CoolStax_'s Cool Sliders Trivia #18
Date: 06/06/2002
From: Callie21V
(Voice of Majel Barrett)
Last time, on CoolStax_'s Cool Sliders Trivia:
• Slider8_ won.
• Brand_S pinched Stax_'s cheeks.
(Voice of Majel Barrett)
And now, the continuation.
"I'm a really big Beatles fan, and the thing that's interesting about the Beatles to me is that it's the only time in history when the thing that was the best was also the most popular."
- Tracy Tormé
Well, the Tracester sure did put his in-jokes where his mouth was. In fact, there's a good half-dozen nods to the Fab Four's albums and lyrics to be found in the first season alone (after which this running gag abruptly evaporated.)
Some are blatant... others subtly squirreled away. Will you be the first to name all six? Or better yet, embarrass me by finding a seventh? :-D
Hints available upon request.
>>> C/21

I can find one!!
Date: 06/07/2002
BT shouldn't listen!
There's the on in The King Is Back when they're walking across the street in the Abbey Road album style.
I'd look for more, but I only have 4 seasn 1 epsiodes here, AND it's England v. Argentina in the biggest grudge maych of the first round of the World Cup in a few hours, so I'm gonna be a little distracted!!

I can find another!!
Date: 06/07/2002
From: Recall317
Happiness is a warm trivia contest.
Off the top of my head, this one sticks out. From the Tormé-penned "Summer of Love":
[to paraphrase]
Wade: Just remember...all you need is love!
Hippies: Love is all you need!

A point to each of you! Four to go. n/t
Date: 06/07/2002
From: Callie21V
>>> C/21
Everybody's got something to hide except me and my BT.
Actually, looks like we do too. D'oh!

A couple more...
Date: 06/07/2002
BT is infested with beetles.
Pilot - The name of the radio DJ Quinn is listening to is Day Tripper
Eggheads - Quinn gives his address to the cab driver as "4151 Blue Jay Way" (one of about 3 different addresses he had in the 1st season)
I know there's more but I can't think of them right now... too sleepy.

I got the other two!
Date: 06/08/2002
Go away BT!!
Quinn had robotic pet fish named Lennon and McCartney which the cat tried to eat, and one of the episodes was named Tikka To Ride.
...ooops, that was Red Dwarf... never mind! :-)

Two points to Robin... two answers left
Date: 06/08/2002
From: Callie21V
[whistles first season theme song]
[...with great difficulty]
I'd give you all some Happy Sprinkles but the sole licensed distributor is currently having some issues with... um, not being me. So instead please accept these Joy-Filled Sparkles®! (Patent pending. All express or implied similarity to any existing commercial product is purely coincidental. That is, if any exists in the first place, which it clearly doesn't.)
Now then, where better to hide references to song lyrics than... other song lyrics? :-D
You're getting closer. Beware of Abbey Road.
>>> C/21
"You can't whack Death on the head!"
- "Future Echoes." Little did Rimmer know...

Hidden in song lyrics, eh?
Date: 06/09/2002
The wheels are turning....
Pilot - Cry Like a Man: "They say hello, goodbye"
The King is Back - Tears in My Fro: "I'm only half the man that I used to be" (line from Yesterday: "I'm not half the man I used to be")
Am I right? Huh? Huh?? What do I win if I'm right?
"All right, I'm extraordinary!" - Lawrence of Arabia
"Okay, you're right. You win, I'm God." - me mocking Lawrence of Arabia (somebody has a God complex...)

[claps little bear paws]
Date: 06/11/2002
From: Callie21V
Grrr... stupid unreality pockets...
We have a winner! Robin, you are now the proud recipient of the one, the only, the original Mr. Flibble! (hexvisionnotincludedsomerestrictionsmayapplynotvalidoutsideoftheunitedstates.)
Way to go! :-)
>>> C/21

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Nominated by Blinker
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