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Missing Slider
Ryan Experienced Slider Posts: 404 (11/25/00 1:29:15 am) Reply ![]() |
Two: TimeFluxEMC2
Yentoo sat in her cozy leather chair at her ornate mahogany desk with a stack file folders for this batch of auditioners for the 5th Slider. She was very pleased with this group of competitors, since she had picked the best of the best from the applications that were sent to her. At left edge of her desk was a small digital clock that showed the time and date. On the right side of her desk was a small glass jar of multicolored marbles. On the left side of the room was a large 20-gallon aquarium with four 'rainbow' fish from this world. She couldn't pronounce the scientific name so she nicknamed them rainbow since they can change colors according to the color scheme of a rainbow. Yeontoo loved it when the fish turned green, her favorite color. On the right side of the room was a bank of monitors showing the different areas on the island. Finally, she had time to make her final notes on the auditioners. She took the top file from the stack in the inbox in front of her and opened it up. On the first form was the following: TimeFluxEMC2 Team: Omega Hair Color: Dark Blonde Eye Color: Hazel Glasses? Yes Have you ever used a timer? Yes Name 3 adjectives that best describes yourself:
In a few words, tell us why you would like to be the 5th Slider. I would like to be the 5th Slider because it sounds fun. I can also be of good use with what skills I have. Date and order voted off: 9-20-2000, 1st of 10 auditioners ======= September 12, 2000 All 10 auditioners lined up to load on board a small waiting bus. Vig's Sliding Service was painted on the side, but it wasn't Vigeant driving, nor was he even a passenger on this little jaunt. Yeontoo checked their names off on her pad as she inspected their arrival, their clothing, and their one item:
Putting all extra items in the bin beside her - extra toothbrushes, purses, wallets, keys, pictures, cameras, computers, computer disks, anything that is not their one luxury item. Finally, Yeontoo climbed aboard, speaking clearly to the driver. "Change of co-ordinates at the last minute Pavel." She handed him a slip of paper. Pavel changed the coordinates on his sliding device with less than a nod as Yeontoo sat down. He started moving the bus forward as a huge vortex formed and swirled in front of them. "I love vortices." Vortex62 could be heard from the back of the bus. "Me too man." Vortex Master echoed his sentiment. As the bus traveled through a relatively smooth vortex (relative is a loose term), the passengers started talking amongst themselves. "I wonder how luxurious our suites will be." Missing Slider Ryan asked, wondering if she'd have to share with the only other lady, or would she get one to herself. "I hope it has a full gym and sauna." DieselMickeyDolenz smiled, thinking of his relaxation. "I always thought there would be more blue inside a vortex," WldKlly observed. "Nice watch." She looked at Vortex62's one luxury item. "It's no normal watch…" Vortex62 started showing her his watch. Slider8 tapped the two guys that brought those big knives. "Guys? Those are awfully big knives… why did you bring that?" "Protection," Sabre Edge and BritSlider spoke at the same time. "From what?! A Bear!" Morpheus exclaimed. "Nah, from those overly amorous maids." Vortex Master laughed as the rest of the crew cracked up. The bus exits the vortex and comes to a full stop. The applicants stare at the beautiful tropical island that they have landed on. "This is it!" Miz Yeontoo exclaims. She is the first off, waiting by the door as each passenger disembarked. She handed them each a 16-oz. bottle of water from the cooler by the bus door, taking one for herself. Pavel closes the door and drives off into a waiting vortex. "Where is the château?" "This is not High-tech world." "It's beautiful here!" "Where is that bus going?!" "What's going on?" "Man, it's hot!" "Where are we?" "How long are we here?" "Why are we here?" "Where is the hotel? "Catch that bus!" "What's going on?" Everyone was talking. After waiting a very short time, Yeontoo clears her throat and raises her hand. "There has been a slight change in plans. We are on Earth 9662 instead of 6296. This world supports human life, but it is devoid of it. You are being tested on your survival skills in the best way possible." "What?!" A chorus of voices rose. "Please! Since sliding puts you in unforeseeable circumstances that you will be expected to excel in, we chose to test you. You are, of course, welcomed to back out." Yeontoo waited. As the group quiets back down, Yeontoo continues. "The only life on this planet is a small outpost on that island there." Yeontoo points to a dot in the horizon. "It is a quite a luxurious and exclusive château that caters to the very rich. They have agreed, at quite a cost, to host our auditions. Every Wednesday morning, someone from yonder island will arrive by boat to pick up either the one that was voted off the night before or anyone who wishes to quit their audition. Once there, you will be treated as royalty for the remainder of our time here, and that is where you will await transportation home. Anytime you want to quit, you are considered the one voted off for that week. You can't swim out there and visit, shower, shave, eat a hot meal, then expect to come back. Once you leave the island, your name is crossed off my list." Yeontoo consulted her clipboard, and took a drink of her water. "The last one of you, the survivor, will be picked up from this spot by Pavel and taken on to Earth 6296 to start their new job." Yeontoo bites her lip. "Something I'm missing…. Oh! The new Slider salary is $200,000 a year, instead of $125,000 since you will have better proven your capabilities. If you don't leave until you're voted off, you will receive a compensation check for your time here of $2,000 per week. If you leave of your own free will before you are voted off, you will still enjoy the royalty treatment at the Château Outpost, but you'll receive no other compensation." "Questions?" "Where will you be?" Vortex62 asked. "I'll be here, observing. This is still an audition, though, different from what you expected. I can interact with all of you, but I won't tell where the water is, or the food, or give advice, unless it's to everyone at one time." "Any gear or equipment?" "Yes. See those?" Y points to 2 large green containers. Each team takes one. In it, you'll find…" Yeontoo pulls out a list, then rattles it off.
BritSlider groaned, looking very unconvinced. Missing Slider Ryan nudged him, asking "What?" "They are suppose to keep you warm… but… " Sabre Edge sighed, "It's better than nothing I suppose." Miz Yeontoo smirked, but tried to hide it, continuing…
"Where do we start?" WldKlly asked. "Oh!" Yeontoo smiled, "Glad you asked. Alpha team will set up that way." Y points to the left. "Omega team will set up that way." Y points to the right. "You have about a day to settle in before we start." Yeontoo watched as the teams separated, introduced themselves to each other as they wrestled the green container off to camp. ======= Yeontoo mused. "The challenges were highly contested with neither team having an overwhelming advantage over the other. In some of them, victory was a step or two away from defeat." ======= September 20, 2000 The Omega Team gathered silently. Tex, MSR, Brit, and VM were waiting on the vote results. TF, however, was not. He was ready to leave the island. TF tucked his laptop under his arm more securely and took a deep breath. The Alphas lined up behind the Omegas, interested in seeing the doings. "Miz Yeontoo, ma'am. I've thought about it... and I want to volunteer to take the place of whoever was voted off. I want a hot meal, soft bed, air conditioning, television, and a modem connection." While TF spoke, none of the Omegas or the Alphas moved a muscle, nor spoke. "Are you sure TimeFlux?" Y looked up from her clipboard, "I can still announce the results." "Yes ma'am, I'm positive. And I'm taking my trusty laptop with me too." "There comes the boat!" Tex pointed. All eyes turned to the slick powerboat. Long, with a pointed nose, 2-bucket seats and a bench for the passengers, twin motors and a huge spoiler rollbar-looking addition, it made its way to the beach in no time. The boat driver looked familiar as he handed Miz Yeontoo a packet of papers, and took the packet she handed him. "Who goes?" Pavel asked. "I do." TF stepped into the boat and sat on the bench. "Another double," whispered Brit to the other eight nodding auditioners. As the boat sped off, TF didn't even look behind him. The debunked auditioner for the 5th slider spot dropped his jaws at the sight of the château. After their arrival, he was then shown to his room. TF's jaw dropped once again. ======= October 10, 2000 This was the third world, TimeFlux had slid into in as many days. Since he had grown weary of being on constant vigilance and desperately wanted some rest, he sought refuge in a deserted alley. He was glad the slide window was near. "Come on two more minutes," he mumbled as he pulled out his timer from the right pocket of his green windbreaker. Omega Team and TimeFluxEMC2 were embroidered on the left side. As he leaned against a wall, he rubbed his forehead as he felt his headache growing worse as the time counted down. He checked the timer once again, but the numbers were blurry. He fell to the ground clutching his head as the pain overwhelmed him. He was able to call out for help before he passed out. A passerby heard his call and rushed to his aid as two figures watched the scene from afar and made some notes. Two days later, two doctors were talking about the results of TimeFlux's CAT scans of his brain. He had not regained consciousness and had been nonresponsive since he was brought in. The doctors frowned as they moved from one set of scans to the next. With the technology of this world, his chances of recovery were not in his favor. "The prognosis is poor. I thought he was going to make it to the next world," said the first doctor. He moved to the final set of scans. The scans showed the all-too familiar extensive bleeding throughout the brain. "I agree. Our experimental brain implant is once again a failure," remarked the second doctor as he made his notes. The second doctor had a more positive outlook. "Just one more step closer to success. Failure is not an option." Both doctors laughed. ======= Yeontoo flipped the page and saw a requisition order dated October 13, 2000. "Hmm… he lasted one more slide then the previous one. They are making progress. It will be the first one as usual." She okayed the requisition and then filled in a form letter and placed it on top of the file. Human Resources R Us Missing a few neurons Ryan |
Brand S
High and Mighty Moderator Posts: 100 (12/12/00 7:13:02 pm) Reply ![]() |
Epilogue Two: TimeFluxEMC2
Interesting! And in case you were wondering, the rainbow fish is called a "humuhumunukunukuapua'a." How hard can it be to pronounce THAT? ![]()
S Master of the impossible! Webmaster of s.the.great.8m.com! Doer of stuff! |
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