CoolStax's Cool Sliders Trivia #27
Date: 07/18/2003
From: Callie21V
The winners of #26's challenge to name possible mentions of the Prof's short-lived military career:
"Mr. Brown, we have both served in our countries' respective armed forces..."
- Rules of the Game [Recall317]
"I haven't worn a uniform in thirty years!"
- Murder Most Foul [SpaceTime]
"I've been to a town called Eden once. In Tunisia. Nasty, fly-infested place."
- Paradise Lost [Recall317]
And the next question: identify three occasions an oblivious Wade was nearly run over, and who shoved her out of harm's way each time.
For bonus points, name one occasion (and savior) each when the same happened to Quinn and Colin.
(Hopefully this question will help atone for some of my previous torturously obscure ones... O:-)
>>> C/21

Oooo... I got one....
Date: 07/18/2003
From: MissingSliderRyan
BT loves Maggie over Wade or was that Waggie? ;-)
In "Fever" DarkPestilenceMan pushes Wade out of the way and Wade kisses him and recieved the Q infection from him. Totally hilarious was Remmy's reaction to the "Ziplocked" Hamburger.

Does this count? :-)
Date: 07/18/2003
From: MissingSliderRyan
BT loves Duck Season! Here Duckie Duckie!
In The Fire Within, little Flame burned Quinn before he was runned over.

You're fast... and right on both counts
Date: 07/18/2003
From: Callie21V
Still three points to go!

It happened in Obession
Date: 07/18/2003
From: Slider_Quinn21
But I can't remember who saves her. I think it's Rembrandt, but I'm far too lazy to look.
There's my contribution ;-)

I think I know this.
Date: 07/18/2003
From: generalscifi
First in "Fever" Wade is saved by sick guy #1.Then in "Prince of wails" saved by Quinn. Then in "obsession" saved by Rembrandt. Bonus: Quinn saved in "The Fire Within" by flame boy. Colin saved in "Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?" by Quinn. And a Double Bonus: Maggie was saved in "Just Say Yes" by Quinn.

I'm shut out!
Date: 07/18/2003
From: Recall317
Generalscifi mops up!
Why? Why was I playing Vice City instead of checking the bboard...
Uh...Riley saved Willow from getting hit in "Wild at Heart"!
It was a good streak while it lasted.

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Nominated by Blinker
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