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Yeontoo Moderator Posts: 717 (10/13/00 8:54:12 am) ![]() |
Challenge 5 - Omega
Truth or Tabloid Are the following headlines Truth or Tabloid? Rules: 1. At least 2 team members must participate. 2. 10 points per correct answer 3. Periodical Tallies will be given only once every 12 hours. You must ask for a tally. 4. Deadline: Monday Afternoon, 2pm CST (board time). ----------------------------------------------------- 1. Pollster Finds-- 1 In 10 Women And 2 In 10 Men Have Dreamed Of George W. Bush During Sleep. 2. Meat Lovers Rejoice. Tofu Makes You Stupid! 3. Mmmmm...Good... Restaurant Features Petting Zoo To Attract Easter Diners. 4. Miami "Relatives" Claim-- 6-Year-Old Elian Gonzalez Has Been Replaced By An Imposter. 5. Scientist Confirms Some People Are "Born To Eat Sweets." 6. In Antarctica, Scientists Use Refrigerators To STOP Food From Freezing. 7. Lawsuit Claims Employee Was Fired Because He Wasn't Mentally Disabled. 8. Chinese TV Sitcom Cancelled For Having "Only" 500 Million Viewers! 9. Stunned Scientists Discover 600-Mile Long California Ant Colony. 10. Ecologists Blast Plan To Attack Ants With 15,000 Gallons Of Raid. 11. Microsoft Co-Founder Spends Millions To Explore Vast UFO Alien Market. 12. 1st Drive-By Shooting--On A Scooter! 13. Democratic Convention: Tipper Gore To Honor Slain Gangsta' Rappers. 14. Summer Camp Kids Learn To Fire Machine Guns, Kidnap. 15. Kevin Bacon Doesn't Want You To Look When He Buys Preparation H. 16. Global Warming Controversy: Al Gore Accuses Weather Channel Of Low- Balling Temps. 17. New Web Site Pages You When A Live Police Chase Is On TV. 18. Exotic Dancers Claim Republicans Are Better Tippers Than Demos. 19. Expectant Moms: If You Want A Girl, Eat Your Veggies. 20. Vegetarians Give Birth To More Male Babies With Weird You-Know-Whats. 21. WWII Vet Doesn't Know War Is Over! 22. Hippie Awakes From 30-Year Coma--Asks To See Janis Joplin Concert. 23. Think The Internet Craze Is Over? Think Again. There's A New Dot.Com Company Every 4 Seconds! 24. Protestors Lived In Mansions During Republican Convention. 25. Auto Racer Arrested For Driving Drunk--On The Track! 26. Revealed! Dead Rock 'N Roller Fathered 33 Children. 27. Rodney Dangerfield Has Five Wives In New Movie--And Keeps Them All VERY Happy! 28. You Can Fall In Love With Your Shadow. 29. Expert: To Keep Up With The Joneses, Paint Your House Orange. 30. "We're #1!" Eager Fraternity Launches New Yea's Eve Party. 31. Democratic Convention: Mention Of 'N Sync From Stage Caused Rage Against The Machine Fans To Riot. 32. Free-Spirited Anarchists Complained Of 90-Minute ATM Wait. 33. Man With Two Brains Does Party Tricks. 34. To Get Ahead, Get Fired. 35. To Remove Rust Stains, Pour A Coke Down Your Toilet. 36. L.A. Democratic Protest Weirdness: Largest Demonstration Demanded Release Of New Gun & Roses CD. 37. Revealed! A Nudist Invented The Lava Lamp. 38. Jennifer Lopez Saw Shrink Before Making "The Cell." 39. Boyfriend Puffy Combs Found Jennifer On Couch, Threatened Psychiatrist With Handgun. 40. Ghosts Are The Result Of Brain Damage, Says Scientist. 41. "This Policy Wonk I Thee Wed..." Political Junkies Honeymoon At Democratic Convention. 42. Surprise Advice For Women: To Increase Sex Appeal, Drink Mountain Dew. 43. Gutsy 75-Year-Old Farmer Stuck For 3 Days In Outhouse-- After He Falls To The Bottom. 44. Stuffy British House Of Lords Member Doesn't Speak For 21 Years! 45. It's Here! Lipstick With Toothpaste. 46. Benevolent Wasps Rescue Wounded Tomato. 47. Alanis Morissette Advises Britney Spears On How To Cope With Future Loss Of Fame. 48. The Duke Of Beaufort, The Marques Of Worcester, Lord Botecourt, The Earl Of Worcester and Lord Herbert de Herbert Are All The Same Person! 49. Cold Pizza Made Ozzy Osbourne Quit Drinking. 50. Wesley Snipes Fears Nothing. 51. Wesley Snipes Says He's Been A Monk. 52. Girls' School Principal Reprimanded For Ordering Students To Wear Tube Tops & Thongs. 53. Huh??? Grammy-Winning Survivor Sues Survivor. 54. Paris Fall Fashion Dictate: "For Every Woman--A Veil." 55. Office Workers: To Keep Fit, Pretend Your Desk Is A Balance Bar. 56. Wacky "Exerslot" Machines Let You Run While You Gamble. 57. Afterlife Expert: More Left-Handers Go To Hell. 58. Men: To Conceal Beer Belly, Wear A Long Tie. 59. You Can Adopt A Whale. 60. To Win A Man, Woo His Dog. 61. Rockin' "Men At Work" Reunite To Play 100 Gigs During 2-Week Summer Olympics. 62. Australians Outraged Over Meat Pie Prices! 63. 1967: Australian Prime Minister Vanishes! 2000: Location Remains Unknown! 64. Early Outback Explorer Dragged Boats Through The Desert. 65. Australia Has More Slot Machines Than People. 66. Awe-Inspiring Australian Desert Named For Refrigerator Maker. 67. Feminist Icon Gloria Steinem Married At Home Of Former Chief MANKILLER! 68. Texas Doc Recommends Branding Babies To Prevent Switching At Birth. 69. Fall Leaves Go Insane. 70. Tattoo Artist Sues Fat Customer. Big Butt Butterfly Caused Career-Ending Wrist Injury. 71. Claim Experts: Baked Potato Key Turning Point In Human Evolution. 72. Another Reason Why Russia Doesn't Work: Income Tax Can Be Higher Than Income! 73. Emmy Awards Surprise--Voters Conclude There Is No "Best Daytime TV Show." 74. "Happy Days" And "Three's Company" Fans Rejoice! Fonzie And Jack Tripper To Make Broadway Debut--In Tuxedos. 75. Smoking After Sex Banned In Canadian Hotels. 76. Attention Record Collectors! $75,000 Turntable Gives Old LPs Royal Treatment. 77. Attention Eddie Vedder Fans! Pearl Jam Releases 50 CD Set Of Latest Tour. 78. Wife's Makeup Wins Hubby Big Promotion. 79. Finland Introduces The $40,000 Traffic Ticket. 80. Germany Orders Wal-Mart To RAISE Prices! 81. Trinidad Issues Cindy Margolis Postage Stamp! 82. Russia Rents Space Station To TV Game Show. 83. Northern Ireland Inks Israeli Peace Pact. 84. "X-Treme Survivor." War-Torn Afghanistan To Host Controversial ESPN Game Show. 85. Madonna's Secret Bathroom Envy. 86. ESPN Declares Rap Metal An Extreme Sport. 87. New Neil Diamond CD To Feature LARGE PRINT Liner Notes. 88. Win Or Lose, Tiger Woods Sees RED! 89. Blind Woman Guided By Seeing-Eye Horse. 90. "Rugrats" Theme Written By Aging Weird Rockers DEVO! 91. If You Want To Get Murdered, Stay Home Saturday Night. 92. Pizza Hut Employee Caught Sprinkling "Magic Mushrooms" On Pie. 93. Call The Cops If You Spot Courtney Love Driving. 94. Commuter Train Runs Through Middle Of Prison. 95. Prison Guard Discovers Con Is Her MOM! 96. Shocking New Gangsta' Rap Dance Craze--"The Prison Strut." 97. Big Breasts A Bummer In Brazil. 98. Feminist Icon Gloria Steinem, 66, Injured In Skateboarding Accident. 99. Shrimp Kill By Belching. 100. Lobbyist Bought Congressmen 23,876 Lunches And All It Got Him Was A Lousy Indictment. 101. Generation Xers Look Like Chumps! 102. Man With Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Votes 85,000 Times In Yahoo! Presidential Poll. 103. Overeager Teen Launches 2020 Presidential Bid. 104. Act Now!!You Can Haunt You Own House FOR AS LITTLE AS $250 PER MONTH! 105. Tom Hanks Supports Memorial To Steven Spielberg On U.S. Capitol Mall. 106. Fans Feel Sexier When Their Favorite Team Wins. 107. Chain Of "Cheers" Bars Features Norm And Cliff Robots. 108. Convicts Can Get Gored By Bull When They Play "Inmate Poker." 109. Farmer Drapes Cows In Bulletproof Blankets During Deer Hunting Season. 110. Diehard Race Fan Collects Flat Tires Of His Favorite Drivers. 111. Old Navy To Increase Flagging Sales By Selling Abercrombie & Fitch Fashions. 112. Handicapped British Genius Stephen Hawking Says We Will All Die By Boiling. 113. "Tiger Woods Of Miniature Golf" Wins 80th Consecutive Tournament. 114. Olympic Sweat-Mopping Surprise Hit Of Sydney Games. 115. High School Teacher Requires Students To Plan Secret Assassinations. 116. During Passionate Moment, Wife Calls Hubby By Wrong Name-- So He Has Name Legally Changed! 117. In Moscow, You Can Turn Your Own Vehicle Into A Police Car For As Little As $1,500! 118. Afghanistan's Most Dangerous Job? Fetching Water! 119. Sinead O'Connor Smokes Spliff-A-Day To Keep Worries Away. 120. Hip Wax Museum Lets Visitors Melt Celebrities. 121. Snoring Makes You Stupid. 122. Talk About A Wild Weekend--Couple Meet Friday, Marry Saturday, Divorce Sunday! 123. College Beat: Fewer "Rush Week" Pledges Drown In Own Vomit. Edited by: Yeontoo at: 11/24/00 5:59:51 pm |
Missing Slider
Ryan Novice Slider Posts: 280 (10/13/00 10:00:48 am) ![]() |
1. Tabloid 2. Truth 3. Truth 4. Truth 5. Truth 6. Truth 17. Truth 35. Truth 53. Truth 56. Truth 58. Truth 59. Truth 113. Tabloid 114. Truth 115. Truth 116. Tabloid 117. Truth 118. Truth MSR |
Missing Slider
Ryan Novice Slider Posts: 283 (10/13/00 4:48:42 pm) ![]() |
More answers...
Some that I'm not 100% sure. 12. Tabloid 13. Tabloid 18. Tabloid 21. Truth 27. Truth 31. Tabloid 38. Truth 39. Tabloid 47. Tabloid 68. Truth 72. Truth 105. Tabloid MSR |
![]() Administrator Posts: 518 (10/13/00 4:58:10 pm) ![]() |
Re: More answers...
24. Truth 25. Truth 30. Truth 62. Truth 77. Tabloid 89. Truth 103. Truth 109. Tabloid 121. Tabloid 122. Truth more to come..
vor-TEX-62 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Missing Slider
Ryan Novice Slider Posts: 284 (10/13/00 6:12:52 pm) ![]() |
Re: More answers...
46. Truth 48. Tabloid www.hereditarytitles.com/Page52.html 50. Tabloid 51. Tabloid 66. Tabloid 67. Truth 88. Truth 98. Tabloid 107. Truth 111. Tabloid 112. Truth MSR |
Yeontoo Moderator Posts: 719 (10/13/00 11:33:42 pm) ![]() |
I see the need for some clarifications.. I believe this is the best I can do. I'm going to do tally group totals, since one on one can't be done. I'm also going to give a ratio (sorta) on each group -------------------------------------- Group 1 Numbers 01-25: Truth: Tabloid 16:9 Group 2 Numbers 26-50: Truth: Tabloid 17:8 Group 3 Numbers 51-75: Truth: Tabloid 15:10 Group 4 Numbers 76-100: Truth: Tabloid 15:10 Group 5 Number 101-123: Truth: Tabloid 13:10 -------------------------- One tally every 12 hours, but I start counting the 12 hours when you post a request, not when I get to it. DMD questioned the Truth or Tabloid of #11, so I thought I would use it as an example: =========================== DMD writes: Dear Yeontoo, I have a question regarding the latest immunity challenge. The best way I can think of to describe my question is to give an example. 11. Microsoft Co-Founder Spends Millions To Explore Vast UFO Alien Market. Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen has, in fact, pledged $12.5 million in support of SETI. Of course, the reasons why have nothing to do with finding a new marked for his or Microsoft's products. So is this TRUTH because he is spending millions on the search for extraterrestrial life, or is it TABLOID because of the "UFO Alien Market" portion of the headline. The headline could have appeared in either type of paper, legitimate (trying to be funny) or tabloid (twisting the truth as they so often do). Do we need to actually find the headline's source to determine which label it gets? Some guidance here would be appreciated. Thank you, Diesel Mickey Dolenz The best answer I can give is the answer: 11. TRUTH. Possibly because Microsoft has conquered planet Earth, co-founder Paul Allen is looking to outer space. He just donated $11.5 million to the California-based SETI Institute (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) to help the search for alien civilizations. The money will go to build a massive telescope comprised of hundreds of twelve-foot dish receivers. The institute hopes to intercept radio waves that would indicate possible intelligent life forms on other planets. Not to mention that ten billion affluent, computer literate Plutonians could buy a heckuva lot of software (source: Register-Guard). ==================================== I didn't make these up, I get a newsletter that has a few of these included, and as you can see... I've been collecting them for months. Thank you, and good luck. Mz Yeontoo Human Resources R Us |
Missing Slider
Ryan Novice Slider Posts: 285 (10/14/00 3:18:21 pm) ![]() |
Re: More answers...
7. Truth 8. Tabloid 9. Truth 10. Tabloid 11. Truth - well you gave that answer Y 14. Tabloid 16. Tabloid 23. Truth 42. Truth 74. Truth MSR |
Missing Slider
Ryan Novice Slider Posts: 286 (10/14/00 5:09:10 pm) ![]() |
Re: More answers...
These I know are correct... 15. Truth 19. Truth 20. Truth 21. Truth 22. Tabloid 23. Truth 37. Truth 40. Truth MSR |
Missing Slider
Ryan Novice Slider Posts: 287 (10/14/00 5:29:32 pm) ![]() |
Re: More answers...
65. Truth MSR |
Missing Slider
Ryan Novice Slider Posts: 288 (10/14/00 6:23:17 pm) ![]() |
Re: More answers...
Oops Tex already answered these questions. MSR |
Missing Slider
Ryan Novice Slider Posts: 289 (10/14/00 8:01:26 pm) ![]() |
Re: More answers...
26. Truth 28. Truth 29. Truth 32. Truth 33. Tabloid 34. Truth 36. Tabloid 41. Truth 43. Tabloid 44. Truth 45. Truth 49. Truth MSR |
Missing Slider
Ryan Novice Slider Posts: 290 (10/14/00 11:17:07 pm) ![]() |
Re: More answers...
52. Truth 54. Truth 55. Truth 57. Tabloid 60. Truth 61. Tabloid 63. Tabloid 73. Tabloid 90. Truth MSR |
Missing Slider
Ryan Novice Slider Posts: 291 (10/15/00 12:24:19 am) ![]() |
Re: More answers...
64. Truth 69. Tabloid 70. Tabloid 71. Tabloid 73. Tabloid 75. Tabloid MSR |
Missing Slider
Ryan Novice Slider Posts: 292 (10/15/00 12:52:14 am) ![]() |
Re: More answers...
101. Truth 102. Tabloid 104. Truth 106. Truth 108. Truth 110. Truth 119. Tabloid 120. Truth MSR |
Missing Slider
Ryan Novice Slider Posts: 293 (10/15/00 1:02:55 am) ![]() |
Re: More answers...
99. Truth MSR |
![]() Administrator Posts: 521 (10/15/00 1:17:07 am) ![]() |
Re: More answers...
76. Truth 77. Tabloid 78. Tabloid 79. Truth 81. Tabloid 82. Truth 83. Truth 84. Tabloid 85. Truth 86. Tabloid 87. Tabloid 91. Truth 92. Truth 93. Tabloid 94. Truth 95. Truth 96. Tabloid 97. Truth 100. Truth
vor-TEX-62 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Missing Slider
Ryan Novice Slider Posts: 294 (10/15/00 2:31:02 am) ![]() |
Re: More answers...
80. Tabloid MSR |
Missing Slider
Ryan Novice Slider Posts: 295 (10/15/00 2:56:01 am) ![]() |
123. Truth MSR |
Missing Slider
Ryan Novice Slider Posts: 296 (10/15/00 3:03:21 am) ![]() |
A tally, please Yeontoo
Thanks for checking this and doing a lot of research and collecting of articles on this one. ![]() MSR |
Yeontoo Moderator Posts: 724 (10/15/00 4:32:40 am) ![]() |
Tally Group Totals
Group 1 Numbers 01-25: 23 correct Group 2 Numbers 26-50: 17 correct Group 3 Numbers 51-75: 15 correct Group 4 Numbers 76-100: 19 correct Group 5 Number 101-123: 17 correct Total Correct: 92 (about 75%) Don't edit above this post, I won't see it! Mz Yeontoo Human Resources R Us |
Missing Slider
Ryan Novice Slider Posts: 297 (10/15/00 10:16:21 am) ![]() |
Re: Tally Group Totals
Brit and Tex, Check your emails. MSR |
Missing Slider
Ryan Novice Slider Posts: 298 (10/15/00 2:19:30 pm) ![]() |
Another set of answers...
10. Truth 18. Truth hotwired.lycos.com/muckra...dex4a.html 24. Tabloid 25. Tabloid MSR |
Missing Slider
Ryan Novice Slider Posts: 299 (10/15/00 5:22:53 pm) ![]() |
Re: Another set of
33. Truth MSR |
![]() Administrator Posts: 522 (10/15/00 5:35:49 pm) ![]() |
Re: Another set of
49. Tabloid
vor-TEX-62 ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Missing Slider
Ryan Novice Slider Posts: 300 (10/15/00 9:24:38 pm) ![]() |
Re: Another set of
32. Tabloid 41. Tabloid 42. Tabloid MSR |
Missing Slider
Ryan Experienced Slider Posts: 301 (10/16/00 12:10:51 am) ![]() |
Re: Another set of
51 Truth 52 tabloid 60 Tabloid 62 Tabloid 65 Tabloid 68 tabloid MSR |
![]() Administrator Posts: 525 (10/16/00 12:11:15 am) ![]() |
Re: Another set of
69 Truth 70. Truth 71. Truth 75. Truth 103. Tabloid 104. Tabloid 106 Tabloid 110 Tabloid 119. Truth 121. Truth
vor-TEX-62 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Missing Slider
Ryan Experienced Slider Posts: 302 (10/16/00 12:21:47 am) ![]() |
Re: Another set of
82. Tabloid 87. Truth 91. Tabloid 93. Truth 95. Tabloid MSR |
![]() Administrator Posts: 526 (10/16/00 12:27:15 am) ![]() |
Re: Another set of
Hey Y, Tally Please.....
vor-TEX-62 ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Yeontoo Moderator Posts: 726 (10/16/00 4:55:56 am) ![]() |
Second Tally request
Group 1 Numbers 01-25: 21 correct Group 2 Numbers 26-50: 18 correct Group 3 Numbers 51-75: 19 correct Group 4 Numbers 76-100: 15 correct Group 5 Number 101-123: 17 correct (same) Total Correct: 90 (about 73%) (last time I miscounted, total was 91:-p) Don't edit above this post, I might not see it! Mz Yeontoo Human Resources R Us |
Missing Slider
Ryan Experienced Slider Posts: 303 (10/16/00 8:13:58 am) ![]() |
Third set of answers
After studying the tally and checking the list a few more times... 10. Tabloid 18. Tablid 24. Truth 25. Truth 82. Truth 87. Tabloid 91. Truth 93. Tabloid 95. Truth more later... MSR |
BritSlider Junior Slider Posts: 20 (10/16/00 10:26:47 am) |
Even more stuff!
22. Truth (I remember the report in the newspaper!) 63. Truth (Harold Holt drowned whilst swimming; the body was never recovered.) |
Missing Slider
Ryan Experienced Slider Posts: 304 (10/16/00 12:24:45 pm) ![]() |
A request for a final
Yeontoo, Can you tally these up and do a final tally? Now I learned so many things researching the net. ![]() ![]() MSR |
Yeontoo Moderator Posts: 727 (10/16/00 5:29:47 pm) ![]() |
Final Tally
Group 1: 22 correct Group 2: 18 correct Group 3: 19 correct Group 4: 19 correct Group 5: 17 correct Total Correct: 95 (950 points) (77.24%) This is long, so it may take me several posts to get it all posted. Here are the Answers, please check, I might have missed something. Thank you Yeontoo Human Resources R Us TruthTabloidAnswers Group 1 1. TABLOID. That would be following the party line a little too far. 2. TRUE. Chow down, steak fans! According to a just-published study by the Hawaii Center for Health Research, men who ate the most tofu during their mid-40s to mid-60s showed the most signs of mental deterioration 30 years later. The consumption of tofu two or more times a week was detrimental to brain function. And the more tofu eaten, the greater the likelihood of mental decline, according to lead researcher Dr. Lon White. Study tracked the health of over 4,500 men beginning in 1965 (source: Journal of the American College of Nutrition). 3. TRUTH. The battle for Easter brunch customers is so fierce that restaurants are resorting to extreme measures. In Portland, Oregon, the Sheraton Airport hotel decided to attract hungry diners with a live petting zoo. After visiting a 30-foot long buffet, eager eaters could pet a pony in a makeshift corral. Also present were ducklings, wild cats in cages, a big turtle and a blind kangaroo. One thousand people attended, five times the number fed on a typical Sunday (source: Oregonian). Or they could have gone to the Rheinlander German restaurant and dined on following "delicacies": vinegar head cheese and blood-and- tongue sausages. 4. TRUTH. As you probably know by now, the distant relatives who possessed the boy for 5 months believe that happy photos of him with his REAL FATHER have been doctored by nefarious government agents. The actual 6-year-old Elian has been drugged and is being brainwashed by Cuban agents with the approval of Janet Reno and President Clinton (source: CNN). Suggestion: Don't plan a Cuban vacation after these guys take over from Castro. 5. TRUTH. On an even lighter note, researchers have located the chromosome carrying the so-called sweet-tooth gene in mice. The area, called chromosome 4, "plays a prominent role in sweet perception in mice and, most likely, humans," according to Gary Beauchamp, director of the Monell Chemical Senses Center in Philadelphia. The gene is responsible for an individual's love or dislike of sweets and could even lead to tailor-made sweets (source: paper presented at American Chemical Society annual meeting). 6. TRUTH. With temperatures in Antartica plummeting as low as minus 70 degrees Fahernheit, scientists there keep food UN- frozen in refrigerators. The insulation that keeps warm temperatures at bay in mild climates has the opposite effect way, way down under (source: Terra Incognita, by Sara Wheeler. Published by Modern Library, 1999). 7. TRUTH. William Woods of Cleveland has filed suit against the Phoenix Society of Cuyahoga County, which offers services to the mentally disabled. Formerly employed there as an officer manager, Woods says he was fired because he was the only employee without a current or previous mental disability. The Phoenix Society claims he wasn't doing his job (source: Wall St. Journal). Woods to judge: "I swear on my mother's shallow grave. My boss flat-out told me, 'You gotta be crazy to work around here." ![]() 8. TABLOID. But according to best estimates, mainland China has an amazing 900 million TV watchers. Which means the test pattern probably gets a bigger audience than the "Jamie Foxx Show." I wonder what the #1 show is in China, anyway. Probably some zany sitcom set in a forced labor camp or "The World's Funniest Marxist-Leninists." 9. TRUTH. Scientists in California have identified an incredible 600 mile long super colony of ants stretching from San Diego to an area north of San Francisco. The Argentinian or "sugar" ants first came to the U.S. in the 1890s aboard ships bringing sugar and coffee from South America. Sugar ants usually battle one another for territory. But because of the genetic uniformity of the California clan, they have worked together over the years to create the monumental colony. The small, dark brown and black ants are the #1 reason Californians call extermination companies (New York Times Science/ Health). Former California governor Pete Wilson has called for forced explusion of the "illegal immigrants." ![]() 10. TABLOID. There is no such plan, although it would be interesting to see 1,000 National Guard troops marching in unison, armed with gas masks and cans of Raid. 11. TRUTH. Possibly because Microsoft has conquered planet Earth, co-founder Paul Allen is looking to outer space. He just donated $11.5 million to the California-based SETI Institute (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) to help the search for alien civilizations. The money will go to build a massive telescope comprised of hundreds of twelve-foot dish receivers. The institute hopes to intercept radio waves that would indicate possible intelligent life forms on other planets. Not to mention that ten billion affluent, computer literate Plutonians could buy a helluva lot of software (source: Register-Guard). Can Windows-ET be far behind? ![]() 12. TABLOID. What did you think, he popped a cap at some rival skateboarders? By the way, scooters abandoned by bored teenagers are already showing up at local g arage sales and flea markets. 13. TABLOID. Whatever happened to Tipper's campaign against vulgar pop music lyrics, anyway? If anything, they've become more outrageous than ever. And movies have been overflowing with potty humor since the success of "Something About Mary." Has Tipper been seeing the same hair stylist as Cameron Diaz? 14. TRUTH. But you'll have to go to Palestine to enroll yours. About 30,000 eager Palestinian young 'uns have been attending summer camp since school ended. Among the skills they've learned have been abducting enemy officers, guerrilla tactics and learning to fire, take apart and clean Kalashnikovs and M-16 assault rifles. On a recent "Parent Day," campers crawled on their bellies and rehearsed the kidnapping of an officer from an enemy camp (source: A.P.) After which they ate S'mores and had a water balloon fight ![]() 15. TRUTH. Kevin admits that actors like to be ogled by their adoring public. But even these gluttons for our attention have their limits. Bacon says when it comes to walking into the drugstore to buy a tube of Preparation H, he doesn't want us to see him. That he'd prefer to be invisible. Get it? Invisible. Like he becomes in the new movie he's flacking, Hollow Man (source: Maxim magazine). 16. TABLOID. Mr. Gore may be "green" but he has yet to charge the Weather Channel with temperature fixing. 17. TRUTH. For those of us bored with Fox TV's "Extremely Repetitive Car Crashes Edited To Make Them Look Like You Haven't Seen Them Before." The Pursuit Watch Network is currently available only in Los Angeles, but with plans to expand nationwide. After you register, the website sends a message to your pager when a live police chase is shown on TV. That way, you can watch the mayhem as it unfolds, instead of an edited version on the nightly newscast (source: www.pursuitwatch.com). My favorite police chase is still the guy in San Diego who ran over parked cars in a stolen tank. 18. TABLOID. Showgirls have yet to go public with their political preference. 19. TRUTH. Scientists at Nottingham University in Great Britain have found a way to increase the chances of giving birth to a baby girl--become a vegetarian. Typically in Britain, 106 boys are born for every 100 girls. But among vegetarian mothers, just 85 boys were born for every 100 girls. Researcher Pauline Hudson says that one reason for this may be the additional stress placed on the body by a vegetarian diet. Female foetuses, which are hardier, survive, while male foetuses die (source: BBC News).Suggested new cattle industry ad slogan: "Want boys? Eat steak." 20. TRUTH. A meatless diet could cause genital defects in boys, a Bristol University study has found. Researchers found that boys born to vegetarian moms are five times more likely to suffer from an affliction called hypospadias. In normal males, the urethra opens at the tip of the penis. Hyspospadias is when the urethra opens below the tip and requires surgery to remedy (source: BBC News). 21. TRUTH. Read this story and you'll never stay in a Russian psychiatric hospital again. During World War II, Soviet soldiers dropped an unbalanced Hungarian infantryman off at a mental facility rather than bother taking him to a Siberian prison camp. The Hungarian spoke no Russian, and because of this, received no treatment. He was ignored for almost 60 years. Finally, a few months ago, a Hungarian official happened on him by accident. The soldier had to be convinced to return to his homeland--he believed that war was still raging outside (source: Reuters). We apologize for losing the name of the poor guy in today's office commotion. 22. TABLOID. Note to our younger players: Although known by a select few as the Britney Spears of the 60's, Janis Joplin differed from Britney in several regards. 1. She drank a quart of Jack Daniels per day. 2. She was bisexual. 3. She had bad skin. 4. She didn't have her own McDonald's commercial. Ms. Joplin died from an overdose of a whole bunch of things in 1967. Two movies are currently being filmed of her life, which was also fictionalized in a 1979 film called "The Rose"--starring Bette Midler! 23. TRUTH. Network Solutions, the company that processes most domain name requests, says that a new dot.com company name is registered every 3.9 seconds ( Network Solutions). Let's see. That's about 15 new registrations per minute @ , I believe, $70 each, or more than $1,000 per minute. Which means about $60,000 an hour. That's over $1,440,000 per day that Network Solutions is receiving from aspiring dot.com entrepreneurs. Unless my quick calculations are off, maybe the best way to get rich is selling shovels to gold miners. Or am I wrong on this? 24. TRUTH. Not all of the anti-capitalist protestors at the Republican Convention were impoverished. Some were from wealthy Philadelphia families and others were feted by rich supporters, who allowed them to recuperate at their estates (source: Philadelphia Inquirer). Back in Janis Joplin's day, this was called "radical chic." 25. TABLOID. But racer Scott Harrington of the Indy Racing League just received his 6th DUI for blowing 0.21 in a sedan on the streets of Carmel, Indiana. That's twice the legal limit. Needless to say, Scott has been relieved of his duties in his 200 m.p.h. racing car. Scott to team owner: "But boss, can't you just hire a designated driver?" ![]() Group 2 26. TRUTH. Legendary R&B shouter Screamin' Jay Hawkins made a last request before his February death in Paris at age 70. And that was to gather all of his children under one roof for the first time. Since then, friend Maral Nigolian has conducted an Internet search and come up with 33 verifiable Hawkins' kids from around the world. According to Nigolian, Screamn' Jay was married six times and had numerous one night stands during his extensive touring schedule. The gathering of the brood will take place at Cleveland's Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in November (source: R&R Hall of Fame). Screamin' Jay's big hit was "I Put A Spell On You," which, according to myth, he recorded while stone drunk. 27. TRUTH. Rodney has completed a new film called "My 5 Wives," which is billed as a light-hearted look at polygamy. Personally, I'm having too much trouble getting over Screamin' Jay Hawkins to think more about this one (source: Oregonian). 28. TABLOID. Not unless you're Richard Gere. 29. TRUTH. Orange is going to get more and more popular, according to Mark Woodman of the Color Marketing Group, which predicts color directions. Orange has been popular this spring in clothing and now it's moved to the home for fall. But the paint won't have much time to dry at trendy U.S. homes. Woodmansays, "Blue is the color of the future. It's the major wave for 2001." (source: Color Marketing Group) Dear Mr. Woodman: But what color should I paint my bathroom in 2005? 30. TABLOID. We haven't heard about anyone jumping the gun on this year's festivities. But we'll give a genuine autographed color photocopy of Nigel Puddingporne to the first fraternity, sorority or end-of-world cult to announce a New Year's bash. And you don't even have to invite us. (Unless you want to win..) 31. TABLOID. Maybe they should change their name to Rage Against 'N Sync. 32. TABLOID. Anarchists don't leave home without American Express. 33. TRUTH. "Joe," a British citizen whose brain was surgically separated down the middle to treat severe epilepsy, can work both half-brains simultaneously. The surgery involved cutting the primary links between the left and right sides of his brain. And even though "Joe" is now effectively functioning with two separate brains, he does not appear to have suffered. In fact, "Joe" does a party trick where he visualizes and draws two different shapes, one with each hand--simultaneously (source: BBC News). Bet "Joe" gets invited to a heck of a lot of parties ![]() 34. TRUTH. Getting fired is a ringing reminder that your job and you aren't the right fit. You're freed to find something more in line with your skills instead of becoming mired for years in a position you hate. And you're much more likely to move up the ladder doing work you perform well (source: Mademoiselle magazine).Feel better now? 35. TRUTH. Let it stand for ten minutes before flushing (source: Al Carrell, aka "The Superhandyman.") No mention of what's removed when you pour a Coke down your throat ![]() 36. TABLOID. No mere protest could pry a "Use Your Illusions 3" from Axl Rose's fevered mind. 37. TRUTH. Edward Craven Walker was a devoted nudist who launched the lava lamp in 1963, after a ten-year struggle to perfect the weird oil & water device. It became popular in the Sixties in the way-out "psychedelic" craze. Mr. Walker also produced the 1950s nudie movies "Eves On Skis" and "Traveling Light," which featured nude underwater dancing. He died last week at the age of 82 (source: LBC 1152 AM, "The Voice Of London"). 38. TRUTH. The fast-rising actress/singer pretended to need psychiatric help in order to prepare for her role in the film thriller (source: Entertainment News Service). And the psychiatrist declared her insane for dating Sean "Puffy" Combs ![]() 39. TABLOID. The pseudo-rapper with the talented temper did nothing of the sort. FYI: This is ancient Hollywood history, but screen siren Lana Turner had a longtime boyfriend/ thug by the name of Johnny Stompanato. When the mobster attacked Lana in a rage one wild night in 1958, Ms. Turner's daughter stabbed him in order to save Lana's life. The killing was pronounced justifiable homicide. The lurid publicity did nothing to harm Lana Turner's career. 40. TRUTH. According to Swiss neuroscientist Peter Brugger of University Hospital in Zurich, ghosts are not supernatural entities. They are simply the result of brain damage. You know how amputees often can still feel their "phantom limbs?" Well, in some brain damaged people, this sensation spreads to the entire body, says Brugger. Such people "see" a shadow version of themselves, which they mistakenly think is a ghost (source: New Scientist). 41. TRUTH. Lyn Shaw and Jim Hilfenhaus are lifelong politicos who could think of no place they'd rather honeymoon than the Democratic Convention in Los Angeles. Zzzzzzzzzz. Oh yeah--Jim's a union organizer and Lyn was a delegate to the convention, so they weren't standing on the sidewalk or nothing. They were inside the Staples Center, along with Al Gore and Joseph Lieberman. Zzzzzzzzzzzz. (source: Los Angeles Times). 42. TABLOID. One eligible guy to another: "Boy, that gal is purty. And that dang filly sure can handle her Mountain Dew!" 43. TRUTH. Coolidge Winesett of rural Virginia, is a grizzled World War II vet. But his greatest ordeal took place a few days ago when the floor of his 50-year-old outhouse gave way, dropping him into the darkness below. Unable to pull himself out of the muck, Winsett cried out, but no one lived near enough to hear the elderly bachelor. For 3 days, he endured maggots, rats, spiders, snakes and the ungodly smell, while dreaming of cheeseburgers and scrambled eggs. Finally, the mailman heard Winsett's weak calls while delivering a letter. Coolidge has recovered fully and plans to build an indoor bathroom (source: Washington Post). 44. TRUTH. The twelfth Earl of Waldegrave took his seat in the House of Lords in 1936 and wasn't moved to speak until 1957 (source: Notes From A Small Island, by Bill Bryson). 45. TRUTH. Elizabeth Arden's Lip, Lip Hooray contains toothpaste ingredient zinc citrate. It dissolves when wet to kill odor in saliva. Gal to Guy: "I'd like to kiss you, but I haven't brushed my lips yet." ![]() 46. TRUTH. As reported in the journal Nature, a tomato wounded by an armyworm reacted by increasing production of the chemicals responsible for its leafy green odor. Which attracted hungry wasps, who rescued the tomato by eating the pesky armyworms. Can an insect win the Nobel Peace Prize? ![]() 47. TABLOID. Alanis Morissette? Never heard of her. 48. TRUTH. Many aristocrats have accumulated multiple titles over time (source: see #2). 49. TRUTH. The former Black Sabbath lead singer says he gave up the bottle for two reasons. He got tired of waking up in his own urine or with a cold pizza stuck to his face (source: wire report). Sounds like the audience after 12 hours at Ozzfest 2000 ![]() 50. TRUTH. Wesley says it was no big deal to play a fearless man in "Art Of War," because in real life, he also fears nothing. In fact, the superstar claims that "I'm most afraid of being afraid of anything." (source: New York Daily News) Whatever that means. Edited by: Yeontoo at: 10/16/00 6:10:33 pm |
Yeontoo Moderator Posts: 728 (10/16/00 5:34:56 pm) ![]() |
Group 3 51. TRUTH. But not the kind with a hood and glowing eyes ripped from the cover of an Ozzy CD. Or the type that renounces wordly pleasures to devote his life to stomping on grapes with bare feet. Wesley means he's been a "monk" in the romance department, because he hasn't had a girlfriend in a while. However, he says, "I think this stage is going to end real soon." (source: NY Daily News). 52. TABLOID. Sounds like one of those direct-to-video movies at Blockbuster. 53. TRUTH. Remember that rock group named Survivor? Not really. But they've risen from the dead to sue the producers of Survivor, the hit show. Seems they want to prevent a soundtrack of the same name from being released (source: Excite News). Shows you what winning a Grammy means. And get this. Survivor's lead guitarist is named Franklin Sullivan III. Classy. 54. TABLOID. The "Taliban Look" is not sweeping the world. 55.TRUTH. According to Judi Sheppard Missett, CEO of Jazzercise, one way to exercise at work is to use your desk like a ballet bar. To give your leg muscles a workout, lift one leg forward, to the side and back again ten times. Then switch legs. Women are advised to wear pants. 56. TRUTH. The Fitness Gaming Corporation of Virginia has sold slot achine/treadmills for $7,600 and slot/exercycles for $6,300 to customers ranging from Carnival Cruise Lines to Trump Casino. The catch--if you stop moving, so does the slot machine. Suggested ad slogan: "Lose While You Lose." ![]() 57. TABLOID. However, us right-handers suspect as much. 58. TRUTH. Your tie must reach the top of your belt buckle, says image consultant Ken Karpinski. If it's too short, it will draw attentionto your stomach (source: The Winner's Style, by Ken Karpinski). 59. TRUTH. The Marine Mammal Program at Oregon State University has started a whale adoption plan. For $5,000, you get to choose a whale species and name a whale that is being tracked by satellites. The money aids research projects (source: radio report). 60. TABLOID. Especially Rottweiler owners. 61. TABLOID. Unfortunately, there's no word of the zany gang getting back together for the Olympics. Their big hits, "Who Can It be Now?" and "Down Under," hit #1 the weeks of October 30, 1982 and January 15th, 1983, respectively. Things went straight downhill after that. Pop-eyed lead singer Colin Hay and saxman Greg Ham reformed the group for two "huge" tours of South America in 1996-7. But a 2000 tour update on their web site reveals that, "Unfortunately, Men At Work's next tour of Europe has had to be cancelled. It look like our next tour will now be in North America later this year, but we are still working out the details." Painfully True Confession: I liked both of those songs and the MTV videos. 62. TRUTH. Something smells about the meat pies to be sold at the Olympic Games--and local sports fans are fuming. Meat pies--a staple at Australian sporting events, like hot dogs are in the U.S.--usually cost about $1.20 each. The small snacks are filled with anything from chopped beef and mushrooms to curry, chicken or lamb. There's even one called a "floater", in which the entire pie is smothered in pea soup. But at the Olympics, the price of this take-out staple will run from $2.10 to $2.40--about double the usual cost (source: Associated Press)! Like the hot dog, many also contain "mystery meat." ![]() 63. TRUTH. While at the beach in 1967, Prime Minister Harold Holt dove into surf and disappeared. To this day, no trace of him has ever been found (source: In A Sunburned Country, by Bill Bryson, Broadway Books, 2000). Never heard this one before. Anyone out there know more? 64. TRUTH. To quote from Bill Bryson's highly-recommended book: "Several of the earliest explorers were so convinced that they would encounter mighty river systems, or even an inland sea, that they took boats with them. Thomas Mitchell, a soldier who explored vast tracts of western New South Wales and northern Victoria in the 1830s, dragged two wooden skiffs over 3,000 miles of arid scrub without once getting them wet, but refused to the last to give up on them." 65. TABLOID. But Australians are quite crazy about slots. An amazing twenty percent of the world's slot machines are located there. 66. TRUTH. Once again, the source is "In A Sunburned Country," which we were half the way through as of last night. The Simpson Desert, which is larger than some countries, was named in the early 20th century for Alfred Simpson, a refrigerator manufacturer who funded a survey of the area. 67. TRUTH. Yeah, Gloria, who once said she'd never marry, has tied the knot at age 66. And the blushing bride did it in a ceremony at the Oklahoma home of close friend Wilma MANKILLER, former CHIEF of the Cherokee Nation. Her new hubby? David Bale, 61, a former skateboard importer from formerly aparthied South Africa. For him, Steinem is wife #3. Also, Mr. Bale is father of hot young actor Christian Bale, who starred in the controversial "American Psycho" as the title psycho. Who--in case you didn't see the film--is a repulsive, knife-wielding woman slasher (source: Excite News). 68. TABLOID. Prediction: If Texan G.W. Bush is elected, branding will replace the tattoo as body mark of choice. Well, maybe. 69. TRUTH. Florida International University biologists say that new research indicates fall leaves turn color in a "crazed metamorphosis" to better absorb ultraviolet rays and remain alive a little longer. The biologists believe that trees purposefully produce the colors as a last gasp attempt to keep the leaves attached (source: Boston Globe). 70. TABLOID. Sorry if we offended any tattoo artists out there. 71. TRUTH. The ability to cook roots like potatoes and carrots was an evolutionary leap forward for our ancestors about 1.9 million years ago, say university anthropologists. Why? Baking softened potatoes made them easier to chew and increased the amount of nutrients early man could consume (source: Current Anthropology) 72. TRUTH. The antiquated Russian tax system is so out of whack that taxes can total over 100%. Which is one reason so many businesses hide their earnings and the government constantly flirts with bankruptcy (source: Moscow Madness, by Timothy Harper. Published by McGraw-Hill 73. TABLOID. Yes, there was a winner. 74. TRUTH. This fall, TV nostalgia buffs will be able to pay $65 a ticket or so to see Henry Winkler (Fonzie) and John Ritter (Jack Tripper) trade witty bon mots in Neil Simon's new play "The Dinner Party." A promotional photo shows each dressed in a tuxedo, holding what appears to be a martini glass. Also - Linda Lavin ("Alice") nd Michelle Lee ("Knott's Landing") will share the Broadway stage in another play. Best of all, ex-1960s talk show host Dick Cavett will co-star in a revival of "The Rocky Horror Show." With Joan "I Love Rock And Roll" Jett (source: various news reports). 75. TABLOID. People don't have sex in Canadian hotels Group 4 76. TRUTH. Yes, new turntables are still being made, and not just for dance club DJs. Some music fans prefer the sound of a 33 1/3 LP over a conventional CD and are willing to pay sky-high prices for a record spinner. The premiere turntable is the Rockport System III Sirius, at a cost of about $75,000. Each handmade unit takes about 6 months to build--with a grand total of about 150 manufactured since 1990 (source: Wall Street Journal). 77. TRUTH. Need to hear every note from PJ's summer tour of Europe? This is the entertainment experience for you. Available at a store near you in a couple of weeks, the 50 CDs contain the entire live performance from each European date. More than 50 hours of music. Each two CD package costs $16.98 retail or $10.98 at the Pearl Jam web site (source: USA Today). 78. TABLOID. Hasn't happened yet. Even though there are apparently some makeup products made especially for men. 79. TRUTH. Visiting Finland? Bad driving will cost you--especially if you're rich. There is no limit on how high traffic fines can go in the northern European nation. The greater your income, the greater the penalty can be. Two cases in point: Finnish hockey star Teemu Selanne was fined $40,000 in June for reckless driving. And Internet millionaire Jaako Rytsola was just hit with a whopping $44,000 fine for switching lanes too often with his Ferrari in downtown Helinski (source: A.P.) 80. TRUTH. Government officials have accused Wal-Mart of being too competitive and ordered the giant retailer to raise prices on milk, flour, cooking oil and other household staples. The discount chain entered the German market two years ago (source: NY Times). 81. TABLOID. No, the Internet's #1 download isn't showing up on postage stamps just yet. But she has a new TV talk show, with recent guest Jerry Springer. 82. TRUTH. The creator of the smash hit "Survivor" has made an arrangement with the cash-strapped Russian space program to rocket the winner of his newest game show to the Mir space station. To debut in the fall of 2001, "Destination Mir" will pit contestants against each other in a space boot camp, with the victor flying to the Mir for a 10-day stay. Lease of the space station cost producer Mark Burnett an estimated $20 million (source: Entertainment News). 83. TABLOID. Right idea, wrong peace process. 84. TABLOID. But with game shows traveling to outer space, why not war as the ultimate reality show? Imagine D-Day with the first of the Allies safely ashore inning a million bucks and you get the idea. 85. TRUTH. When the Material Girl was, well, a girl, growing up in not-so-scenic Bay City, Michigan she envied "rich kids" whose homes had more than one bathroom. She says, "I somehow gauged (sic) lots of bathrooms with being incredibly wealthy, instead of having to share one bathroom with eight children...And of course, you envy all those things." (source: Los Angeles Times)Madonna's new London mansion has one bedroom and 165 water closets ![]() 86. TABLOID. Sure. And body surfing an Olympic event. 87. TABLOID. Neil's fans can SEE; they just can't HEAR. 88. TRUTH. That's 'cause Tiger always wears a red shirt on the last day of a tournament. It's a superstition his Mom Kultida started because of her belief that red is a power color." Tiger won the first three U.S. Amateur tournaments in which he wore red (source: AT&T Cable Guide). 89. TRUTH. Cricket, a 26-inch high, 70-pound miniature horse leads Cheryle King of Gig Harbor, Washington through her daily routine. Cricket went through eight months of rigorous training before moving in with her new owner, who lost her eyesight to multiple sclerosis. Experts say miniature horses have a wide field of vision and can live 20 to 30 years longer than dogs (source: Tacoma News Tribune). 90. TRUTH. The theme to the "Rugrats" cartoon was written by head DEVO Mark Mothersbaugh, who also had a hand in composing the group's unforgettable 80's hit "Jocko Homo." And 50-year-old Mothersbaugh recently produced an album of music inspired by "The Powerpuff Girls," another TV cartoon aimed at toddlers. 91. TRUTH. Most murders occur as the result of a domestic dispute between the hours of 6 P.M. Saturday and 6 P.M. Sunday. And the deadliest days are Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve (source: Federal crime reports) Crime Stopper Tip #1: Lower the crime rate in your living room by working weekends and holidays ![]() 92. TABLOID. The only magic is when you can FIND a mushroom on one of their pizzas. Just kidding, Pizza Hut lawyers! 93. TRUTH. Remember her? Kurt Cobain's widow? You know, that guy in Nirvana who shot himself because he couldn't handle being 1/2 as famous as the Backstreet Boys or Britney? Anyway, she doesn't have a driver's license. So if you're in Seattle, hail a cab and Courtney's behind the wheel, we suggest you get the "Hole" away (source: a bio of Courtney in the bargain book bin at Barnes & Noble. Sorry, can't remember the title). 94. TRUTH. The Metro North railroad line transports commuters through the grounds of New York's infamous Sing Sing prison, home to convicted murderers, cuthroats and Firestone tire company executives (source: N.Y. Dept. of Correctional Services). Crime Stopper Tip #2: More criminals board the train at Wall St. than Sing Sing ![]() 95. TRUTH. In the mid 1990s, a female prison guard transferred to the Bedford Hills maximum security prison for women in Westchester County, New York. She found her aging mother a prisoner at the facility (source: NewJack, by Ted Conover. Published by Random House. Highly recommended nonfiction by author who becomes prison guard). 96. TABLOID. The Prison Strut is a swaggering walk characteristic of hardened convicts newly-released to the streets. Another con identifier used by savvy police is the "joint body," the big chest and huge arms many prisoners develop by pumping iron (source: What Cops Know, by Connie Fletcher. Published by Villard Books). Crime Stopper Tip #3: If you bump into anyone doing the Prison Strut, turn around and perform the Chicken Run ![]() 97. TRUTH. In Brazil, large breasts are seen as a low-class libido killer and breast reduction surgery is very popular (source: A History Of The Breast, by Marilyn Yalom. Published by Ballantine, 1997). 98. TABLOID. Even though a couple of weeks ago, Ms. Steinem has married for the first time to a South African skateboard importer, she has not been seen abusing the product.Though she has been spotted crying at a Backstreet Boys concert. 99. TRUTH. According to researchers at the University of Twente in the Netherlands, shrimp emit gas bubbles powerful enough to kill small prey. When huge clusters of shrimp belch in unison, the sound is powerful enough to disturb the readings of sophisticated sonar. Stated physicist Detlef Lohse, "Submarines have used colonies of these shrimp to hide in the offshore waters of the United States." (source: Associated Press) Just when you though it was safe to go back in the water ![]() Group 5 100. TABLOID. But we would like to hear from any member of the U.S. Congress who has paid for his/her own breakfast, lunch, dinner or exotic dancer within the last--say--25 years. Taxpayer $ included. 101. TRUTH. Stop if you're a slacker!! Don't kill the messenger!! We're just reporting what Alan Light, editor-in-chief of "Spin" magazine told USA Today in major article on teen pop music. "Generation X has been kicked to the curb," Light says, "They look like chumps." And why is Generation X's brief moment in the pop culture sun done? It's all in the numbers. Plainly and simply, the major media companies have dramatically shifted their focus from the 40 million members of Generation X to the 79 million Generation Y kids. And market researchers say today's teens are out $pending all previous generations--even Baby Boomers when they were young (source: USA Today). 102. TABLOID. What's the most times you've voted in an Internet poll? 103. TRUTH. James Williams of Portland, Oregon is nothing if not ambitious. The sixteen-year-old has set up a web site in a serious bid for for a 2020 presidential run. Williams, who is seldom without a suit and tie, is currently student representative to the Portland School Board, just the second student to have been so honored. Says James, "Williams in 2020 was founded with the goal of electing me president of the United States in 2020. For a long time, I've wanted to become president. This desire has only grown stronger as I have seen politics played out at the state, local and national levels (source: Willamette Week). 104. TRUTH. Yes, the Rent-A-Ghost corporation, located in England, will install a ghost in your house for a low, low monthly payment of as little as 250 bucks. And they'll do it anywhere in the world. But take note--the company deals only in benevolent ghosts. So if you're thinking about scaring mom and scoring a big insurance settlement, you'll have to find that evil entity elsewhere (source: www.rent-a-ghost.co.uk/ ). 105. TABLOID. The only memorial on the Mall that Mr. Hanks supports is the one dedicated to the "Greatest Generation," as invented by NBC News anchorman Tom Brokaw. 106. TRUTH. Just when you thought it was safe to lean back in the bleachers comes this research finding. Using college basketball fans as his subjects, Edward Hirt of the University of Indiana found that deeply involved male and female fans were much more optimistic about their sex appeal after their team won. When, after a victory, a fan was shown a photo of a highly attractive member of the opposite sex, they rated their ability to get a date with that person much higher than after a loss (source: N.Y. Times). 107. TRUTH. Imagine this scene: You're a lonely traveling salesman who stops at familiar place for a drink and conversation. And the guy on the next barstool is--a robot. It's been happening at select U.S. airports, since Paramount Pictures and Host International teamed up to create a chain of "Cheers" bars featuring characters from the classic TV comedy (source: public radio). 108. TRUTH. Every year, the Louisiana State Prison in Angola, Louisiana holds an inmate rodeo. It's pretty famous. There's even been a documentary about it. One of the featured events is "Inmate Poker." Four convicts volunteer to sit at a card table in the middle of the rodeo ring, playing poker. An angry bull is released and the last man left seated wins a valuable cash prize (source: Associated Press). 109. TABLOID. But probably wouldn't be a bad idea to armor-plate his tractor ![]() 110. TABLOID. Never heard or read about the hobby. But if there's someone in this vast nation of ours who has a bunch of smelly, torn-up tires mounted on the walls of his family room, please let us know and we'll change the answer to Truth. 111. TABLOID. Old Navy would never sell the competition's clothing, even though their sales are suffering, according to reports in the Wall Street Journal and elsewhere. Seems the chain placed too much focus on teen shoppers, alienating other customers. 112. TRUTH. Apparently Mr. Hawking, a renowned scientist and author of the best-seller "A Brief History Of Time," is a wee bit worried about global warming. In a recent speech, he said, "I am afraid the atmosphere might get hotter and hotter until it will be like Venus with boiling sulfuric acid." He recommends we start colonizing other planets fast (source: British Press Association). 113. TABLOID. Although there will one day appear a hero who'll return miniature golf to the top of the sporting world, he or she has yet to putt the ball through the clown's mouth, so to speak. 114. TRUTH. They might not have won medals, but the folks who mopped up sweat from court surfaces were a big hit with crowds at the recent Olympic Games. In sports such as badminton, a single drop of sweat on the floor can cause a player to slip and lose a match. So play is stopped while volunteers like Maggie Vos wipe it up with mops. At the Sydney Olympics, the appearance of Maggie and her fellow floor-wipers often earned wild applause. Especiallywhen they danced to the tune of "Zorba The Greek"--along with their mops (source: Excite News). 115. TRUTH. A high school English teacher in Covina, California is no longer employed because of an unconventional assignment he gave to his class. Andrew Phillips of Covina High School told his students to choose someone to assassinate, then write a paper on why they selected that person and how the murder would be kept secret (source: L.A. Times). 116. TABLOID. No husband is THAT devoted. 117. TRUTH. In Moscow, a big enough bribe can get just about anything done. Permission to install a flashing police light on your private car runs around $1,500. It's about $400 to obtain a driver's license without a test. Approximately $5,000 to avoid the military draft. A whopping 100 grand to get a major criminal investigation stopped dead in its tracks source: L.A. Times). 118. TRUTH. The easiest way to get blown up by a land mine in war-torn Afghanistan is to perform the everyday task of fetching a pail of water. During the war against Russia and in subsequent civil conflicts, about 12 million mines have been concealed beneath the nation's soil. The U.N. estimates it will take 20,000 years to remove them all at current rates. About 20% of ordinary people killed or injured by land mines were fetching water at the time. About 15% were "traveling." And about 8% were entertaining themselves by playing with an explosive mine (source: United Nations). 119. TRUTH. The controversial Irish singer with the shaved head says she smokes marijuana at least once every day. She used to worry that it was ruining her brain, "but I just smoked on through." Sinead also claims she isn't bothered if her 12-year-old son Jake smokes ganja, but "I'd rather he didn't do it until he finishes college." (source: Salon magazine) 120. TABLOID. 121. TRUTH. According to the Medica Muelheim clinic in Frankfurt, Germany, snoring kills brain cells by depriving the body of oxygen. A study found that snorers performed worse than non-snorers in tests of intelligence, reaction time and hand-eye coordination (source: Reuters). FYI: The clinic just happensto perform laser surgeries that it claims stop snoring. 122. TABLOID. At that rate, you could get married twice a week and still have one night free to party. 123. TABLOID. But in Georgia, a student was nearly trampled to death during a celebration of the Georgia Bulldogs victory over football rivals the University of Tennessee |
Missing Slider
Ryan Experienced Slider Posts: 305 (10/16/00 9:21:47 pm) ![]() |
A question and a request
for a recount
Yeontoo, I have checked several times the count for group 3: #s 51-75, you counted 19 and I counted of 20. For #48 : I found this site www.hereditarytitles.com/Page52.html Quote: I tried looking up the source that you quoted for this but I couldn't find it on that site. I'll try later to find it. MSR |
Yeontoo Moderator Posts: 731 (10/17/00 1:21:50 am) ![]() |
Typo on my part MSR #2 stated on 48 is actually 44. This came in short newsletters, and I missed renumbering that one. ====== Also, not sure which one I missed, so this is what I show Omega for Group3 51. True 52. Tabloid 53. True 54. True NO 55. True 56. True 57. Tabloid 58. True 59. True 60. Tabloid 61. Tabloid 62. Taloid NO 63. True 64. True 65. Tabloid 66. Tabloid NO 67. True 68. Tabloid 69. True 70. True NO 71. True 72. True 73. Tabloid NO 74. True 75. True NO If you could, point out which one I've got wrong, and which post ![]() Blessings, Yeontoo checking into 48 still |
BritSlider Junior Slider Posts: 21 (10/17/00 4:12:00 am) |
Info on #61 (for a
fellow fan!)
Okay, this answer isn't entirely acurate, because Men At Work did actually reform for the Olympics: I know because I saw them perform "Down Under" at the closing ceremony, although they most definitely did NOT play 100 gigs whilst it was on! ;-) BTW - I bought that album when it first came out over here, I remember the fantastic video for "Down Under", and yes; I AM that old! LOL! :-) |
Missing Slider
Ryan Experienced Slider Posts: 306 (10/17/00 6:34:15 am) ![]() |
After finding some
of her missing neurons....
#73 in the seventh and eight posts above your first tally. MSR |
Yeontoo Moderator Posts: 735 (10/17/00 7:15:52 pm) ![]() |
Dear Omegas, I missed the count on #73, you do get credit for it. #48 is harder. I am having trouble personally verifying it, and all my source will do is assure me he is correct, and that the Lord of Badecort is the Duke of Beaufort. I'm giving credit since I can't verify it. #61... you already have credit for it, but Brit, I didn't know that either, thanks ![]() new count Group 1: 22 correct Group 2: 19 correct Group 3: 20 correct Group 4: 19 correct Group 5: 17 correct Total correct: 97 (970 points) (78.86%) Blessings Mz Yeontoo Human Resources R Us |
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