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Yeontoo Moderator Posts: 594 (9/20/00 3:50:22 pm) ![]() |
Saga Continues into week 2.... |
![]() Administrator Posts: 447 (9/20/00 4:35:00 pm) ![]() |
Last post from Week 1: "Okay, I'll go first." VM replied. He took one of the torches and walked in. The other followed him, hesitating. "Be careful, ya hear!" The worried MSR said from behind. "Don't worry." Said VM full of confidence. "I know what what I'm doiiiiiing. OUCH!!" VortexMaster fell down. He didn't notice a small rock that was on his path. "Damn! I thing I sprained my ankle." "I hate to say I told you so but..." MSR started. "Then don't say it!" VM cut her off. Suddenly, they heard something coming from inside the cave. They all turned around to see what the source of the noise is. From inside a big shadow was approaching. "Oh man, it's a bear!" Brit said. "No way, it too big for a bear! Let's run!!" Tex said in a hurry. "But my ankle. I can't!" VM replied with pain in his voice. "Come on, guys. We have to figure something out now." MSR said anxiously. VMaster- The Best Master.
vor-TEX-62 ![]() ![]() ![]() |
![]() Administrator Posts: 448 (9/20/00 4:47:06 pm) ![]() |
Tex and Brit grabbed VM and helped him to his feet. "Come on you spelunker you" Tex said. "Whatever it is it's coming out quickly" As soon as they reach the mouth of the cave, I giant group of Bats came flying out of the cave. "There must be millions of them" MSR stated ensuring she kept her distance from the cave. "Hmmm, I wonder what type of bats they are, probably fruit bats most likely" said Tex. "I wonder why they are flying out during the day?? they usually roost during the day and hunt at night"" "Who cares" said the wounded VM. "As long as they aren't bothering us" Tex looked at VM ankle, "hmm, doesn't appear to be broken, maybe a slight sprain. We'll have to find a good limb for ya to make a crutch. You should say off of it for awhile and put it in the cool stream to keep the swelling down" "Well at least one good thing came of this, we know where to go incase of really bad weather" Brit replied. "Yeah" said Tex "If you don't mind the bat guano...ewww"
vor-TEX-62 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Yeontoo Moderator Posts: 600 (9/22/00 2:25:17 am) ![]() |
Luxury Challenge
Yeontoo reminded everyone about the discussion going on, noted how their camps were being run, and decided it was time for a new luxury challenge. "The prize is a choice between: A large bar of Irish Spring Soap A machete A 16oz Steak Dinner with your choice of 2 sides and drink. The challenge is to be the first to email Yeontoo@earth62.net with 10 authentic "Arturoisms" complete with who Professor Arturo was talking to and the episode name. Remember, this doesn't affect immunity one way or another." Yeontoo smiled at the thought of a wonderfully aromatic steak dinner from her fav steak house. |
BritSlider Beginner Slider Posts: 7 (9/22/00 9:07:52 am) |
The Fun Never Stops
Omega team had spent the day getting fresh food supplies. Well, not exactly the whole team: VortexMaster claimed disability allowances because of his sprained ankle; no way would he be able to carry much if he only had one hand to hold things in the first place. BritSlider was busy with the luxury challenge; as the sole Englishman in the team (and indeed on the whole expedition) he claimed it as his right to come up with the ten 'Arturoisms', a task he had just completed and left for Ms Yeontoo. Besides, he was also engaged in the discussion on the Wright Brothers, and didn't have time for other things. MSR got out of it by saying that as the team cook then she would be responsible for preparing whatever the rest of the team found, so why should she have to do it herself? Okay, perhaps it is more accurate to say that Tex spent the day gathering fresh food supplies! :-) "Man, the sooner you guys do your share of the work the better!" He said, dropping a fresh bunch of bananas into the middle if their new camp. "Easy old chap," replied Brit. "I think I might just have won us a steak dinner by completing this week's luxury challenge." "What good would that do us?" Asked MSR. "The prize is only one 16oz steak, you'd finish that all yourself!" Brit looked hurt. "My dear lady, how could you suggest such a thing? I told Ms Yeontoo that I would only accept that prize if I could share it with you guys as well. I know it wouldn't be much; but at least we would have a proper steak for dinner." "Not to mention those side dishes as well!" Put in VortexMaster "We haven't won it yet," Brit reminded them "We still have to wait for the results, but I'm hoping that I got mine in before anyone else." Tex rubbed his shoulders; sore from carryign all the bananas. "Well, either way it's your turn to get the food tomorrow Brit; steak or no steak!" Brit smiled. "Fair point old chap. Now, take the weight off whilst I fix you a banana and coconut smoothie." Brit fixed the drinks whilst the group sat round and talked. The main topic of discussion was about what the next challenge would entail. If the first one was supposed to be easy to get everyone into the swing of things, then no doubt Ms Yeotoo had thought up someting rather feindish for them this time! After a while, Brit got up. "Where are you off to?" Asked MSR. "Back to the discussion group, I'm going to tell the story of Edison, Swann and the first light bulb. "How on earth could that be relevant?" Queried Tex. "Come along and find out." Was the reply. And so the team set out once more for the discussion area. No doubt Sabre_Edge would be the only one from the Alpha group there, but they didn't care. |
Slider Ryan Novice Slider Posts: 177 (9/22/00 11:28:50 am) ![]() |
On the way to the discussion
As the group walked to the area, MSR commented, "I want a steak dinner, but I think I'll have to go with the machete." Limping along on a makeshift crutch, VM replied, "Hmm... that steak dinner sounds appetizing." "If I win, I'll share it with you all." Brit added. "Yes, you will because it's three against one if you don't," joked Tex. "I want the machete for protection," MSR said with a smile. "Pray tell, protection from who or what?" asked Brit as he stopped, the other Omegas walked right into him since they weren't paying much attention. "Ow..." "Sorry," said VM, Tex and MSR. "Them," she replied. "Them? Who?" inquired VM. "Yeah. I think you're going paranoid," Brit said as he rubbed back. "Mind where you are all walking please." "Really sorry," apologized the team. "Anything or anybody that's going to prevent our team from winning the next immunity challenge." MSR looked up and watched some sea birds darting in and out of some trees. "Oh. I thought you meant us," said Tex. "Hey, you all got to help to find some food." "Hurt, man." VM pointed to his ankle. MSR smiled. "K. I'll go and hunt for some buffalo that I saw roaming a mile from camp. I'll be yelling "Tatanka! Tatanka!" to get them to run into that elephant trap that I set up. You know that one that has rats, bamboo stakes and snakes at the bottom of the pit. We should be able survive for the entire time we are going to be here. I also set up a BBQ grill completely gas operated. We'll have that bad boy roasting in no time." "You have a vivid imagination." Brit's comment garnered some chuckles from the group. "That I do. BTW did anyone see Indy yet?" asked MSR. More chuckles. The Omegas finally reached the clearing with the stone table and fallen logs under the shade of trees. They saw SE mumbling as stared at the paper in front of him. He looked up expecting his team to there. When he saw that it wasn't them, he went back to work. "He better not start singing and I hope he took a bath," whispered MSR to her team. More chuckles from the group. MSR |
Yeontoo Moderator Posts: 601 (9/22/00 4:28:50 pm) ![]() |
Challenge Won
Yeontoo walked into the midst of the Omega Camp, and waited on them to notice she was there. She was holding the soap and the machete. "Congratulations BritSlider, on a challenge well-done (pun intended)" Yeontoo smiled. "You indicated the steak dinner if you won, but you didn't tell the 2 sides or the drink... so, unless you change your mind, I'll have it within the hour to your choices." She waited as Brit bit his bottom lip, and looked upward, deciding on what he wanted. Y saw MSR trying to plant her food wishes in Brit's brain, and giggled to herself. |
Yeontoo Moderator Posts: 607 (9/22/00 10:09:42 pm) ![]() |
Challenge 2
Yeontoo called another meeting into the cool stone chamber. Teams Alpha and Omega solemnly filed in. Brit was looking forward to his wonderously cooked steak dinner, all of his team was happy to get to share. Alpha teamers tried to not be envious (a steak dinner sounds wonderful). SE and Tex lit the torches again, and MSR warmed her fingers over the fire for a few minutes. "You guys see the rats?" VM asked shuttering. "No, but watch out for the monkeys." Slider8 was shaking his head. "There are giant bees too, so watch out." Morpheus took a deep breath. "Well, the bats aren't vampire bats, so no worries." MSR added absently, rubbing her fingers a few more minutes before sitting down. "Ain't nothing like the big trouts that like Klly." SE said with a semi-straight face. "Wanna come be bai... visit Kelly?" Tex grinned. "Hey, never thought about clean clothes becoming a luxury item." DMD said with a grimace. "Lilacs aint so bad" SE nudged DMD, "Try em" "I thought you guys were smelling sweet" MSR tried to keep a straight face. Slider8 and VM were vehemently whispering and pointing. "What is it guys?" Brit asked, touching them both on the shoulder. "Those cameras are everywhere!" Yeontoo cleared her throat, and waited til they quietened down. She readied a couple of posters and new pens for the teams. "I wish a few more of you would add to the brainstorming on the What If going on. It helps demonstrate to your teammates and the other team, that it is you who is better equiped to understand the various worlds that you, as a Slider, will come in contact with." Yeontoo said softly. A few groans rose. SE, Brit, VM, Tex, and MSR all piped up, "WE have!" Tex pointed out, "The rest of the Alpha's have been absent!" SE nodded, "They're coming." Yeontoo handed WldKlly and MSR the posters and pens. "The rules are pretty simple... 1. At least half your team must participate... that's 2 for the Omegas, and 2.5 for the Alphas (3!). 2. Keep them numbered, so I can find them. I had originally for a lot fewer, but considering how fast you did the last one, I figured this one needed to be bigger. 3. The first team to get them all correct wins. Barring that, the team to get the most right by 11:59pm CST (the time clocked here) Sunday night 9-24-2000 wins immunity. 4. I don't mind you getting help, but don't post for help. 5. The answers are pretty specific, but if another one works, AND you can prove it, I'll allow it. 6. You have all day Monday to argue your answers, but once I post at 11:59pm 9-25-2000 the winner, it would be unfair to them to change it. I'm not perfect, but I'll try to be. The voting will be Tuesday, for 24 hours. 7. Every so often, I'll go thru and post which ones you have correct and which ones you do not. 8. What have I forgotten? |
Slider Ryan Novice Slider Posts: 179 (9/22/00 10:10:01 pm) ![]() |
Re: Challenge Won
"Brit, you should get the spaghetti and pepperoni pizza," said MSR. Her teammates and Y stared at MSR's outrageous suggestions. "What? I thought the roast turkey and roasted pig were a bit too much." Unintelligible mutterings were heard while MSR just thought of something else to say. MSR |
Slider Ryan Novice Slider Posts: 216 (9/23/00 11:27:57 pm) ![]() |
As frustration set
MSR wanted to pound her head into something as her team was stumped on some of the questions. Since that wasn't a viable option nor a healthy one ![]() ODE TO A HEADACHE Rain, rain go away Come again another day *Sue me I'm tired* Take this cold front with thee too Along with this allergy-induced headache also with you A pleasant unexpected side effect so curious The challenge answers are coming fast and furious Only time... "MSR, get back to work," ordered Brit as he grabbed the pen from her. "Grrr... okay," MSR replied as she grabbed the pen back from Brit. MSR |
![]() Administrator Posts: 467 (9/23/00 11:56:59 pm) ![]() |
Re: As frustration
set in...
Tex watched his team mates work on the challenge. "Ugh, where did Y come up with this stuff?? www.fry_your_brain.com??" Tex said with a stumped look on his face. VM couldn't stop laughing as he watch the other banging their heads and thinking out loud. "This is worst than college finals" Tex said jokingly. "You got that rite" MSR replied and continued work on the teasers. "I'm gonna take a break" Brit said "Anyone wanna join me?" "Sure I'll join you" Tex said. "The left side of my brain is numb anyway" "Lets go gather some food while the other work on the teasers" Brit said "Sounds like a plan" Tex acknowledge as they both walked from the site
vor-TEX-62 ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Slider Ryan Novice Slider Posts: 224 (9/24/00 5:15:50 pm) ![]() |
Returning back from
the "Gathering" :-p ...
Tex and Brit saw VM and MSR still working on the challenge questions as they went down the stone steps. The had found some fruit and had a couple of large fish "How about F?" asked MSR. "Nope," replied VM "G?" MSR struck off the F off her list. "Nada" Tex and Brit were impressed with their fortitude er... obsessiveness with the mind numbing problems. As they reached the studious duo, Brit and Tex weren't pleased as they saw what they were both doing. "Hangman!" screamed Brit as he ripped the posterboard away from VM. "You two!" Tex threw some bananas at the two. The Alphas were laughing at the riotious site in front of them. "Uh... wouldn't laugh if I were you," said MSR as she wiped the banana off her face. "And why not?" asked SE. "Cuz Slider8 and Morpheus aren't here. It's almost sunset and you don't know what's out there lurking," replied a smiling MSR. Murmurings from the remaining Alpha members. "Um... we're outnumbered here, guys," said Klly. "No joke," replied DMD as he continued to write an answer. "Glad I brought the spears," said SE. "You and your spears," muttered MSR. "You and your rocks," SE shot back. "Where?" asked MSR. "You must be going blind, hun," said Yeontoo, pointing to the pile in front of MSR. "My bad. I guess I am. Back to work after a snack." The 4 Omegas and 3 Alphas went back to work. MSR |
Yeontoo Moderator Posts: 627 (9/25/00 4:28:30 pm) ![]() |
Challenge Winner Declared
Yeontoo tallied the correct answers: "Alpha 48 Omega 49 The Omegas won the challenge." A collective groan emits from the Alphas at the same time a cheer rises from the Omegas. "Alphas have til tommorrow night to vote one of their own off the team." Yeontoo reminds the group. Noticing that most of them were holding their heads in a gesture of Fried Brain Syndrome, Y disappeared for a few seconds, coming back with frozen ice cream sticks for everyone. "Vanilla ice cream with a chocolate coating!" MSR held hers, eyes closed. "Oh man!" "That challenge was worth 2 apiece, wasn't it?" SE was unwrapping his before it could melt... they all were. "myfm I mfasd agree" DMD spoke with his mouth full. Tex wondered if he could trade his ice cream for DMD's air mattress. "Time to go back to your camps" Yeontoo grinned over the reception the ice cream was getting. |
Yeontoo Moderator Posts: 629 (9/25/00 4:38:35 pm) ![]() |
A small tropical storm hit last night, while you were in the stone chamber. It blew down your hut, and scattered your supplies about a half mile to the east. Be careful, the monkeys are very interested in your shiney pots and pans still, and they dont want to give them back. |
![]() Administrator Posts: 484 (9/26/00 12:39:10 am) ![]() |
Re: Happenstance
After noticing a storm rip through their camp..Tex decided to look for anything worth savaging. "I guess I better reset my traps while I am at it" Tex thought to himself. His mind was still like icecream on a hot summer day (all mushy) after that last challege. Once he reached his snares, he noticed he had caught something. "Ah..it's a small monkey". Tex says to himself. "Hmmm, should i let it go or take it back to the camp?" Tex though to himself. After a few minutes of thinking it over, Tex decided to take it back to camp on a vine leash. It was still quite young and didn't seem to be afraid of humans. After finding a couple of pots and pans that was blown from the storm, Tex made it back to camp. "Hey look at the monkey Tex caught" says VM "Awww...he's so cute" stated MSR "Well what should we do with him? I hear monkey brains was pretty good in some countries." laughed Tex while feeling the top of the monkey's head. "It might be small but it should be tasty" MSR looked at Tex with one of those "If looks could kill" looks. "You hurt that monkey, and we will be having your brains for dinner" snarled MSR "Okay Okay" says Tex "I was only joking. I think he would make a great mascot. What should we name him??"
vor-TEX-62 ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Slider Ryan Novice Slider Posts: 231 (9/26/00 1:09:11 am) ![]() |
Mascot names...
MSR thought for a while before answering Tex. "Let's see... how about Bobo, David, Steve, Rudy, Jeremy, Alex, Mark, James, Dana, Adrian, Rich... uh... where's that steak dinner." "Yeah, I bet Brit ate it all on the sly," said Tex as the monkey ran around him, tangling himself around Tex's legs. MSR laughed as Tex tried to untangle the monkey's leash. MSR |
BritSlider Beginner Slider Posts: 9 (9/26/00 9:42:44 am) |
The Naming Of The Monkey.......
BritSlider tried to feign indignation at the accusations laid before him. "Hey! I did NOT eat all that steak to myself! I have salted it and safely stored it away for later; who knows when we are going to run out of food, so at least this way we have some 'emergency rations'. Besides, where do you think I got these pineapples from?" In saying this, Brit produced two lucious, juciy pineapples from behind his back. "I thought these would do for the side orders, that way we can enjoy them now." The rest of the team seemed happy as Brit cut each pineapple in half. The juice dripped over his fingers as he sliced them, a sure sign that they were going to be delicious. VortexMaster looked up, his mouth stuff with his share of the goodies. "Say what are we going to do about the little hairy guy." "What, Tex or the monkey?" Laughed MSR before Tex could reply. "Well," said Tex, "we're not going to be doing anything until we come up with a name for him. How hard can it be?" Brit was struck with a sudden inspiration. "Why don't we call him Morpheus? He kinda reminds me of him, and it might be fun to have a reminder of him after he gets voted out by Alpha team this week." MSR smiled, obviously amused at the idea. "I like it, although the monkey does smell better than him, not to mention being rather more personable!" The team carried on the discussion, happy with their spoils, and wondering what might happen next in this most eventful of places. |
BritSlider Beginner Slider Posts: 10 (9/27/00 9:48:43 am) |
Ding, Dong; the witch
is dead!
Omega Team had spent the day rebuilding their camp after the tropical storm. This time they built the huts nearer to the cave to take advantage of the shelter it provided; but still far enough away that they would not be disturbed by the bats inside. They sat around a campfire, with Tex teaching little Monkey Morpheus tricks. "Say, who was voted off from the Alpha Team after they lost the challenge?" He asked. The rest of the team thought for a moment, and then realised that no-one had gone to look at the announcement board to see who it was! Brit got up and told the others he would check it out, walking quickly into the jungle. A short while later Brit returned to the camp with a large grin on his face. "It seems they voted Morpheus off, I can't imagine why though!" MSR laughed, "Well, it's good riddence to bad rubbish; I've been hearing some rather disturbing things about him anyway." This caught the attention of the group; even little Monkey Morpheus seemed to sense that they were talking about his namesake, and stopped playing with the banana that Tex had given him. MSR continued; "From what I've heard, he had been suffering from paranoid delusions ever since he came to the island. It seems that he had convinced himself that he had built a shelter with indoor plumbing, heating, air conditioning, kitchen, bathroom, and bedrooms; when all it really was was a tiny mud hut! There was a little collection of leaves and moss near his hut that he referred to as 'The Hospital'. It's possible that he had ingested some of these and that's what made him start seeing things." VortexMaster looked shocked. "There really should have been some kind of psycological screening before we began this. Who knows what he could have got up to out there?" "But that's not even the half of it!" Put in MSR. "You mean it gets worse?" Asked Brit. "Perhaps you should carry on with what you've heard." MSR took the coconut milk offered to her by Tex, and carried on with her tale. "Well, it seems that be began seeing imaginary animals; sort of like a cow only much bigger. Then when the monkeys attacked the Alpha camp, he started pointing at them and pretending he was shooting them with some kind of crossbow! I guess that had something to do with the fact that he was now living in the trees; it seems he kinda 'went native'. That's also about the time that he started going on about seeing a vast ruined complex on the island. The others say that he went wandering for a couple of days, and came back holding a load of monkey crap that he kept referring to as ''strange crystals!" Tex stared into the fire, a troubled look on his face. "Then I guess it's best he's gone. I don't doubt that even if his team members hadn't voted him off then Ms Yeontoo would have taken him off of the island anyway; before he went all 'Lord of the Flies' on us!" "Scary thought Tex." Said Brit. "But at least we have little Monkey Morpheus to remind us of him." VM smiled. "I pity the observation team; they've got to put up with him there for the next seven weeks until this game is finished!" "Let's hope they've got plenty of qualudes to keep him docile then!" Laughed MSR. Brit's thoughts drifted to the preserved steak. "Well guys, I wonder what this week's luxury challenge will be about. I'm feeling pretty confident after winning it last week." Tex seemed less than enthusiastic. "Well my brain's still fried from all the teasers in the main challenge; some of them were really obscure." "Yeah, you and MSR were awesome on those," said VM. "Good job we've got you two here to pick up the slack!" Brit let a rueful smile play across his lips. "Don't worry, VM and I will make sure we do our part this time, after all; that's what teamwork is all about ." And with that, the team lay back on the golden sand to relax in the afternoon sun. Little Monkey Morpheus went back to his banana. Does Morpheus look like a loser to you? If not, look again :-) |
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