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Missing Slider Ryan
Experienced Slider
Posts: 405
(11/25/00 10:43:37 pm)
Epilogue Three: Morpheus
Yeontoo placed TimeFlux’s file in the outbox and pulled out the next one. She was beginning to wonder when her spaghetti and meatballs were arriving, since she was getting hungrier by the minute. This was her favorite dish, one that she always had at the end of auditions.

She opened the file and began to read as her stomach started growling.

On the first page was the following:


Team: Alpha

Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: Brown

Glasses: No

Have you ever used a timer? Yes

Name 3 adjectives that best describes yourself:

  • exciting

  • somewhat knowledgeable

  • joker

In a few words, tell us why you would like to be the 5thSlider.
I have yet to really win anything, so I figured that I would give it a try. I'm here to either prove that I am useful, or prove that I'm not. I would like to win, but I won't fool myself by believing that it is absolute. I am here to prove to myself that I am useful.

Date and order voted off: 9-26-2000, 2nd of 10 auditioners


September 26, 2000

Yeontoo skipped up the stone steps with another bulletin to tack on the totem pole outside.

Morpheus looked at the sheet and knew that the inevitable had happened. Time had come to go, and go he would. No need to pack anything, since he would be back after the game.

Morpheus looked at his teammates and announced his final words. “Good luck to my ex teammates. I know why you decided on me, and it doesn't bother me. I hope that one of you wins it. I'll be in the visitor’s area if you need me.”

Morpheus disappears in a flash of smoke.

“Dude, how’d he do that?” wondered S8.

“Dunno, but man, that’s a lot of smoke,” replied SE as he waved the billowing smoke away from his face.


September 29, 2000

Several people were sitting around a rectangular table for a formal board meeting as required by these special circumstances. The board members have just seen videos of the auditions and were ready with their questions. In front of them, are two scientists and two computer technicians.

“Was he the only one that drank the bottled water?” questioned a woman who was taking notes.

“Yes, ma’am. The only one,” replied the male scientist.

“What happened in the Alpha Camp?” asked the man to the right side of the woman.

"I'll give you a summary," offered the male scientist as he flipped his notebook to the appropriate page.

Observation Summary for Patient AT01

September 15, 2000

  • Patient is seen gathering mud, leaves, monkey feces and twigs and piling them together

  • Patient hallucinates that he had built a shelter with indoor plumbing, heating and AC, bedrooms, a kitchen, and a bathroom.

  • He later heads off to what he referred to as his "jungle hideout"


WldKlly - He’s weirding me out.

Sabre Edge - Well, let’s watch him. I don’t want him going ‘Lord of the Flies’ on us.

Slider8 - Was everyone psychologically tested before we left?

DieselMickeyDolenz - That’s it. I’m moving my mattress later.

September 17, 2000

  • Patient is seen gathering bamboo, small rocks, coconut husks during the night

  • Patient is repeatedly saying "I can see in the dark" while gathering above items
  • He places the rocks at both ends of a short, hollow bamboo stalk of what he refers to a "telescope" and reports to "see" the Omega camp

  • Reports "seeing" Vortex62 running back to Omega camp

September 19, 2000

  • Patient is at "secret forest base"

  • He was seen placing two sticks together and haphazardly binding them together with pieces of vine to make what he referred to as a "version of a crossbow"

  • He makes several of these "crossbows"
  • He starts yelling "Die monkeys!" for no reason and pretends to shoot with the "crossbow"

  • Later, he gathers "crossbows" and goes back to Alpha camp

  • At Alpha camp, proceeds to throw "crossbows" to confused teammates and pretends to "kill" the invisible monkeys

  • Sabre Edge is seen talking to Morpheus in an attempt to control the situation

  • Sabre Edge is successful in calming down Morpheus

  • The rest of Alpha Team watches from afar, hesitant in handling this escalating situation


Patient - This is too much of a coincidence. First, we get robbed by monkeys. Second, rats take over the Omega Team's camp. I saw Y near the Omega campsite when the rats attacked. I think that she may be testing our ability to adapt. I have made enough crossbows for all of you. The construction is entirely improvised, but they are more accurate and have a farther range than all other weapons available to us.

Observer's notes:

  • Recommend further observation since hallucinations are occurring at exponential rate

  • Possiblity exists that he may be dangerous to self and to others

September 20, 2000

  • Patient was seen standing over a dead bee which was the normal size of a dog

  • Sabre Edge's spear is seen in the side of the bee
  • Patient complains to Sabre Edge that "This insect has been poisoned. The spear in its side is the kind used by the Omega Team. I can't figure out what the poison is, though."

  • SE pulls out spear and calmly explains "Morpheus, dude, this is my spear, they haven't had time to make spears, they are busy getting rid of rats and stuff. Didn't you hear them at TF's farewell? I killed this bee last night as it tried to attack the others while they slept cuz they smelled like lilac flowers. And poison? You are testing the bees own venom from its abdomen..."

  • SE then rolls bee into bushes

  • Patient is unconvinced in SE's explanation

Observer's notes:

  • Sabre Edge was seen spearing the bee the previous night

  • Recommend contingency plans when and if patient becomes dangerous to self and others

  • Notify Miz Yeontoo about patient's condition

  • Recommend 24 hour round the clock observation of patient

September 22, 2000

  • Patient was seen bathing with lilac plants then he went back to his "secret forest camp"

  • Patient "sees" a "vast ruin complex" using his "telescope"

  • He picks up a large pile of monkey feces and starts to refer to them as "strange crystals"

  • Patient begins to wander around in the jungle holding the "crystals"

“So that’s what happened in their camp…hmmm… and when he was voted off?” asked the man as he continued his line of questioning.

The male scientist flipped through his notes until he found the correct page. “Since the holo-equipment was already online prior to this set of auditioners’ arrival, Miz Yeontoo radioed ahead and asked that the hologram instruments be readied in case it was needed in the Alpha camp and that the camp was to be watched around the clock as per the request of the observer. She fortunately made the right call. As the hologram of Morpheus disappeared into smoke, several of our guards brought him here for observation. As you can see from the videos, he was experiencing hallucinations, behavioral changes, anxiety and progressive loss of mental functions.”

“What’s your explanation for the apparent acceleration of the effects of this experimental mind control drug your team is developing?” asked the man who was seated to the left of the woman.

The woman seated at the left side of the table added, “Yes, according to previous studies, these manifestations appear after a period of two months. And this was seen in what…” She looked through her notes for a few seconds. “… after a day of arrival.”

All eyes riveted to the two scientists. The female scientist stood up, tuned on the slide projector and dimmed the lights. She flipped through several slides before stopping. Taking out a red laser pointer, she pointed to the slide shown on the screen. The board members were ready to take notes.

“Ladies and gentlemen, this is the cross section of the subject’s brain, which was smaller in size and mass to the normal brain. Note the abnormal holes in the brain tissue. The brain tissue looks like a sponge with many holes. This is indicative of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD), the human form of mad cow disease. Morpheus was in the terminal stage of CJD with only a couple of months to live. In the end, he was mute and immobile. Apparently, our experimental drug accelerated the progression of this disease. There is no diagnostic test for CJD other than post mortem examination of the brain; therefore we had no way of knowing this prior to death. Due to the biohazardous nature of the subject’s body, we have incinerated it since this disease can be transmitted by handling the cerebral spinal fluid, the eyes, brain and spinal cord. No cure exists at this time to treat this disease.”

“This is similar to kuru found in the Fore people, a cannibalistic tribe, of New Guinea,” added the male scientist.

The board members gasped in surprise. None of them had heard of this rare disease, but the symptoms and the methods of transmission shocked them into a minute of silence.

“And his consciousness?” asked the chairman at the end of the table.

The two computer technicians looked at each other to decide who would speak. The man agreed to answer. He cleared his throat and felt a cold sweat on his back. “We did not have an extra disk to save it. It was lost.”

After the chairman studied the woman’s face for confirmation, he replied, “Well, it looks like there wasn’t much to save.” The man smiled and began laughing. Seconds later, the room erupted in exuberant laughter.


Yeontoo flipped the page and read some recommendations made by the board. They would need another subject. Her stomach was making its presence known once again. She put down the file and pressed a button on her intercom.

“When will my lunch arrive?” asked Yeontoo, sweetly, through clenched teeth.

“Sorry, ma’am. It will arrive soon. This new one is still having problems,” answered an irritated man.

“Very well. As soon as possible then.”

She picked up her pen and filled out the necessary forms as per the board’s recommendations.

Human Resources R Us
Earth 6296
High Tech Vacation World

December 10, 2000

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Foster:

We regret to inform you that Morpheus was killed in a vortex accident during the slide from Earth 6296 where auditions for the 5th Slider was held. Due to the nature of the accident, we are unable to recover remains for identification.

Enclosed is a check for the amount of $50,000. We know that the money doesn't mean much, but please take it. Morpheus was excited about the possibility of becoming the 5th Slider, and would want you to have it.

My deepest sympathy for you and yours. Please direct any inquiries straight to me.

Miz Yeontoo
Miz Yeontoo

Missing a few neurons Ryan

"Who wants to live forever?"
Red light!
Green light!

Edited by: Missing Slider Ryan at: 12/12/00 12:33:32 pm
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