Sliding Leap Fanfic...Part 14

Date: 09/26/2001
From: ScifiSTP

December 11th, 1997

"And I'm supposed to believe that." Logan said to Remmy after he explained the situation. Rembrandt knew how rediculous it sounded,but it was the truth.They were all still on the side of the building.She had let Wade loose before Remmy had started to explain and had everyone sit on the gound against the wall,sitting on thier hands.Al was so frustrated.He wanted to do something,but couldn't.All he could think about was that they might not be able to pull this off.

"Well, saying that this is true,this is one great situation for me.I've got Quinn Mallory stuck in another time and another dimention.No sense in keeping you guys around.Why are you guys heading to Vegas and them to New Mexico?"Logan asked.They all sat silently,not knowing if they should give everything away.

"We have to meet someone in Vegas in order to complete our mission."Al said.He figured even if they were held hostage here,at least they were alive and that still made it a slim chance that they could still carry off the mission.

"So,If you guys complete your mission,Quinn will return?"Logan asked.

"Most likely." Rembrandt answered.

"I still have use for all of you yet. Quinn and your timer are the things that are capable of getting me back to my homeworld."She thought for a moment.This was her only ticket to getting home."Ok,we'll go along with your plan,but no funny business and no warnings to anyone else.NowI have to search you guys,got any phones on you?"She asked.They all looked at eachother.They knew in eachother's eyes not to tell Logan about the cell phone in the car.It was under the driver's seat.They just had to make sure to turn it off so it wouldn't ring if the other team were to call them.They then all shook thier heads no."Ok,"Logan started out,"Everyone up and to the car.Nothing funny."They all got up.She waved them forward with the gun."Now act normal,I don't want that clerk inside to think anything's up."They all started walking to the car.Al couldn't wait for her to slip up in any way.He'd faced worse.

They all got into the car.Logan sat in the back inbetween Wade and Remmy.Chris started up the car and they drove off.Wade swore that given the chance she would stop her.She tried to murder her once,she wouldn't let her get another chance.

Meawhile,Sam and the professor had gotten accustomed to Al and Quinn being there.Al ran over all of the details of what happened with Quinn at the project.Sam told Al about what was going on.Al felt un needed since they figured out what they were there to do without his help.It was all ok to him . He was just happy to be in contact with Sam.

"So,are you having fun Mr. Mallory?"The professor asked, knowing that he couldn't hear Quinn's response but that Al would have to relay the message to Sam and then Sam to him.Unknowing to the professor Quinn said yes.The message was relayed until it got to the professor."Oh,this will take forever."He got discouraged.A simple conversation took two interpreters."I wonder how the others are doing."he said,trying to change the subject.This was too strange for him.He felt alone.Remmy and Wade were half a state away and Quinn was in another time and another domention,and even though he was there,he couldn't communicate that well with him.He looked down at the timer.They had a little over a day left until the next slide.He knew that Quinn and Al would be able to track them down if the did slide,but he would feel better if this all got taken care of before the slide.He was feeling tired.He turned to Sam who was talking to Al.It was kind of humerous seeing Sam talk to what appeared to him as thin air."Well, if you don't mind,I'm going to take a well needed nap."the professor told Sam.

"Well,I was thinking the same thing."Sam responded.They all had been going non stop for awhile.

"We're going to get back to the project and inform everyone what's going on."Al said to Sam.

"Alright, see you in awhile."Sam said to Al.

"Quinn says to tell the professor to take it easy."Al said.Sam then relayed the message as the professor started to rest.

"Tell him not to go disrupting the space time continum too much."The professor said jokingly with his eyes already shut. Quinn laughed.Sam and Al said goodbye as Al opened the imaging chamber door and he and Quinn left thier friends behind,vanishing like ghosts.


For some reason the past few days I couldn't get the BBOARD. I missed Monday,so I am posting this one now. The next post will be on next Monday.


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