CoolStax_'s Cool Sliders Trivia #26
Date: 07/05/2003
From: Callie21V
Point winners for #25 (correct vs attempted):
Recall317: 5/6
generalscifi: 3/6
TemporalFlux: 1/1
And this week's question: "Year of Hell, Part 3."
Our tour of el aņo del infierno concludes thusly: name three episodes in which Arturo alludes to his own service in the British armed forces (no doubt under an American colonel). Be warned that two of the references are somewhat ambiguous...
>>> C/21

Takes his .813 average in
Date: 07/05/2003
From: Recall317
...but may see it lowered to .667
Season's Greedings and Paradise Lost are in. In the Christmas special, he refers to his Santa suit as the 2nd or 3rd time he's been in uniform. (Can't remember precisely) Paradise Lost he remarks that he once visited a place named Eden while marching..or something to that effect. I was going to toss in "From Earth Prime With Love" as the 3rd one, but that's not exactly part of continuity now is it...TM, do you blur your series with the real one too?
So that leaves me with one rogue ep. Eh...Rules of the Game.

I think you're three for three...
Date: 07/05/2003
Bringing BT's average to -.400. I won't bother submitting any wild guess I might have. Admittedly, I'm not Callie21V (or CoolStax, for that matter) so I can't be the ultimate judge but I'm almost positive the "Rules of the Game" one is right.
P.S. As to confusing my series with the real one, um, some are easier than others. "Stigmatic" seemed real to me. "An Infinite Number" didn't. Personally I think if a fan fic author of a whole series doesn't start to think of what he writes as real he (or she) loses some of their motivation. And now my P.S. is longer than my post, so I'll shut up.

Yep, 1.000
Date: 07/05/2003
From: Recall317
Just watched ROTG, it's the third
Since the trivia test is over, we'll continue with the thread of getting fanfic confused with reality. My best case example is Earth 211 over at I read Earth 211 before I watched the 4th and 5th seasons. So my expectation of those eps became increasingly skewed as I was unable to distinguish what I read at Sci-Fi's site from E211 while watching them. That's one of the reasons why I was so utterly unimpressed with "The Great Work" when I finally got around to watching it. My brain was expecting the E211 story; it got crap.
As for my own stuff, I'm pretty good at keeping E317 straight as its complimentary episodes are stuff like Slither and Stoker. Not too hard to confuse with. But the T4 series has required so much research and backstory (the secondary site we use to co-ordinate info on is huge) and rewrites and etc.etc. that dialogue gets jammed in. In this example, Arturo proclaims "I marched through the swamps of Tunisia!" in defense of his military career vs. Rembrandt's puffed up USO tour. Or at least he did in one of the drafts. See? It's all a big blur.
One thing I do know. The Sliders definitely did battle with the Iron Chefs late in S3. That episode is still clear as day...

Don't forget "Murder Most Foul"
Date: 07/07/2003
He hasn't worn a uniform in 30 years...

Date: 07/07/2003
From: Recall317
I probably got Seasons and Murder confused.
Well, NOW we've definitely got all 3.

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Nominated by Blinker
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