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Yeontoo Moderator Posts: 742 (10/18/00 8:20:33 pm) ![]() |
Team (Combined Alpha & Omega)Wks6-7
...island life and auditions continue... Where will they live? New Team dynamics? Tune in and find out.... Who will be The 5th SLIDER Edited by: Yeontoo at: 10/29/00 6:28:32 pm |
![]() Administrator Posts: 533 (10/19/00 12:53:48 am) ![]() |
Elite Team (Combined Alpha and Omega)
Tex grabs his head from a massive headache that was caused from the last challenge "Ugh, these challenges has got to get better" Tex said "Poor MSR is missing some Nuerons I think" "Huh??" said MSR in a dazed look "It will be okay, give her a day or two and she will be back to normal again" Tex said "So where should we set up camp now" said SE "hmmmm good question" DMD said "Well if you want a natural jacuzzi we got one inside the cave" said Tex "If you don't mind the bat guana" All of the elite team set around pondering what to do next "Hey SE, try out this fruit" Tex laughed ![]()
vor-TEX-62 ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Sabre Edge Administrator Posts: 228 (10/19/00 3:04:59 am) ![]() |
Re: Elite Team (Combined
Alpha and Omega)
SE made a face at Tex, "I'm not going to eat anymore mystery fruit ever again." He rubbed his tummy, "The last one still is giving me fits." Tex laughed, "You really should ask someone first before you go and eat strange things." "Yeah well, when you are starving you'll eat anything... once." ![]() DMD spoke up, "anyway guys... Where should we set up camp? The ruins provide decent shelter and a good water supply, the caves have the jacuzzi." SE made his vote, "I like the ruins, not much searching for the important things like water and roofs." MSR added, "But they have booby traps." Slider8 subconsciously rubbed his backside, "...thats for sure." "Ah c'me on guys! Where is your sense of adventure? Besides, there is supposed to be treasure buried there," SE smiled brightly. |
Missing Slider
Ryan Experienced Slider Posts: 315 (10/19/00 8:44:36 am) ![]() |
Fruit please ;-) ....
"True the ruins provide shelter and water, but we need food too. Looks like the three of you need some food too," noted MSR as she looked at the baggy clothes SE, DMD and S8 were wearing. The three guys looked at their loose clothes and pulled at them. "Yeah," DMD, S8 and SE said in unison. "So whatcha want to eat? Pig, fish or clams? We've got a stockpile in the cave," said Tex as he heard his stomach growling. "I need to relax first in the sauna. I don't mind going to the ruins as long was we bring along the food and I get to start the fire," replied a smiling MSR. A scowl appeared on Tex's "Um...no, you started a lot of fires. I think someone else should make one this time." "And why is that?" asked DMD. "She's a pyromaniac. Brit and I had to keep putting them out since she kept starting them." "Where's Smokey the Bear when you need him?" joked SE. "Did not," retorted MSR. "That was only two of them. I put out the rest." S8 was a little uneasy. "DMD, keep that lighter away from her." "Why? I can start a fire without one. Wanna see?" asked MSR with a gleam in her eyes. "No!" they all yelled. "Okay then. Want to help me find my pets then? Kay, Drew and Ann are missing again. I think I lost them in the stone chamber." MSR put on a puppy face to get them to agree. "MSR, that's the third time in two days. I'm not looking for them again," said an irritated Tex. "We need to find them. The cave drawings said we need them when we go to the ruins," pleaded MSR. "They do? What do they look like?" asked SE. They needed all the help they could get when they went back to the ruins. Bobby traps were high on his list to avoid. "What kind of animals are they?" asked a curious S8. "Well, they can stun, bite or sting you. They are fine if you leave them alone," replied MSR. "That doesn't sound like the sort of pets I want around," remarked DMD. "Haha, MSR. See at least someone agrees with me," Tex added. "Fine. I'll go look for them myself while the rest of you decide where we are going to stay." An angry MSR walked back to the stone chamber in search of her pets. "Tex, she likes them that much?" inquiried SE. "Yeah. Always brings them with her. Her lucky charms or something. The last time we lost a challenge, she lost them right before we did it. Weird," remarked Tex. "Wonder is she can loan me one of them," DMD wondered out loud. A smile cracked on Tex's face. "Um... only if you can pry them away from her cold dead hands. Bwhahaha." Missing a few neuronSR |
![]() Novice Slider Posts: 91 (10/19/00 5:20:08 pm) ![]() |
Deciding on a camp
The four potential Sliders watched as MSR walked off to search for her pets. "So, where should we stay?" S8 brought up the question again. "I still say the ruins." SE said. "Well, there are booby traps, but it does give much better housing and protection than the cave." DMD replied. "Yeah, well, I like the cave. I think the ruins are too risky." Tex voiced his opinion. They couldn't come to a compromise. The former Alphas had grown to like the ruins, and the former Omegas still liked the cave. "This isn't getting us anywhere now is it." S8 looked around, thinking of an idea. Suddenly, MSR came hopping out of the depths of the cave shouting that she found her pets. "Hey..." Slider8 said. "How about we have MSR's pets decide?" [:::]o]}= = = =(((o))) -Slider8 |
![]() Novice Slider Posts: 121 (10/19/00 11:21:39 pm) ![]() |
Re: Deciding on a camp
Well, the ruins sound enticing, but I like to sleep where there aren't any booby traps, there aren't any monkeys, and there IS a food supply and a place for a hot bath. I suggest we make the cave our base camp, but continue to explore the ruins between challenges. |
Sabre Edge Administrator Posts: 240 (10/20/00 3:17:19 am) ![]() |
Re: Deciding on a camp
SE perked up, "Caves it is! I'm where the food is! And no Pepto fruit either!" |
Sabre Edge Administrator Posts: 241 (10/20/00 3:30:23 am) ![]() |
Re: Deciding on a camp
SE and the rest of the former Alphas carried the majority of their equipment as they followed Tex and MSR to the caves. "It should be just around this bend," MSR pointed as she walked. SE saw the cave as he cleared the group of bushes. He dropped his equipment and ran off ahead, his tummy grumbling with the anticipation of food. He slid into the cave opening and looked around. "Huh? where can it be?" He sifted through the former Omega's stuff. "Food, food, come out where ever you are..." The others appeared at the opening. SE straighted up and held his hands up to the sides, "Where did all the food go? You said you had a ton." Tex had a confused look on his face, "It should be right there." He dropped his small pack and went over to SE. He squated down and looked under the foil blankets. MSR came over now as well. Tex asked to her, "Didn't we leave a pile of food right here?" He straightened again. SE clutched his loud belly. "Yeah, we couldn't have eaten it all, unless..." Both MSR and Tex stared at each other. "RUN!" MSR and Tex bolted out passed S8 and DMD. SE yelled at them, "RUN!? What RUN?! What do you mean RUN?! We need food!" S8 pointed over SE shoulder, "BEAR!!" SE shot out of the cave without even looking... "&#$%^@* BEAR!" |
Yeontoo Moderator Posts: 749 (10/20/00 3:43:18 am) ![]() |
New Phase
![]() Yeontoo stood beside the massive stone firepit in the stone chamber. Waiting for the Elites to settle in, she took note that SE and Tex still lit the torches upon entering. It was a happy if somber group that took their seats. Optimistic, she thought. They are optimistic… "Lady and Gentlemen, thank you for your prompt arrival" Yeontoo smiled. " As you're aware, the Alphas and Omegas is now combined into one team. Becuz you are the top members of your teams, the new team name is Elite. A few changes are also in order. You really should pick one place to camp, and not spread out. The Immunity challenges are for personal immunity, not a team immunity. The winner will wear an Immunity medallion for the week, passing it to the next challenge winner (unless you win again). Another change is one of the rules. All the other eight islanders will cast their votes from the observation both to see which of the last two is cast off the island. The one that remains, becomes the 5th Slider. The challenges will now be mostly all done in secret (emails) and with just one chance. This is test your speed and accuracy at the same time. Can you think on your feet and in a dead run? This is an important skill to have as a Slider, and not having it may jeapardize the other Sliders with you. An added incentive to do well… after the challenge is over, I'll post your answers for all to see, along with the speed in which you answered (email post time)" Yeontoo holds up a stack of 5 papers and 5 pens. "This is your Immunity challenge for this week. Be sure to not show your answers! (email to me). &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& & &        Unscramble & & &        1. 1st to get all 20 right wins, or the one with the most right after 24 hours. &        2. Well, this game is pretty self explanatory. & & 1. rasslup 2. caindair 3. rainsudso 4. llrartutcash 5. utilgroggyaversatile 6. ellotth 7. detroias 8. wdiaperspss 9. nailbanc 10. mygodarktysang 11. eggiudatezebra 12. crittocwhod 13. razzblid 14. valedwait 15. yamprid 16. tovxre 17. olacer 18. ridless 19. spearvim 20. kaness & & & &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& "No Luxury Challenge?" Tex asked, puzzled. "Yeah, I need an air mattress" SE rubbed his back. "I want the chocolate!" MSR licked her lips in anticipation. "Least she ain't wanting a zippo" DMD whispered with a smirk. "I heard that!" MSR glanced at DMD and 8 out the corner of her eye. 8 was valiantly trying to not fall off his stone seat while holding his sides. "How 'bout something to help us find the hidden treasure." 8 finally choked out. "A flashlight?" Tex ventured. "Well, I got something different for the Elites today. After you complete your immunity challenge, reach in here and grab a slip of paper. Walk on out and get some sun to think while the others finish. It'll be a noncompetitive luxury challenge, ....so no pressure to be fast - for the last time on this island. The prizes are a hot shower, meal, and clean clothes." Yeontoo sat back and grinned as the Elites now looked interested, envious, and most of all anxious. As a breeze whiffed pasted Y's nose, she wrinkled it. She really hoped they all won :-p |
Missing Slider
Ryan Experienced Slider Posts: 320 (10/20/00 12:09:27 pm) ![]() |
They're gone again
"Oh man, where did they go again," fretted MSR as she took the challenge. Her pets were missing once again. "Not again," remarked Tex as he looked up from his paper. "I lost." said MSR as she searched around her. "That's it." "Superstitious, isn't she," noted SE as he watched her moving the rocks and dirt around. "Well, if the Omegas won when she had her pets, then this is a good omen for me," commented a smiling DMD. "You?" inquired S8 as he glanced in the direction of DMD. "Everyone for themselves," Yeontoo said, looking up from her book A million and one things to do when stranded on a deserted island. "I give up. Here you go Y," said MSR as she handed her paper to her. "Later all. Good luck. I'll look for my pets later." "Take a slip of paper for the luxury challenge," said Y as she put her book down and took MSR's paper. MSR looked over the slips of paper arranged in a row on Y's table. She fingered each one then finally picked one that was near the right side. She looked at it then showed it to Y who noted the number on her clipboard. She started up the stone steps to the rousing shouts of "Don't start any fires!". Missing a few neuronSR |
Yeontoo Moderator Posts: 750 (10/20/00 4:20:50 pm) ![]() |
Blushing, Yeontoo walks over to all the papers, and on everyones challenge... adds a letter to three scrambles: 5. L 6. O 11. R then erases a line on #4, making an A an O Blessings Yeontoo Sorry guys :-p 4. llrortutcash 5. lutilgroggyaversatile 6. ellototh 11. reggiudatezebra Edited by: Yeontoo at: 10/20/00 4:54:03 pm |
Yeontoo Moderator Posts: 754 (10/21/00 8:49:34 pm) ![]() |
well, snickerdoodles
As DMD, MSR, and SE brought different typos to Y's attention... she got to noticing that the game didn't seem fair anymore... with an unanimous decision... the game was dismissed. The official answers were: (using DMD's response, fixed) 1. rasslup PULSARS 2. caindair ACID RAIN 3. rainsudso DINOSAURS 4. llrartutcash TRUTH COLLARS (typo, an 'a' typed instead of an 'o') 5. utilgroggyaversatile VIRTUAL REALITY GOGGLES (a typo , missing an l ) 6. ellotth OTHELLO ( another typo here, missing an o) 7. detroias ASTERIOD 8. wdiaperspss SPIDER WASPS 9. nailbanc CANNIBAL 10. mygodarktysang KROMAGG DYNASTY 11. eggiudatezebra AZURE GATE BRIDGE (another typo, missing an r) 12. crittocwhod WITCH DOCTOR 13. razzblid BLIZZARD 14. valedwait TIDAL WAVE 15. yamprid PYRAMID 16. tovxre VORTEX 17. olacer ORACLE 18. ridless SLIDERS 19. spearvim VAMPIRES 20. kaness SNAKES The next challenge will run a little ahead of schedule.. starting Thursday am instead of Friday am. No vote this week. Charades should be posted by Tuesday afternoon... 3pm CST. Post in this thread. Send me your desired number, so I can send you what Title you have to act out. Blessings, Yeontoo |
Sabre Edge Administrator Posts: 244 (10/22/00 11:58:12 pm) ![]() |
Re: Elite Team (Combined
Alpha and Omega)
"BEAR! BEAR! BEAR!" SE tore through the jungle, plants whipping past his head and legs. SE ducked into a familiar cave. He skidded to a halt has a large spotlight flashed on him. "Ummmmm... ooookaaaaye" 3 silohettes quietly waited for him to do... something? "ooooohhhh, gotcha. Charades, that's right." SE straightened up and smoothed back his hair. "Ok, lemme think." He cracked his knuckles. He began to act out his title: He held up 7 fingers and showed each judge in turn. He dropped his hands and paused. Next he held up only 1 finger. He made the sign for a very small fish, holding his hands apart mere inches. He dropped his hands then paused again. Next he held up 2 fingers. He touched 1 finger to his arm. This time he held his right arm up at a right angle. Upper arm parallel to the ground, forearm perpendicular, hand opened. He touched with his left hand his elbow. He quickly and smoothly dropped his forearm to hold his arm straight out. He relaxed his arms and paused. He next held up 3 fingers. He made the very small fish sign again. He paused. He then held up 4 fingers. He again made the small fish sign. He relaxed his hands to his sides. He held up 5 fingers. Then thought a little. He then held up 1 finger and touched to his arm. He held his hands up, touching the fingers together to make an angle or "teepee". He then "slid" his hands straight down untouching his fingers, outlining an imaginary object. He then held up 6 fingers. He made the small fish sign once again. He relaxed for the last word. He thought hard how to proceed. He held up 7 fingers. He then held up 1 finger and touched it to his arm. He pretended to adjust an invisible bow tie. He tugged up on invisible gloves. He pretended to take an item from an imaginary person, tear it in half, then hand part of it back. He then held up an imaginary object in his hand in a similar position to the 2nd word. He exaggerated a walk then pointed down to an invisible area with his "free" hand and gave a slight bow to the imaginary person. He then trotted back to his original position. He smiled to the mystery judges, then left the tribal council area. He collapsed on a rock seat to relax. "Nice show man," Tex called from another seat. "Want a pink fruit?" SE threw him a look, shook his head and fell asleep. Edited by: Sabre Edge at: 10/22/00 11:25:56 pm |
![]() Novice Slider Posts: 122 (10/24/00 10:38:02 am) ![]() |
Re: Elite Team (Combined
Alpha and Omega)
DMD was next to perform. He took a moment to think about the title he needed to act out. He held up four fingers to the judges. He then held up two fingers. He then touched one finger to his arm. He then waited for a few seconds, seemingly doing nothing. DMD then jumped slightly as if surprised. He walked a short distance and picked something up from an imaginary surface about waist high. He held the object up to his ear and pretended to talk into it then listen. He repeated this talk/listen sequence a few times then placed the object back on the table. He then looked at the judges, held up two fingers, then pointed at the place where the imaginary object had been placed. The once again put one finger to his arm. DMD took a few steps back and held up three fingers. He then placed one finger to his arm. DMD then got down on his hands and knees and began crawling, panting and shaking his behind as he did so. He then stopped with one side to the judges, pointed towards his rear, and shook it again. DMD stood and held up four fingers to the judges. He then placed one finger on his arm. He made his right hand into a fist and placed it in the center of his chest. He began knocking on the center of his chest with his fist rhythmicly. Satisfied with the way he had presented his task, DMD sat beside former Alpha member SE and waited for the others to perform. SE offered some pink fruit, but DMD declined. |
Missing Slider
Ryan Experienced Slider Posts: 327 (10/24/00 2:16:26 pm) ![]() |
Doing charades...
MSR waited for her turn after DMD. She went to the center of the clearing and began. She held up five fingers to the judges. Then she put them down and thought for a few seconds on how to proceed with the rest of it. She began to sweep her arms through the air. She paused for a few seconds then cupped her right hand behind her right ear. She paused for a couple of seconds. She then hunched over and put her right hand in front of her as if putting her weight on an imaginary object. She then began to shuffle forward. Each time her right foot moved forward her right hand would too. She began to point to the imaginary object. She paused and took a couple of breaths trying to think of how to do the others. Once again, she began to sweep her arms through the air. She waited a couple of seconds then cupped her right hand behind her right ear again. She pretended to hold an imaginary ball with her left hand, making a semicircle. She held her right arm at shoulder level in front of her then began to move it down furiously while holding her left hand several inches away from her right arm. After a couple of seconds she put her left hand to her mouth as if drinking then returned it back in front of her. Then began to move her right arm up and down once again. She paused for several seconds to catch her breath and to think. Once more she began sweeping her arms through the air. She held her right arm shoulder high with the palmside up as if holding something. With her left index finger she began to trace a large circle slightly above her right hand. Then she put her left hand in front of her chest high and let her fingers touch her thumb, making a complete circle. She began to gallop around with her right hand in this position. After a few seconds, she made moved her right arm forward, throwing her imaginary object. She did this several times as she trotted around in circles. She stopped then looked at the judges and did a little curtsy before leaving the area to the shaded trees. "Like that's going to help you," snickered SE. "I couldn't figure out what you were doing," added DMD. "Hey, I couldn't figure out both of yours either so there," commented MSR. "Here's a coconut for you, MSR," said Tex as he gave her a freshly cut up one. "Thanks," she replied right before she drank hungrily. "Hey where's ours?" asked DMD, Slider8 and SE in unison. Tex smiled as he produced four more from his windbreaker that was slung over his shoulder. Smiles broke out in the team. "So where's our camp going to be?" asked MSR. "I don't care where we stay as long as we get the food that's near the springs in the back of the cave." "um.. MSR, you suck at charades," said Tex. "Yeah, I know." Missing a few neuronSR |
![]() Administrator Posts: 540 (10/25/00 10:00:36 am) ![]() |
Slither Revisited...UGH
After admiring MSR attempt at charades ![]() go and check his snares which he has negelected for some time. "Ugh, I have to check these things more regulary" he thought to himself Once arriving at the snares, he noticed that all of them have been sprung with nothing to show for the effort. "Hmmm, is it me or does it seem like I got a tricky little varmit setting off my snares" he thought After reseting all the snares Tex decided to sit underneath a tree to enjoy the shade. Tex laid his machete next to him and started to dose off. Thirty minutes later, a cry for help was heard from the location from Tex snares.. "Who is that yelling??" MSR said "Sounds like Tex, and it doesn't sound good either" said SE "Hurry lets go check it out" DMD said as they all begin running to the location of yelling. After reaching the snares, S8 was the first to arrive. He could see something rolling around in the bush. "Tex you all right?!?!" S8 yelled After the rest of the elite team arrived just a few seconds later they noticed a 13 foot andaconda snake had Tex in it's death grip. "What are we going to do?!?!" MSR yelled as the snake continued to squeeze harder...
vor-TEX-62 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
![]() Novice Slider Posts: 92 (10/25/00 7:15:33 pm) ![]() |
Re: Slither Revisited...UGH
"Stab it!" "Poke it with a stick!" "Burn it!" Everyone voiced their opinion on what to do about the snake that now held Tex. Slider8 quickly picked up a stick and snapped it in half, making one end jagged. He jammed the stick into the snake, but it barely moved. "Try something else!" Tex screamed with the air he had left. SE searched his pockets for anything to use, but there was nothing. Suddenly, a couple of monkeys came bounding out of the jungle. As soon as the snake saw them, it let go of Tex and slithered quickly away, followed by the apes. Everyone gathered together, staring in disbelief. "A snake scared of monkeys..." MSR said. "That's a new one." S8 commented. "What kind of world has Yeontoo placed us on?" Tex gasped, regaining his breath. [:::]o]}= = = =(((o)) -Slider8 |
Sabre Edge Administrator Posts: 253 (10/27/00 5:10:13 pm) ![]() |
Time to Explore
"That should do it," SE said as he tested the barricade that the 5 made to keep the bear out of the cave. It was fashioned with sharp sticks pointing outward to deter any investigation from curious beasts. The inner side of the barricade was layered with broad flat leaves to keep the cold out. The barricade could be moved to allow passage into and out of the cave. "I guess we need to find more food. Tex and MSR can point out to us where they got the clams and fruit before. DMD, can you get a fire started with your zippo while we are out?" DMD nodded and left to gather wood. The other four slipped out of the cave and made sure to secure the spear barrier. They all carried make shift slings created from their windbreakers just like MSR showed them how to make. "Ok, which way to go, guys?" MSR took the lead and they headed off toward the old ruins. After 15 minutes of walking the group came into the ruins clearing. S8 pointed out a fruit bush... thankfully not pink. ![]() SE made his way over to the water bowls and knelt down. He removed his sling and cupped handfulls of water to drink. As he reached down for his third scoop something shining caught his eye. He bent over the edge and looked into the aquaduct that carried the water from beneath the ruins. "Wow!" He reached in and pulled out a gold coin. "Guys! Look what I found! There as got to be ton more of this around here." SE got up and motioned for the others to follow him to the entrance of the large ruined building. He looked in, "S8, go back and get DMD. We are going to need torches to explore in there."
Missing Slider
Ryan Experienced Slider Posts: 330 (10/27/00 6:16:10 pm) ![]() |
Exploring the building...
S8 and DMD arrived a little less than half an hour later. They hurried when S8 told DMD news of SE's discovery of a gold coin. Upon their arrival, SE, Tex and MSR were finishing up eating some of the fruit they had found and had already had five torches ready. "Hey, look what I found," said SE with a wink in his eye as he showed the coin to DMD. DMD took the coin and examined it. One one side there was a stick figure of a man and other side of the coin was a picture of a bird. "What do you think this means?" asked a curious DMD as he passed the coin to S8. "There's treasure in there," exclaimed S8 as he looked at the coin. The sunlight reflected off it to give a shiny glow. "Could be, but I urge caution. There's things here we don't know or understand," warned MSR as she looked at a rock that she had most of the time. "You sound just like in the movies. The fortuneteller or the wise person," remarked Tex. "Yeah and most of the time they are right," added SE. "So who's up to exploring?" "Me!" they all said in unison. "Well then, ladies first," said SE with a twinkle in his eye as S8 returned his coin to him. DMD and Tex handed the torches to all. "Okay, if there's any boobytraps I'll be tell you where they are especially if they are five feet off the ground," said a smiling MSR as she put her rock away. DMD was perplexed at her comment and thought for several seconds. "Wait a minute. If there's a booby trap that's set to go off at five feet off the ground, then we're all dead meat except you MSR." "The advantage of being short," she cackled. The others were not amused by her comment. "Well what are we waiting for? For night again? Let's get cracking I want to see if there are any wooden tables in there." A mischievous smile appeared on her face a split second before SE matched her smile. "Oh no way," remarked a concerned DMD. "You're both obsessed." "What are you talking about?" inquired S8 as his thoughts of buried treasure evaporated. "Dude, haven't you been watching WWF?" replied a smiling Tex. "There's a tag team called the Dudley Boys and they put their opponents through tables." ![]() "Wanna be our opponents, S8 and Tex," queried MSR as she saw SE nodding his approval. "DMD can be the referee." ![]() "Um... no. I was almost choked to death a little while ago. I don't need to be in a headlock," answered Tex as he gave some fruit to S8 and DMD. "I agree with him," added S8, looking at the fruit. "Dudes, you are so gullible," cracked SE before he and MSR started laughing hysterically. "See what we have to put up with when you have two obsessed WWF fans," said DMD right before he took a bite of it. "I think we should steer away from any tables then," said S8 after thoughts of being thrown through tables raced in his mind. SE and MSR finally stopped laughing after they realized that the others weren't laughing with them. "Ah... we're just playing with you. Come on. Let's go before it gets dark." "How much fluid is left in the lighter, DMD?" asked Tex. "I don't want to be caught without one if we really need." "Dunno. I haven't checked it since I got it from Yeontoo." All watched anxiously as DMD opened the lighter up to check on the fluid level. The concern on his face said that was all that needed. "It's a little less than one fourth left. I knew we shouldn't have been using it so much," he remarked as he closed it back up. ![]() The elites were uneasy with his announcement, but the decision had already been made. Torch in hand, MSR lead them to the entrance of the building. "Did you know there's a map of this place in the cave?" remarked MSR as they stopped at the entrance of the rundown building. Ivy had encircled it as well as other plants camouflaging its actual size. There was no way of knowing which was the building and which was part of the jungle canopy until you were a couple of feet in front of it. "Really? So did you make a map?" asked SE as peered inside and marvelled at the enormity of the building. It was larger than what he perceived from the outside. "Yeah, where is it?" asked Tex. He had seen her and Brit studying the drawings, but didn't recall seeing her writing anything down. "Only in my mind," said a mysterious MSR. "It said something about bringing my pets with us." "And where did you find them?" asked DMD as he scanned around, looking for anything out of the ordinary. MSR answered, "Where I was sitting in the stone chamber. I couldn't see the rocks from the stones." "Um.. that makes no sense at all," S8 remarked. MSR smiled. "Of course not. I was checking if you all were listening to me." ![]() "Why you!" they said in unision, weary of her jokes. MSR peered in and moved the torch in front of her. "Okay, okay. I'm going in. Remember where we parked Wonder Woman's invisible plane." ![]() "She's nuts," DMD commented. ![]() "She's not nuts. She's crazy," added SE imitating Short Round right before Indy cut the bridge. ![]() "And she's got the map in her head?" S8 pointed out. "Reckon she does," said a thoughtful Tex. "DMD you go in after her then Tex followed by SE. I'll bring up the rear." S8 said after a few seconds. ![]() Tex, SE and DMD looked at each other then S8 in askance of the order S8 decided on. "Oh hell no. You're next S8," said DMD as the reason dawned on him. ![]() "Why?" asked SE and Tex as S8 took a few steps away from the rest of them. "Because he's the next tallest after MSR and both of them have a better chance then we do if there is a booby trap set at a certain height," explained DMD. ![]() The three glared at S8. "Umm... yeah," he muttered almost inaudibly. "Yo, boys aren't we going exploring or shall I leave you all to wander?" came MSR's voice from the inside. ![]() "So who goes next?" all four of them asked in sync. Missing a few neuronSR |
Yeontoo Moderator Posts: 755 (10/27/00 11:11:08 pm) ![]() |
![]() "Yes sur, only the three charade participates. The judges will let me know within 24 hours? Thank you sur." Yeontoo hung up her cell phone as a group of dirty elites hurried thru the door. "Sorry I called this meeting so late. Ruin exploring seemed fun." Yeontoo smiled, watching Tex and SE light the torches as always. "What's the history of this island? or this world?" DMD sat near the fire. The cold front that swept thru last night still brough a chill to the air. "Cold DMD?" Slider 8 asked. DMD nodded, he was quite used to the tropical temps, and didn't like any cold. "Least we have a windbreaker at Camp. I'm cold too." SE sat close to the fire, rubbing his arms. "The cave paintings are a clue, aren't they?" MSR noticed the guys hogging all the heat. "What's with the anaconda's being scared of monkeys?" Tex rubbed where his last encounter with the snake still stung. Yeontoo smiled again, "All I know is this world used to have a fantastic civilization, then it didn't." Taking a deep breath, she handed out the new immunity challenge on posters, and a pen each. "You've had a week to relax and recover and enjoy the island. Now its time to get back to work. The winner of this challenge is personally immune from being voted off." Rules: 1. There are 16 famous people. Some are dead, some are not. 2. Each number represents one person. Every 12 hours (or so) a new clue per # will be posted. This is not a new group of 16 people, but the same 16. 3. Email your answers, but only one guess per clue. There will be 5 clues. 4. Keep them numbered please (its gonna be hard enough to keep track). 5. A correct guess on the first set of clues is worth 5 points. A correct guess on the second set of clues is worth 4 points. On the third set of clues, 3 points. On the fourth set, 2 points, and on the fifth set, only 1 point. 6. Most points accumulated wins 7. The time on my emailer will be compared to the time on the clues to determine which set of clue you were using. 8. Questions Encouraged. -------------------------------------- WHO AM I? 1. I was born in England on August 4, 1900. My father became 14th Earl of Strathmore in 1904. Who Am I? 2. I was the grandson of one of the richest men in the United States of America. Who Am I? 3. Before my acting career, I worked as a hay bailer, logger, truck driver, and steel-furnace stoker, and in 1950 was called to military duty with the Army Special Services. Who Am I? 4. I was born on July 6, 1946 in Connecticut and grew up in Texas where my father worked in the oil business. Who Am I? 5. I am a Greek philosopher, scientist, and physician who lived from 384 to 322 B.C. Who Am I? 6. I was born December 2, 1981, in Kentwood, Louisiana, to Lynne, an elementary school teacher, and Jamie, a construction contractor. Who Am I? 7. My early career included performing magic at Disneyland. Who Am I? 8. I was born Florence Nightingale Graham in Canada. Who Am I? 9. I was born in Vienna, Austria in 1755. My marriage to the future king of France at age 15 was arranged as an alliance between the two countries. Who Am I? 10. I escaped slavery in 1849. Who Am I? 11. I grew up in the Bronx, son of a Russian immigrant mural painter. Who Am I? 12. I am a French Protestant theologian, organist, and missionary surgeon. Who Am I? 13. After teaching elementary school for two years, I turned my attention to my first love, singing. Who Am I? 14. I was born in The Netherlands but later moved with my husband to East Java where I became educated on the Hindu and Oriental culture. Who Am I? 15. I was born on February 27, 1934, in Connecticut, to a Lebanese immigrant who owned a bakery and restaurant. Who Am I? 16. For 30 years I was probably the last person many Americans saw before they went to bed. Who Am I? |
Yeontoo Moderator Posts: 756 (10/28/00 1:26:50 am) ![]() |
#3 is "Email your answers, but only one guess per clue. There will be 5 clues." This doesn't mean just one guess total, it means only one guess after each new clue given. You can guess up to 5 times. As I post the new clue, I'll include an ongoing scoreboard of points accumulated for each gamer. Anything else confusing, let me know! Blessings, Yeontoo |
Yeontoo Moderator Posts: 757 (10/29/00 2:03:53 am) ![]() |
Challenge 7 Clue 2
*Please check your emails ![]() *One submission per clue please (helps me keep them straight) Guesses Made after This Clue, are worth 4 points -------------------------- 1. In 1920 I met the Duke of York, the second son of George V, and we were married in April 1923. Who Am I? 2. My primitive art collection was world renowned. Who Am I? 3. Actor friends David Janssen and Martin Milner encouraged me to move to Los Angeles where I took a screen test and signed a contract with Universal for $75 a week in 1954. Who Am I? 4--In 1977 I married Laura Welch, a former teacher and librarian, and have twin girls, Barbara and Jenna, born in 1982. Who Am I? 5. I am revered as one of the greatest thinkers of all time. Who Am I? 6. In 1991, I landed a part as a demonic child in "Ruthless", an off-Broadway production based on the 1956 horror film, "The Bad Seed. " Who Am I? 7. I also wrote for the Smothers Brothers and the Sonny and Cher TV shows. Who Am I? 8. I made a fortune from my chief interests: beauty and horses. Who Am I? 9. My extravagant lifestyle and insensitivity did not exactly endear me to my subjects. Who Am I? 10. I became one of the most successful "conductors" on the Underground Railroad, leading more than 300 slaves to freedom. Who Am I? 11. While still in my teens I showed a flair for fashion and earned my first commission at age 15, designing warm-up jackets for my baseball team. Who Am I? 12. In 1913 I founded the hospital at Lambarene in Gabon, Africa. Who Am I? 13. My first professional role came in 1961, playing the role of Rodolfo in the opera "La Boheme." Who Am I? 14. After divorcing my abusive husband I moved to Paris and began a career as an exotic dancer, claiming to be of oriental background. Who Am I? 15. My first book, "Unsafe at Any Speed" (1965), was exposed the dangers of the design of the Chevrolet Corvair, a car produced by General Motors. Who Am I? 16. I was a magician in my native Midwest and later hosted several shows in the early days of TV. Who Am I? |
Missing Slider
Ryan Experienced Slider Posts: 332 (10/29/00 5:57:07 pm) ![]() |
Waiting for another
set of clues...
"Okay, SE, you enter a darkened room. As you move your lantern from left to right you see that the floors are strewn with skeletons of the previous wanderers. Some with chain mail others with leather armor and a couple with plate mail. Broad swords, quivers of arrows, battle axes shine in the light of the lantern," said MSR, as she looked at the posterboard in front her. "Cool. Must have battled monsters here. I need to look at my weapons inventory," remarked SE as we waited for MSR's directions. "The north wall is fifty feet long. In the center is a doorway that's six feet across. The east wall is 15 feet long. The light of your lantern doesn't reach further than twenty feet surrounding you. At the corner of the north and east wall is a darkened corner with what looks tattered pieces of cloth leading away from it. On the west wall, that is 25 feet long is a set of chains about three feet off the floor with a poor soul still attached. You see the skeleton's hands still encircled by the chains. Rusting plate mail covers the remaining parts of the skeleton. You turn around and see the hallway you came from. The south wall runs 12 feet to the west wall and runs 20 feet to the east. South wall then turns northeast and meets the east wall at a 45° angle. In the center of the room, is a treasure chest." MSR waited for SE to draw the map before proceeding. She watched as SE thought out what he wanted to do next. "So what do you want to SE?" asked MSR as she saw him finish drawing the map. SE looked at his inventory of weapons, spells and miscellaneous items before answering. His knight character was already level 10 with 869 hitpoints and could cast level 5 spells. He needed another healing potion just in case he ran into tougher opponents. The last several battles had weakened his character considerably to almost half of the hitpoints he originally had. "The plate mail would come in handy, but not the one on the chained skeleton. That would certainly save my character from damage, but that treasure chest is too interesting to pass up. I need more spells and healing potions." "So you want to open the treasure chest?" asked MSR as she looked at her posterboard that held the permutations according to the dice rolls. SE nodded yes. "Okay roll the three dies since you're knight only has the dexterity of level 6 just in case there are boobytraps." "Haha. Probably are, but I think he's can detect it," SE said confidently as he picked up the three rectangular pig knucklebones. Each side had a pen mark denoting the numbers 1 to 6. "You still should have picked the thief character," remarked MSR as she watched SE throw the bones. "No way. Too low in strength. A thief wouldn't have gotten this far. WhooHooo three fives," hollered SE as the bones finally rested. "Oh very well. Man what are the chances you would have gotten that," said MSR ruefully as she scanned for that particular configuration on her posterboard. "Ready?" "Sure, treasure here I come," SE smirked as he waited for what was to come. "Your knight deftly avoided the boobytrap on the right side of the chest. Boooooo," jeered MSR as she stuck out her tongue. Likewise SE did the same thing. "The knife blade harmlessly cut through the air. There aren't any more boobytraps on the outside. As the knight opened the broken latch, he noticed that the room was getting darker. He looked at the lantern and turned it brighter. It still was getting darker." Alarm appeared on SE's face. "Oh crap. He's poisoned. I want to use the healing potion." "Throw one dice. If you get 4 or higher, you lose 400 of your 869 hps. If not, you lose 600 hps." A fiendish smile appeared on MSR's face. "What that many? Come on baby. You can't die yet," said SE as he rolled the die. SE sighed for relief as 5 came up. SE marked off 400 from the 869 hps as did MSR. "Okay, your knight pulls out his healing potion and drinks it, but it's only one-fourth effective so add 100 points back." MSR's smiled at SE who was getting anxious. "It's a strong poison and your hitpoints are still going down. If you wait more than 4 minutes, he's dead. BTW you have 569 hps." SE quickly scanned through his inventory. "I wanted to save the last healing potion, but... What do I need for it to work?" asked SE as he picked up the die again. "4 or higher as before," MSR answered as she scanned her list once again. "Hahaha. You should have bought another healing potion at the store instead of the chain mail you have on," mocked MSR. "Yeah, but then I would have died a long time ago. Come on 4 or higher." SE threw the die. SE he held his breath as he saw a 5 then 6 came up. It finally came up as 3. "Do over. That was a practice roll," begged SE. "You let me do it before." MSR thought for a second "Yeah, I did didn't I, but not this time. You only get one do over and you used it already. You lost 400 hps. You're down to 169 hps. What are you going to do now?" asked a malicious MSR who had thought of almost everything. "Give me a minute," said SE as he scanned all his lists trying any way to save his knight. "Two more minutes and your knight's DOA," hinted MSR as she saw beads of sweat on SE's forehead. Tex, DMD and S8 were busy trying to figure out the last few people out at the same time they watched SE and MSR play their game. "Hey, you two aren't you going to finish this challenge," called DMD as he put his posterboard down. "Yeah, you two have been at that game for several hours now," added S8. "Ah, leave them alone. If they want to play, then so be it," Tex remarked as he was trying to think of a name. "Shut up all of you!" shouted SE as he looked to the trio. "Lemme finish this first." "Jeez, it's only a game," DMD answered. "Yeah and its one that I don't want to lose. So silence," ordered SE as he scanned his list one more time. "Tick tock SE. What are you going to do? You're down to 69 hitpoints. Too bad they don't have immortal characters," hinted MSR once again. An idea shot through SE's head at the second hint MSR gave him. "Use the resurrection spell. What do I need?" SE didn't want to lose his character. "Nu-uh roll two dice and whatever comes up is what you get," said a mysterious MSR. "Give it up SE, your character is going to be dead as a doornail," an irritated DMD said since SE's and MSR's constant haggling made him lose his train of thought once again. The name was finally breaking free in his mind. Now he lost it again. SE ignored him. "You aren't going to tell me?" inquired an annoyed SE. "Nope. Total surprise this time. Roll it. You're down to 32." The fiendish smile on her face grew. SE angrily rolled the dice. 10 came up. "That's good right. It worked. I saved him from certain death," said an uncertain SE as he looked at MSR. MSR's smile evaporated. "WhooHoo, he's saved!" "Shut up SE!" Tex called out angrily. He too had a name that he had almost gotten. SE's yelling snapped his concentration. "Will you two keep it down?" interjected S8 as he worked on a question. He still had a couple more, but the antics of the duo were amusing and a welcome relief but it was getting ridiculous. "Hey you two, keep it down," ordered Yeontoo, looking up from her magazine. "Sorry," said the duo absentmindedly. "As the knight ends his incantation, he sees something come through the door in the center of the north wall. It's not a monster. It's a magician," said MSR, reading from her notes. "Yes! He's here to help," said SE as a smile beamed on his face. MSR continued. "The magician sees the fallen knight and rushes toward him. He says thank you for helping him." "Cool. So he helps him. Totally awesome," remarked SE. "The magician reaches into the chest and pulls out several potion bottles and puts them away in his cloak. As the knight watches him he asks for help. The magician turns to him and asks is your spell level 8." "Course not," answered SE. "The magician then smiles and says too bad. These potions of resurrection work only if you have a spell level of 8 and he's a 7 and had used up all my resurrection spells already trying to save himself. Too bad he can't help you. Your knight mutters a curse before dying." MSR looked up at a shocked SE. "Yipee!" yelled Tex, DMD and S8. This snaps SE out of his shock. "Now get back to work," ordered DMD. "He can't be dead. You cheated. You made that up. Gimme that," said a pissed off SE as he swiped the posterboard containing the permutations of the dice from MSR's hand. "Dude, you're dead. She doesn't leave much wiggle room," Tex said with a chuckle. SE scanned the list. MSR wasn't lying. It was all written down. If he had cast the resurrection spell first, the magician would have saved him. He threw the posterboard down in disgust. "I'm dungeonmaster next. You're going to pay," he said as he picked up his posterboard and began to design his map. MSR stood up and responded. "I'm tired of this game. Maybe next time you'll listen to my hints." "You just don't want to lose," SE shot back. "Nope. I want you to design a good dungeon since my elfin magician thief character is level 20 with level 20 spells and level 20 dexterity with 32593 hps. That's all," MSR said as she stretched. SE stopped designing his map. "I'm tired too. Nevermind." SE knew he couldn't design one that complicated without the dungeonmaster book with monsters. He only remembered the monsters that were up to level 15 and he needed the ones that were level 25 or higher to make it challenging. The two went back to working on the challenge. =============== P.S. any errors about playing AD&D is mine since I haven't played the game in two decades. Blame my memory. ![]() Missing a few neuronSR |
Yeontoo Moderator Posts: 758 (10/29/00 7:27:16 pm) ![]() |
clue 3
Day 3 Clue 3 1. After my husband came to the throne as King George VI in 1936, I scored success in royal visits to Paris, Canada, and the US. Who Am I? 2. I unsuccessfully sought the presidential nomination three times during the 1960's. Who Am I? 3. in 1986, I was elected mayor of Carmel, California, and served for two years. Who Am I? 4. I purchased the Texas Rangers baseball team with several local investors for $$46 million. Who Am I? 5. Like many ancient Greeks, I believed that everything on the earth is composed of four elements: earth, air, fire, and water. Who Am I? 6. At age 11, I auditioned for the Mickey Mouse Club and appeared in the show for the 1993 and 1994 seasons. Who Am I? 7. My first film as both writer and star was a modern retelling of "Cyrano de Bergerac." Who Am I? 8. One of the horses in my stable won the 1974 Kentucky Derby. Who Am I? 9. It has been falsely said of me that when I was told the people had no bread to eat, I responded, "Let them eat cake!" Who Am I? 10. During the Civil War, I was a friend of leading abolitionists. Who Am I? 11. I dropped out of college at 22 and became a tie salesman. Who Am I? 12. To support my work, I would give organ recitals. Who Am I? 13. Seven years later, playing the same role, I made my debut at New York's Metropolitan Opera Who Am I? 14. I had affairs with many rich and influential men including high-ranking military figures from many countries. Who Am I? 15. As a determined advocate for consumers, I was largely responsible for the passage of the 1967 Wholesome Meat Act, the Clean Air Act, and the Freedom of Information Act. Who Am I? 16. I am known for giving many comedians their first big break. Who Am I? |
Yeontoo Moderator Posts: 759 (10/29/00 7:53:03 pm) ![]() |
Luxury Charades week
HTML Comments are not allowed |
Yeontoo Moderator Posts: 760 (10/30/00 9:45:33 pm) ![]() |
Clue 4
(No HTML?! I didn't do HTML! I don't know HTML! grrr) Clue 4 1. I am the mother of Queen Elizabeth and Princess Margaret. Who Am I? 2. I was named vice president under the 25th Amendment of the Constitution. Who Am I? 3. Just a few months ago my latest directorial and acting project, "Space Cowboys", starring James Garner, Donald Sutherland, and Tommy Lee Jones was released. Who Am I? 4. In 1993 I announced my candidacy for Governor of Texas, and won a surprise victory over Ann W. Richards by 350,000 votes. Who Am I? 5. I wrote the first great work on logic, and many of my theories have had great influence through the centuries. Who Am I? 6. At age 15, I went to New York to audition for Jive Records. My recording "Baby One More Time" was a megahit that brought me into the limelight of the pop music scene. Who Am I? 7. I started out in stand-up comedy, playing a banjo with an an arrow through my head. Who Am I? 8. Most of my wealth came from my cosmetic products, always packaged in pink. Who Am I? 9. When the revolution came, the king and I were held prisoner in our Paris palace. Who Am I? 10. I worked as a laundress, nurse, and a spy for the Union forces. Who Am I? 11. In 1967, breaking with the prevailing fashion for dark, narrow ties, I launched my own line, introducing unprecedented color and variety to men's fashion. I quickly progressed to a complete line of clothing and furnishings. Who Am I? 12. My biography of Bach (1905) along with my renditions of Bach's organ music, made me one of the preeminent authorities on the composer. Who Am I? 13. I am one of the rare singers capable of reaching a high C. Who Am I? 14. When WWI broke out, since I had ties with both Germany and France, I was asked to be a spy by both sides. Who Am I? 15. In 1992 and 1996, I ran for President of the United States as a Green Party candidate, spending less than $5,000 in 1996. Who Am I? 16. Since I retired from my late-night TV program in 1992, little has been heard from me. Who Am I? |
Yeontoo Moderator Posts: 761 (10/31/00 9:08:54 pm) ![]() |
Clue 5
Last Clue 1. I am the longest-lived British royal in history. August 4, 2000, I celebrate my 100th birthday with a royal bash! Who Am I? 2. I served as governor of New York from 1959 through 1973. Who Am I? 3. I am best known for my role as "Dirty Harry" Callahan who says, "Go ahead, make my day!" Who Am I? 4. In June 1999 I announced my candidacy for the U.S. Presidency and have chosen as running mate political veteran Richard B. Cheney. Who Am I? 5. I studied under Plato and later taught Alexander the Great. Who Am I? 6. Before the Grammy Awards, in February 2000, I emerged as one of the leading contenders for Best New Artist, but lost to fellow ex-Mickey Mouse Clubber teen sensation Christina Aguilera. Who Am I? 7. I made appearances in skits on "Saturday Night Live" as a "wild and crazy guy," and singing my hit recording "King Tut." Who Am I? 8. Today women seeking pampering go to my worldwide chain of salons to be massaged and beautified. Who Am I? 9. After my husband was executed, I was condemned for treason and sent to the guillotine in 1793. Who Am I? 10. According to the 1994 book "The Black 100" by Columbus Salley, I am the most important black woman in American history. Who Am I? 11. In addition to my flagship store, a restored mansion on New York's Madison Avenue, I built hundreds of Polo stores around the world, and have been known as the "King of American Sportswear." Who Am I? 12. I won the Nobel Peach Prize in 1952 for my teaching about "reverence for life." Who Am I? 13. I have been the world's most famous operatic tenor for over thirty years. (By the way, 10-11 was my birthday! I'm 65.) Who Am I? 14. In 1917 I was arrested for espionage for the Germans, and executed by firing squad in Paris. My name has become synonymous with the alluring female spy. Who Am I? 15. On June 25, 2000, my running mate, the Native American activist Winona LaDuke, and I won the Green Party nomination for President of the US. Who Am I? 16. My announcer friend, Ed, would introduce me at the beginning of my show, saying "Heeeerrrre's, Johnny!" Who Am I? |
Yeontoo Moderator Posts: 763 (11/1/00 8:27:17 am) ![]() |
Luxury 6
*For every charade judge one can correctly guess, the award is a Steaming Hot Shower, with the use of toiletries. For every charade judge two can correctly guess, the award is a complete change of new, clean clothing, complete with shoes. For every charade judge three can correctly guess, the award is a 5 course meal of your choice, served with fine china and eating utensils at a real table set up here, in the stone chamber.* Yeontoo hurried marched to the totem pole to hang a poster, remembering who got what, and which judge awarded what, tacking this one down more securely (the last one blew away!) : (the no HTML thing was the luxury winner) &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& & & & Charades & Judge 1 SE- The Fall of the House of Usher DMD - The Tell-Tale Heart MSR - The Legend of Sleepy Hollow Judge 2 SE - The Fall of the House of Usher DMD - The Tell-Tale Heart MSR - The Pit and the Pendulum Judge 3 SE - The American Dictionary of the American Language DMD - The Tell-Tale Heart MSR - The Pit and the Pendulum & & Collect your prizes inside the stone chamber &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Yeontoo, remembering some smell, hoped they'd take advantage of the prize. *Yeontoo has a small luxury apartment behind a stone wall, this is where your prizes await, the door is open. Post your prize and your charade answer* |
Yeontoo Moderator Posts: 764 (11/1/00 8:34:20 am) ![]() |
Yeontoo didn't wait long, to stand in the midst of the Elites. Holding the Immmunity Medallion in one hand, she consulted her clipboard with the other. "Slider 8, your score was a zero. DMD, your score was a 60. SE, your score was a 69. MSR, your score was a 77. Tex, your score was a 78." They stood there for a minute, letting the information absorb in the silence. Yeontoo placed the medallion over Tex's head. ![]() "Tex, you are immuned from being voted off during this round. Wear this medallion all week, and hand it back before the end of the next challenge." Tex smiled, fingering the medallion. It was a good day to be immuned. Vote Emails, within 24 hours please ![]() |
Missing Slider
Ryan Experienced Slider Posts: 342 (11/1/00 11:52:14 am) ![]() |
Charade answer...
MSR yelled out, "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow. I got first dibs on the shower!" She ran off toward the bathroom before the others could make a move. "She's going to be there forever," remarked DMD. "Y, where's the hot water turnoff switch," SE asked with a smile. "Yeah, I'll help you," added S8. "No can do, guys," Y chuckled. "The turn off switch is in the bathroom. Too bad, you'll just have to wait for her to finish." Missing a few neurons Ryan |
![]() Novice Slider Posts: 123 (11/3/00 6:03:01 pm) ![]() |
Re: Charade answer...
DMD's title was "The Tell-Tale Heart." He waited patiently for MSR to finish in the shower. DMD: "I wonder who got voted off?" SE: "I can't be sure. Slider8 certainly has made himself a target by not participating in the immunity challenge." DMD: "True, but MSR is awfully good at these challenges. Maybe too good?" SE: "Could be." DMD: "This shower is going to feel great. Once I get in there, I'm not coming out until Sunday!" SE: "Well then let me in first!!" MSR <walking out of the shower>: "Ahhhh! That was refreshing..... What?" DMD: "Well, we're just not used to seeing you walk around in a towel." SE: "Uh, yeah. It's a good look for you." MSR: <rolls eyes> |
Yeontoo Moderator Posts: 765 (11/3/00 8:47:20 pm) ![]() |
Yeontoo (still trying to shake a flu bug) walks slowly across to where the Elites are gathering. "Yeon, you're getting behind. Are... you look sick too." DMD takes a step back. "You contagious?" MSR grimaces, taking a step back, securing her towel better. "Probably, looks like the flu or something. Y? Is that the ...." SE got quiet as Y handed him the poster to tack up while she sat down. "Tack it up before you look." "Sorry guys, until I get back on my feet,.. I'm not up to par. The next challenge aint til Monday, that will give you time to explore, and not worry about the gong for the challenges." SE resists the temptation to look ahead of time. "Be right back guys." "Boat comes tommorrow, right?" DMD asked, grabbing his towel. "Yeah. " SE tacks the poster up on the totem pole with his eyes closed. Then he looks at the poster he just hung. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& & & & Vote & & MSR- 3 & & Slider8 - 2 & &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Edited by: Yeontoo at: 11/3/00 7:59:06 pm |
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