Yeontoo Moderator Posts: 526 (9/12/00 8:46:34 pm) ![]() |
Thru the Vortex!
All 10 auditioners lined up to load on board a small waiting bus. Vig's Sliding Service was painted on the side, but it wasn't Vigeant driving, nor was he even a passenger on this little jaunt. Yeontoo checked their names off on her pad as she inspected their arrival, their clothing, and their one item: MissingSliderRyan         - AllRounder Swiss Army pocketknife WldKlly                - Toothbrush and Paste TimeFluxEMC2         - Laptop Computer Sabre-Edge                - Survival knife w/compass in hilt Vortex62                - Casio Watch BritSlider                - Survival knife (unseen hilt) DieselMickeyDolenz        - An air mattress VortexMaster                - All purpose Swiss knife with a built in (very mini) flashlight Slider8                        - A guitar Morpheus                - Toothbrush and Paste …Putting all extra items in the bin beside her. Extra toothbrushes, purses, wallets, keys, pictures, cameras, computers, computer disks… anything that is not their one luxury item. Finally, Yeontoo climbed aboard, speaking clearly to the driver. "Change of co-ordinates at the last minute Pavel." She handed him a slip of paper. Pavel changed the coordinates on his sliding device with less than a nod as Yeontoo sat down. He started moving the bus forward as a huge vortex formed and swirled in front of them. "I love Vortexes" Vortex62 could be heard from the back of the bus. "Me too man." VortexMaster echoed his sentiment. As the bus traveled thru a relatively smooth vortex (relative is a loose term), the passengers started talking amongst themselves. "I wonder how luxurious our suites will be" MissingSliderRyan asked, wondering if she'd have to share with the only other lady, or would she get one to herself. "I hope it has a full gym and sauna" DieselMickeyDolenz smiled, thinking of his relaxation. "I always thought there would be more blue inside a vortex" WldKlly observed. "Nice watch." She looked at Vortex62's one luxury item. "It's no normal watch…" Vortex62 started showing her his watch. Slider8 tapped the two guys that brought those big knives. "Guys? Those are awfully big knives… why did you bring that?" "Protection" Sabre-Edge and BritSlider spoke at the same time. "From what?! A Bear!" Morpheus exclaimed. "Nah, from those overly amorous maids" VortexMaster laughed as the rest of the crew cracked up. The bus exits the vortex, and comes to a full stop. The applicants stare at the beautiful tropical island that they have landed on. "This is it!" MsYeontoo exclaims She is the first off, waiting by the door as each passenger disembarked. She handed them each a 16oz bottle of water from the cooler by the bus door, taking one for herself. Pavel closes the door, and drives off into a waiting vortex. "Where is the chatteau?" "This is not high-tech world." "It's beautiful here!" "Where is that bus going?!" "What's going on?" "Man, it's hot!" "Where are we?" "How long are we here?" "Why are we here?" "Where is the hotel? "Catch that bus!" "What's going on?" Everyone was talking. After waiting a very short time, Yeontoo clears her throat and raises her hand. "There has been a slight change in plans. We are on Earth 9662 instead of 6296. This world supports human life, but it is devoid of it. You are being tested on your survival skills in the best way possible." "What?!" A chorus of voices rose. "Please! Since Sliding puts you in unforseeable circumstances that you will be expected to excel in, we chose to test you. You are, of course, welcomed to back out." Yeontoo waited. As the group quiets back down, Yeontoo continues. "The only life on this planet is a small outpost on that island there." Yeontoo points to a dot in the horizon. "It is a quite a luxurious and exclusive chateau that caters to the very rich. They have agreed, at quite a cost, to host our auditions. Every Wednesday morning, someone from yonder island will arrive by boat to pick up either the one of you that was voted off the night before or anyone who wishes to quit their audition. Once there, you will be treated as royalty for the remainder of our time here, and that is where you will await transportation home. Anytime you want to quit, you are considered the one voted off for that week. You can't swim out there and visit, shower, shave, eat a hot meal, then expect to come back. Once you leave the island, your name is crossed off my list." Yeontoo consulted her clipboard, and took a drink of her water. "The last one of you, the survivor, will be picked up from this spot by Pavel and taken on to Earth 6296 to start their new job." Yeontoo bites her lip, "Something I'm missing…. Oh! The new Slider salary is $200,000 a year, instead of $125,000 since you will have better proven your capabilities. If you don't leave until you're voted off, you will receive a compensation check for your time here of $2,000 per week. If you leave of your own free will before you are voted off, you will still enjoy the royalty treatment at the Chateau Outpost, but you'll receive no other compensation." "Questions?" "Where will you be?" Vortex62 asked. "I'll be here, observing. This is still an audition, tho, different from what you expected. I can interact with all of you, but I won't tell where the water is, or the food, or give advice, unless it's to everyone at one time." "Any gear or equipment?" "Yes. See those?" Y points to 2 large green containers. Each team takes one. In it, you'll find…" Yeontoo pulls out a list, then rattles it off. "One Flashlight 1 box of 12 fishhooks 2 wooden matches in a little waterproof container 5 spoons 1 -12 inch skillet 1 - 5 quart stew pot 1 metal spatula 10 silver foil blankets" Britslider groaned, looking very unconvinced. MissingSliderRyan nudged him, asking "What?" "They are suppose to keep you warm… but… " Sabre-Edge sighed, "it's better than nothing I suppose." Miz Yeontoo smirked, but tried to hide it, continuing… "1/2 ounce of salt ½ oz pepper and 5 green windbreakers, each with your name and team name on them." "Where do we start?" WldKlly asked. "Oh!" Yeontoo smiled, "Glad you asked. Alpha team will set up that way" Y points to the left. "Omega team will set up that way," Y points to the right. "You have about a day to settle in before we start." Yeontoo watched as the teams separated, introduced themselves to each other as they wrestled the green container off to camp. |
![]() Administrator Posts: 425 (9/12/00 11:50:40 pm) ![]() |
OMEGA ONLY Week 1.2 Thru the Vortex!
Tex looks at the container "Well time is a wasting, lets find a good spot, Yo Timeflux can you help me with this container?" Timeflux "Sure". As they walk along everyone is wondering what is in store for them in the days to come..
vor-TEX-62 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
BritSlider Beginner Slider Posts: 2 (9/13/00 10:49:38 am) |
1.2 Thru the Vortex!
After walking for about ten minutes, Omega team found what they were looking for; a place to make camp. It was a little clearing, just inside the tree-line, close to the shore. There was a fast-flowing stream nearby running into the sea that would prvide them with suitable drinking water. Tex and Timeflux lowered the container to the floor and stretched. "This looks like the perfect place" MSR said. BritSlider had been smiling and singing quietly to himself all through the journey; it was almost as if he were happy to be stuck on a deserted island instead of a high-tech world. "What's with you?" Asked VortexMaster: "You been in a good mood ever since we left the bus." BritSlider smiled: "Have you seen what the two teams brought with them as their luxury items?" He asked the rest of his team. The slight looks of confusion showed that they hadn't paid too much attention to what everyone had brought. "You see, in this team we have two Swiss army knives, my survival knife, a laptop computer, and Tex's mysterious watch. The other team has got a survival knife, two lots of toothbrushes & paste, a guitar and an air mattress!" Tex laughed when he considered the two lists. "Sweet Lord, we're up against Julie Andrews and the Von Trapp family singers! This should be a walkover for the early stages." "Not only that," continued BritSlider, "but Tex here is a serving member of the US Navy, and I spent time with the Royal Air Force back in England; so between the two of us we have all the survival training we are likely to need on this island!" "Brit's got a point," said Timeflux. "You two should start getting us organised if you know what you're doing." "Okay, you and MSR can help me start with the shelters whilst Tex and VortexMaster go look for food. Perhaps MSR can cook something up for us with whatever they bring back?" "Easy there Brit!" VortexMaster put in: "Just because MSR is the only female in our team it doesn't mean she should do all the cooking!" BritSlider laughed, before replying: "I'm not being sexist, it's just that MSR listed cooking as one of her skills on her application form! We've got to start using each others strengths if we're going to get through this." Tex walked over to Brit. "You know, we've only got half an ounce of salt; that's not going to be nearly enough to see us through the coming months without suffering severe dehydration. When I get back from the food trek I'll set up some kind of filtration system to reclaim the salt from the sea water." "Good thinking Tex," replied BritSlider. And with that, Omega team set about making their base camp a more habitable place to live.......... |
Slider Ryan Novice Slider Posts: 147 (9/13/00 11:19:52 am) ![]() |
1.2 Thru the Vortex!
Tex and TimeFlux carried the green container halfway to the campsite then BritSlider and VortexMaster carried it the rest of the way. MSR carried TimeFlux's laptop and was mumbling something to herself while the five of them made their way to camp. "Whatcha thinking about MSR," asked VM as they as sat down on under a shade of trees. "How to get fresh water from salt water and retain the salt so we don't get dehydrated," she replied as thoughts ran through her head. "BTW I don't mind doing the cooking. It's what I'm good at." "Cool," replied Tex. "What do you need?" asked BritSlider. MSR went through her list in her mind again. "Bamboo and coconuts." TimeFlux answered, "I saw a some bamboo from where we came. How much do you need?" "At least five long shoots that are half an inch in diameter." Brit looked at MSR. "So how is he going to size that up?" "Yeah, we don't have a ruler here," replied VM. MSR smiled as she took out her glow in the dark Swiss Army knife and pulled out the scale that had both inches and centimeters and handed it to TimeFlux. Half an inch was the same size as his index finger. TimeFlux went back to the patch of bamboo and used VM's Swiss Army knife. "Come on Tex," said Brit as he fingered his survival knife. "We're off to climb the coconut trees." "How many coconuts do you need MSR?" asked Tex. "About a dozen. Thanks." Tex and Brit nodded and headed north to the coconut trees. "Okay now what are we going to do?" asked VM. MSR opened the green plastic container. "We're going to check our supplies. I need the container to hold the water." "Okay. Let's do it." Inside the green container was a flashlight, 1 box of 12 fishhooks, 2 wooden matches in a little waterproof container, 5 spoons, 1 -12 inch skillet, 1 - 5 quart stew pot, 1 metal spatula and 5 silver foil blankets. VM and MSR checked them over and found them in satisfactory condition. Carefully wrapping all the contents in one of the blankets, MSR went to work on the plastic container. "I'll go get some kindling to set up a campfire," said VM as he walked off. After half and hour, MSR had made five holes near the top of the container with the large blade and fashioned them into half an inch in diameter with the reamer. Tex and Brit brought back the coconuts while TimeFlux carried in the bamboo. VM arrived with the kindling to set up a campfire. Timeflux returned VM's knife to him. "I understand what you are doing, MSR. Making a desalination/filtration unit out of the container. Good idea," said Tex. "So now you need holes bored into the coconuts to catch the water coming out of the bamboo stuck into the holes of the container." "Exactly." Everyone smiled. Now they were going to have the salt that they needed to survive. "So you need the ends of the bamboo cut at a slant so that the water evaporated will run into the coconuts. Fresh water if the stream gets polluted," added Brit. MSR nodded yes. "Okay then. TimeFlux give me a hand with these bamboo," said VM picking up a long shoot. MSR held the large blade of her Swiss Army knife as she handed it to TimeFlux. The duo went to work cutting the bamboo. Brit and Tex went at it making holes in the coconuts. After several unsuccessful tries, they finally finished making holes in five of the coconuts. They drank the refreshing milk and water from the coconuts. MSR took the 5 quart stew pot to the beach and filled it one fourth of seawater. She made sure that she didn't have too much sand and debris in the pot before pouring the water into the container. After all the preparing was fininshed, the bamboo was put into the holes, cut side on the inside of the container and the other end inside the coconuts. The container was set out into the sun to let the evaporation process to begin. After a couple of hours in the hot sun, they were rewarded with a small amount of seasalt at the bottom of the container. Now to find something to eat... MSR |
Master High and Mighty Moderator Posts: 164 (9/13/00 11:32:24 am) |
1.2 Thru the Vortex!
So we're here. Atually, I prefer this over the High-Tech World myself. Much nicer to be out in the nature. So I should go look for food now, right? I'm takin' my knife with me so that I can cut off whatever eatable things there are on this island. I guess we should make a tent over our camp to prevent the sun from giving us sun burns. While we look for food I'll make sure we collect a lot of wide leaves to make our beds softer. Are there any animals on this island? We better also fence our camp. VMaster- The Best Master. |
![]() Administrator Posts: 427 (9/13/00 4:35:09 pm) ![]() |
1.2 Thru the Vortex!
Tex was happy to see thing falling into place. As he walked along in the bush he glanced down at the trail. He noticed some strange tracks on ground. "I wonder what these could be from??". Then with no warning a wild boar runs from a near by bush off into the jungle. "Run all you want" Tex laughs to himself "You will be roasting over our fire before you know it". Tex recalls his younger days in the woods of Kentucky when he used to set snares from trees. Looking for a well marked trail, Tex set numerous snares from vine and some small trees. "Ah its good to be in the outdoors" he said to himself as he continues to forage for more possible items to eat..
vor-TEX-62 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Slider Ryan Novice Slider Posts: 148 (9/13/00 5:51:50 pm) |
SE if you're reading
this thread...
You still swearing? ![]() ![]() |
Yeontoo Moderator Posts: 532 (9/13/00 7:47:42 pm) ![]() |
Omega Team
((( Check your emails for the Password to your Challenge Forum))) ~Y |
Yeontoo Moderator Posts: 535 (9/14/00 3:09:08 am) ![]() |
Dropped what their
Week 1.3 Yeontoo called all the teams together, to meet in a semi-sunken structure that was reminiscent of a Stone Age tribal council meeting place. It was three-forth sunken into the ground and made of stone to be comfortably cool, only three-fourths to let natural light and air in, with a firepit in the middle. As hot as it is outside, it is almost incomprehensible to need a fire… that is, until you're shivering in the cool chamber. "Come In," Yeontoo motioned the teams on in. "I'm pleased that each team seems to be working together so well. Rest assured, it has been noted." "Yeah, we saw you in our camp for awhile." BritSlider said as he took a seat near the middle front. "We saw you too. You know, you can sit in, eat and drink with us…" Sabre-Edge paused, then as Brit was nodding, " ..or the Omegas, anytime." SE chose a seat near the front left. "Thank you." Yeontoo smiled as she took a seat on a rock, holding her ever-present clipboard. She waited as the Alpha and Omega took their seats, somewhat close to each other. "This place can be breached by invitation only. If you are cold, even with the fire burning, please bring your windbreakers. If it gets dark, we have torches available that can be lit and stuck in the sconces on the stone pillars." Yeontoo waits a minute, letting everyone look around. "Those are cool drawings on the pillars" WldKlly pointed. DMD uncrossed his arms, "Fascinating! Are they real or drawn for our benefit?" Yeontoo smiled, otherwise not saying anything …in truth, she didn't know. "Wow, it's cool enough in here to need that fire." MSR hugged her windbreaker to her. "Sit closer to the fire MSR, if you're cold" Tex moved off the stone seat he had, since it was the closest to the fire. MSR took the seat gratefully. Yeontoo hopped up; "I'll answer any questions you have about the immunity challenges and the voting if you have them." "When do we have our first one again?" TimeFlux asked. "We'll meet here Friday morning for the challenge." Yeontoo nodded her head as she saw everyone understood. After no more questions, she continued. "Today, we meet for a luxury challenge. It is an 8 question True/ False Quiz. The person who answers them all first (email please!), or the one that gets the most right will chose from 3 separate luxuries. This is no way affects your teams immunity." *Thick-padded Quilt *Zippo (new flint, full) *Machete Slider 8 pondered, "When will we know who won?" "I'll come to your campsite to announce it" Yeontoo promised. VortexMaster stood up, stretching his lanky frame, "When do we get the prize?" "I'll have them with me when I announce it, or you'll follow me back here to collect it." Yeontoo pointed down the ground. "I'm READY!" Morpheus hopped off his stone seat. Everyone else echoed that sentiment. ================================================= HIKING SURVIVAL QUIZ True/False 1. Food is the most important item to pack. 2. The first signs of heat stress are excessive sweating and burning skin. 3. You can't get hypothermia (low body temperature) in the summer. 4. If you'll be hiking in high altitudes, you should spend a night at the higher elevation before you start out. 5. If you get caught in a lightning storm, you should take shelter under trees. 6. If you'll be hiking in remote areas, the best preventive measure is to carry a cell phone. 7. It will take about 4 hours to hike a moderately hilly 8-mile route. 8. If you sprain an ankle, you should try walking down the mountain. =================================================== After Y gave out the quiz, she moved to the farthest corner by the steps. As each team member gave their answers, they departed up the stone steps. |
Slider Ryan Novice Slider Posts: 150 (9/14/00 2:41:04 pm) ![]() |
Looking around the
council room...
MSR looked around the room while Y was explaining the rules and the quiz. She spied something near the stone steps and smiled. After MSR finished her quiz, she took off her windbreaker. She tied the sleeves together at the cuffs, pulled the drawstring taut at the waist and loaded it up with flat four-inch diameter rocks. When she completely filled her windbreaker, she pulled the drawstring taut at the hood and put her arm through now joined sleeves and slung it over her right shoulder, with most of the load on her back. The others had watched MSR while she was loading up and thought nothing of it. MSR and Y were the only ones left in the room. Y grabbed her before she went up the steps. "You aren't trying to get rid of the competition are you?" asked Y as she pointed to her windbreaker. MSR smiled. "You know me better than that." "Exactly so what are the rocks for?" asked a wary Y. "Cooking." "You're going to eat rocks?" asked a surprised Y. MSR laughed. "Um... no. It's for the fire. I need something level to cook on and these rocks suit that purpose." Y sighed with relief. "Okay then. Just don't be throwing them at the others." "Y, oh why would I do that for?" she replied with a smile as she turned and lugged her load up the stairs. "Promise me you won't use it on your fellow auditioners," Y called up the steps. "I won't!" On the way back to Omega camp, MSR picked up an armload of sun dried coconut husks. "Hey guys! A hand," she called out as she smelled the burning essence of wood. *Cool they finally got a fire going. They better have not used any matches.* TimeFlux and VM ran over to her while Tex and Brit were busy tending the fire. "Here let me help you with those. What are they for?" inquired VM as he took some of the coconut husks from her. "About time you got here? What's in the windbreaker?" asked TimeFlux as he took it from her. "Dang this is heavy. You got rocks in here or something." "Yeah rocks to eat since we haven't found any food yet," replied MSR with a straight face as she straightened the husks that were left. "What!?" said VM and TimeFlux as their jaws dropped. MSR laughed at their expressions. "Just kidding it's for the fire. Jeez, can you two relax? I'm just joking around," replied MSR. "You never joke about food," said TimeFlux as he heard his stomach growling. "Yeah, especially when we're stuck here," added VM as he readjusted some husks on his left arm. MSR rolled her eyes and started walking toward the campfire. "I'm not eating coconut husks," complained TimeFlux as moved the load further down his back. "Sure as heck not going to eat rocks either," commented VM. "Let's get going." Brit and Tex looked up from the fire they were tending when they saw MSR approaching. MSR waited until she was at the fire to ask a question. "You didn't use the matches did you?" asked a concerned MSR. Brit and Tex laughed at her absurdity of her question. "Of course not," they both replied. "Two sticks rubbed together did the trick," said Brit just as TimeFlux and VM arrived. "So what's the coconut husks for, MSR?" asked Tex. "Better not be for eating," said TimeFlux as he lowered the load of rocks on the ground. MSR placed her precious husks on the ground. "Makes for good campfire cooking as I have read." "And the rocks?" asked VM. "I need a level surface to cook on and these rocks will absorb the heat from the fire," said MSR as she started move the burning pieces of wood with the long charred stick Tex had used earlier. "Where'd you learn that?" asked Brit. MSR smiled. "Either the Food Network or I read it somewhere. TimeFlux hand me some rocks." He opened the drawstring at the waist and handed her four rocks. She carefully placed them in the center of area she cleared and placed the burning pieces of wood around them. She then took some of the husks and placed them. Immediately smoke started billowing up. "*Cough* What are *cough* trying to do?" asked Brit as smoke encompassed him. He moved to the left out of the smoke. "Sorry. Mosquito repellent," apologized MSR. "Awesome!" all four guys shouted. "Guys what are we going to eat other than the coconuts?" asked MSR as she placed more husks on the fire. "Uh..." said the four guys. MSR |
![]() Administrator Posts: 429 (9/14/00 5:04:15 pm) ![]() |
Re: Looking around
the council room...
After getting nice and warm by the blazing fire, Tex decided to go check his snares he made earlier. "What's the chances of catching anything on this piece of rock" he says to himself. After walking a few hundred yards from the camp site he came across his first snare. Nothing. Then the next 2. Still nothing. After almost giving up hope, he came upon his final snare. Prior to reaching the snare he could see the tree being jerked around back and forth and at that point he knew he had caught something. Reaching the snare he noticed a not full grown size monitor (lizard) was snared. "Hmm, I wonder if you can eat these things?" he mumbled to himself. With a large rock, the monitor's life was taken and the snare reset. While walking back with a lizard on his back. Tex looked over on ground a notice some type of cloth or plastic half buried in the mud. "I wonder what that could be?" he says to himself. After picking it up he could only make out the large writing RATTANA. "Hmmm..where have I heard that before? oh well" and throws it back on the ground and heads back to camp...
vor-TEX-62 ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Yeontoo Moderator Posts: 544 (9/15/00 4:37:14 am) ![]() |
Omega Team 1.5
It was time. The fire in the pit of the council chamber was blazing brightly, warding off the slight chill the dampened earth exuded. Yeontoo looked over the solemn teams as they entered and took seats, this time, grouped together as teams should be. They whispered amongst themselves, shuffling around in their seats, wholy unsure of what this challenge was or what the results would bring. Tex and SE, being last in, and closest to the torches, took it upon themselves to lit a few. Yeontoo pulled out 2 16x20 thick posterboards and two pens. She handed one of each to DMD, the Alpha Team, and the other of each to MSR, the Omega Team; solely becuz they were the closest to her. DMD brought his poster around to view with a nod, and his team crowded around him. MSR whispered a 'thank you' as she brought hers around, then her team crowded her. As the teams poured over the challenge, Y started spelling out a few extra rules.. but most of the questions could be answered by another player. "This is a team effort. No one person may complete this challenge. At least 3 teammates must work on it." Yeontoo began. "I'll assume that more members working on it is desired." VortexMaster said, waiting and receiving Y's nod. Y continued, "The point total is 100. First team to reach 100, wins immunity." "And if neither reaches 100?" MSR questioned. "Then the one that is the closest.. the Omega team, wins" Brit smirked. "Cool" TF muttered as WldKlly violently shook her head. "Nope! Alpha!". "We'll see my dear", Brit grinned, as Vortexmaster smothered a laugh. "And the voting?" Slider8 looked up. "That's on Tuesday." DMD pointed at the name of the Challenge. "When's the deadline?" Morpheus asked. "2pm Monday... about 3 and a half days from now" SE squenched his eyes, thinking. "This kinda looks like a gradeschool activity."Wldklly observed where DMD was pointing. "Yeah, I remember my little brother doing that." MSR agreed. SE and Morph nodded. "Yes, upon advice, the first challenge was made quite easy." Yeontoo announced, breaking in. "Easy?" Ten voices echoed. |
Slider Ryan Novice Slider Posts: 159 (9/15/00 6:51:44 pm) ![]() |
The first challenge...
As SE and Tex lit the torches, SE noticed the monitor lizard on Tex's back. "You didn't have to bring that here did you?" asked SE. Tex gave him a smile before answering. "I don't want our dinner running off. Like you and your teammates didn't have to bring those spears." "Uh... that's for protection from that rock throwing MSR," replied SE. "Hey I heard that!" yelled MSR. "Besides a spear can't stop a rock." "Oh, it's not for the rock. It's for the person who throws it," SE shot back. "Whatever," MSR replied. "Tex you can place our food right in front of me. I'll get to it soon." "Good," replied Brit, VM and TimeFlux in unision. DMD whispered to Klly, "I'm so happy I won the luxury item for our team not MSR." Klly whispered back. "Yeah me too." Yeontoo explained the challenge and gave the teams time to work on the them. Each team moved to different corners of the room. The Alpha team whispered amongst themselves as the Omega team started complaining loudly as MSR hummed Pat Benatar's 'Hit me with the best shot' for the fifth time. "Sorry. When I get a song in my head it stays," apologized MSR as she stopped writing down answers. "You didn't have to encourage SE to keep singing that song when we were on the way here," complained VM. "Yes, m'dear. You've brought it upon yourself," replied an irritated Brit. TimeFlux added, "Serves you right." "Even I get tired of the same song after five times," Tex said. MSR shouted, "Well that's the advantage of being tone deaf. It doesn't matter how bad the singer is I... oh crap... I just said that out loud didn't I?" ![]() ![]() ![]() Before her teammates could answer her, she heard a loud angry voice from across the room. "And I thought you liked my singing," yelled SE as he stood up. Slider8 pulled him back down, not wanting a confrontation. "She's just trying to break your concentration. Leave it alone," said DMD as he put down his pen. "We need to get back to work," Morpheus said. "Um... sorry SE," MSR yelled across the room. "See, she said she was sorry," said Klly. "That's enough MSR and SE," Y broke in. She didn't want an argument to start. "Um... really sorry everyone. I'll shut up for now," MSR apologized once again. "Minus 20 for them," yelled SE. "Where'd my red pen go?" Stifled laughter filled the room. "Ha ha, SE," answered an unamused MSR. The room became busy again with muted murmurings amongst the team members. Y walked around to see that everyone was trying their hand at the questions. She was pleased that the teams were working together smoothly. MSR had finished what she could do and started on dinner. She gave the posterboard and pen to VM. She took out her pocketknife and turned the lizard onto it's back. "What are you doing?" asked Y. "Starting dinner." MSR took out the large blade. "Take it outside," said SE loudly. "And have a 5 on 4 advantage for your team with your weapons that you brought? No way. I'm not leaving my team," MSR shot back. Y thought for a few seconds. "She's got a point, SE. Go ahead, but stop irritating the others." "Okay," replied MSR with a smile, wielding the knife like a scapel. Y moved to other side of the room since she didn't want to see MSR dissect the lizard. MSR's eyes were filled with glee as she started with a cut from the bottom of the throat and slowly inched down, pulling the skin apart. "Um... MSR, you could just cut the skin around the mouth and let us tear the skin off," said Tex as he watched her. "Yeah, it'll be a lot faster that way," Brit added. "MSR, why don't you let us take care of skinning it," replied TimeFlux. "You do the cooking and that wouldn't be fair." VM stopped writing down answers. "Um... but aren't you all finishing up the challenge questions?" MSR replied as she looked up from her work. "Yeah," the guys responded. "Well, I'll take care of this while the four of you finish up." The guys nodded yes. After a half an hour, MSR was done skinning the creature. Her biology classes her done her some good. Now she would have to take out the internal organs, but she waited until they were at camp to do that. TimeFlux asked, "MSR, you do that well. What else have you dissected?" MSR gave him a wicked smile. "A long list." "Um... human?" The smile MSR gave him made him uncomfortable. MSR |
![]() Administrator Posts: 440 (9/16/00 6:33:56 pm) ![]() |
Back at the Camp
Sorry MSR, I deleted your post by accident..Ugh.. *Slaps face to wake up*... After giving their answers to Y, the Omega team made their way back to camp. MSR cut several long pieces of flesh off the lizard and let the men prepare the rest for drying. The traps were checked, but nothing had been caught. After a couple of hours, dinner was ready. Placed in a circle were five large coconut leaves, five coconuts with a bamboo straw, five four inch square packages wrapped in coconut husks and held together with a sharpened stick, five coconut shells filled with pieces of lizard meat in a coconut milk soup and five spoons. A few feet away was the fire with the stewpot gently boiling near the perimeter. "I am starved," said a hungry Brit, sitting down "Me too," added VM as he sat next to Brit. "What's in the husks?" asked Tex. TimeFlux poked at it. "Better not be rocks." MSR smiled as she sat down between TimeFlux and Brit. "No that's steamed lizard with bamboo shoots. I put some husks and the small sharpened sticks in the green container to they would absorb water so they don't burn. I placed them on the flat rocks in the fire to cook." Brit took a sip of the cool coconut milk. "Luckily, I thought of burying some coconuts into the ground so that we would have something cool to drink." "Awesome idea," remarked TimeFlux. "Dig in. We've got a long day ahead of us tomorrow," said MSR as she picked up spoon and coconut shell with soup. "Wonder what the Alpha team had for dinner." The air was filled with hearty laughter for the next few minutes. The five of them ate heartily and talked very little. After they had their fill, they turned to important matters. "Did you tell Y where the traps were?" asked MSR as she started to clear up the area. "Yes, Tex and I did," replied Brit with a chuckle. "I pity the poor person trying to spy on us," added VM as he picked up the spoons. "Yeah, there's no way to get from their camp to ours without going through the jungle. You should have seen the snakes out there," commented Tex as he remembered a close encounter with one earlier. "Besides, that person would either need a torch or lighter or use the flashlight that was in the container. We'd see that person long before s/he saw us." TimeFlux picked up the empty coconuts and placed them near the fire for drying. "They won't get past our traps," Brit remarked as he checked the stewpot for more soup. "Delicious dinner, MSR." A chorus of yeahs echoed around. "Thank you. So if we find a spy near our camp, I propose we hold the spy as our hostage and bargain for something the other team has," said a serious MSR. "Might be a good idea," Brit said. "We could use that person to help us, but I don't want to be sharing our food or supplies with the spy." "Me neither," said Tex, VM and TimeFlux. "Well that's better than leaving the spy hanging upside down above a pit of bamboo stakes isn't it?" replied a dead serious MSR. "Uh... MSR, you've been watching too many movies," commented Tex. "We'll cross that bridge when we come to it," said a sleepy TimeFlux. "Yeah, who's got first watch?" asked a tired VM. Brit stood up. "I will. I'll wake up later Tex." "Okay." VM, Tex, TimeFlux and MSR went to the sleeping area and got into their foil blankets. They took their turns and rested peacefully and mosquito free since there were ample coconut husks thrown on the fire to keep them away. MSR
vor-TEX-62 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
![]() Administrator Posts: 441 (9/16/00 6:50:38 pm) ![]() |
Re: Back at the Camp
Tex got off the couch to fetch another Soda. "Ah Sliders the Pilot..The greatest episode to ever grace the TV airwaves" Tex says to himself. Then all of a sudden he feels a tap on his shoulder.. *Poof* "Ah Man, I was dreaming!!!" Tex snarled. Pretty bad only one day on the island and I am dreaming about drinking soda and watching Sliders.. Tex turned around a saw BritSlider.. "Hey Tex, It's your turn to keep watch" Britslider stated "Alritey then" Tex acknowleged and watch Britslider head off to bed. After making a few rounds and stoking the fire, Tex watch the moonlight on the ocean. "Ah isn't this peaceful" he says to himself. "I think I will take a walk around the parameter" After walking a few hundred yards, Tex was disturbed by a strange sound. "What the heck was that?!?" Tex said to himself. Heart pounding, Tex went to investigate. Upon arriving at the tree line between the bush and the beach, Tex noticed the ground to be moving. "What in the world?!?" Tex lowered his torch and upon illumination of the ground, he saw dozens of Rats. "Wow, I'm not afraid of one Rat, but a dozen or two I am outta here" he says to himself and hurried himself back to camp. "This should be interesting to tell the others when they awake" he thought. I sure hope they don't get into our food supply...
vor-TEX-62 ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Yeontoo Moderator Posts: 583 (9/17/00 4:40:38 pm) ![]() |
Rats swarm your camp. Since Tex was keeping watch, he was able to wake everyone in just enough time to run only. All your equipment, food, and water was left behind and only MSR thought to bring her shiney blanket. The rats love their new hut. All the food and water is now fouled, and being consumed by rats. Edited by: Yeontoo Edited by: 9/17/00 3:51:17 pm |
Slider Ryan Novice Slider Posts: 167 (9/17/00 9:33:05 pm) ![]() |
Running through the
"Upstream. Follow the stream so we won't get lost!" yelled Tex as he woke everyone up. All the team memebers woke with a start as they heard the rats squeaking around them. "Come on! Run! Run like hell!" shouted Brit. During the cloudless night with the full moon shining a path, the Omega team, who all wisely slept in their windbreakers since it was cool, made their way swiftly upstream following the babbling stream. In the lead was Tex followed five feet behind by the trio of TimeFlux, MSR, in the middle, and VM. Brit was in the rear just three feet behind the trio. After a quarter-mile the team stopped to catch their breath. After a few seconds, Brit asked, "Did anyone grab any equipment, our luxury items, food or water?" "No," replied TimeFlux, VM, MSR and Tex. "Just my blanket," replied a giggling MSR. "What's so funny?" asked TimeFlux. "Just waiting for Henry Jones Jr." "Who?" asked Tex. "I was going to ask that question," added VM. "Indiana Jones." MSR broke down in hysterical laughter as the others shrugged. "At least the Alpha team can't get our supplies," said TimeFlux. "Yeah and we have all full stomachs thanks to Tex's trapping of the lizard and MSR's delicious cooking," said VM. "Uh... we have to find another place for camp. Ideas?" asked Brit. MSR |
Yeontoo Moderator Posts: 585 (9/18/00 3:01:25 am) ![]() |
Challenge Completed
and Computed
Yeontoo tacked the following on the totem pole beside the entrance of the semi-underground chamber. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& & & Congratulations Alpha Team. & & Omega Team, prepare for voting. & &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Yeontoo used her cell phone to call the Chateau, and the prospective employers. "Sirs, we have a winner. The Alpha Team won the challenge, but the Omega Team came impressively close to winning. ….. Yes sur, ….yes sur. Tuesday. The boat .. yes sur, Wednesday. My pleasure, goodbye." Y pushed the off button as she jogged to see what the teams were up to this fine morning. Edited by: Yeontoo Edited by: 9/18/00 2:40:53 pm |
BritSlider Beginner Slider Posts: 3 (9/18/00 10:27:04 am) |
1.2 Thru the Vortex!
Omega team stood huddled together, wondering what their next move should be. In the space of half an hour they had gone from being happily tucked up in bed, to being stuck with no food, water or shelter! At least things couldn't get any worse tonight; they hoped. "Okay people", said Tex, takign charge of the situation. "We have to try and reclaim as much of our equipment as we can; some of that stuff is just too valuble to lose!" "But how do we get past the rats?" Asked MSR The team all stood, lost in thought for a moment. "I know," said Brit, "we'll have to burn them out!" "Burn them out?" Queried VortexMaster. "How do you propose to do that?" "It's simple, in essence." Began Brit. "Tex and I are easily capable of making new torches. So all we need to do is sneak back to camp, and burn down the food hut with all the rats still inside. Hopefully them we should be able to recover most of our equipment." "Not to mention all our food and water!" Put in TimeFluxEMC2 "Ah, negative on that ol' buddy." Said Tex. "That stuff is all going to be contaminated by now. There's a little thing called Vial's Disease that you can catch from rat urine, and you can bet that no-one wants any of that!" MSR wrapped the blanket around her closer; the moonlight shining brightly off of it's reflective surface. "Are you sure it's worth the hassle? Why don't we just set up camp elsewhere and start again?" Brit gave her a wan smile. "I'm going back for my knife; no way am I leaving that behind if we're going to be stuck here for the next few months." "Yeah, and I want my laptop back; those things cost a fortune!" Said Flux. "Back down the stream it is then people." Said Tex, as he started re-tracing his steps. "At least we know the way back." The team followed the stream back the way they had come, only this time at a slightly more leisurely pace. As they got nearer to their former camp, Tex and Brit took the time to make a couple of new torches. Within minutes they had the first wisps of flame, and so set about their task. They approached the food hut, from inside which they could hear the gnawing sounds that could only be the rats munching on their hard found food stores! "We'll have to grab everything quickly," whispered Tex. "We won't have much time once the rats realise they're kitchen is on fire!" Brit nodded agreement, and the two of them touched the torches to the base of the food hut. The dry leaves quickly caught aflame, and the two arsonists quickly rushed to gather as much stuff as they could. Throwing everything they could find into the green container, they hurried back to the edge of the woods, dodging a number of flaming, furry rodents as they burst from the hut; which was now nicely ablaze. Once back with the rest of the group, they decided not to hang around and watch the destruction of their former camp. They set off around the coast, looking for a suitable place to start over again. "Did you manage to rescue any of our stuff?" Asked MSR. "We'll see what we've got when we're a bit further away," replied Tex. VortexMaster was about to suggest that Tex and Brit should have brought a few of the barbequed rats with them for food, but decided that suggestion wouldn't go down too well right now. They walked for another hour, before finding a place they thought would be suitable. It was a little cove; sheltered from the wind for the most part, and blessedly free from any animal tracks. "I think this will do for now," Said Flux. "Time to break out the supplies and see what we've got." Brit and Tex emptied the container onto the sand. They did a quick inventory, and found that they had recovered the flashlight, stew pot, 2 spoons, spatula, skewer, and two more of the blankets. In addition to which, they made sure to get all the luxury items as well. Flux rushed forward to grab his laptop. "Hey! There are bite marks on here! Boy that pisses me off!" The rest of the team smiled, at least they had managed to reclaim some of their stuff. MSR seemed a little worried though. "This isn't so great. We've lost the fish hooks and the matches." Brit placed a hand on her shoulder. "Not to worry my dear, that's why I made sure not to leave my knife behind." With that, Brit started to unscrew the top of the hollow handle on his knife. "You'd be surprised how much you can fit in these things," he said as his brought out a number of small plastic bags. One of them contained five 'lifeboat' matches, guaranteed to stay alight even in the strongest of winds, and another had a length of nylon with a couple of fish hooks attached to it. "Good ol' military training Brit," laughed Tex. "What other wonders have you got in there?" "All will be revealed in the fullnes of time my boy," Brit smiled back at him. "At least you kept hold of your watch, what's so special about that anyway?" "All in the fullness of time!" Replied Tex, producing laughter from the whole team this time. "Okay guys," said MSR, "I figure we've only got a few more hours until dawn. Let's get what rest we can before the sun comes up. Then we can start to rebuild our camp." The others all agreed that this was the best idea, and made themselves as comfortable as they could on the sandy shore. "Say, you guys," VortexMaster said. "Whatever happened with the challenge?" "There'll be time for that in the morning," yawned Brit. "Goodnight John-Boy." |
Slider Ryan Novice Slider Posts: 171 (9/19/00 6:57:21 pm) ![]() |
Dawn of a new day...
During the night, MSR wrapped her blanket tightly around her. The windbreaker kept her warm, but not as much as she liked so she pulled the blanket over her face. "MSR, time to get up," said Brit as he tapped her shoulder lightly. "Huh? What?" mumbled MSR from underneath the blanket, still tired from the previous night's adventure. "Time to make camp." Tex watched the beautiful sunrise. Tiny tendrils of light inched their way across the sky, shining a path from the east. "Time's a wasting," remarked TimeFlux as he booted up his computer. "Whoo Hoo! It still works." "Rise and shine, sleepyhead." VM pulled the blanket from her face. MSR immediately put her right forearm over her eyes. "No sun. Need sleep," she muttered. "We forgot your pocketknife," commented Brit. MSR bolted straight up. "What! I'm going back for it," replied a panicky MSR. She almost ran past Brit, but he caught her by the arm. The others softly chuckled at her. "Don't you remember? You put it in your right pocket," said an amused Brit. She hastily opened the zippered pockets of her windbreaker, searching for her precious knife. "Yes! I still have it." "Now we know how to wake you up," replied a laughing Tex. MSR ignored their laughter as she heard her stomach growling. "What's for breakfast?" MSR |
![]() Administrator Posts: 446 (9/19/00 9:36:56 pm) ![]() |
Re: Dawn of a new day...
After a successful awakening of MSR ![]() on everyones mind. "Hey gang, guess what I found not too far from here??" said Tex with something hidden beneath his windbreaker. "What!?!? What?!?!?" everyone screamed. "Well I don't know why I haven't found this place earlier while I was setting my snares but I ran into a Banana grove." replied a smiling Tex Many of the trees still had the purple flowery bloom but many had large enough bananas to take. "I still remember the banana trees in Antigua when I was stationed there" stated Tex. "We called them Finger Bananas. They were slightly smaller than regular store bought bananas but sweeter." Tex handed MSR a banana "Try it they are delicious!" MSR without a second thought began eating the banana. "Mmmm they are good" "Well at least we have some type of food source to hold us over for the time being" says Tex "Now if I only had the Corn Flakes and Milk to go with this banana" Tex stated laughing out loud ![]()
vor-TEX-62 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Yeontoo Moderator Posts: 591 (9/20/00 7:33:18 am) ![]() |
New Day
The Omega Team gathered silently. Tex, MSR, Brit, and VM were waiting on the vote results. TF, however, was not. He was ready to leave the island. TF tucked his laptop under his arm more securely and took a deep breath. The Alphas lined up behind the Omegas, interested in seeing the doings "Mz Yeontoo, ma'am. I've thought about it, ...and I want to volunteer to take the place of whoever was voted off. I want a hot meal, soft bed, air conditioning, television, and a modem connection." While TF spoke, none of the Omegas or the Alphas moved a muscle, nor spoke. "Are you sure TimeFlux?" Y looked up from her clipboard, "I can still announce the results." "Yes ma'am, I'm positive. And I'm taking my trusty laptop with me too." "There comes the boat!" Tex pointed. All eyes turned to the slick powerboat. Long, with a pointed nose, 2 bucket seats and a bench for the passengers, twin motors and a huge spoiler rollbar looking addition, it made its way to the beach in no time. The boat driver looked familiar as he handed Mz Yeontoo a packet of papers, and took the packet she handed him. "Who goes?" Pavel asked. "I do" TF stepped into the boat, and sat on the bench. "Another double" whispered Brit to the other eight nodding auditioners. As the boat sped off, TF didn't even look behind him. |
Slider Ryan Novice Slider Posts: 172 (9/20/00 11:26:49 am) ![]() |
the powerboat...
When the boat was several hundred yards from the shore, MSR remarked, "Whoa! That was very noble of TimeFlux." A round of "Yeahs" echoed around her. A gentle breeze blew from behind them. The cerulean blue sky had traces of whispy clouds dotting the upper atmosphere and the sun shone brightly across the island. "Guys, you smell something?" whispered MSR in her group. "Smells like s...." "... sewage, my dear. Watch your mouth," said Brit who was on her right. "Switch with me, Tex?" asked MSR as she looked to her left. "Sure." Tex moved to his right and switched with MSR. "TF is lucky. A warm bed and food." "Boy, is that a putrid smell," remarked VM as he watched the boat quickly fade in the distance. "Guys. Turn around and smile at Alpha team." They nodded yes. "Now," said MSR. The Omega team members turned around and smiled at the Alpha team. They knew exactly where the smell emanated from. The Alpha team members had brown stuff all over themselves and they didn't seem to notice the smell. MSR couldn't take it anymore. "For the love of Wade, Ryan, Henry the sliding dog, the Professor and Mary Ann here on Gilligan's... um... Fantasy... er... Survivor Island, will you all take a bath? I mean go down to the van down by the river and jump in. Jeez, Tattoo isn't around yelling, "It's de plane. It's de plane, boss." We've only been on this island a short time and personal hygiene is the first thing to go. Crap, people, get ship shape or something. How can you all take the smell?" The Omega team members dropped their mouths at her ranting and waited for the Alpha team's response. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() "It was the monkeys," replied Klly as the Alpha team started sniffing the air and those around them. They all shrugged. Apparently, they were now immune to the rancid smell since they had been immersed in their work. ![]() "MSR, you want a spear?" a smirking SE asked as he fingered the spear in his right hand. "Um... no." "Ah, MSR, you do know that you are going to miss the season premiere of 'The X-Files' and 'ER' if you stay till the end," commented a smiling DMD. "No!!!!!!!!" screamed MSR as she fell onto her knees on the sandy shore. "Ssssssshhhhhhhhh......oooooooootttttttt!" she cried yelling at the sky. "Dang, TV addict," said Slider8. "Tell me about it. SE and MSR always take over the TV on Thursdays at the party," added VM. The others laughed at MSR's overreaction of not watching her favorite shows. "Hun," started Yeontoo as she walked over to a hysterical MSR. "You should have known that before you signed on." MSR stopped her ranting and looked up. "I did. I already read the spoilers for 'The X-Files'." "You did? So why are you getting so worked up about it?" asked Brit. "Cuz I want to see if the rumours are true," replied MSR as she stood up, wiping the sand off of her. "SE, you're missing Raw is War," said MSR with a wicked smile. "That's got to be the reason you've been acting weird." "Uh... I'm not acting weird. I'm fine. Yeah, I miss it. It's not like I'm addicted to it or something. I like it a lot, but not that much. It's all staged... it's fun to watch and all... but you know it's..." SE continued mumbling for a while. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() "Dude, you're addicted and so is MSR," said an amused Tex. "I am not," shot back an irritated MSR. "Let's go make camp. I can't stand the smell anymore." "Good idea," remarked Y as she hid her face behind her clipboard. The Omega and Alpha teams went to their respective camps. On the way to the cove, Tex said, "Next to the banana grove, there's a cave. Anyone up to exploring?" "Sure. Me," came the chorus from the Omega team. "Lead the way," said Brit. "Right this way." After almost 45 minutes, the Omega team was approaching the banana grove. Within a couple of minutes, the four of them stood outside the cave. "We need a light source," said MSR. "Coming right up," replied Brit and Tex. Within a few minutes, four torches were ready and handed to all. "Who's first?" asked MSR as she looked at the three men. MSR |
Master High and Mighty Moderator Posts: 174 (9/20/00 1:29:30 pm) |
Re: Watching the powerboat...
"Okay, I'll go first." VM replied. He took one of the torches and walked in. The other followed him, hesitating. "Be careful, ya hear!" The worried MSR said from behind. "Don't worry." Said VM full of confidence. "I know what what I'm doiiiiiing. OUCH!!" VortexMaster fell down. He didn't notice a small rock that was on his path. "Damn! I thing I sprained my ankle." "I hate to say I told you so but..." MSR started. "Then don't say it!" VM cut her off. Suddenly, they heard something coming from inside the cave. They all turned around to see what the source of the noise is. From inside a big shadow was approaching. "Oh man, it's a bear!" Brit said. "No way, it too big for a bear! Let's run!!" Tex said in a hurry. "But my ankle. I can't!" VM replied with pain in his voice. "Come on, guys. We have to figure something out now." MSR said anxiously. VMaster- The Best Master. |