound in the top of a hive?" SE asked. "Yes. I've been using the noise made by the insects to disguise the noise I make while working. The Omega Team has a problem, They are nearing some traps I laid near the hive on their course through the jungle, and it's nearly morning," Morpheus said. The sun chose that moment to rise, and the insects began their morning ritual. Morpheus hoped that they ignored the river today. |
![]() Junior Slider Posts: 22 (9/19/00 8:16:50 pm) |
Klly and her fishing
Klly wlked along the shore with her spear in her right hand. DMD caught up to her. "You know, I never used to like fishing," She said to him, "I wasn't any good at it. But as they say, practice does make perfect!" Just then she saw a fin in the water and ran out to meet it. It swam out to about 4 ft. deep. She bonked it on the head and she heard a growl from below her. "Come and get me you mean ol' fish!" She yelled at it. It swam after her al the way to 3 ft. where DMD was waiting with his spear. With one swift motion dinner was served. "It's not as big as the first one but oh well.. " She said as she grabbed the turkey sized fish. "I'm sick of fish," DMD said. "Do what I do, pretend it's chicken. Mmmm Kentucky FRIED Chicken!" |
Yeontoo Moderator Posts: 592 (9/20/00 7:35:10 am) ![]() |
New Day
The Omega Team gathered silently. Tex, MSR, Brit, and VM were waiting on the vote results. TF, however, was not. He was ready to leave the island. TF tucked his laptop under his arm more securely and took a deep breath. The Alphas lined up behind the Omegas, interested in seeing the doings "Mz Yeontoo, ma'am. I've thought about it, ...and I want to volunteer to take the place of whoever was voted off. I want a hot meal, soft bed, air conditioning, television, and a modem connection." While TF spoke, none of the Omegas or the Alphas moved a muscle, nor spoke. "Are you sure TimeFlux?" Y looked up from her clipboard, "I can still announce the results." "Yes ma'am, I'm positive. And I'm taking my trusty laptop with me too." "There comes the boat!" Tex pointed. All eyes turned to the slick powerboat. Long, with a pointed nose, 2 bucket seats and a bench for the passengers, twin motors and a huge spoiler rollbar looking addition, it made its way to the beach in no time. The boat driver looked familiar as he handed Mz Yeontoo a packet of papers, and took the packet she handed him. "Who goes?" Pavel asked. "I do" TF stepped into the boat, and sat on the bench. "Another double" whispered Brit to the other eight nodding auditioners. As the boat sped off, TF didn't even look behind him. |