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Yeontoo Moderator Posts: 676 (10/3/00 6:28:30 pm) ![]() |
Omega Only Week 4
... and the auditions continue... |
Yeontoo Moderator Posts: 680 (10/3/00 7:06:18 pm) ![]() |
During the night, exhausted from your challenge endeavors, you forget to post a lookout. Your fire has gone out, and your coals are too cool to start a new one. Monkeys entered your camp during the night, taking all your supplies and eating your food. MSR has followed the monkeys, and is not actually lost... she hopes, but the rest of team doesn't know that. |
Missing Slider
Ryan Novice Slider Posts: 253 (10/3/00 8:28:37 pm) ![]() |
This is what MSR did...
MSR had the presence of mind to ask Tex and Brit which side their camp, near the cave, was a couple of days earlier. They told her that they were on the west side of the island. Before setting out after the monkeys she took the flashlight with her. "Screw this," she muttered as a few minutes went by without success. She was in the jungle and didn't care for the pots and pans. The challenge had wiped her out and she was in no mood for looking for the supplies and she didn't want to use up all the batteries of the flashlight. Taking out her glow in the dark pocketknife, she flipped it open to the compass that was hidden inside. "Oh, baby, no one is gonna get this from me unless they pry it from my cold dead hands." She had other gadgets left to try. She looked at the compass and saw that it was pointed North straight ahead of her. She confirmed that when she reached over to a nearby tree. Yup moss growing on the northside. So she walked to the left, the westward direction. Within a few minutes she smelled bananas, she was almost back to camp. "MSR, where have you been?" asked a worried Brit. "Chasing monkeys." She replied with a sigh, turning off the flashlight and returning her compass into it's place. "Good thing you came back. We would have been out looking for you soon, " remarked VM. "Hey did you find any food out there?" inquired a smiling Tex. "Ha ha. No. Wake me up when you do," she replied as she leaned against a tree and promptly fell asleep. MSR |
Yeontoo Moderator Posts: 684 (10/4/00 2:15:17 am) ![]() |
Vote! Brit's post made after I posted the Challenge 2 winner is considered to be in Week 3. I ran out of time changing the threads. He may vote. Vortex Master didn't make a story post in Week 3. I'm sorry, according to the rules, he may not vote this week. ~Blessings, ~Y |
Vortex Master
High and Mighty Moderator Posts: 186 (10/4/00 12:29:59 pm) |
Re: Voting
What are you talking about, Y? I did make a story post. Look again in week 3. You will find my post. I request that the voting will be delayed until we clear this out. Besides, there is already a reason to do so, because of the questionable results of challange 3. VMaster- The Best Master. |
Yeontoo Moderator Posts: 688 (10/4/00 4:05:56 pm) ![]() |
I had it opened awhile, and somehow, missed your post. I'm sorry for that confusion. Please vote hun. As for the other arguements, guys, I'm just now opening them all up. I'll postpone the vote for a little bit. ~Y Edited by: Yeontoo at: 10/4/00 3:25:22 pm |
Missing Slider
Ryan Novice Slider Posts: 259 (10/4/00 10:27:10 pm) ![]() |
In the morning...
MSR: Tex, teach me to make fire. TEX: Sure. Get the dry kindling in the cave. MSR: BRB TEX: K MSR returned and put it on the dead campfire. TEX: Rub together two sticks. MSR: Like this? TEX: Yes. An hour later. MSR: Whoo Hoo! Flames! Onto cave drawings. TEX: The wheel next. MSR: Yup. Brit and VM arrived. BRIT: Here's some fish we caught. VM: Where do want them? MSR: Throw them on the flat stones inside the fire. We don't need pots and pans. BRIT: Good thinking dear. VM: Good. I'm tired of bananas. MSR |
Vortex Master
High and Mighty Moderator Posts: 190 (10/5/00 12:26:32 pm) |
Re: In the morning...
Finally! I'm glad that at least I have my voting right back. I hope the challange will be re-judged or voided. Our team has a lot of complains. Well, gotta do the storyline post. ------------------------------------------------ It was morning. VM waked up and streched. After MSR learned how to make fire, she got so excited about it, she kept on doing it and doing it and doing it until she finally realized that he old saying "If you play with fire, you can get burned" had a point.Luckily, she was n't doing it inside the camp, but near it, so that Tex and Brit had enough time to put it out. They seemd rather mad. Tex: "What did I tell you about playing with fire? What's the matter with you?" MSR: "Well, I don't know... I got carried away a bit, I guess. I'm sorry, I won't do that again." Everyone hoped that MSR indeed learned her lesson. They didn't have much time to think about it, since the next event was just about to occur. VM decided to take a walk on the beach. He thought about his girlfriend back in the Party World and wished he was there. (Y- is there a mail sending option on this island?) Suddenly, a wild pig came out of nowhere. He stood right in front of VM and looked at him, "smiling" a vicious smile. "Easy, boy, easy!" VM slowly backed down. Seeing the wild pig chasing him, made VM turn around and run for his life. "Guys! Help!" VM screamed all the way to the camp. "I have no weapons on me!" Then, he heard a strange noise behind him. He turned around to see the pig hanging from above, inside a net. "Ha ha! Yes! I knew my traps will finally catch something." Satisfied, Brit came out from a near bush. "And now, we have something to eat, too." "Yeah, great." Said VM, trying to catch his breath. VMaster- The Best Master. |
![]() Administrator Posts: 503 (10/5/00 1:18:46 pm) ![]() |
Re: In the morning...
Tex decided to walk out on the beach to get his mind off the last challege. "Man ole Man, the Challenges are really starting to get interesting" he thought to himself. "Well least we got some real meat to eat now thanks to Brits trap" Tex thought as he heard his stomach growl. It was a very hot day so Tex decided to let things go. After removing all his clothes and felt much cooler. "Ah yes, nothing feels better than the ole birthday suit" Tex said while laughing. "I think I will go dig some clams while I am on the beach" said a very exposed Tex. A little later MSR came by. "Um Tex, aren't you like forgetting something??" said a blushing MSR. "I don't think so, I got my machete right here" said Tex as he continue to dig for clams. "Hey Tex I didn't know you had a tatoo on your.." MSR was getting ready to say after Brit interrupted her. "Tex what the heck?!?!" Brit said laughing. Tex stood up and looked around "What??" Tex said has he shrugged his shoulders. "Can a person just do what he wants to do??" "No problems here" MSR said trying to hold back the laughing. "Well, um, just keep your back to me" Brit said also trying to hold back the laughing. "Well will have a hard time trying to avoid seeing your assets...ugh" "Well if it bothers you that much I can put my hat on if you like" Tex said with a smirk on his face. Both MSR and Brit bursted out laughing. "Okay, okay" Tex said putting his clothes back on. All of a sudden VM comes running to the beach "Hey guess what i just discovered??" Vm said "and what are you all laughing about??" "Nothing VM" MSR says wiping the tears from her eyes "What did you find??" "Remember the other day when all those bats came flying out at us" VM said "Well I know why now" "Oh really" said Tex "and....." "Inside the cave is a hot spring probably from an undersea volcano. Alot of these islands were formed from undersea volcanos. A geyser has been going off inside the cave which keeps disturbing the bats." VM said excitingly. "Whoohoo!!" MSR yelled "We got hot water!!" "Lets go check it out" Brit said as they all made their way to the cave...
vor-TEX-62 ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Missing Slider
Ryan Novice Slider Posts: 262 (10/6/00 9:02:10 pm) ![]() |
To the cave...
VM and Brit killed the pig and dragged it to camp. Tex and MSR went to the cave. It was a cloudless day. MSR: I'll make some torches. TEX: You used all the dry kindling. MSR: No, I didn't. TEX: Yes, you did. MSR: Whatever. I'll get more. She returned minutes later. TEX: Um... that's wet. MSR: So? TEX: You can't light that up. It needs to be dry. MSR: Really? Minutes later. MSR: Told you. TEX: You're surprising. Why didn't you tell us you already knew how to make fire? MSR: And ruin all your fun teaching me? Um... no. Brit and VM arrived and MSR handed a torch to each of them. They entered the cave. MSR |
Missing Slider
Ryan Novice Slider Posts: 265 (10/7/00 10:06:22 pm) ![]() |
In the cave...
Brit stopped just inside the entrance after something caught his eye. BRIT: What's this? VM: Where? MSR: It's nothing. Let's go find out where the hot spring is. I want hot water. TEX: Yeah. Me too. Lead the way VM. MSR went over and grabbed Brit's arm and lead him away before he read more of the writing. BRIT: Hey, I was still reading. It's very interesting. MSR: I'm sure it is, but let's go. A few minutes later, all stop. TEX: What's that noise? Sounds like metal rubbing on metal. BRIT, VM and MSR: Sure sounds like it. MSR: It's coming from over there. Come on. The three reluctant guys followed her to another part of the cave. MSR: What's that floating on the top of the bubbling water? BRIT: It's our pots and pans. VM: The monkeys probably brought them here. TEX: Smart monkeys. The Omegas retrieved their pots and pans. VM: Let's follow the water and see what we can find. They all agreed. MSR |
Yeontoo Moderator Posts: 697 (10/8/00 4:28:00 am) ![]() |
At the cave entrance...
A very late Mz Yeontoo called into the cave. "Hhheeeellllllllllllooooooooooooooo?" As the Omegas warily came to the entrance, a flustered Yeontoo apologized for the delay. "The boat'll be here in half an hour to take the one voted off. Shortly after, we'll have the council meeting in the stone chamber for your next challenge. ======================== Attached to the totem pole was this short note: &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& & & & ...VortexMaster 3 & & ...Abstain 1 & &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& |
Yeontoo Moderator Posts: 698 (10/8/00 5:05:25 am) ![]() |
Challenge 4
Yeontoo waited solemnly inside the cool stone chamber as the Omegas and Alphas joined her beside the firepit. SE and Tex took charge of lighting the torches while the teams squirmed uncomfortably on the stone seats. "These things get colder every week" DMD grimaced, speaking slowly. "That's cuz you sit further back from the fire each week DMD," MSR tried hard to keep the giggle out of her comment. "Oh! Yeah there is that, aint' it?" DMD rubbed his face, smiling at the pretty petite burnette. "No flirting with the other team!" WldKlly poked DMD in the side. "Says who?!" DMD then winked at Klly. "How many clams did Tex dig?" "I dunno ...about... hey!" Klly blushed. Tex threw SE a sharp glance as he made some chuckling noises. "You ain't got no room to laugh" he muttered, hanging the last torch. "I did wear at least a blanket!" SE muttered back, a half grin on his face, "Well, at least tin foil" he laughed softly with Tex. They finished their chore. "What kind of challenge do you have for us this week Yeon?" Tex spoke softly as he sat down. "That would my question too m'dear," Brit echoed his team member. "I haven't named it the challenge yet... something like 'What was that again?' would be appropriate." Yeontoo readied the posters and pens. "Pens again" MSR noted aloud. "Hey! We didn't get a luxury challenge this week...I wanted to win a steak dinner!" Slider8 said from the back of group as his tummy rumbled loudly. "Mine was quite delicious" Brit rubbed his abdomen in rememberance. "Do you need judges again?" SE glanced at the stiffening Omega team. "I mean... are the answers measureable like the first two challenges?" "Yes" Yeontoo sighed. She handed out the posterboards and pens to the ladies of the teams. One set to MSR and one set to WldKlly. "Rules are simple this time around. 1. Two members per team must participate. 2. Tallys will be given... it would be easier on me if you didn't edit your posts once they've been there awhile. 3. There are 58 phrases. Each phrase is worth 1 point. First team to acquire all 58 points or the team with the most as of 10pm this Monday afternoon wins immunity. (next vote will be on Tuesday still) 4. These are exact, you either answer correctly or incorrectly. 5. How to play? Say these phrases outloud. You'll hear a different phrase. Example: The phrase "Law Sand Jealous" uses real words. Said outloud, it becomes "Los Angeles" ========= |
Missing Slider
Ryan Novice Slider Posts: 267 (10/8/00 3:16:14 pm) ![]() |
Mumbling and humming
off key...
MSR wanted something to get her mind into gear so she began to sing horribly off key and faked the words to 'Bonny Portmore'. "O Bonny Portmore I am sorry to see such a woeful destruction of your um... tree for it stood on your shore for lalala till the dum dum lalalala um..." *Click the link in my sig to listen to the song.* "Shut up!" all yelled in unison. "Wha? I need music to brainstorm. How come no one brought a radio?" she inquired as she looked up. "You suck worse than SE!" yelled an irritated DMD. "See someone agrees with me," added SE with a smirk. "Communing with animals again SE?" MSR shot back, a devilish smile appeared on her face. "Hey who told you that?" asked a curious SE as he glared at his teammates. They all gave him innocent faces. MSR laughed. "No one. You just confirmed it." "Someone's been out in the sun too long," remarked Tex. "Looks like it. Next you'll be swinging from the trees," joked Brit. "Want a banana. We got lots." "MSR, the pyromaniac, is going to burn down the jungle," Klly remarked. "Let's get back to work and MSR shut up!" Slider8 called out. "There's a black spider that's going to land on your right shoulder, SE," Brit called out. "I'm not falling for that," a confident SE replied. "Whatever. Don't tell me that I didn't tell you," Brit answered. SE felt something on this shoulder, "DMD, lay off." Surprise appeared as he saw the spider crawling on his shoulder. "ICK ICK." He flicked it off and onto DMD. Confusion broke out in the Alpha side as they tried to kill the spider. The Omegas chuckled for a couple of minutes before getting back to work. MSR |
Vortex Master
High and Mighty Moderator Posts: 196 (10/9/00 11:45:24 am) |
Re: Mumbling and humming
off key...
How... intresting... VMaster- The Best Master. |
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