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Yeontoo Moderator Posts: 708 (10/9/00 5:29:08 pm) ![]() |
Omega Week 5
...and the auditions continue..... |
BritSlider Junior Slider Posts: 18 (10/10/00 12:28:46 pm) |
dawning of a new week
The island was quickly becoming a much quieter place. Both teams would soon be down to just three members each when the Alphas decided who to vote off after losing the latest challenge. "You know," Brit began, looking at his team-mates. "You should have woken me up for the last challenge. I was all ready to go, but with all the delays I thought I would take a quick nap. The next thing I knew you two had done it all!" MSR smiled. "Don't worry about it, we had a lot of trouble getting those pens to work, and by the time they did; Tex and I thought it best to just get on with it while the mood struck us." "That's very gracious of you both," said Brit. "But I'll do more this time; and you know that I'm normally quick on the luxury challenges." Tex looked up at Brit from where he lay on the sand. "You know, all that work on the last challenge game was kinda tiring. Having someone fix us breakfast would be very much appraciated!" "What a great idea," chimed in MSR. "Now who's turn do you think it should be?" "Okay, I get the point," laughed Brit. Breakfast for two it shall be, just you guys take it easy. We've still got plenty of that pig left, so how about bacon and clams for everyone?" "It's an odd combination," said MSR. "But anything that doesn't involve me cooking sounds just fine!" And so Brit set to work making breakfast for the remaining Omega team. He was still curious about that writing on the cave wall, and wanted to study it further. MSR had dragged him away before he got the chance to study it properly, and he had the idea that it might prove very interesting indeed. |
![]() Administrator Posts: 515 (10/10/00 9:34:12 pm) ![]() |
Re: The dawning of
a new week
Tex kicked back after finishing the breakfast that Brit prepared and lets out a big burp. "Burrrrrpppp!!! Dang Brit you can cook a mean breakfast" Tex said while also excusing himself "Thanks Tex" Brit said laughing at Tex. "Yeah Brit that was pretty good" replied MSR. "Yeah the ole luxury challenge should be upon us once again. I like to get my hands on some snorkling gear and maybe get lucky finding some lobster." said Tex. "I was pretty good at catching them while being stationed in Antigua" "Oh really" MSR said "How do you catch them??" "Well I usually back em into some rocks and grab the base of thier antennas. Alot of times they would break off but sometimes I would get lucky. They are fast little devils" said Tex.. "mmmm I could go for some Lobster" said Brit "Hey did anyone noticed the storm that seems to be heading this way??" said MSR changing the subject. "Yep I did, I guess we are in the middle of Monsoon weather" said Tex looking closer at the oncoming storm "I am glad we got that cave to hunker down in" "You got that rite" said MSR as all three cleaned up after their hearthy breakfast...
vor-TEX-62 ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Yeontoo Moderator Posts: 713 (10/11/00 7:46:28 pm) ![]() |
Monsoon Harry is ripping thru the Islands. It will take 48 hours for the bulk of the storm to pass. MSR 'semi-cracks the code' on a separate marking by the door; these not matching the others in artistry or colors. Its a bear with a line separating it from a fish. A large brown bear walks in the entrance, shaking its wet fur. |
Missing Slider
Ryan Novice Slider Posts: 274 (10/11/00 10:04:34 pm) ![]() |
Weathering the storm...
Brit, Tex and MSR made it into the cave just as the jagged lightning arced across the sky and thunder reverberated almost in sync with the flashes of light. The Omegas had restocked on dry kindling after MSR was finished with her pyromaniac ways several days earlier. ![]() "Whoa, baby that's bright," remarked MSR as she stood just inside the cave and out of the wind and rain. "Reminds me of the time I was driving home late at night during the worst lightning storm in decades. The timing of the flashes were so close to each other that it looked like day which didn't help since the rain was coming down in buckets and made it extremely difficult to see. Luckily, I wasn't stranded in several feet of water when I hit standing water. I lost my brakes since the brakepads were wet so I quickly tapped on my brakes to dry them and hoped that I would have the green at the streetlight ahead. No such luck, but I got the car to stop. Half an hour later and five miles away, I got home. Don't want to go through that again." "Sounds like you had a rough time. I am so glad that we have some shelter and not just some branches around us," said Brit as he was drawn to the writing on the cave wall. The storm brought up old memories for Tex. "This reminds me of the time when I was stationed in the Caribbean *Tex I forgot where you were stationed* and a hurricane ripped through the area with winds over 120 mph. We lost some of our belongings when the roof flew away. Luckily, I wasn't home at the time." "Man, if I were there I'd probably be screaming my head off," replied MSR as she walked over to see the markings that Brit was looking at. "Anything interesting?" asked Tex as he stood on the other side of Brit. Brit shined his torch back to the top of the drawings about three feet off the cave floor. He pointed to the ones at the top. "Yeah, see these markings here. They are different from the others. Seems to be made by another person, one more imaginative and artistic. These are more elaborate and in a multitude of colors then the ones at the bottom." MSR kneeled down and took a closer look. Rubbing the dirt and grime away from the long lost drawings she saw a picture of a bear and a fish with a line separating them. "Hmm... bears eats fish and there's a nearby stream. Who ever made this drawing obviously watched the bears catching fish." "You think?" added Tex in a mock sarcastic tone as he tried to decipher one that had a monkey with some round objects at it's feet. "These could be rocks or coconuts. Wonder what it means." "Here's a picture of a man on a what looks like a boat over some wavy lines. Must mean that the man was fishing. Looks like these are snapshots of a moment in time in this area. I wonder what happened to the people here since it's now uninhabited except for the other island where the chateau and observation team are stationed. *So why the line,* wondered MSR as she stared at the puzzling picture. "Don't take the fish away from the bear," MSR blurted out as a sudden realization came to her. "That's it. It's a warning..." She stopped dead in mid sentence as she saw a brown bear enter the cave. It stood just inside and shook it's fur. "Um... don't make sudden movements," ordered Brit. "Slowly move to the back of the cave." "MSR, move it," said Tex as he pulled her by the arm. "Wait. Where's the dried fish we have stored in here?" asked MSR as she slapped Tex's hand off her. The bear continued to shake off the water and seemed not to notice them. "Owww. Brit move back three feet. There's some next to the cave wall." Brit nodded and picked up a couple of dried fish. He slowly made his way back to MSR and Tex. He threw the fish near the bear and they skidded just outside of the cave. The bear's attention was drawn to them and ran outside to investigate. "Now what?" asked MSR. Brit explained quickly, not wanting to miss an opportunity to make a break for it. "We run to the hot spring we found earlier. There's dry kindling and food in a small alcove near it. We can wait there for a while." Tex, MSR and Brit hightailed it to the hot spring before the bear made another appearance. As the trio neared their destination, Tex remarked, "That must have been a warning that bears live nearby. Well, I'm going to my sauna. You two coming?" "Of course," answered MSR and Brit in unison. MSR |
![]() Administrator Posts: 517 (10/13/00 12:53:28 am) ![]() |
Barefoot with the Bear
After enjoying the natural Sauna, Tex decided to face the weather and get some food. "Hmmm, I wonder where gentle ben is" he asked himself. He could see the rain coming down sideways. "Ah yes, this reminds me of Hurricane Luis I went through back in 95." he thought to himself. As soon as he stepped to the mouth of the cave, he saw a large figure in the trees. All of sudden it started to run towards the cave. "Aw crap!!!" Tex screamed but it was too late to run. "Maybe if I play dead I just might get through this" he said to himself as he layed on his stomach and covered the back of his neck with his hands as the bear approached. The bear started to stand on it's hind legs and let out a large growl. "What the heck was that?!?!?" Brit said to MSR "Oh no, it's sounds like that bear is back" said MSR. The bear went up to Tex and started to smell him. Once he got a good wiff, he lifted his head, shook it a few times, gave a really wierd look, and ran off... Tex got up and yelled "Hey I just took a bath!!!" as he watch the bear run off... As Tex turned back to look back into the cave, he saw MSR and Brit rolling on the cave floor from laughter. "Okay okay so maybe I need to take another bath" as he sniffed himself..."Hey where's that lilac??"
vor-TEX-62 ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Yeontoo Moderator Posts: 714 (10/13/00 7:02:50 am) ![]() |
Hurricane - Challenge
Yeontoo rubbed her hands over the council fire, warming them. Knowing the hurricane was making them late, and wondering how much longer until it was over. She hoped the camps were weathering it well. Yeontoo looked at the 2 next challenges, both ready. Thinking to give them both at once didn't seem fair, but each auditioner would have to chose which to work on first. That would be an interesting test in itself, she thought giggling aloud. Since Sliders landed in San Francisco area, knowledge of American History is pretty important... but what about little known facts? Yeontoo thought as she checked the posters with the luxury challenges on them. &&&&&&& & & George Washington Quiz & True / False 1. George Washington wore a white wig - to hide his receding hairline. 2. The story about young George, the hatchet, and the cherry tree is pure fiction. 3. Very little is known about his childhood - which is the way he wanted it. 4. He was only a fair miliary tactician and a terrible speller. 5. He wanted to abolish lotteries, card games, and horse races. 6. He had a terrible temper. 7. He lived frugally 8. He became surveyor Culpeper County at the age of 23. 9. He and Martha 12 children. 10. He was 6 feet 3 and weighed more than 200 pounds. 11. He was born to great wealth. 12. His name is given to the nation's capital, one state, 33 counties, seven mountains, nine colleges, and 121 post offices. &&&&&&&&&& The prize is a choice of: Scuba Gear (hint taken Brit!) Shower Kit (soap, shampoo, razor, conditioner, and hand lotion) 2 lb bag salted pretzels with a 1 lb Hershey bar |
BritSlider Junior Slider Posts: 19 (10/13/00 9:08:00 am) |
I protest!
Once more we get to see the undouted American bias of the questioning here! Yes, the Sliders are kept to the San Francisco area, but sliding is about 'infinite worlds and inifnite possibilities', it is NOT about 'infinite possibilities that only relate to American history as we know it'! How about expanding the knowledge to something that might be relevant to a person sliding somewhere other than the world as we know it now. For example, if George Washington had ignored the protestations of his mother and joined the British Navy at the age of 11 as he wanted to, then America would obviously not be the place it is today. There must be a fair number of worlds out there where that happened? Oh well, I shall just have to make up the answers that most American school children will undoubtedly know by heart! And it was Tex that asked for the scuba gear, although I think it was a damn good idea; providing we can avoid the carnivorous fish in these waters! :-) |
Yeontoo Moderator Posts: 737 (10/17/00 7:49:06 pm) ![]() |
Challenge Results
Yeontoo hung a new poster on the totem outside the stone chamber. She sighed, she was becoming quite attached to the auditioners, and had enjoyed watching the teams compete against each other. Now it was time to watch a new phase of the auditions. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& & & & Alphas - 990 points & & Omegas - 970 points & & &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Team Omega now has up to 24 hours to vote one member off this island, and send them via boat to the paradise that is the other island. That member can still post his/her leaving, and if s/he leaves his/her luxury items. Blessings, Yeontoo |
Yeontoo Moderator Posts: 739 (10/18/00 8:13:58 pm) ![]() |
Yeontoo hung the sign on the totem pole. The last Omega vote had just taken place, the last Alpha vote had taken place last week. Now the final 5 elite auditioners would combine into one team. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& & & & BritSlider 2 Votes & & & Abstained 1 vote & & &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Yeontoo opened the ringing cell phone. "Yes sur. That makes Vortex62, MissingSliderRyan, Slider8, DieselMickeyDolenz, and Sabre-Edge the final 5. Yes sur, the Elite of the Elite. ...new name of the team sur? I didn't .... yes sur, Elite Team is a perfect name. Where sur? Um... either the booby trapped ruins, or the bear and bat cave. Yes sur, they'll have to vote on it I gess sur". (week 5 now over) |
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