CoolStax_'s Cool Sliders Trivia #25
Date: 06/21/2003
From: Callie21V
Previously: trivia masters MSR and R317 picked out the eps containing these horrid lines:
Arturo: "Nice neighborhood."
Rembrandt: "I'd hate to meet the welcoming committee."
- Rules of the Game
Rembrandt (seeing yet another Humvee on the horizon): "Don't tell me that that's the neighborhood welcoming committee."
- State of the ART
This weekend's question: "In The Navy Now"
When S3 Remmy wasn't attempting repetitive action hero quips, he could usually be found reminiscing about his suddenly remembered tour of duty in the military. Name the episodes in which we first learned the following tidbits:
a) Remmy was once stationed in Haiti.
b) He served as a cook.
c) His ship was once capsized in a hurricane.
d) His navy buddies termed bad meals 'SOS.'
e) Remmy took part in a USO tour.
f) The navy offered him orange juice to keep his iron up after he gave blood.
>>> C/21
P.S. I have to apologize for potentially putting the image of Pauly Shore joining the Village People into your head. :-X

Looking for a few good scripts
Date: 06/21/2003
From: Recall317
All Third Season, eh? No luck here
A) The Other Slide of Darkness
B) Paradise Lost
C) Electric Twister Acid Test
D) The Fire Within
E) Rules of the Game
F) Dream Masters
Really don't remember D, just think the meals there were pretty terrible.

Randomly guessing....
Date: 06/21/2003
From: MissingSliderRyan
BT wishes I would do a Sliders marathon, but I'm going to pass.
Take your pick because <mimicking Quinn> I don't have time to watch any of them any time soon!
The King is Back
Pilot Part II
The Great Work
Slide By Wire
"The Episode Never Seen By SL4" The Prince of Slides
Heavy Metal
To Catch A Slider
The Java Jive
Luck of the Draw... hey Remmy cooked Trout or Salmon Almondine.
Hey I know there's more guesses than episodes. <Mimicking Maggie> The more <jiggle> the better <more jiggling> :-*

That's five pickoffs for Recall...
Date: 06/23/2003
From: Callie21V
...leaving (D) up in the air (it's not on MSR's list either.)
A clue: the Navy Man added that in this case, it would actually be a compliment.
>>> C/21

Season three was my favorite season
Date: 06/23/2003
From: generalscifi
...But I'm not sure about all the answers.
A. Desert Storm
B. Paradise Lost
C. This Slide Of Darkness
D. State Of The Art
E. Stoker
F. Dreammasters
I think most of these are right.

A view to a kill....
Date: 06/23/2003
From: MissingSliderRyan
BT would like to see it when it's duck season.
Having not seen any eppys in a while let's see, what can I pick for D... something about the Navy... reminds me of storygame >:-p ...

D is for Double Cross?
Date: 06/24/2003
From: Recall317
I don't remember a Navy reference (I also haven't seen this one that much), but Remmy could have been refering to that geomash mush.

The clean up man ;-)
Date: 06/24/2003
From: TemporalFlux
And the most forgettable episode - "State of the A.R.T." The comment for D was in reference to Aldohn's wonderfully prepared meal if memory serves.

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Nominated by Blinker
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