Coolslider's Trivia Question # 8
Date: 10/14/2000
From: Stax_
DoctorWhy got last Sundays answer right first on what I thought was a particularly hard question . Well I wouldn't have got it . Sheridan and Slider_Sarah deserve an honourable mention for answering second and third as well as being two of the soundest , most likeable people on this board .
The answering quotes were :
1. World Killer
2. Sole Survivors
3. State of the Art
4. Dragonslide
5. Dinoslide
6. In Dino Veritas
7. Prince of Wails
And were connected by Remmy's answer to Grace on what was the strangest world he had visited in the underrated classic Asylum .
And on to today's question :
Sliders Fashion Statements : Name the episodes in which clothes from the following eras were worn by either the sliders or the world's inhabitants or both.
Turn of the century London
And ONE episode each featuring those items that were never in vogue .
Police uniforms with skirts
Body long shawls and scythes
Bio-containment suits
Virtual Reality visors
Military fatigues
Monastery robes
Soviet army uniforms
White trousers and oversized white shirts
Victorian dress and parasol
Leather jackets and jousting polls
Answers will be revealed tomorrow hopefully . First person to answer correctly wins . Good luck .stax

I'll try it >>>
Date: 10/14/2000
From: vortex62
I'll give it a try...
1980s - The Guardian
1970s - The Young and the Relentless
1960s - Summer of Love
1950s - Gillian of the Spirits
1920s - The Java Jive
1880s - Way Out West
Turn of the century London - Murder Most Foul
And ONE episode each featuring those items that were never in vogue .
Police uniforms with skirts - Time Again and World
Body long shawls and scythes - Into the Mystic
Bio-containment suits - Fever
Virtual Reality visors - Virtual Slide
Military fatigues - Strangers and Comrades
Monastery robes - The Great Work
Soviet army uniforms - The Pilot (Part II)
White trousers and oversized white shirts - Map of the Mind
Victorian dress and parasol - Murder Most Foul
Leather jackets and jousting polls - Easy Slider

I wanna play!!! :-)
Date: 10/15/2000
From: Slider_Sarah
And thanks for the compliment :-)
1980's = The Guardian
1970's =
1960's = Summer of Love
1950's = Gillian of the Spirits
1920's = Java Jive
1880's = um... any of the western episodes? I don't know much about American 1880's fashion.
Turn of the Century London = Murder Most Foul
Police Uniforms with skirts = I can visualise it. It's season 1 (I think). But can't for the life of me remember.
Body long shawls and scythes = Into The Mystic
Bio-containment suits = Fever
Virtual Reality visors = Virtual Slide
Military fatigues = there was a specific world? Um Exodus 1?
Monastery robes = The Great Work
Soviet army uniforms = The Pilot
White trousers and oversized white shirts = I can't rmember. Getting confused.
Victorian dress and parasol = Ha! That was once in fashion!!! Isn't that Murder Most Foul again?
Leather jackets and jousting polls = Easy Slider
I think I did better this time.

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Nominated by Blinker
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