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Missing Slider
Ryan Experienced Slider Posts: 418 (11/29/00 2:11:06 pm) Reply ![]() |
Nine: Slider8
"Whew, almost done. Boy, this group of auditioners is the best group we've had," said Yeontoo as she stretched and checked all the monitors on the right side of the room to see any signs of the final two contestants, but found none. "I wonder when DMD and SE are coming up from their treasure hunting expedition so I can announce the new 5th Slider." She turned the channel to her favorite show that she nicknamed 'Alien Autopsy', since the real name of the show was too long to remember. "Cool, she's just starting." On the bottom left of the screen was the date November 18, 2000. A petite redheaded woman was wearing green surgical scrubs and latex gloves. To her right, was a surgical instrument table holding the various instruments that she needed. "Subject is AT03. External examination reveals no apparent cause of death in this otherwise healthy person. Length is 176.9 cm. I'll begin with the Y incision," said the petite redheaded woman as she held a scalpel. She made her first cut from the front of the left shoulder to the bottom end of the sternum, which covers the heart, then made her second cut likewise on the right side of the body. The third cut was from the sternum down the abdomen, slightly deviating to the right to miss the navel. Yeontoo watched as the doctor made the deep cuts on the chest and abdomen to expose the underlying organs. After peeling open the skin flaps, with the top flap covering the face, the doctor cut through both sides of the ribcage with an electric saw. She placed the ribcage, containing the ribs and sternum, on another small instrument table to her left. "Hmm… this is going to take a while she examines the internal organs," remarked Yeontoo as she picked up the next file. "Might as well read while she finishes what she's doing." Slider8 Team: Alpha and Elite Hair Color: Brown Eye Color: Blue Glasses? No Body Piercings/ Tattoos/ Identifying marks: Dog bite scar on right leg Have you ever used a timer? Yes Name 3 adjectives that best describes yourself:
In a few words, tell us why you would like to be the 5th Slider. I would like to be the 5th Slider because I believe that sliding would be the ultimate adventure. I think that I could be a useful part of the team and I think that it would be fun for Remmy to have another musician on board! Date and order voted off: 11-17-2000, 8th of 10 auditioners ======= October 11, 2000 The Alphas huddled in the small stone house, listening to the heavy rain and winds of Monsoon Harry. The upturned table covering the door had taken a beating and was still offering them protection from most of the elements. It had been almost 24 hours since the Alpha team had eaten. "Ok, that's it. Someone needs to go get food," DMD suggested. They all looked at each other, none of them wanting to go out in the terrible storm. "I'll go," Slider8 said, as he grabbed SE's knife off SE's belt. "Hey! Ask first," SE grumbled as he followed S8 the door. SE helped S8 move the table to the side and watched for several moments as the winds almost knocked S8 over as he headed towards a small hill. SE set the table back up and then sat down near the small fire DMD was tending. "Dude, you look like you've been surfing," DMD commented with a sly grin on his face. He wanted to stay warm a little longer. "Ah... shuddup. And thanks for the help," SE retorted as he slicked back his hair then shook the water in DMD's direction. "No problem," smirked DMD as he slid to the right of the fire. "So you think he'll be long?" "Beats me. Now give me your windbreaker. I need to dry my shirt," said SE as he grabbed DMD's pack and rummaged through it. "Hey, everything's getting wet," DMD complained. SE stuck his tongue out as he pulled out DMD's green windbreaker and took off his wet shirt. "Where's yours?" asked DMD as he walked over to SE. *Splat* SE nailed DMD in the face with his wet shirt. "And why would I tell you?" asked a grinning SE. "That wasn't funny, SE." DMD threw his shirt against the door. "Hey! It's getting more wet." SE ran to retrieve it while DMD grabbed his wet pack. DMD looked inside and grumbled, "I could use some of those rocks MSR has." "For what?" asked SE as he wringed out the water out of his shirt. "To sling you with one when you get gold fever." "Ha ha. Where's my spear?" Both began laughing. In what seemed like hours, SE and DMD heard a clattering outside of the door. "He's back!" DMD and SE shouted. They raced over to the table and were suddenly confronted by wet and angry monkeys. They were looking for a place to hide and pissed that the Alphas had stolen their shelter. Three monkeys began trying to claw their way in. Through the blinding rain, the two Alphas tried to shore up the table by pushing it with all their might against the combined force of the apes and the powerful winds. Just as the monkeys had the tide turned in their favor, one of them dropped to the ground, stunned. Through the crack between the door and the table, DMD and SE saw the last one clubbed in the head with a rock then hitting the ground. "S8!" shouted the two weary Alphas as they moved the table out of the way so he could enter. As S8 stepped inside the door, one of the monkeys scratched him on the arm. S8 immediately whacked it on the head again. "You okay," asked SE and DMD as they kicked the arm of the monkey outside then door before setting the table up against the door again. S8 looked at the small scratch on his arm. "Yeah, I'll be okay." ======= Yeontoo looked up from her reading and saw that the doctor was ready to give her evaluation on the subject. This was the most interesting part of the show for Y since she did a good job at explaining her findings. The doctor pointed to the various organs while explaining. "As you can see from the conditions of the abnormally enlarged heart, fluid in the lungs and an enlarged and tender liver, this suggests that this person died of congestive heart failure though this person was in good healthy prior to death. Further microscopic study of the organs is needed. Now I will begin weighing the organs." "Boring," commented Yeontoo as she turned off the TV. ======= November 17, 2000 Surprised, Yeontoo grinned. *This is interesting.* As the Elites were waiting for the results, SE, DMD, and S8 were looking at each other wondering who voted for who. S8 carefully concealed his grin as Yeontoo hung the voting board back on the totem pole. Three votes for S8, zero for DMD. SE and DMD both turned to S8, surprised. S8 included them in his short speech to Miz Yeontoo. "Well, seeing as my other two teammates have both done more than me, I think one of them deserves it. Therefore, I vote for myself." As S8 stood in front of his former teammates, he said, "Well, I guess I should be going now." The other two stood there and shook hands with him in admiration of the vote. Suddenly, a vortex opened directly behind Slider8. Wade, Arturo, Remmy, and Quinn popped out of it. "By the way, don't think I really needed to win. After all, I've got the original four Sliders doubles right here. And I'm on a deeper level with them already. Buh-bye!" Slider8 kissed Wade before the five of them jumped back into the vortex. "Wow, S8 voted for himself? Good show man. K DMD, this is it, winner take all!" DMD looked at SE, "Are we the only two here that aren't already sliding?" SE replied, "Beats me. You know, we've still got a few days before the final vote." DMD agreed. "Yeah, and that treasure is still in there." SE asked, "What do you thing about going back to the cave, loading up on food and water, and going back after the treasure?" DMD replied, "You're on." "Gentlemen, just remember to be back at the stone chamber before the vote is announce or neither of you wins." Yeontoo walked off wondering if both of them were more concerned with treasure hunting than becoming the new 5th Slider. ======= November 18, 2000 "How long?" asked a weary man. "40 minutes," answered an equally tired woman. "I'm calling it. Time of death. 10:13," answered the man. "Do you want me to tell them?" asked the woman. "No, I will. Take care of this please," replied the man as he left the room. The man exited the room and sighed before entering the room down the hall. The four people sitting on brown chairs stood up. "I'm sorry, but we tried everything within our ability, but it was not enough. Was there anyone with him recently?" asked the man. "Just two others," answered the red-haired woman. The man nodded then walked off. The woman turned to the others. "That will be 20 bucks each. I told you Slider8 was going to die within a day." "Yeah, yeah. Here you go," said the three men as they handed her over the cash. ======= She turned to the next page and read the report. "Hmm... says here that he died of old age. His body had all the signs of being a 70 year old with cardiovascular, respiratory and arthritis. Genetic engineering is totally awesome when you know what you are doing. Now if they can find a way to cure the cold or the flu." She made a few comments then checked the monitors. She saw them emerging from the darkness near the waterfalls. "Finally, it's time to announce the new 5th Slider." She tidied up her desk, grabbed her clipboard and left her office. Human Resources R Us MSR |
![]() Novice Slider Posts: 111 (12/13/00 6:15:53 pm) Reply |
So, I was stuck in a bubble world? That's why I died? Another Question: WHY DOES EVERYONE DIE? |
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