Ah, yes! It's that time again. Time to take that stroll down memory
lane. Thanks to Blinker, this update brings you the sliderweb.net announcement,
an example of Executives powers of observation, and the first known
appearances of darkslider (and reaction to it), BritSlider, and dorky/Slider120.
Also, the Beret War II has come to the HoF. Well, the first third of
it anyway. Who (re)started it? How did the LoB and Dec-10 Boyz get into
it? It's in the Hall.
Sections with new posts are now marked, so no more wasting your time
sifting throught the site for the updates.
Comments or post nominations are welcome.
--Eusti 8^)
PS: Sorry, HunterD, authors are still in alphabetical order. 8^(