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Missing Slider Ryan Experienced Slider Posts: 416 (11/28/00 2:48:32 pm) Reply ![]() |
Epilogue Eight: Vortex62
"Hmm… though the Omega team was better prepared, it was the Alpha team that came on top. I wonder why no one made an alliance with someone on the other team. Guess they were too loyal to their own teams." She looked at her clock at the edge of desk. "Hmm... almost time for my favorite show 'Alien Autopsy'. Bwahaha that show rocks!" She looked at the bank of monitors again. "Man, those two are really getting late." A smiling Yeontoo opened up the next file and began to read. Vortex62 Team: Omega and Elite Hair Color: Brown Eye Color: Brown Glasses? Contacts and glasses for emergencies Body Piercings/ Tattoos/ Identifying Marks: Tattoo of Grim Reaper on Left Arm Have you ever used a timer? No Name 3 adjectives that best describes yourself:
In a few words, tell us why you would like to be the 5th Slider. Well I have already been around the world, why not go around the Universe? Hehe.. It would be great to see the "What If's" and to also to meet my double. Slide On! Date and order voted off: 11-9-2000 7th of 10 auditioners ======= October 5, 2000 Tex decided to walk out on the beach to get his mind off the last challenge. *Man ole Man, the Challenges are really starting to get interesting* he thought to himself. *Well least we got some real meat to eat now thanks to Brit's trap* he thought as he heard his stomach growling. Since it was a very hot day, Tex decided to let things go. After removing all his clothes, he felt much cooler. "Ah yes, nothing feels better than the ole birthday suit," Tex said while laughing. "I think I'll go dig some clams while I am on the beach," said a very exposed and cooler Tex. A little later MSR came by. "Um Tex, aren't you like forgetting something?" said a blushing MSR. "I don't think so, I got my machete right here," said Tex as he continued to dig for clams. "Hey Tex, I didn't know you had a tattoo on your..." said MSR right before Brit interrupted her. "Tex, what the heck?!?!" Brit chuckled. Tex stood up and looked around "What??" He shrugged his shoulders. "Can a person just do what he wants to do?" "No problems here," MSR said trying to hold back the laughter. "Well, um, just keep your back to me," Brit said unsuccessfully surpressing a laugh. "We'll have a hard time trying to avoid seeing your assets...ugh" "Well, if it bothers you that much I can put my hat on if you like," Tex said with a smirk on his face. Whatever control MSR and Brit had in that moment gave way to more laughter. "Okay, okay," Tex said, putting his clothes back on. Suddenly, VM came running to the beach. "Hey, guess what I just discovered?" He stared at the hysterical duo rolling on the sand. " And what are you all laughing about?" "Nothing VM," MSR said wiping the tears from her eyes. "What did you find?" MSR elbowed Brit in attempt to calm him down. It partially worked as he wiped the tears from his eyes, but he wasn't able to talk for fear of cracking up once again. "Remember the other day when all those bats came flying out at us," VM explained. "Well, I know why now." "Oh really? And....." inquired a curious Tex. "I'm thinking the two islands on this world formed from undersea volcanoes like the Hawaiian Islands. Inside the cave, is a hot spring with a geyser that has been going off periodically and disturbs the bats," VM said excitingly. "Whoohoo!!" MSR yelled. "We got hot water!!" "Lets go check it out," Brit said as they all made their way to the cave. ======= Yeontoo turned the TV back on and watched mob scene once again. The reporter was yelling so that his audience could hear, but the mob was too loud for Y to understand anything he said. She turned down the volume and continued reading. ======= November 9, 2000 Yeontoo hung the tally on the totem, and knew Vig was on his way in the boat. The remaining Elites huddled around the totem pole to read the results of the vote. Tex looked at the vote results and saw that his name has been selected for extraction. *Dang,* he thought to himself. *I got my entry in 2 hours after the challenge was up but guess I didn't understand the rules, oh well.* Tex looked down on his watch and inputted some numbers. All of a sudden a blue swirling vortex appeared out of the sky. "Well I am outta here," Tex said as he jumped into the vortex. "Yes, we finally got rid of the Omega team," said a happy S8. "Our alliance worked," commented DMD. "That it did. Let's get going. I can feel that treasure in my hands," said SE as he imagined finding a treasure chest. ======= Yeontoo saw a red flash reflecting of the file folder and looked at the muted television screen. The mob had dispersed and the reporter was signing off. "Fireworks, the war must be over," she remarked. ======= November 14, 2000 In the nondescript room, a man was standing next to a large two-way mirror. A 23-inch TV was positioned in front of the mirror with a VCR with the time blinking set upon it. Next to the man was a small wooden table with two glasses and a pitcher of cold water. "Let's go through this again," said the man as he began his line of questioning that had started three days ago. The man was unconvinced at the answers he received. He was going to get to the bottom of it no matter how long it was going to take and with every option opened to him. "I told you everything, repeatedly," Tex spat out, tasting the dried blood once again. *There's no way in hell you are going to break me,* thought Tex. *I will never give you that satisfaction nor will I every show you how much pain I'm feeling. I'm walking on the beach feeling the cool breeze from the ocean. I can feel the sand beneath my feet. I'm drinking an ice cold drink. I'm walking on the beach at sunset. I can...* The man glared at him. "I don't believe you." This brought Tex back to the here and now. He tasted the metallic tasted of blood on his tongue once again. "Believe what you want. It's the truth," responded an adamant Tex, who had lost feeling in his arms and legs two days earlier. The pain from the deep wounds and burn marks weren't registering in his mind anymore. *Mmmm... this cold drink is delicious. The view of the sunset is awesome.* The man poured a glass of water and chugged it down in a few seconds. After wiping his mouth with his sleeve, he taunted, "You want some of this? Tell me what I want to know and you'll get it." He poured another glass of water and walked right in front of Tex, who was seated in a mutilated wooden chair. His barely recognizable arms and legs were chained tightly to it. "I don't know anything more than what I already told you," Tex repeated once again. With one swift motion, the man smashed the glass against Tex's forehead, producing a new deep gash on his head. As shards of glass and water showered him and rivulets of blood trickled down his face, Tex desperately stuck out his tongue to quench his thirst. He caught a few drops of the precious clear liquid, but the man grabbed his tongue and wiped it clean before he could retract his tongue. This made strengthened Tex's resolve not to show any signs of disappointment. The man laughed then went to turn on the TV and VCR. While pressing the play button, he said, "Someone wants to tell you something." The date October 3, 2000 was in the bottom left corner of the screen. Tex saw through his one good eye and immediately recognized where the tape was made - the cave, near MSR's drawings. He smiled when he saw MSR holding a torch. "Hiya Tex. How's it going?" asked a smiling MSR. "Just peachy keen," Tex replied sarcastically. MSR's grin grew. "I've met and talked to several of your doubles and I knew that I could trust you to carry on an alliance. Thank you." "You're welcome," Tex answered back. "I would have stuck with you to the bitter end just like Rudy." "I only made an alliance with you to get what I wanted - to get down to the final five or less. Even if I were voted off, I would never vote for you or anyone on Omega team." "What the…" a shocked Tex mumbled as he tasted the new blood on his face. "100 million dollars is too much money to turn down. Group X needs the funding. Cheer up!" laughed a derisive MSR. "Son of a … I'll kill you MSR!" screamed Tex as he struggled against his chains. Whatever calm he had vanished as the sun set on his beach. The man smiled as he watched Tex. "Truth hurts, doesn't it?" "As I said, I've met your doubles before. Well, briefly, less than seven days to be exact. I'm betting you can last longer than any of them. You've got the spirit. I'm just sorry that I'm not the one asking the questions," said a fiendish MSR. "Hey, MSR! Y's tacking up the winner of the storyline challenge," Tex yelled from off screen. "Be right there!" MSR called out sweetly. MSR went close to the camera. "Hey, it's you in the past. Care to warn your past self?" she taunted. "You found out about my plans for parallel world domination, but you didn't find your machete at your throat, did you? Losing 10 million is just a little too high for me. Well, got to go. I want to see who won. It's only one step closer to my 100 million dollars. Oh about the treasure…" The screen went black. ======= "He lasted five more days and he never broke!" exclaimed a surprised Yeontoo. "Boy, those Omegas were built of tough stuff. Betrayal, what a wonderful thing it is." Yeontoo checked the next sheet and smiled. "MSR won her bet, but she's not around to collect." Yeontoo giggled. "The million dollars goes to me as per the written agreement." She made her final comments and placed her file with the others. Human Resources R Us MSR |
Sabre Edge Administrator Posts: 315 (12/20/00 4:41:56 am) Reply ![]() |
Re: Epilogue Eight:
Whoa! Super Fiendish! Very nice epilogue MSR!
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