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Yeontoo Moderator Posts: 709 (10/9/00 5:30:40 pm) ![]() |
Alpha Week 5
...and the auditions go on.... |
Yeontoo Moderator Posts: 711 (10/11/00 3:08:21 am) ![]() |
Yeontoo approached the totem with the days tally on the Alpha Vote. Tacking it securely, she looked around... seeing the boat approach. *Oh dear! Late again! Shouldn't have tried waiting on that other vote." &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& & & Slider8.....1 & & WldKlly.....2 & & &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& |
![]() Novice Slider Posts: 105 (10/11/00 2:21:02 pm) ![]() |
Back to camp.
DMD, SE, and S8 made their way back to what was left of the Alpha camp. The Alphas had found the spiders' nest and torched it with the help of some dried leaves and DMD's trusty Zippo, so they were once again spider free, but the camp still left much to be desired. SE: "What a mess. It's time we turned this thing around." S8: "Yeah, I heard about the Omegas' camp. Sounds nice." DMD: "So lets do something about it. Gather everything up and put it back into the storage container. We're moving." After the three had stowed away their gear, they split up and searched for a better camp site. SE followed the water upstream, maintaining a safe distance from the water and it's carnivorous trout. DMD headed downstream. S8 headed toward the dormant volcano at the center of the island. Nobody went anywhere near the direction that the monkeys had come from. They had continued to be a nuisance and moving nearer to them was not an option. A few hours later, the three met back at 'Camp Arachnid,' as the now ousted Klly had nicknamed it. DMD: "Well, that was a waste of time. As you go farther downstream toward the ocean, the water just gets murkier. The land turns marshy and isn't suitable for a camp." S8: "toward the volcano would be suitable, but not terribly different than here. Just farther from the fresh water. The trees provide a little better cover but that's about it." SE was smirking during all this. Finally he spoke up, "forget the trees. I found exactly what we're looking for upstream." S8 and DMD pressed Sabre for details, but he was being tight lipped. Only saying that we'd all be glad we'd moved. The three hoisted their gear and began making their way upstream. After about a half-hour of hiking DMD said, "how far are we going? This stuff is heavy. And we've got to be able to make it back to the challenge and knowledge discussion locations in a reasonable amount of time." SE: "Relax. It's just around the next bend in the stream. The challenge site is 15 minutes that way <SE consulted his compass and pointed> and the knowledge discussions are just over that ridge there <pointing again>." Indeed, just around the next bend they saw their destination. DMD: "Whoa" S8: "Awesome" SE: "I told you." What they saw was a set of ruins, similar in architecture to the challenge location. The ruins had actually been built so that the river ran through it and appeared to flow from underneath the foundation. Inside it was dry, if a bit cool. The stream could be hear flowing through the center of the building. There were strange markings on the walls. S8: "Um, didn't Brit mention some markings on the walls of their cave? I wonder if they're connected somehow." The three fashioned torches and ventured farther into the ruins. Diesel |
Sabre Edge Administrator Posts: 198 (10/11/00 3:35:35 pm) ![]() |
New Digs
The ruins were situated on a flat mesa. A canopy of trees circled the edges of the ruined civilation. In the middle was a flat plaza with statues and more likely, idols, dotting the stone surface. Stone buildings were erected on an upper dias that surrounded the plaza. The stream that ran through the middle of the plaza poured into expertly shaped circular stone receivers that were staggered appearing to hold around 4 gallons each. The stream poured into the first, overflowed into the second, and so on till the runoff of the fourth continued the stream on its course. SE left the main building DMD and S8 were in and dropped his stuff on the stone floor outside. SE ran over to the entrance of a small building. He carefully swept back the long ivy that hung like curtains. Waving them over he called, "Come over here! We have ready made shelter!" The other two exited the bigger building, left their equipment in the middle of the stone plaza and hopped up the three steps that led to the house. They stuck their heads inside, looking around. Light poured in through the cut out windows in the walls. The one-room stone house was relatively small, roughly 20 feet by 20 feet. They slowly crept inside... the place was empty except for a warped table and a stone floor. "We can set this place up as the sleeping quarters for now," DMD decided. S8 called out from the back of the shelter. "Check this out, more markings." SE and DMD made their way over to S8. "What do you make of it?" asked S8. "Well... the little circles with lines shooting out from them could be suns... or gold." "Gold?!" DMD spoke excitedly. "Let's go look for it!" S8 hopped around energetically. "Wait... this other marking..." SE pointed to one just below the 'gold' one. "What is it?" S8 asked, squinting down at it. DMD crouched down to get a better look, "It looks like a stick figure with different size lines coming out of him. A gold man? ...statue?" SE shook his head, "Lines going in him... booby traps..." "ooooohhhhhh" Edited by: Sabre Edge at: 10/11/00 2:50:28 pm |
![]() Novice Slider Posts: 83 (10/11/00 5:13:35 pm) ![]() |
Checking the Place
"Booby traps?!" S8 and DMD both said at once. "Figures, as soon as we find a good place to stay, it's probably crawling with booby traps!" DMD shouted. The rest of the Alpha team stared around for a few moments. They couldn't decide what to do. "Well, do we stay and look for the booby traps, or leave and set up camp somewhere else?" SE asked the others. They didn't like the thought of possibly waking up in the middle of the night and being killed by traps, but this was also a perfect place to camp. DMD began walking around the room and suddenly they heard a creaking. A rope that was covered by dirt shot up, pulling a trap door with it. S8 and SE only had seconds to react. They grabbed onto DMD as he began falling. Slider8 held on tightly to his arm as Sabre tried to bring him up from the waste. DMD looked down and, about 20 feet below, saw an entire bed of spears pointing up at him. "Pull me up!" He shouted. S8 and SE tugged as hard as they could and eventually managed to drag him over the side. Slider8 looked at the others and slightly cracked a smile. "I guess that answers that question." [:::]o]}= = = =(((o))) -Slider8 |
Yeontoo Moderator Posts: 712 (10/11/00 7:16:37 pm) ![]() |
Monsoon Harry is ripping thru the Islands. It will take 48 hours for the bulk of the storm to pass. Your team is without food. |
Sabre Edge Administrator Posts: 199 (10/11/00 8:48:39 pm) ![]() |
Re: Weather
As the rain hit, the three Alphas dragged their equipment into the small stone house. SE turned the old table up on end to block out the majority of the weather. DMD tried lighting a small fire in the little fire place inside the building. S8 sat with his back near the markings. "Man, we are rained in and without a bite of food. Something is going to have to give soon." |
![]() Novice Slider Posts: 84 (10/11/00 9:00:29 pm) ![]() |
Re: Weather
The rain poured down and clashed against the table which covered the door. It had been almost 24 hours and the Alpha team was starving. "Ok, that's it. Someone needs to go get food." DMD said. They all looked at each other, none of them wanting to go out in the terrible storm. "I'll go." Slider8 said. "Just give me the knife and I'll be fine." He picked up the weapon and began pulling back the table. The rain splashed in his face. SE helped him pull back the table. "Be careful!" SE shouted. S8 motioned a "don't worry" sort of sign to him and then plunged out into the rain. SE watched as the winds almost knocked S8 over, but he managed to drag himself towards an outcropping in a small hill. After staring out for awhile, and letting the inside get wet, SE set the table back up and then sat down near the small fire. A few hours later, SE and DMD heard a clattering outside of the small stone house. "He's back!" DMD shouted. They raced over to the table and were suddenly confronted by monkeys! They were obviously looking for a place to hide, and they were pissed that the Alphas had stolen they're shelter. SE and DMD were almost blinded by the rain. Three monkeys began trying to claw their way in. The two Alpha's tried to set the tbale back up, but the force of the apes and the winds were to powerful. Just as though it looked as if the monkeys would win, one of them fell over. Then another. SE could then see the last one get clubbed in the head with a rock, and it also dropped. "S8!" [:::]o]}= = = =(((o))) -Slider8 |
Yeontoo Moderator Posts: 715 (10/13/00 7:04:32 am) ![]() |
Hurricane - lux challenge
Yeontoo rubbed her hands over the council fire, warming them. Knowing the hurricane was making them late, and wondering how much longer until it was over. She hoped the camps were weathering it well. Yeontoo looked at the 2 next challenges, both ready. Thinking to give them both at once didn't seem fair, but each auditioner would have to chose which to work on first. That would be an interesting test in itself, she thought giggling aloud. Since Sliders landed in San Francisco area, knowledge of American History is pretty important... but what about little known facts? Yeontoo thought as she checked the posters with the luxury challenges on them. &&&&&&& & & George Washington Quiz & True / False 1. George Washington wore a white wig - to hide his receding hairline. 2. The story about young George, the hatchet, and the cherry tree is pure fiction. 3. Very little is known about his childhood - which is the way he wanted it. 4. He was only a fair miliary tactician and a terrible speller. 5. He wanted to abolish lotteries, card games, and horse races. 6. He had a terrible temper. 7. He lived frugally 8. He became surveyor Culpeper County at the age of 23. 9. He and Martha 12 children. 10. He was 6 feet 3 and weighed more than 200 pounds. 11. He was born to great wealth. 12. His name is given to the nation's capital, one state, 33 counties, seven mountains, nine colleges, and 121 post offices. &&&&&&&&&& The prize is a choice of: Scuba Gear (hint taken Brit!) Shower Kit (soap, shampoo, razor, conditioner, and hand lotion) 2 lb bag salted pretzels with a 1 lb Hershey bar |
Sabre Edge Administrator Posts: 217 (10/14/00 1:12:56 am) ![]() |
Re: Hurricane - lux
SE took a break from the challenge area and went to a nearby fruit tree. He picked off a piece of pink fruit, shaped like a pear. As he sat down on a near by boulder, he wondered if the fruit was safe to eat. Turning it over and over in his hand, he studied it. "hmmmm..." His stomache growled, "ah, screw it." He took a bite, chomping noisily. Tex came over as well for a break. "Whatcha doing?" "Eating this pink fruit, it tastes alright. Want one?" "Nah, that's ok, we call those Pepto Fruit." "Pepto Fruit? Why?" "You'll find out in about 15 minutes," Tex laughed, starting the timer on his watch. "Ah, man..." |
Yeontoo Moderator Posts: 723 (10/14/00 8:12:32 am) ![]() |
Yeontoo journeyed to the ruins, and looked around anxiously. In a short time, the 3 remaining members of the Alpha team joined her outside their new "digs" She had with her: Scuba Gear Shower Kit (soap, shampoo, razor, conditioner, and hand lotion) 2 lb bag salted pretzels with a 1 lb Hershey bar "This stuff is cumbersome and heavy" she mumbled to herself. Looking to DMD, she smiled. "You won the luxury challenge DMD, the choice is yours." |
![]() Novice Slider Posts: 115 (10/15/00 2:22:55 pm) ![]() |
Re: Luxury
DMD looked over the luxury items with interest. SE: "Ooh! Chocolate! Yum." S8: "Forge the chocolate. You need a bath in the worst way." Miss Yeontoo smirked as she wrinkled up her nose. All of team Alpha could you a bath. DMD: "What? We've got more lilac. And the pools inside the ruins will be great for bathing once we disarm the booby traps. I'll take the scuba gear. This river runs through the entire structure. Who knows what we might find." SE: "You mean besides carniverous fish?" |
Yeontoo Moderator Posts: 740 (10/18/00 8:15:51 pm) ![]() |
Yeontoo hung the sign on the totem pole. The last Omega vote had just taken place, the last Alpha vote had taken place last week. Now the final 5 elite auditioners would combine into one team. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& & & & BritSlider 2 Votes & & & Abstained 1 vote & & &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Yeontoo opened the ringing cell phone. "Yes sur. That makes Vortex62, MissingSliderRyan, Slider8, DieselMickeyDolenz, and Sabre-Edge the final 5. Yes sur, the Elite of the Elite. ...new name of the team sur? I didn't .... yes sur, Elite Team is a perfect name. Where sur? Um... either the booby trapped ruins, or the bear and bat cave. Yes sur, they'll have to vote on it I gess sur". (week 5 now over) |
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