Yes, at last all of the Beret War II posts are up on the Hall of Fame.
Even the posts from the USA BBoard. Also, the first few posts from the
first Beret War are up. Who is responsible for all this madness? If
you weren't there to see it, it's probably not who you think.
If you made a post for BWII and it's not there, sorry I missed it.
E-mail me with the URL or the title and I'll add it.
This update also features the Fish_Bone post that was the impetus for
creating the HoF (more from Fish_Bone next update), and (from Blinker,
thanks) the very first Sliders TWIW, spaz119's first post, and eloquent
words from kathyia.
A new section has been opened for handle theives/clones. The first
induction to this section is the Cryin clone, Cryin_.
Be sure to vote in the new poll. The results of the last poll ("On
the Domionion board I...") were as follows: Post - 12, Lurk - 0,
Never been there - 1, and Prefer Studios USA - 2.
Last and least, visit the "Other Links" page for a JavaScript
tip of the day.