Alright, I'm late AGAIN. DAMMIT!
The laptop STILL runs like an old lady on Proazc, but..enh..
Round III
Rules are the same, kids:
1. No use of the words Exec or sassy
2. DO NOT c'n'p flames
3. Try to keep them short. How the posts were last time is perfect.
4. Let's try to stop with the mother attacks. They are funny, but trust
me, TRY to use another method to humilate.
5. KILL swiftly.
The next three posts will be arenas..then, TOPO will be posted. ANYONE
can enter, including you participants. It will be good practice, and
a way to releave frustration.
Any non-participants who wanna comment post here. Anything else...well
you know the routine...