Coolsilder's Trivia Question # 7
Date: 10/08/2000
From: Stax_
Thanks to the massive outcry I have decided to continue . Also regarding the sloppy answers on my end , I could come up with an excuse but it was true laziness . I expected some-one to answer it ( which they did and I still didn't pick up on it ) so my research for the answers was a little haphazard . Blinker deserves the credit for getting them all right . Blinker wins the funniest web site on the internet . Oh no wait ...
And todays question is :
A. Name the episodes from which these quotes come .
B. Find the connection between them . Your clue is :
What's the strangest world you've been to ?
1. The Boss: "My life before that wasn't meeting my expectations."
Maggie: "What did you do? Walk behind parades with a shovel?"
2. Wade: "No!"
(Quinn stops screaming)
Maggie: "That stunt is so old."
Rembrandt: "Didn't he used to be a little bit more mature?"
Wade: "No."
3. Wade: "I hate to say it, guys..."
Quinn, Arturo, and Rembrandt (together): "But I have a strange feeling about this place."
Wade: "Well, I do."
4. Quinn: "I know it's all scientific heresy, but I'm starting to think Shakespeare knew what he was talking about -- maybe some things just can't be explained."
Arturo: "Hmm. That is heresy."
5. Maggie: "You going to sleep?"
Quinn: "No. Just trying to stay warm. Here, snuggle up. We'll share our body heat."
Maggie: "What is that -- Sliderese for 'What's your sign'?"
Quinn: "Fine. Freeze
6. Wade: "I used to have the biggest crush on him. Did you know that? Now, after everything we've been through, I just really love him, you know? Without condition. I'd give my life for him."
Arturo: "You know, I think all of us would."
7. Quinn "I can't believe people in the 20th century would actually allow themselves to be governed by a monarchy."
Arturo : "Oh, they are undoubtedly waiting for a precocious college kid from another world to teach them the error of their ways."
Answers will be revealed next week , possibly Friday . First person to answer correctly wins . Good Luck .stax

Answering Quote
Date: 10/08/2000
From: DoctorWhy
"Well now, what's your pleasure? I've been with dinosaurs, zombies, androids, dragons, wizards. One particular world we went to, the polar ice caps had melted and everyone had a boat. On another world I was a famous opera singer."
Source of quotes:
1. World Killer
2. Sole Survivors
3. State of the Art
4. Dragonslide
5. Dinoslide
6. In Dino Veritas
7. Prince of Wails
Good one. Took a few minutes to figure out. :)

My awnsers....
Date: 10/08/2000
1. Don't have a clue, it's not in season 3, I can tell you that.
2. Sole Survivors
3. I think Dragonslide
4. Don't have a clue.
5. Don't have a clue.
6. In Dino Veritas
7. Prince of Wails
"JUMP !!!" - Quinn

Date: 10/09/2000
1. World Killer
2. That was a Sliders quote? Hmmmm.
3. Not ringing any really loud bells. Only quiet ones.
4. On a guess - Obsession? Ooh, no wait. Dream Masters?
5. Exodus part.... do I have to give a part? Okay 2. Bet it's the wrtong one now.
6. I don't remember that!
7. Prince of Wails? Seems most likely.
Connection? Uhhhh... I'll get back to you.

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Nominated by Blinker
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