CoolStax_'s Cool Sliders Trivia #23
Date: 05/18/2003
From: Callie21V
Last time, DMD and Recall quickly named both occasions on which Quinn *really* screwed up... or at least was told as much:
This week's question:
Which three episodes contained commercial break bumpers that were only heard once and never in any other episode?
(The bumper is that shot of the Sliders logo at the end of each act. What changed from one break to another was the sound that accompanied it, and I'm *pretty* sure that the three sounds I have in mind were only heard once each.)
>>> C/21

Hey, no fair!
Date: 05/18/2003
Sometimes we don't even get those bumper things! Especially on BBC2 when thre were no advert breaks :-)
So in other words, I don't know :-)

I don't see nothin' wrong...
Date: 05/18/2003
From: Recall317
...with a little bumper grind.
Except maybe using the lyrics of an R. Kelly song.
I'm going to say "Double Cross" is one of them, as that's the only ep I've seen where the on screen action fades out through the gigantic D. Unless that's normal for non-Fox and Sci-fi airings. It's pretty cool, I like it.
I'll guess the Pilot had different bumpers.
Lemme think, one more, one about "Into the Mystic"? It had an alternate credit, it might have had alternate bumpers.

Wasen't it on Season 3 ???
Date: 05/19/2003
I only remember it in season three episodes, witch ones I do not know, been a long time since I've watched it...

First blood-- er, point to Recall...
Date: 05/19/2003
From: Callie21V
The King of Trivia's on top of his game.
"Double Cross" is one of them. The break in question is just after Logan has learned she's Quinn's double, and the sound is a sort of jet-flyby-whooshing noise.
...At least on my tape, which I think is the original Fox version. Then again, I don't see any sign of the action fading into the bumper... what break does that happen on?
First clue: One of the other two episodes is from the first season (and it's not the Pilot, which on my tape has no bumpers.)
>>> C/21

Ten network
Date: 05/19/2003
From: Recall317
Home of strange bumpers.
The version of Double Cross with the "fade to D" was shown on the Ten network. It may be that's how they did all of their bumpers, and no sound aside from the incidental music in the scene is heard when it goes to commercial. So that woosh bumper you have is not on this broadcast. Looks like I got lucky. :)
Sheridan mentioned the "fade to D" was normal for S3. Maybe it is overseas.
Two eps to go, huh? Well, let's try "Summer of Love" and "The Unstuck Man."

Still two to go...
Date: 05/20/2003
From: Callie21V
Not Jonathan and Andrew, however.
Second clue: CoolSlider's second trivia question was to name every episode that did not have a "Sliders" whisper in the credits. "Double Cross" was on that list, and so was one of the other two episodes.
Ten... that's Australian, right?
>>> C/21

Bumper Boats
Date: 05/20/2003
From: Recall317
I never paid much attention to the bumpers before, let alone what sounds they made. But I have a new candidate:
As Time Goes By
Even though it's airing tomorrow, I watched it a few minutes ago and I noted Acts 1 and 3 don't have the whisper. For all I know, that was normal, but it didn't seem right.
And now for my next random S1 guess--Fever.

So they're looking for spikes?
Date: 05/21/2003
From: Callie21V
With which to bump her?
Far as I can see, S2 alternated between only two bumpers: the standard RK Weiss whisper, and a soft wind overlaid with a glittery synth tone (but no whisper.)
The third clue is: both of the remaining eps include details of Rembrandt's past.
>>> C/21

Total guess..
Date: 05/21/2003
From: MissingSliderRyan
BT doesn't need to guess that it's not wanted.
<Picking eppys out of sky blue beret with the letter R>
Luck of the Draw
Prince of Slides

Next clue...
Date: 05/22/2003
From: Callie21V
BT can go drive to Ucluelet!
Both episodes also involve Rembrandt being trapped, unable to move.
>>> C/21

Remmy's tied
Date: 05/22/2003
From: Recall317
The B Side
OK, so the "King is Back" is one of them. The other ep...huh...Man, Remmy's been tied up so many times...Electric Twister Acid Test?

I didn't say tied down...
Date: 05/24/2003
From: Callie21V
...just immobilized.
R317: You didn't say "immobilized" either.
CV: Um... it's all good.
A clue as to which break the last alternate bumper appears on: three words. "A Child's Game."
>>> C/21

Guessing again....
Date: 05/24/2003
From: MissingSliderRyan
>>>> A Child's Game
Remmy in the spiderweb...
Rules of the Game
Remmy levitated up...
Blade... er... Buffy... uh... Stoker

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Nominated by Blinker
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