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Yeontoo Moderator Posts: 595 (9/20/00 3:51:35 pm) ![]() |
The Saga continues..... |
Edge Administrator Posts: 150 (9/20/00 4:12:26 pm) ![]() |
SE and the other Alphas make it back to camp after watching TimeFlux leave. SE went to a nearby bush and starting picking handfuls of flowers and leaves. "Whatcha doing?", Klly asked him as he collected the pieces of foliage. "MSR is right, we spell like a bunch of Yeti's...", SE grumbled. Klly sniffed the air, "eeewwww, we do!" DMD came over to the two of them, "Anyone bring soap as a luxury item?!" Morpheus called out, "Um... does minty tooth paste count?" SE took his handfuls of leaves and flowers down to the sea. He took off his shirt and waded into the water. Rubbing his hands with water and the plants, a lather started to build. 8 yelled to SE in the water, "Hey! what is that stuff." "It's lilac, it makes a mild soap. I suggest you all get some!" The others started raiding the lilac plant quickly. ![]() |
![]() Novice Slider Posts: 54 (9/20/00 5:17:23 pm) ![]() |
Slider8 grabbed some of the lilacs. He ran down the beach to an out of the way spot, and washed. When he returned to camp, he saw that all the others had also finished bathing. It was now getting dark and SE suggested that they should get to sleep. They all entered the shelter and lie down. Only a few hours later, they were all shifted awake by a scratching sound somewhere aroud the camp. [:::]o]}= = = =(((o))) -Slider8 |
Morpheus Novice Slider Posts: 55 (9/20/00 7:21:46 pm) |
After some checking, the scratching turned out to be a rat caught in one of Morpheus's traps. Morpheus was absent, probably in his forest base spying on the Omega Team. Everybody went back to sleep. When morning came, a giant dead bee was lying in the middle of the campsite. Morpheus was standing near it, trying to figure out what killed it. SE walked up to Morpheus. Morpheus had a confused look on his face. Something was up. "This insect has been poisonned. The spear in it's side is the kind used by the Omega Team. I can't figure out what the poison is, though," Morpheus said. |
Edge Administrator Posts: 153 (9/21/00 3:45:40 pm) ![]() |
SE went outside of the rickety shelter in the morning to find Morpheus standing over a bee. Morpheus turned to him and said, "I think the Omega's did it, that's there spear..." SE reached down and pulled the spear out, "Morpheus, dude, this is my spear, they haven't had time to make spears, they are busy getting rid of rats and stuff. Didn't you hear them at TF's farewell? I killed this bee last night as it tried to attack the others while they slept cuz they smelled like lilac flowers. And poison? You are testing the bees own venom from its abdomin..." SE bent over and started rolling the bee into the bushes. He sniffed the air, "Ugh, man... You haven't bathed yet? Grab some flowers and hit the water. Oh and stop spying the Omegas, they aren't a concern to us right now... besides, they can smell your Wendigo stench a mile away." He picked up the bee spear and headed for the ocean to get breakfast, "KLLY! Get up! We need some trout bait!" |
![]() Novice Slider Posts: 72 (9/21/00 6:55:13 pm) ![]() |
DMD awoke to find a giant dead bee in the middle of the Alpha camp. "Wow, I'd hate to come across a swarm of those." A quick check of the camp revealed that the monkeys hadn't returned. Eveything was in place. Slider8 was stoking the fire as SE and Klly wrestled one of this world's carnivorous trout onto shore. Morpheus was quietly gathering lilac for a bath. Diesel |
Yeontoo Moderator Posts: 599 (9/22/00 2:24:09 am) ![]() |
Luxury Challenge
Yeontoo reminded everyone about the discussion going on, noted how their camps were being run, and decided it was time for a new luxury challenge. "The prize is a choice between: A large bar of Irish Spring Soap A machete A 16oz Steak Dinner with your choice of 2 sides and drink. The challenge is to be the first to email Yeontoo@earth62.net with 10 authentic "Arturoisms" complete with who Professor Arturo was talking to and the episode name. Remember, this doesn't affect immunity one way or another." Yeontoo smiled at the thought of a wonderfully aromatic steak dinner from her fav steak house. |
Morpheus Novice Slider Posts: 56 (9/22/00 5:39:53 pm) |
More mysteries.
Morpheus, after bathing, went back to his hideout to work on his map of the island. After looking around, Morpheus discovered a vast ruin complex on the island. Morpheus then decided to check out the complex, since he had nothing that he was working on at the moment. After checking out the ruins and picking up several strange crystals, Morpheus returned to his jungle base and started seeing what he could create. |
![]() Junior Slider Posts: 23 (9/22/00 6:27:13 pm) |
Klly and Life...
Klly sat on a log in front of the giant dead bee. "That thing is weirding me out man.." Klly trailed off. "Oh, well, I can go throw it in the woods," SE offered. "NO! Uh, er, I mean, no that's ok. I can do it later. You don't have to!" "Right, OK Klly..." And SE walked off muttering to himself, "I think the bordom is getting to Klly.." "It's so weird..." Klly began again. |
Yeontoo Moderator Posts: 606 (9/22/00 10:08:50 pm) ![]() |
Challenge 2
Yeontoo called another meeting into the cool stone chamber. Teams Alpha and Omega solemnly filed in. Brit was looking forward to his wonderously cooked steak dinner, all of his team was happy to get to share. Alpha teamers tried to not be envious (a steak dinner sounds wonderful). SE and Tex lit the torches again, and MSR warmed her fingers over the fire for a few minutes. "You guys see the rats?" VM asked shuttering. "No, but watch out for the monkeys." Slider8 was shaking his head. "There are giant bees too, so watch out." Morpheus took a deep breath. "Well, the bats aren't vampire bats, so no worries." MSR added absently, rubbing her fingers a few more minutes before sitting down. "Ain't nothing like the big trouts that like Klly." SE said with a semi-straight face. "Wanna come be bai... visit Kelly?" Tex grinned. "Hey, never thought about clean clothes becoming a luxury item." DMD said with a grimace. "Lilacs aint so bad" SE nudged DMD, "Try em" "I thought you guys were smelling sweet" MSR tried to keep a straight face. Slider8 and VM were vehemently whispering and pointing. "What is it guys?" Brit asked, touching them both on the shoulder. "Those cameras are everywhere!" Yeontoo cleared her throat, and waited til they quietened down. She readied a couple of posters and new pens for the teams. "I wish a few more of you would add to the brainstorming on the What If going on. It helps demonstrate to your teammates and the other team, that it is you who is better equiped to understand the various worlds that you, as a Slider, will come in contact with." Yeontoo said softly. A few groans rose. SE, Brit, VM, Tex, and MSR all piped up, "WE have!" Tex pointed out, "The rest of the Alpha's have been absent!" SE nodded, "They're coming." Yeontoo handed WldKlly and MSR the posters and pens. "The rules are pretty simple... 1. At least half your team must participate... that's 2 for the Omegas, and 2.5 for the Alphas (3!). 2. Keep them numbered, so I can find them. I had originally for a lot fewer, but considering how fast you did the last one, I figured this one needed to be bigger. 3. The first team to get them all correct wins. Barring that, the team to get the most right by 11:59pm CST (the time clocked here) Sunday night 9-24-2000 wins immunity. 4. I don't mind you getting help, but don't post for help. 5. The answers are pretty specific, but if another one works, AND you can prove it, I'll allow it. 6. You have all day Monday to argue your answers, but once I post at 11:59pm 9-25-2000 the winner, it would be unfair to them to change it. I'm not perfect, but I'll try to be. The voting will be Tuesday, for 24 hours. 7. Every so often, I'll go thru and post which ones you have correct and which ones you do not. 8. What have I forgotten? |
Morpheus Novice Slider Posts: 57 (9/24/00 2:13:10 pm) |
I wondered why I it
was so quiet...
Morpheus looked around and noticed tha lack of people. he hoped that his idea had been accepted, but didn't get his hopes up. Morpheus was slightly worried about the poison found in the bee. He had a sample of the poison that the bees produced, and the poison found in the dead bee was different. The entire island itself has all the signs of the instability that comes when being on an active fault line. Something was about to happen, and Yeontoo had chosen this particular world for a purpose. Things were beginning to not add up. |
![]() Novice Slider Posts: 57 (9/24/00 3:10:56 pm) ![]() |
Re: I wondered why
I it was so quiet...
Slider8 wandered over to Morpeus, who told him what he thought about the island. "I hope your wrong!" S8 said. "I don't want something huge to happen!" After the two had discussed it for awhile, they began examing the bee. After many tests they found that Morpheus was right. Now they both started worrying. [:::]o]}= = = =(((o))) -Slider8 |
Yeontoo Moderator Posts: 626 (9/25/00 4:27:36 pm) ![]() |
Challenge 2 winner
Yeontoo tallied the correct answers: "Alpha 48 Omega 49 The Omegas won the challenge." A collective groan emits from the Alphas at the same time a cheer rises from the Omegas. "Alphas have til tommorrow night to vote one of their own off the team." Yeontoo reminds the group. Noticing that most of them were holding their heads in a gesture of Fried Brain Syndrome, Y disappeared for a few seconds, coming back with frozen ice cream sticks for everyone. "Vanilla ice cream with a chocolate coating!" MSR held hers, eyes closed. "Oh man!" "That challenge was worth 2 apiece, wasn't it?" SE was unwrapping his before it could melt... they all were. "myfm I mfasd agree" DMD spoke with his mouth full. Tex wondered if he could trade his ice cream for DMD's air mattress. "Time to go back to your camps" Yeontoo grinned over the reception the ice cream was getting. |
Yeontoo Moderator Posts: 630 (9/25/00 4:39:56 pm) ![]() |
A small tropical storm hit last night, while you were in the stone chamber. It blew down your hut, and scattered your supplies about a half a mile to the east. Be careful, the monkeys are very interested in your shiney pots and pans still, and they dont want to give them back. |
Morpheus Novice Slider Posts: 59 (9/25/00 8:27:51 pm) |
Re: Happenstance
Everyone managed to quickly put the camp back together. Unfortunately, one of the crossbows was stolen by a monkey, who managed to figure out how to use it. The Alpha Team spent the rest of the day dodging arrows. Do I look like a warlord to you? If not, look again. |
Edge Administrator Posts: 167 (9/26/00 3:31:22 pm) ![]() |
Re: Happenstance
SE stood behind a bush and wrung out his wet clothes, the rain gave him a good soak. He hung his clothes over a low hanging branch to dry. His foil blanket was wrapped around his waist as he sat on a nearby stump to wait for his clothes to dry. He contemplated his vote as he sat in the sun, one of them was leaving tomorrow. *I hope everyone at least got there votes in* DMD walked by, "Dude, the tin foil is you!" "Shuddap, you were lucky to sleep under a tree on an air matress," SE smirked to him. |
Morpheus Novice Slider Posts: 61 (9/26/00 6:17:43 pm) |
Re: Happenstance
Morpheus hung around camp all day, worried about who was voted off. His pacing was driving everyone nuts and finally SE got him to sit down by threatening to stone him to death. Morpheus knew that some of his actions would get him voted off soon. Do I look like a warlord to you? If not, look again. |
Yeontoo Moderator Posts: 634 (9/26/00 6:25:24 pm) ![]() |
Yeontoo skipped up the stone steps with another bulletin to tac on the totem pole outside. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& & & VOTE TALLY - Boat Arrives Wednesday & & 3 - Morpheus & & 1 - Slider8 & & 1- WldKlly & &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Yeontoo turned to survey the island. Her mouth dropped and eyes bulged while watching SE, wearing just a very thin blanket tucked loosely around his waist, walk the beach. *OWOW, I love my job* |
Morpheus Novice Slider Posts: 64 (9/26/00 8:11:24 pm) |
Re: Tally
Morpheus looked at the sheet and knew that the inevitable had happened. Time had come to go, and go he would. No need to pack anything, since he would be back after the game. ------------------------------------------------------------ My final words: Good luck to my ex team mates. I know why you decided on me, and it doesn't bother me. I hope that one of you wins it. I'll be in the visitors area if you need me. *Disappears in a flash of smoke.* (I couldn't resist.) Do I look like a warlord to you? If not, look again. |
![]() Novice Slider Posts: 60 (9/26/00 8:31:43 pm) ![]() |
Re: Tally
Well, I guess we'll be seeing ya Morpheus. I hope you enjoyed fighting for your life with us! [:::]o]}= = = =(((o))) -Slider8 |
![]() Novice Slider Posts: 61 (9/26/00 8:35:50 pm) ![]() |
Re: Happenstace
Team Alpha watches as Morpheus disappears in a puff of smoke. "Well, I guess we better start dryig off." WldKlly said. The team made their way back to camp and went into the hut to keep warm. Luckily, the storm had subsided about twenty minutes ago. As they sat around, DMD couldn't resist the pressure. "Ok, who voted him off?" [:::]o]}= = = =(((o))) -Slider8 |
![]() Junior Slider Posts: 25 (9/27/00 3:12:02 pm) |
Ever notice how much
of a difference 4 is from 5?
Klly sat by the fire, having just finished running after more Sabre(hehe)Toothed Trout. "Gosh, we only voted off one person but it seems like our group is so tiny now. I mean 5 is not much more then 4 but it sure seems a lot smaller," She said aloud to no one in particular, "Do you know what I mean?" "Yea I do," S8 said. "Mmmm nothing like fire fish in the morning!" Klly shouted as the fish was nearly done. "I'm beginning to get used to these meals," SE said. "Yea, its like I've eaten so much of it, I can't even taste it anymore!" Klly said. Klly got up and moved to one of the logs surrounding the fire. DMD wandered in from the woods nearby. "Hey, I found one of the pots we we're missing!!" He said. "Cool!" S8 replyed. "Pull up a log!" Klly said, "So, here's a topic of conversation: what do you guys miss most now that we're here?" -Klly -Hey now we can call ourselves the Fab Four!- |
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