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Yeontoo Moderator Posts: 675 (10/3/00 6:26:37 pm) ![]() |
Alpha Only Week 4
... and the auditions continue..... |
Yeontoo Moderator Posts: 681 (10/3/00 7:09:04 pm) ![]() |
Exhausted from your challenge endeavors, you do not post a lookout. Your new camp is situated on a bed of spiders, and the fire went out. The spiders are into everything, and on everyone. |
![]() Novice Slider Posts: 99 (10/3/00 10:50:15 pm) ![]() |
DMD, SE, and Slider8 leapt to their feet and began furiously brushing off the spiders. Only Klly remained calm, slowly climbing to her feet and brushing off the spiders more from annoyance than fear. Klly: "What's with you guys? Never seen a spider before?" SE: " A spider, yes. A hundred thousand spiders, no." DMD: "Ugh. They give me the creeps." Slider8: "Uh, guys. Looks like the fire went out, too." DMD: "That I can fix." <fishes his Zippo lighter out of his pocket> "But what can we do about the spiders? I don't want to have to move camp again." Klly: "You could become a spider Monkee." Diesel |
Sabre Edge Administrator Posts: 181 (10/5/00 12:58:34 am) ![]() |
Re: Spiders!!!!
"ACK!!!! SPIDERS!!!" SE screamed as he raced out of the camp! He dove into the ocean. "ick! ick! ick! ick! ick!" He shook all around yelling, "GetIToff! GetIToff! GetIToff!" Exhausted, he drug himself out of the water a plopped on the sand. Muffled by the wet sand was heard, "I am not going back to a camp full of spiders..." |
![]() Novice Slider Posts: 74 (10/5/00 5:30:50 pm) ![]() |
Re: Spiders!!!!
"Well, what do we do now?" WldKlly asked the Alphas as they stood, staring at their shelter being taken over by spiders. "What could we salvage?" Slider8 asked. "Um...we've got the knife, the lighter, the matches, a little bit of food, and that's about it." DMD replied. "Great, just great!" SE shouted. Slider8 came up with a plan. "Well, I guess we're gonna have to build another camp somewhere else. Plus, we need to do a bit of hunting and fishing for food. Until then, no use letting these things live. You still got that lighter?" [:::]o]}= = = =(((o))) -Slider8 |
Sabre Edge Administrator Posts: 183 (10/5/00 6:07:40 pm) ![]() |
Time to Focus
SE and the others needed to decide what to do after their last disaster. "I know, I'll channel the jungle spirits and get their advice," SE said as he lowered to the ground next to a stump, a log and an overturned pot. "Dude, you're nuts..." Slider8 commented as SE began wailing and playing his "rhthym". "ooooOOOooahhh OOO OOO OOO AAAAAAAA OOO AAAAA snort snort snort" All the sudden a monkey appeared out of the jungle, runnning up to sit on the pot. SE exclaimed, "Look! It's Chitters the monkey to advise us!" SE started talking to it. "EEE EEE ooo EEE ooo ooo". The monkey chattered back waving his long arms and hands. "The Omegas have food? They caught a pig? They have clams? They found a hot springs to relax in?" SE spoke up to the other 3, "Do you know what this means? Do you? It means... WE ARE ON THE WRONG SIDE OF THE FREAKIN' ISLAND!" |
Yeontoo Moderator Posts: 699 (10/8/00 5:07:03 am) ![]() |
Challenge 4
Yeontoo waited solemnly inside the cool stone chamber as the Omegas and Alphas joined her beside the firepit. SE and Tex took charge of lighting the torches while the teams squirmed uncomfortably on the stone seats. "These things get colder every week" DMD grimaced, speaking slowly. "That's cuz you sit further back from the fire each week DMD," MSR tried hard to keep the giggle out of her comment. "Oh! Yeah there is that, aint' it?" DMD rubbed his face, smiling at the pretty petite burnette. "No flirting with the other team!" WldKlly poked DMD in the side. "Says who?!" DMD then winked at Klly. "How many clams did Tex dig?" "I dunno ...about... hey!" Klly blushed. Tex threw SE a sharp glance as he made some chuckling noises. "You ain't got no room to laugh" he muttered, hanging the last torch. "I did wear at least a blanket!" SE muttered back, a half grin on his face, "Well, at least tin foil" he laughed softly with Tex. They finished their chore. "What kind of challenge do you have for us this week Yeon?" Tex spoke softly as he sat down. "That would my question too m'dear," Brit echoed his team member. "I haven't named it the challenge yet... something like 'What was that again?' would be appropriate." Yeontoo readied the posters and pens. "Pens again" MSR noted aloud. "Hey! We didn't get a luxury challenge this week...I wanted to win a steak dinner!" Slider8 said from the back of group as his tummy rumbled loudly. "Mine was quite delicious" Brit rubbed his abdomen in rememberance. "Do you need judges again?" SE glanced at the stiffening Omega team. "I mean... are the answers measureable like the first two challenges?" "Yes" Yeontoo sighed. She handed out the posterboards and pens to the ladies of the teams. One set to MSR and one set to WldKlly. "Rules are simple this time around. 1. Two members per team must participate. 2. Tallys will be given... it would be easier on me if you didn't edit your posts once they've been there awhile. 3. There are 58 phrases. Each phrase is worth 1 point. First team to acquire all 58 points or the team with the most as of 10pm this Monday afternoon wins immunity. (next vote will be on Tuesday still) 4. These are exact, you either answer correctly or incorrectly. 5. How to play? Say these phrases outloud. You'll hear a different phrase. Example: The phrase "Law Sand Jealous" uses real words. Said outloud, it becomes "Los Angeles" ========= |
![]() Junior Slider Posts: 30 (10/9/00 2:05:41 pm) |
<<OK.. what's going on here?!? This is the second challenge I have missed out on!! I thought it was going to be delayed! I checked in on Sat. night and saw the message about it being delayed and then in checking in again on monday...hello? No challenge for Klly! I swear I am trying you guys! But I feel so un-helpful! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaahh! Last thought for you guys: Alpha team rocks! Isle of view all! (see i could have helped!) >> -Klly |
Yeontoo Moderator Posts: 707 (10/9/00 5:24:13 pm) ![]() |
4 Results
Yeontoo looked at the beautiful tropical sky, and wondered if the teams realized that another tropical storm was brewing. She saw the teams milling around, waiting for her to post the results of the last challenge. Vaguely hearing SE's "I'm telling you, we're on the wrong side of the island!", she smoothered a giggle. Turning to the totem, she removed the old poster, and tacked up a new one. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& & & Challenge 4 Completion & & Omegas Win & & Alphas Vote & &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& "Told you that was the Gulf of Mexico, not the Tale of hexico" DMD muttered. |
Sabre Edge Administrator Posts: 196 (10/9/00 5:24:50 pm) ![]() |
After the challenge
SE made his way to his pallet of palm fronds and moss. He laid down, hoping his team won that last challenge. It was going to be close. He closed his eyes and fell asleep dreaming. "Mmmmmm, Lasagna.... Heaping Bowls of Icecream... Chocolate covered strawberries... Soft Pillows... Warm Blankets... mmmmmmmmm" DMD shook SE awake, "Dude, your fried jellyfish and boiled water is ready" SE opened his eyes,"...yuck..." |
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