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Yeontoo Moderator Posts: 710 (10/9/00 5:34:18 pm) ![]() |
Observation Post
"Is VM on his way?" "Let me radio the boat." "Next week, one team or another will have 2 members, and then the combining?" "Yes" |
Sillerson ![]() Junior Slider Posts: 38 (10/11/00 3:00:38 pm) |
Well, another one bites the dust, eh? So few people left, it should be getting quite interesting. All I can say to Klly is good show, and I hope-RIGGED!!!! THE WHOLE THING WAS RIGGED!!! PUT KLLY BACK ON AND KNOCK SOME OTHER SCHMUCK OFF! THERE'S SOME SORT OF CRAZY BIAS AGAINST KLLY, I KNOW IT!! I'M GONNA-sorry. Anyways, Klly, you put up a good fight, and we're all proud of you. Ahem. Yes. Play on, survivor dudes!! Bigg-Silly Pimperson, the Dope Phat Wimperson. (Wait, Wimperson doesn't sound right......) |
![]() Junior Slider Posts: 31 (10/11/00 3:30:55 pm) |
Klly arrives in the
comfy obsevation lounge...
Klly arrived and sat on the comfy warm couch, joining the observers. She wore a "Team Alpha" sweater and had her team Alpha flag and cap. She waved it about. "Gooooo ALPHA!!" she turned to one of the waiters, "Hey.. can I get a can of peaches?" "Of course miss!" and he scurried off to find the peaches. "In the immortal words of Annie: I think I'm gonna like it here!" |
Morpheus Novice Slider Posts: 76 (10/13/00 7:31:13 pm) |
Re: Klly arrives in
the comfy obsevation lounge...
Morpheus, having spiked all of the peaches with morphine, snickers when Klly eats the peaches. Then he goes back to sleep. Peace is something that we all search for. Each of us has our own way of searching. I'm still working on the impatience quirk. |
Yeontoo Moderator Posts: 720 (10/14/00 12:17:05 am) ![]() |
Challenge 5
"They get the last challenge?" "Yes, even if the Monsoon is just now letting up." "And the luxury Challenge?" "Only 3 tried, but there are a few hours yet. Otherwise, we have our winner." "Excellent" ============================ Truth or Tabloid Are the following headlines Truth or Tabloid? Rules: 1. At least 2 team members must participate. 2. 10 points per correct answer 3. Periodical Tallies will be given only once every 12 hours. You must ask for a tally. 4. Deadline: Monday Afternoon, 2pm CST (board time). ----------------------------------------------------- 1. Pollster Finds-- 1 In 10 Women And 2 In 10 Men Have Dreamed Of George W. Bush During Sleep. 2. Meat Lovers Rejoice. Tofu Makes You Stupid! 3. Mmmmm...Good... Restaurant Features Petting Zoo To Attract Easter Diners. 4. Miami "Relatives" Claim-- 6-Year-Old Elian Gonzalez Has Been Replaced By An Imposter. 5. Scientist Confirms Some People Are "Born To Eat Sweets." 6. In Antarctica, Scientists Use Refrigerators To STOP Food From Freezing. 7. Lawsuit Claims Employee Was Fired Because He Wasn't Mentally Disabled. 8. Chinese TV Sitcom Cancelled For Having "Only" 500 Million Viewers! 9. Stunned Scientists Discover 600-Mile Long California Ant Colony. 10. Ecologists Blast Plan To Attack Ants With 15,000 Gallons Of Raid. 11. Microsoft Co-Founder Spends Millions To Explore Vast UFO Alien Market. 12. 1st Drive-By Shooting--On A Scooter! 13. Democratic Convention: Tipper Gore To Honor Slain Gangsta' Rappers. 14. Summer Camp Kids Learn To Fire Machine Guns, Kidnap. 15. Kevin Bacon Doesn't Want You To Look When He Buys Preparation H. 16. Global Warming Controversy: Al Gore Accuses Weather Channel Of Low- Balling Temps. 17. New Web Site Pages You When A Live Police Chase Is On TV. 18. Exotic Dancers Claim Republicans Are Better Tippers Than Demos. 19. Expectant Moms: If You Want A Girl, Eat Your Veggies. 20. Vegetarians Give Birth To More Male Babies With Weird You-Know-Whats. 21. WWII Vet Doesn't Know War Is Over! 22. Hippie Awakes From 30-Year Coma--Asks To See Janis Joplin         Concert. 23. Think The Internet Craze Is Over? Think Again. There's A New Dot.Com Company Every 4 Seconds! 24. Protestors Lived In Mansions During Republican Convention. 25. Auto Racer Arrested For Driving Drunk--On The Track! 26. Revealed! Dead Rock 'N Roller Fathered 33 Children. 27. Rodney Dangerfield Has Five Wives In New Movie--And Keeps Them All VERY Happy! 28. You Can Fall In Love With Your Shadow. 29. Expert: To Keep Up With The Joneses, Paint Your House Orange. 30. "We're #1!" Eager Fraternity Launches New Yea's Eve Party. 31. Democratic Convention: Mention Of 'N Sync From Stage Caused Rage Against The Machine Fans To Riot. 32. Free-Spirited Anarchists Complained Of 90-Minute ATM Wait. 33. Man With Two Brains Does Party Tricks. 34. To Get Ahead, Get Fired. 35. To Remove Rust Stains, Pour A Coke Down Your Toilet. 36. L.A. Democratic Protest Weirdness: Largest Demonstration Demanded Release Of New Gun & Roses CD. 37. Revealed! A Nudist Invented The Lava Lamp. 38. Jennifer Lopez Saw Shrink Before Making "The Cell." 39. Boyfriend Puffy Combs Found Jennifer On Couch, Threatened Psychiatrist With Handgun. 40. Ghosts Are The Result Of Brain Damage, Says Scientist. 41. "This Policy Wonk I Thee Wed..." Political Junkies Honeymoon At Democratic Convention. 42. Surprise Advice For Women: To Increase Sex Appeal, Drink Mountain Dew. 43. Gutsy 75-Year-Old Farmer Stuck For 3 Days In Outhouse-- After He Falls To The Bottom. 44. Stuffy British House Of Lords Member Doesn't Speak For 21 Years! 45. It's Here! Lipstick With Toothpaste. 46. Benevolent Wasps Rescue Wounded Tomato. 47. Alanis Morissette Advises Britney Spears On How To Cope With Future Loss Of Fame. 48. The Duke Of Beaufort, The Marques Of Worcester, Lord Botecourt, The Earl Of Worcester and Lord Herbert de Herbert Are All The Same Person! 49. Cold Pizza Made Ozzy Osbourne Quit Drinking. 50. Wesley Snipes Fears Nothing. 51. Wesley Snipes Says He's Been A Monk. 52. Girls' School Principal Reprimanded For Ordering Students To Wear Tube Tops & Thongs. 53. Huh??? Grammy-Winning Survivor Sues Survivor. 54. Paris Fall Fashion Dictate: "For Every Woman--A Veil." 55. Office Workers: To Keep Fit, Pretend Your Desk Is A Balance Bar. 56. Wacky "Exerslot" Machines Let You Run While You Gamble. 57. Afterlife Expert: More Left-Handers Go To Hell. 58. Men: To Conceal Beer Belly, Wear A Long Tie. 59. You Can Adopt A Whale. 60. To Win A Man, Woo His Dog. 61. Rockin' "Men At Work" Reunite To Play 100 Gigs During 2-Week Summer Olympics. 62. Australians Outraged Over Meat Pie Prices! 63. 1967: Australian Prime Minister Vanishes! 2000: Location Remains Unknown! 64. Early Outback Explorer Dragged Boats Through The Desert. 65. Australia Has More Slot Machines Than People. 66. Awe-Inspiring Australian Desert Named For Refrigerator Maker. 67. Feminist Icon Gloria Steinem Married At Home Of Former Chief MANKILLER! 68. Texas Doc Recommends Branding Babies To Prevent Switching At Birth. 69. Fall Leaves Go Insane. 70. Tattoo Artist Sues Fat Customer. Big Butt Butterfly Caused Career-Ending Wrist Injury. 71. Claim Experts: Baked Potato Key Turning Point In Human Evolution. 72. Another Reason Why Russia Doesn't Work: Income Tax Can Be Higher Than Income! 73. Emmy Awards Surprise--Voters Conclude There Is No "Best Daytime TV Show." 74. "Happy Days" And "Three's Company" Fans Rejoice! Fonzie And Jack Tripper To Make Broadway Debut--In Tuxedos. 75. Smoking After Sex Banned In Canadian Hotels. 76. Attention Record Collectors! $75,000 Turntable Gives Old LPs Royal Treatment. 77. Attention Eddie Vedder Fans! Pearl Jam Releases 50 CD Set Of Latest Tour. 78. Wife's Makeup Wins Hubby Big Promotion. 79. Finland Introduces The $40,000 Traffic Ticket. 80. Germany Orders Wal-Mart To RAISE Prices! 81. Trinidad Issues Cindy Margolis Postage Stamp! 82. Russia Rents Space Station To TV Game Show. 83. Northern Ireland Inks Israeli Peace Pact. 84. "X-Treme Survivor." War-Torn Afghanistan To Host Controversial ESPN Game Show. 85. Madonna's Secret Bathroom Envy. 86. ESPN Declares Rap Metal An Extreme Sport. 87. New Neil Diamond CD To Feature LARGE PRINT Liner Notes. 88. Win Or Lose, Tiger Woods Sees RED! 89. Blind Woman Guided By Seeing-Eye Horse. 90. "Rugrats" Theme Written By Aging Weird Rockers DEVO! 91. If You Want To Get Murdered, Stay Home Saturday Night. 92. Pizza Hut Employee Caught Sprinkling "Magic Mushrooms" On Pie. 93. Call The Cops If You Spot Courtney Love Driving. 94. Commuter Train Runs Through Middle Of Prison. 95. Prison Guard Discovers Con Is Her MOM! 96. Shocking New Gangsta' Rap Dance Craze--"The Prison Strut." 97. Big Breasts A Bummer In Brazil. 98. Feminist Icon Gloria Steinem, 66, Injured In Skateboarding Accident. 99. Shrimp Kill By Belching. 100. Lobbyist Bought Congressmen 23,876 Lunches And All It Got Him Was A Lousy Indictment. 101. Generation Xers Look Like Chumps! 102. Man With Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Votes 85,000 Times In Yahoo! Presidential Poll. 103. Overeager Teen Launches 2020 Presidential Bid. 104. Act Now!!You Can Haunt You Own House FOR AS LITTLE AS $250 PER MONTH! 105. Tom Hanks Supports Memorial To Steven Spielberg On U.S. Capitol Mall. 106. Fans Feel Sexier When Their Favorite Team Wins. 107. Chain Of "Cheers" Bars Features Norm And Cliff Robots. 108. Convicts Can Get Gored By Bull When They Play "Inmate Poker." 109. Farmer Drapes Cows In Bulletproof Blankets During Deer Hunting Season. 110. Diehard Race Fan Collects Flat Tires Of His Favorite Drivers. 111. Old Navy To Increase Flagging Sales By Selling Abercrombie & Fitch Fashions. 112. Handicapped British Genius Stephen Hawking Says We Will All Die By Boiling. 113. "Tiger Woods Of Miniature Golf" Wins 80th Consecutive Tournament. 114. Olympic Sweat-Mopping Surprise Hit Of Sydney Games. 115. High School Teacher Requires Students To Plan Secret Assassinations. 116. During Passionate Moment, Wife Calls Hubby By Wrong Name-- So He Has Name Legally Changed! 117. In Moscow, You Can Turn Your Own Vehicle Into A Police Car For As Little As $1,500! 118. Afghanistan's Most Dangerous Job? Fetching Water! 119. Sinead O'Connor Smokes Spliff-A-Day To Keep Worries Away. 120. Hip Wax Museum Lets Visitors Melt Celebrities. 121. Snoring Makes You Stupid. 122. Talk About A Wild Weekend--Couple Meet Friday, Marry Saturday, Divorce Sunday! 123. College Beat: Fewer "Rush Week" Pledges Drown In Own Vomit. |
Yeontoo Moderator Posts: 738 (10/17/00 8:20:02 pm) ![]() |
Luxury Answers
"What were the answers to the luxury quiz?" "The George Washington one?" "Yes, which earth was that taken from?" "The one the candidates came from. ...Lets see.... Yes, here it is..." A piece of paper was attached to the towers bulletin board. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ True / False 1. George Washington wore a white wig - to hide his receding hairline. FALSE is correct: He kept his own dark brown hair lightly powdered. 2. The story about young George, the hatchet, and the cherry tree is pure fiction. TRUE is Correct: The story of the cherry tree was dreamed up by a biographer who never met him. 3. Very little is known about his childhood - which is the way he wanted it. TRUE is Correct: Very little is known about his childhood because he kept the details of his childhood to himself. 4. He was only a fair miliary tactician and a terrible speller. TRUE is correct: His great strengths were in his qualities of leadership, endurance, and the ability to inspire those around him. He had panistakingly taught him to read and was always self-conscious about his limitied schooling. 5. He wanted to abolish lotteries, card games, and horse races. FALSE is Correct: Hid did not want to abolish lotteries, card games, and horse races. Along with dancing, those were a few of his favorite things. 6. He had a terrible temper. TRUE is correct: George had a terrible temper. Those who witnessed it said it was like a volcano erupting. 7. He lived frugally. FALSE is Correct: He was not frugal - he enjoyed living lavishly, and spent every cent of his $25,000 annual salary as President. 8. He became surveyor Culpeper County at the age of 23. FALSE is Correct: He was surveyor of Culpeper County at the age of 17! (not 23) 9. He and Martha had 12 children. FALSE is Correct: George and Martha did not have 12 children. They raised 2 children from her previous marriage but had no offspring of their own. 10. He was 6 feet 3 and weighed more than 200 pounds. TRUE is Correct: George stood 6 feet 3 inches high and weighed 200 pounds, and at 50, could throw a cannonball farther than any of his young officers. 11. He was born to great wealth. False is Correct: He was not born to great wealth, he grew wealthy through fortunate inheritance and a good marriage. 12. His name is given to the nation's capital, one state, 33 counties, seven mountains, nine colleges, and 121 post offices. TRUE is correct: Apart from the nation's capital, 33 counties, 7 mountains, 9 colleges, and 121 post offices, his image is on zillions of quarters and dollar bills! taken from www.osv.org/gw/wquiz2.htm on June 9, 1999 (used it for 4H ![]() ================================ "Arrangements made for newest guest?" "Yes" |
Sillerson ![]() Novice Slider Posts: 58 (10/18/00 1:57:21 pm) |
Silly is anxiously awaiting the booting of the next sorry sonofagoat that will have to return to civilization. Silly is also awaiting the point when the tribes will come together as one, and the alliance forms. Silly hopes someone gets eaten by a giant sea crocodile while hunting for fish too.... Silly Silly is as Silly does. |
Yeontoo Moderator Posts: 741 (10/18/00 8:17:59 pm) ![]() |
new phase
Island manager grunted to Silly. "Need to bring in that turtle from the depths... volunteering to be bait?" "The teams combined!" All eyes rivet back to the screen to see the combination efforts of the elite 5, and the leaving of the 6th. |
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