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Yeontoo Moderator Posts: 721 (10/14/00 12:24:55 am) ![]() |
Knowledge Discussion
Yeontoo enters the small area of common ground, a partially shaded area on the old native dias near the center of the island, ...with plenty of seating on fallen logs, and raised a little above most the tree line. She is very pleased with her chosen location. She looks around, the storm hasnt lessened the beauty that surrounds her. Mz Yeontoo reaches into her pack and takes out her ever-present clipboard. She pulls the top paper out of the clip and sets it on the old stone table (finding a dry spot), weighting it down with a small rock. The paper simply read: ======================= Topic of Discussion: "What if Hitler had not ever invaded Poland? |
Sabre Edge Administrator Posts: 218 (10/14/00 2:08:05 am) ![]() |
Knowledge Discussion 3
If Hitler doesn't attack Poland, probably because of the pact Germany had with Poland at the time, Russia would probably move on Poland in '40, much like it had done in the '20s. Germany would seize the opportunity to excercise its pact and assist Poland in beating back Russia. Britain and France would be amused that the fascists and communists were made to fight each other without either of them lifting a finger. Russia is unable to stand up to the superior power of the Nazis as well as the respectable Polish Army. Germany in a political swing takes control of Poland as it "liberates" it during the crisis situation claiming to do it in Polands best interests at this time. Germany also gains Russian territory having it annexed after the relatively short war ends in '41. Britain uneasy with Germany's new shift in power watches Hitler's moves closely. Hitler, within a year, turns eyes to the West, especially northern France, using the Alsaic-Lorraine territory as national motivation. More later... |
BritSlider Junior Slider Posts: 22 (10/18/00 10:44:21 am) |
Enter BritSlider, stage
Brit walked into the area of common ground, and saw Sabre_Edge there. He laughed softly to himself as he walked over to the dias to see what the latest discussion topic would be. "What's so funny?" Asked SE. Brit just smiled at him. "Nothing." And began laughing again. "Dude, something is definitely tickling you at the moment; so spill!" "Well, have you seen the results of the latest luxury challenge?" Queried Brit. "Yeah, so what? It was just you, me and DMD; and we won!" "I know, but that's not the funny part. What gets me is that an Englishman knows more about your first President than an American!" With that, Brit let out a final, loud laugh. "Very funny Brit, I just didn't have time to think about all the questions properly. I've have kicked your ass on that quiz if I had really put my mind to it." Brit looked at the discussion topic on the piece of paper, and recoiled in shock. "This can't be right!" He said. "This topic has nothing whatsoever to do with America! How did that get here?" "I guess the powers that be must have heard your pleas." Replied SE. "So what do you think?" "Well, I have to disagree with you about the Russians invading Poland. They would have known about the British pledge of support for Poland after Germany annexed Austria and marched into Czechoslovakia, so I doubt if they would have wanted to provoke the Brits into a fight. Besides which, the Russian army wasn't really in any fit state for fighting at that time. The purges that Stalin had introduced since his arrival in office had decimated the officer class of the Soviets, and as such it would take them at least five to ten years before there would have been happy enough with the army reforms to launch any kind of offensive action. They would have had enough to contend with keeping an eye on the Japanese invasion of Manchuria; they wouldn't want to divert their forces unnecessarily. Mind you, with the way Hitler had been handling the economy; war was pretty much inevitable. There is no way that he would have been able to sustain that level of economic stability without it. My best bet is that he would have crossed into the region of Alsace-Lorraine, to reclaim it as German territory. That had always been a desire of his after the 'November Criminals' gave it up in the Treaty Of Versailles after World War One. It was all part of his policy of 'Liebensraum', to expand the German Empire to what it once was. What happens then would depend entirely on the actions of the rest of the world. After all, they stood by and did nothing when he marched into the Rhur when that was expressly forbidden by the Treaty; so who knows what they would have done if he had gone into Alsace-Lorraine as well? Either way, Germany would have tried to provoke a conflict on one front, and without having Russia to worry about; would have marched straight through France." Edited by: BritSlider at: 10/18/00 9:50:44 am |
Sabre Edge Administrator Posts: 226 (10/18/00 5:28:12 pm) ![]() |
Re: Enter BritSlider,
stage left.
"ok, ok, ok. You got me on the Washington thing. ![]() ![]() back to the discussion: Ok, I knew the Russian offensive would be a stretch, but it was an option to go with. I agree their military wasn't up to it, plus the Japanese on the East would be a sizeable challenge. Following your line we have Hitler looking West with the Soviet non-agression pact still in effect protecting his back. Hitler would easily smash through France, setting Britain into action. The thing is, Germany would effectively conquer western Europe, allowing no foot holds at all for the allies. Britain would harass the Germans with air power from London and would have to prepare for an amphibious invasion defense. I assume Pearl Harbor still happens to bring the US into the war, Japan would be unaffected in this scenario. Now we have to decide what the US's aims are. They would certainly help out the UK, sending equipment, bombers, and money. Russia will be battling Japan on Manchuria. Question is, with Germany's soft East Front, and Russia's soft West Front would something cause one or the other to turn they eyes in the opposite direction and make a grab for the middle? Would the US offer to help the Russians push back Japan in return for help in attacking the German's from a second front. Also, the only real conceivable route for the Allies to land on the continent would be in Italy. How would this play out? |
Missing Slider
Ryan Experienced Slider Posts: 314 (10/18/00 6:16:12 pm) ![]() |
A weary MSR comes trudging
A half awake and tired MSR makes her way to the dias to see what the dicussion question. She was vaguely aware of Brit and SE as she made her way to the table. "Hey, watch what you are doing," grumbled SE as MSR accidently tripped on a rock and fell on SE's back, causing him to make a long mark across the paper. Brit chuckled softly at the commotion. "Um... didn't see you there SE," apologized MSR as she quickly moved aside. "MSR, that's what you get for staying up all night trying to summon whomever so that you'd do good on the last challenge," replied a smiling Brit. "Did it work?" asked SE as he erased the line. "No, it didn't. So what's the topic?" she asked as she tried to rub the sleep out of her eyes. "Here you go," said Brit as he handed her the clipboard. "World War II. I... uh.. got to think about that one. Been a long time since I read something about it." MSR put the clipboard down, grabbed some paper and a pen and began to think. more later... Missing a few neuronSR |
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