CoolStax_'s Cool Sliders Trivia #19
Date: 07/20/2002
From: Callie21V
But first, let's give a hand to Robin14334, Slider_Sarah and Recall317 for solving the previous challenge! Yay them!
This weekend's question:
Several episodes, notably "The King is Back" and "World Killer," have the Sliders arriving on the next world in the same place they departed the previous one. But which world did they leave from exactly the same location they arrived at -- right down to the camera angle on the scene?
This is only ever-so-slightly a trick question. :-D
>>> C/21

Taking a guess...
Date: 07/20/2002
From: MissingSliderRyan
BT won't.
The Constitution Doesn't Exist and Policemen Wear Kilts World in Time Again and World. Hehehhee kilts.

"World Killer"
Date: 07/20/2002
<< There's your answer. -ST

Date: 07/21/2002
From: Callie21V
BT oughta take the hint already!!!
There was only one world in this episode.
(I'm going to try to strike a balance between Tex hints and BabyC hints. :-P)
>>> C/21

Ooooh! I know!
Date: 07/21/2002
From: Vigeant
I hope, I hope, I hope!!
Is it Prophets and Loss?

Awwww... someone needs a hug
Date: 07/21/2002
From: BabyCasanova
BT deserves nothing.
Were my hints too hard? ;-) Awww... here's a hug.
Next trivia question might be easier. >:-P~~~~
Hug Me!

Just one world? Smacks of laziness
Date: 07/21/2002
From: Recall317
Must be Season Three.
The only one world S1 ep was "Last Days" and they did slide in and out off some random street. And keeping in theme with my reply title, I'll stick with "Last Days."

And the winner is...
Date: 07/22/2002
From: Callie21V
...shockingly, not Beginning Text!
The surrounding streets may not look identical, but as you can see from the trees, "Last Days" filmed the entry and exit stunts in one go. Laziness indeed. :-D
Your prize: David Peckinpah's Complete Guide to Screenwriting, featuring such tips as "Pencils won't show up on your average monitor. I recommend spray paint!"
<hugs Baby Bear> Awwww, I can't stay mad at anything that cute. ;-)
>>> C/21

I always knew sloth would pay
Date: 07/22/2002
From: Recall317
"Sloth love Chunk!" Not THAT Sloth!
Wow, that's almost embarrassing that i got that right.

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Nominated by Blinker
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